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I have a idea

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We got 5 core specializations per class

What if insted of elite specialization, we wuld get one more but regular specialization, to improve a core class by adding options or combos that thay lacking (like lack of support boons (warrior) or condi focused spec (engineer) and etc?

That way new fresh air can be add to make more room for customisation, insted of changing how whole class work


It wuld also require less work, compare to elite specialisation


What you think about it?

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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At the game's beginning there were a lot more traitlines equippable at once.  They reworked it a few times, ending up with the current three trait system.  Presumably for balance reasons.  Now they are going to be removing some build restrictions (unspecified exactly what that means).  That could solve your request, if not in exactly the way you have set it up -- they did say theorycrafters will have a lot to work with.

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So add one new core traitline resulting in total of 6 core and 3 elite ones? With the main purpose of adding things that the classes are missing? And with strong support classes they could spread the buffs some more. 

I like the idea because it'd give us more customization options. But I also like how the current system works so I'd keep it the same, as in to be able to use 3 core or 2 core and 1 elite trailines.


Oi, what's that weird sound I hear? Is that the balance team making anguish noises?

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4 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

So add one new core traitline resulting in total of 6 core and 3 elite ones? With the main purpose of adding things that the classes are missing? And with strong support classes they could spread the buffs some more. 

I like the idea because it'd give us more customization options. But I also like how the current system works so I'd keep it the same, as in to be able to use 3 core or 2 core and 1 elite trailines.


Oi, what's that weird sound I hear? Is that the balance team making anguish noises?

I think the OP's idea isn't simply a new core traitline (as it would make also the current elite specs stronger, potentially), but to add a new "core elite" trait-line only for the third slot, to boost a bit the core specs (correct me if I'm wrong). Basically an elite spec for f2p accounts/everyone.

They could have probably achieved the same goal if they kept balancing specs using trade-offs, like in the past, but ArenaNet decided to buff elite specs and remove trade-offs in the last 2 years, so I doubt they currently want to have elite specs and f2p accounts at the same level of power. It's not a bad idea/suggestion, but probably against the current balance philosophy.

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@Erich.1783  @Jukhy.2431

Yes what i meant, is to add 1 more adional core spec 5->6

like in engineer it's Alchemy/Firearms/Explosives/Inventions/Tools, so +1

For now you still will can only pick 3 of them (1elite 2 core, or 3 core)


That new core spec, no need to be as broken like elite option, just add some stuff to curent one

Like protection boon apply to warrior, or some kind of poison appl/dmg increse to engineer

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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12 hours ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

How, you still will can only pick  2-3 of them

Ofc , imagine a 4th traitline ... if it is to add a 6th regular traitline available , better go for another e-spec then .

The thing is with your proposition anet will have to look in all e-specs , in all regular traitline , all weapon skills and utilitys to  see if with this new traitline something broken doesnt show up , especially with e-specs .



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On 5/4/2023 at 8:09 AM, zeyeti.8347 said:

Ofc , imagine a 4th traitline ... if it is to add a 6th regular traitline available , better go for another e-spec then .

The thing is with your proposition anet will have to look in all e-specs , in all regular traitline , all weapon skills and utilitys to  see if with this new traitline something broken doesnt show up , especially with e-specs .



Thay plan to look in all core specs, and all regular traitline, weapon skills and utylities anyway, here is a source:


 our goal is to further augment the combat options for each profession by adding new tools to their arsenal and by lifting constraints that will unlock an unprecedented number of playstyle customization options—while keeping the feel of Guild Wars 2 combat true to its origins. Theorycrafters are going to be very busy.


In my opinion + 1 regular spec wuld solve problem in cause you not have inaf space to fix/upgrade curent core class 

Like i said compare to Elit spec, that traitline no need to be as broken, and just add some new combos/fun

On top of revoring that core speces that are not updated or picked the less to curent time



Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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6 hours ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

Thay plan to look in all core specs, and all regular traitline, weapon skills and utylities anyway, here is a source:

I think what they will do is just rework some traitline who are never used , as acrobatics for thief and look specific traits also very akward and never used ...  i feel like adding a new core traitline will be more complicated than adding a new e-spec , because with an e-spec you don't have to look after what all other elites specialisation of your class can do .

On the other side with one new core traitline you have to look all 5 already available core spec and further more the 3 e-specs to not bump in something that make your class completely broken , like a traitline who give you invulnerability uptime topping with all other invulnerabilty uptime your class already have .

If anyway they do that and managed to make something balanced i will clap my hands and be very happy , but i am quite optimistic , i hope anet prove i am wrong.

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On 5/2/2023 at 7:41 PM, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

We got 5 core specializations per class

What if insted of elite specialization, we wuld get one more but regular specialization, to improve a core class by adding options or combos that thay lacking (like lack of support boons (warrior) or condi focused spec (engineer) and etc?

That way new fresh air can be add to make more room for customisation, insted of changing how whole class work


It wuld also require less work, compare to elite specialisation


What you think about it?

I think that anything you add to core specs is also added to elite specs unless you make it exclusive to core.  If they added a core exclusive weapon unlock, a full set of utilities, and either a trait line or some sort of additional benefit for running no elite spec that would introduce some parity and make core specs more useable.  But simply adding another trait line is just going to make elite specs even better.

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