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Legendary Items (Gift of battle) being locked behind WvW should be changed.

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I kind of agree with everyone who responded, but I also feel like Anet should make each mode enticing to players so that they actually want to play instead of gate keeping cross game mode items and hoping the limited experience will pull them back to WvW.

I get that some people found out that they like WvW by going for their Gift, but there should have been more chatter and in world promotion of each game mode to begin with along with some connective activities between modes so people actually want to play them or get hyped about working with players across the different modes more. 

Edited by kash.9213
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As a WvW player, I happily accept your trade offer of...


  • 30g/hr gold farms to buy stuff from the gem store with
  • Bath of T6 materials
  • Bi-monthly development history with new rich content, maps and rewards
  • World Restructuring done in 2014

For our:

  • Gift of Battle
  • "Can't even bother to write a report in 4 months"-development (on a 10-year project)
  • 2 maps in 11 years, of maps where you fall through the floor and can jump to defeat the end goal
  • Real money group/map transfers (to not get stuff from the gem store with)
  • World Restructuring still pending

Good trade, thank you.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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I have more GoBs and GoEs than I will ever use.  I would like to see first GoB/GoE unlock a merchant to allow for later purchase with appropriate currency.  So basically WvW players need to do one map comp to unlock the GoE merchant and PvE players need to do one GoB track to unlock that merchant.  The reason for this is not that I do not think the current system is fine, it is purely because I am tired of the constant complaining.

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I've had my opinion that pretty much all gifts (really, everything) should not be account bound, and tradeable.  The WvW players could sell their GoBs for some cash, and then buy the excess GoE they need for their legendaries.  The market would figure out what a fair price for either is.

I also see the point of others - playing a game mode you don't like for some reward is just not fun.  And with the legendary armory, as well as balance changes which change what gear you should be using, there is certainly some desire for everyone to be able get those items, whether they really need them or not.  It shouldn't be cheap, but ideally, available through a game mode that one finds enjoyable to play.


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15 hours ago, nthmetal.9652 said:

For players that do not enjoy repeatedly doing hearts and spending time completing maps, attaining gifts of exploration / gift of Maguuma mastery / gift of Desert mastery / gift of Cantha is a tough ask. The current state of Map Completion is centered around installing BlishHUD / TacO to have fun in the activity and doing your best to find the quickest task at for every renown heart, while beset by random NPC mobs. I propose that there should be a way to obtain map-completion related Gifts through WvW reward tracks or events.

Well, yes, this seems to be an equally reasonable suggestion. So, i guess you agree to the one you quoted as well, right?

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My idea was always to make the exclusive gift items tradeable or obtainable in multiple ways. The problem is that you can essentially get 1 Gift of Battle every 5 hours of playing WvW (and I typically play 15 hours every week), but Gifts of Exploration take at least 3x as long and you can only get 2 of them per character. This would of course cheapen the experience, but I'm sure market forces would ensure that there is a a reasonable ratio between value and effort between the two.


That and I really want to  get rid of PvE players ruining my WvW experience because I always see the same 20 people flipping camps, camping for 5 minutes for righteous indignation to expire and not fighting anyone unless you feed them a kill on a silver platter within 2 meters of them

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15 hours ago, Erich.1783 said:

I have more GoBs and GoEs than I will ever use.  I would like to see first GoB/GoE unlock a merchant to allow for later purchase with appropriate currency.  So basically WvW players need to do one map comp to unlock the GoE merchant and PvE players need to do one GoB track to unlock that merchant.  The reason for this is not that I do not think the current system is fine, it is purely because I am tired of the constant complaining.

Yesterday I reached 100 GoBs. A questionable achievement indeed but the GoB track also gives the most MoBs. So that's why. I wouldn't mind being able to give some to others but it's not tradeable. I'm thinking about continuing to a stack of 250 just for kicks but I'll probably take a break from WvW after I get my second Conflux.

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25 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Yesterday I reached 100 GoBs. A questionable achievement indeed but the GoB track also gives the most MoBs. So that's why. I wouldn't mind being able to give some to others but it's not tradeable. I'm thinking about continuing to a stack of 250 just for kicks but I'll probably take a break from WvW after I get my second Conflux.

You can sell them on the gray market where you make the legendary for the other person.

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13 hours ago, oatsnjuices.1698 said:

Conversely gift of exploration, locked in visiting every pve map, should be changed. 

And let's not forget some of the evil, awful, terrible gen 2 legendaries that not only required me to do PvE but also map metas...MULTIPLE TIMES!!!! Looking at you [Hope]!!! I am forever scarred by Tangled Depths (mind you this was pre-EoD when the Chak Gerent meta actually failed 50% of the time).

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2 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

And let's not forget some of the evil, awful, terrible gen 2 legendaries that not only required me to do PvE but also map metas...MULTIPLE TIMES!!!! Looking at you [Hope]!!! I am forever scarred by Tangled Depths (mind you this was pre-EoD when the Chak Gerent meta actually failed 50% of the time).

I'm feeling a bit queasy.

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i got into WvW lately and want to create legendary armor now. I got 8x Reward track completed (5x GoB and 3x Exo-Precursor Requirement) and i still am missing WvW-Tickets.

those are apita to farm. GoB is kinda freelot, you just need to play the game for an evening and being able to check Daily and Weekly should be enough.

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25 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

but it's a whole lot of effort just to offload some GoBs.

No it’s a time-saver to do 1-2 wvw instead of pve dailies per day. If you do you will have more gob“s you ever need and spend less time on your daily.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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On 4/6/2023 at 5:49 AM, RamenNoodles.2416 said:

For players that do not engage with massive player gameplay

massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)


I think minecraft is designed for people who like to tinker in corner alone

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On 4/9/2023 at 12:19 AM, Dayra.7405 said:

No it’s a time-saver to do 1-2 wvw instead of pve dailies per day. If you do you will have more gob“s you ever need and spend less time on your daily.

I think you have no idea what we were talking about because this has nothing to do with it. I have 101 GoBs because I do that reward track over and over simply because it's also the reward track that gives the most MoBs. Otherwise I wouldn't do that anymore. 

So I'm just really looking for a way to  help my guildies who really hate wvw but I can't. The option the other person was talking about is way too much trouble, that's all I was saying. 

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2 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

You can take them to WvW, explain everything to them and show them that WvW can actually be a lot of fun. 

Yeah I've offered that but my guildies are on different servers mostly and the ones who are on my server don't need that help. But that might be solved with Alliances. I mean, I would help anybody who's on my server and is afraid to do WvW though I'm just one person and can't help everybody 🙂 

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On 4/5/2023 at 9:41 PM, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

Because I don't like what has to be done to get Gifts of Exploration.

I concur 100%. What a waste of time for players like myself who would rather avoid as much pve as can possibly be avoided. 


Or let those fabulously expensive infusions drop in wvw. 

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