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Time to talk about gun flame in WvW?

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7 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

At this point they may be better then anet 🤣


They've just cancelled overwatch. And people still give them money. It's unbelievable what people tolerate nowadays. ANet is a saint compared to them.

Edited by Eudaimonia.8695
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1 minute ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

At this point they may be better then anet 🤣

You mean anet may be better at this point. 🤔

/rant on

Blizzard is starting to do cash shops and battle passes while also charging triple a prices and subs for games. They can't even manage to get content out, trying to sell overwatch 2 with pve content, only to turn around and completely cancel that part(second time on this game engine as they couldn't finish titan mmo either), while they had already repackaged and released the game as overwatch 2. Stealing mount mechanics from gw2 to try and sell their latest stale expansion.

Using shady tactics to sell the expansion, one person reported getting the latest free trial of the expansion for 3 days, you're not suppose to level past 60 as the exp is banked past those levels until you buy the expansion, well after the trial they were level 61 and stuck/forced to buy the expansion to play the character. Blizzard management and activision are pretty greedy and rotten to the core. Let's not even get into diablo immoral, waiting to see what type of drama the end game of d4 produces, like p2w cash grind they put in compared to immoral or lost ark.

At least anet has one of the best cash shops around, selling cosmetics and account conveniences, while having a free base game, no sub, and super cheap expansions in comparison. Balance team is still absolute kitten though, and the wvw/pvp areas are treated as kitten as usual. 🤷‍♂️

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19 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

You mean anet may be better at this point. 🤔

/rant on

Blizzard is starting to do cash shops and battle passes while also charging triple a prices and subs for games. They can't even manage to get content out, trying to sell overwatch 2 with pve content, only to turn around and completely cancel that part(second time on this game engine as they couldn't finish titan mmo either), while they had already repackaged and released the game as overwatch 2. Stealing mount mechanics from gw2 to try and sell their latest stale expansion.

Using shady tactics to sell the expansion, one person reported getting the latest free trial of the expansion for 3 days, you're not suppose to level past 60 as the exp is banked past those levels until you buy the expansion, well after the trial they were level 61 and stuck/forced to buy the expansion to play the character. Blizzard management and activision are pretty greedy and rotten to the core. Let's not even get into diablo immoral, waiting to see what type of drama the end game of d4 produces, like p2w cash grind they put in compared to immoral or lost ark.

At least anet has one of the best cash shops around, selling cosmetics and account conveniences, while having a free base game, no sub, and super cheap expansions in comparison. Balance team is still absolute kitten though, and the wvw/pvp areas are treated as kitten as usual. 🤷‍♂️

Idk honestly it's probably not worth it as it is, but at least it could be a change instead of waiting around for the  imaginary alliances they keep dipping the carrot with. Which for all we know may still be a shelved project just to keep those interested stuck to the game in the hopes of a better future for world versus world. We all know they have gone back on their word multiple times and didn't say anything to save face. While they only give pve night and day cycles and adjust stuff in world versus world clearly without a plan which has decreased alot of build  crafting ability across the board and caused the constant frustration many world versus world players have felt for years.

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22 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Unblockable can be evaded.  Unblockable only counters blocking.


Oh well that’s cool I guess.   Mb.   Although I still think that signet is the issue.   Maybe next attack is unblockable and not the next six seconds considering the amount of skills one can get off in six seconds can be extreme.   I think it needs a nerf but I would still like to see it one shot people.   The way it’s being abused now is the gun flame zerk has someone share boons/stealth and those numbers should not exist in wvw.

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I kinda feels like noone is acknowledging the skill in playing these high risk high, high reward builds either. I mean ppl who play these builds, like gunzerker or sic em sb, and then stand on walls or hide in blobs, sure not much skill envolved. But there are those of us who actual roam on these builds too. Not just these 2 specific builds, but any full glass build. 

But its always the same situation, as soon ppl run into other ppl who can actually play these bullds with a high dmg output, and basically 0 defence skills. That build is OP and broken. Cause how can i loose on my cele build or any other sustain purpose build, to a guy playing full glass. Simple, this person is better then u. 

But there is a mind set in wvw. Specifically among the ppl who still practice the art of roaming. Which is 'I AM THE BEST', so if I loose, obviously the other guy is playing a broken OP build.

There are obviously some builds who dos carry A LOT! specificly right now, those builds are mostly cele based. Renegade, harb, virtuo, willy, p/p DD, temp, cata and SB. If ur playing these classes atm, and u loose to a glass build. That player is most likely just better then u. Which is very hard to acknowledge, i know. But there i ZERO chance, that two ppl in a 1v1 scenario, of the same skill lvl. Where one is playing either of the previous mentioned cele classes, looses to a glasscanon build.

I think the only class who can still beat these classes or fight them on even ground on full glass is d/p dd. Since this is with out a doubt still the top predator in wvw. I dont play this class my self, since it's a very mechanical based class, which is not my strongest suit. 

Now before u start flaming me about how easy DD is to play. Cause ur getting trolled by ppl who abuse this class in wvw, purely to troll with, but dont really know who to play it properly. Ppl who can ACTUALLY play this class. Will most likely beat u on any class, u think of. But since the majority of ppl who play it, only play it cause it's easy do break combat, if u cant win. It gets a bad rep. That said however, d/p DD is also i abit on the broken side. But not so broken that u can just make 1 and start clapping cheeks. Like some cele classes atm.

So, all that said. We as a community, need to start acknowledging skill based players. And not just start screaming, 'this kitten is broken and OP' when we cant beat a certain class or player. 

This is all just from my perspective ofc. Sure u guys have other views on the matter ofc. But that's what the forums are for. Voicing opinions 😊



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21 hours ago, Thomas.2564 said:

I kinda feels like noone is acknowledging the skill in playing these high risk high, high reward builds either. I mean ppl who play these builds, like gunzerker or sic em sb, and then stand on walls or hide in blobs

Don't think there is skill to the gunflame one.

The sicem soulbeast actually can be played well since its not just a 1 trick pony.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Is it high skill to play this build though? cause everyone making it sound like "you roll your face on the keyboard" to chain pop all your skills to do the one shot gunflame, and then you instantly drop dead. Playing a piano ele is more skilled, or is that also rolling your face over the keyboard too to pop all your defenses, I'm not sure these days, the skill clickers and mechanist might have more skill these days. 🤭🤷‍♂️🍿

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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6 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Don't think there is skill to the gunflame one.

The sicem soulbeast actually can be played well since its not just a 1 trick pony.

They are somewhat comparable if you bring GS for the zerker, as both are 'blow all your skills and hope stuff dies' type builds.  

I would agree that the zerker is in a much risker position on messing up the burst, because the burst itself is far more important and it decently hard to disengage (you must blow your gs skills, where slb can just use pet merge skills to escape).

With the amount of passive blocks and cele/tank builds I've given up on the one-shot memes.  Can still run full glass and wreck people in two/three shots, much easier.  

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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

They are somewhat comparable if you bring GS for the zerker, as both are 'blow all your skills and hope stuff dies' type builds.

No, the sb can stealth for a decent duration and has a good amount of evades and blocks. Its dmg is also not concentrated in one ability. It has many sources of good dmg.

No idea why I read this so much in this forum, that LB sb is a meme build. Its a legit roamer build and a lot of spvp ganker guilds have members who roam and duel in wvw on LB sb. Its a meme if a bad/new player is using it, not if someone actually good is using it.

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2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

No idea why I read this so much in this forum, that LB sb is a meme build. Its a legit roamer build and a lot of spvp ganker guilds have members who roam and duel in wvw on LB sb. Its a meme if a bad/new player is using it, not if someone actually good is using it.

That's because it can be both. There's plenty of different versions of LB sic'em builds and if your goal is to maximise (unblockable) burst - then slb becomes just as glassy and "memey" as gunflame zerker. Most sic'em players play a more defensive version tho, which can indeed survive quite well - but also doesn't have nearly the same burst potential.

Regardless of build slb burst is easier to avoid, because it has much lower unblockable uptime and it's ranged burst is a lengthy channel instead of a single hit with short cast time, and for "instant" burst it has to get into melee range, which is risky on a full glass build, even with stealth (tho it does have similar oneshot potential to gunflame in melee range, but it's much harder to pull off and useless in zerg fights, so it's not played).

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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7 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Regardless of build slb burst is easier to avoid

wrong. Soulbest can just pop it's buffs and start shooting from up to 2k range while the warrior has to get into combat first -> 1200 range or closer and he has to hit you with something and only then the warrior can start to cast the entire utility bar and fire gunflame. All this also has a gigantic visual tell when the signets of the warrior pop and he starts to glow red while the soulbeast can hide behind any corner and the moment you see it you get hit with the full burst.

The only real advantage the berserker has over the soulbeast is that gunflame hits 5 targets and is therefore at least a bit useable in a zerg fight or the typical fiesta in front of smc

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Ah yes, being in combat, such a hard to pull off requirement. Also the ranger needs to cc to get all modifiers and lb4 has "only" 1,2k range too. And there is always time to react to rapid fire. Period. While a warrior being in combat and popping a bunch of signets tells me nothing but he is going to try and burst someone within the next few seconds, it doesn't tell me i'm getting targeted and when to actually dodge even if i spot that warrior in the middle of a zerg.

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It's true that playing gunzerker means blowing a lot of skills right of the bat, to get that sweet one shot. Which isn't super skilled based. But missing this shot, cause ur apponent knows how to dodge it. Then being able to stay alive long enough to do a follow up shot, is when some skill is required. 

I think people have different idea's about when skills are needed and not needed. For me bunker builds are super low skill base, cause these builds dont punish u hard enough if u mess up. I dont wanna sound elitist or anything, cause im really not. Im very average. But bullds that can win with out even dodging ones, c'mon.

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1 hour ago, Thomas.2564 said:

It's true that playing gunzerker means blowing a lot of skills right of the bat, to get that sweet one shot. Which isn't super skilled based. But missing this shot, cause ur apponent knows how to dodge it. Then being able to stay alive long enough to do a follow up shot, is when some skill is required.

You'd have a point if they didn't hide in the middle of a zerg usually. But they do. On their own they don't have the tools to stay alive.

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On 5/21/2023 at 12:24 PM, Thomas.2564 said:

It's true that playing gunzerker means blowing a lot of skills right of the bat, to get that sweet one shot. Which isn't super skilled based. But missing this shot, cause ur apponent knows how to dodge it. Then being able to stay alive long enough to do a follow up shot, is when some skill is required. 

The thing is being suscessful on gunzerker isnt about skill but rather having better situational awareness than your target. Which doesn't get you far if there are players that actively hunt for dps in squads.

Even less so against non-potato roamers.

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On 5/20/2023 at 3:18 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

or is that also rolling your face over the keyboard too to pop all your defenses,

My Warhammer Choppa resembles this! Clickers Unite! Spandex it's a privilege not a right. 

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On 5/21/2023 at 10:37 PM, Zyreva.1078 said:

You'd have a point if they didn't hide in the middle of a zerg usually. But they do. On their own they don't have the tools to stay alive.

True, but  most complaints have been about solo or roaming, which is not where gunflame warrior is in any way meta or capable to hold their ground against nearly any other build (excluding even worse builds. Let's stick to at least sensible builds). It's fooder to all current roamer builds, even most glass ones. Unless they:

1. meet another glass canon roamer

2. get the jump on the other player. This can include surprising them with the gunflame skill, say on a player who doesn't know what a berserker warrior with a rifle pressing all their signets means besides PREPARE TO DODGE within the next 1-6 seconds means(the duration SoM active effect lasts)

3. have a player who does not know which 2 attacks to dodge (if we assume gunflame-> Blood Reckoning -> gunflame)

As to berserker warrior in a zerg,: gunflame might produce some nice numbers every 20s, but other power damage builds are superior, even other berserker warrior builds. Not to mention the even with pressing all their damage, gunflame will not 1-shot minstrel support (or even celestial), meaning the build is dependent on sustained pressure from other damage dealers in the first place.

In short: it works against poor optimized blobs (not enough supports, which to be fair many will be) and  it works against inexperienced players. It literally becomes useless once surpassing those factors and as such is pure meme tier.

For anyone not believing me: actually go make one. It's not that expensive (running full berserker gear after all). See how well you do against stuff. I'll even guarantee you will have fun, because WHEN the combo lands and nukes another player out of existence, it sure is fun. You'll very quickly realize though, those moments can be far between depending on own experience and how skilled of opponents you get to run into.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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On 5/18/2023 at 4:30 PM, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Knowing warriors luck anet may just change all of the rifle skills to be useless CC's 🤣🤣 then we would get people complaining still more about telegraphed CC's that are practically pillow weapons even while running full bursty squishamenjaro . Out of curiosity who all is picking up Diablo 4?

That might actually be a buff to the weapon. Make it all 1/2s dazes that do 10 damage. But then you take Body Blow and No Escape and keep them immobilized and bleed them to death slowly.

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On 5/12/2023 at 1:00 PM, Arrow Blade of El Elyon.9341 said:

There does seem to be an increase of bezerker gun flame builds in WvW lately.

I am not calling for the coefficient to be reduced, but I think maybe something like the following should happen;

1) The long-standing bug (see below) should be addressed, it should be able to be reflected. 


If reflected back, won't do any damage to the caster after travelling total of maximum range even when hit by it.

2) The range should be reduced to 900 instead of 1500. 

3) The velocity of the projectile should be decreased by atleast 50 percent. 

What do you think? Should it be left untouched?

But what do we want to talk about? How easy is it to hunt down warriors? I can't do all that damage, if, in turn, I don't want to die in 1 second. Not to mention that 3/4 of those shots fail. If you want to run with 15k of health, it's your problem, not my problems.✌️

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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