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Legendary Weapons Crafting Collections

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Dear Anet,


I have just completed crafting every single Precursor weapon and the 4 HoT precursor weapons collections and absolutely no reward for what has been a 6 year grind after sinking 1000s of golds worth of materials, time gated issues, farming SW to the death. Your great acknowledgement of that effort is nothing not even a unique title of crafter of the gods or even help towards crafting a legenday (GoB or Gift of Exploration to recognise the effort) and the answer is nothing.


if any Anet team reads this cause I doubt you will can you at least consider the task set by that crafting method and the effort and dedication thats required to craft them all would be nice to have that acknowledged in some way.


Regards Grindy McGrinderson

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11 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Your reward will be being one step closer to legendaries.  

I believe that your comment is flippant and not well thought out.


there are other collections in game that upon total completion reward other items that are not related to the direct collections (the Gift of Ice from an IBS collection and achievement track.) while I am not against Anet rewarding an in game item,


I was asking  for a title some in game acknowledgement primarily. the dialogue with Mossi remains the same in LA good luck on your journey essentially.


further more posting a 1 sentence sarcastic response makes me want to ask you if you have done any of those collections (67 of them to be precise) and if you actually considered the effort and commitment to doing all of them.



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The reward for completing the precursor collection is the precursor itself, which enables you to craft a legendary item. If you don't think it's worth it then simply don't do it. I don't think Farohna was sarcastic at all, I think what they said is just true.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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You can not buy HoT precursors on TP, only way to get them is to do collections, so thats why you was doing them. As for gen1 precursors, some of the collections were profitable to do at the time when it was new, many things changed and mats went up and down in price, meaning doing precursor collection became pointless but it is easy to check the price of collection compare to buying it on TP right? 
Some people say they like doing the collection even if it costs more because they have things to do, thats the real reward for  them and so is for you, no other reward is needed because you already got your reward (precursor and something to do).
If you didnt know this for 6 years of doing it then its not Anets fault.

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31 minutes ago, Janus Kindle.9172 said:

I believe that your comment is flippant and not well thought out.


there are other collections in game that upon total completion reward other items that are not related to the direct collections (the Gift of Ice from an IBS collection and achievement track.) while I am not against Anet rewarding an in game item,


I was asking  for a title some in game acknowledgement primarily. the dialogue with Mossi remains the same in LA good luck on your journey essentially.


further more posting a 1 sentence sarcastic response makes me want to ask you if you have done any of those collections (67 of them to be precise) and if you actually considered the effort and commitment to doing all of them.



Congrats on having a crazy amount of leisure time?

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your reward is the precurser and the ability to make the legendary (which is a lot more gold wasted to craft)  Congrats!  but you definitely don't need a title or special cookie.


Give your ego a shake... you don't need to have some fancy title to brag about how much time and gold you have wasted... there is already the "I'm rich you know" title for that... which is prolly cheaper and less time consuming then the avenue you chose to take lol


I post this as someone who has made 25 legendary weapons..... and have no interest in some special pat on the back for the amount of work put into them.   The weapon IS the reward.   /shrug

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35 minutes ago, Janus Kindle.9172 said:

I was asking  for a title some in game acknowledgement primarily.

Like, the title "unfinished business" perhaps?

1 hour ago, Janus Kindle.9172 said:

Your great acknowledgement of that effort is nothing not even a unique title of crafter of the gods or even help towards crafting a legenday (GoB or Gift of Exploration to recognise the effort) and the answer is nothing.

Oh, that's what this is about. You want to dodge the GoB or GoE requirements for legendaries. 

You know you can't be mad when you know there's no such title and then do it anyway and then get upset about not having it.

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As other people have said the reward for the precursor collections is the precursor weapons.

But also the rewards for all achievements are clearly displayed in the achievements list, and if there's any doubt you can double-check the Wiki. There was absolutely no reason to expect you would get a title or anything else from completing these collections so if that was your reason for doing them you were setting yourself up for disappointment from the start.

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The price per achievement point is probably still cheaper than https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Contract_of_Patronage

Although maybe the more valuable thing is teaching you not to put the cart before the horse. Determine if something is worth doing first then do it or not. Don't go blindly doing things then complain about it afterwards. Pre-ordering games is bad for the same reason.

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The Skaalds will compose a thousand verses in honour of your heroic deeds, ensuring that your legend will be remembered for aeons.... oh look a squirrel

Now where was I? Errrrm oh I forgot.

In all seriousness, well done but thats all you get.

Edited by Andy.5981
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8 hours ago, Wolfshade.9251 said:

I fail to see the prestige of a title that can be bought with IRL money and a bit of playtime consisting of doing easy open world events and pressing F a few times. I say that as someone who farmed every single piece of wood needed for Nevermore.

It wouldn't have any prestige, but considering there's at least one title you can literally just buy with gold I don't think that's a reason not to have one.

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