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if no new elites...


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...But a new class be added 

what class u would like to have

me :

class name: Hell Spawn

armor class heavy

play gimmick: like the Druid from Wow u can transform into 3 different Demon forms

one heal one dmg one mobility


personal I have the hope for elites but this also has his limits how far it can go.




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27 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

What do you mean if they already said no new elites.

What they said is that they think they've reach the limit of design space for elite specs and believe that all the gameplay they wanted to develop for each profession are or should already be available within the professions and their e-specs.

As in the same announcement they stated that they would stop releasing living story in favor of more frequent "expansions" with less content most of us interpreted this as: "There won't be more elite specs for the foreseeable futur".

I do believe that can can also forget about possible new race or classe. Maybe we might get new crafting jobs thought as such thing is good for the game's economy 😉.


Edited by Dadnir.5038
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13 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

play gimmick: like the Druid from Wow u can transform into 3 different Demon forms

one heal one dmg one mobility

So... like changing legends on revenant, except 3 (oh hi, Vindicator) and it's more of a character reskin type of deal instead of changing particle colors? Not sure that's original enough to justify a whole new class.

With the current state of the game, space for balancing and reworks of traits/weapons/skills, I don't think a new class fits anywhere in the equasion.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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20 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

...But a new class be added 

what class u would like to have

me :

class name: Hell Spawn

armor class heavy

play gimmick: like the Druid from Wow u can transform into 3 different Demon forms

one heal one dmg one mobility


personal I have the hope for elites but this also has his limits how far it can go.




So revenant?

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7 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

What they said is that they think they've reach the limit of design space for elite specs and believe that all the gameplay they wanted to develop for each profession are or should already be available within the professions and their e-specs.

No they didn't.

What they actually said is that they think they're approaching the limit of design space for elite specs and believe that most of the gameplay they wanted to develop for each profession is or should be available within the profession and their existing e-specs.

Important distinction. People keep reading absolutes into the blogpost that are not actually there.

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4 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

So revenant?

never saw rev shape shift any links ?

but as usual asking the forums to be creative for. fun is met with no sayers bcs thats the easiest way of commenting doesn't need much thinking . good for u

or u could read my post /which u clearly havent/ and come up with ur own idea.

Edited by Balsa.3951
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44 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

never saw rev shape shift any links ?

but as usual asking the forums to be creative for. fun is met with no sayers bcs thats the easiest way of commenting doesn't need much thinking . good for u

or u could read my post /which u clearly havent/ and come up with ur own idea.

You didnt see it because they dont kittening have it the closest thing what comes to mind is a norn racial when they transform Into a bear, throwing rev as an example is just random and doesnt make sence.. but anyway forums are full of people with stockholm syndrome noone cares or wants anything new, only more balance patches.. imagine when instead of getting hyped people MUST have low expectations so they wont be that dissapointed before the new content comes out.. gyala pt2 map was an example of this

Edited by soul.9651
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48 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

never saw rev shape shift any links ?

but as usual asking the forums to be creative for. fun is met with no sayers bcs thats the easiest way of commenting doesn't need much thinking . good for u

or u could read my post /which u clearly havent/ and come up with ur own idea.

Just saying it as I saw it😄 and having some fun as you're suggesting. 

No need to take it so hard. Guess too much forum time can jade just about anyone 😅

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6 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

Just saying it as I saw it😄 and having some fun as you're suggesting. 

No need to take it so hard. Guess too much forum time can jade just about anyone 😅

still u don't give anything constructive to the topic.

hope that worked for u in life with that attitude 😉

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10 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

never saw rev shape shift any links ?

but as usual asking the forums to be creative for. fun is met with no sayers bcs thats the easiest way of commenting doesn't need much thinking . good for u

or u could read my post /which u clearly havent/ and come up with ur own idea.

Well... revenant does have a demon legend, and the elite for that is channeling the power of the demon - it's not, strictly speaking, a transform, but it's a ton of shadowy particle effects that certainly change your appearance. Broadly speaking, the concept behind revenant is shifting between modes depending on what you need. It's not three demons and shapeshifting specifically, but given that one of the legends is a demon, there is a lot of overlap between revenant and what you proposed.

I'm pondering how to go about making your concept more mechanically distinct. It's a bit hard when we already have kits, shrouds, attunements, and legends. Could make it a no-weaponswap profession, but you choose from a selection of alternative forms as your profession mechanic that replace your entire skillbar.

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On 6/1/2023 at 12:00 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

...But a new class be added 

what class u would like to have

To answer the question directly ... something to cover "high base health, medium armor." We don't have one of those. It's not necessary of course, but it's something I've noticed in the past. However, you have to keep in mind two probable issues for this argument:

1. A new class at this stage would imply new accompanying Elite Specilalizations with said class anyway.


Or 2. Releasing a core only new class would sit well with generally no one.

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2 hours ago, Dreamreaver.4908 said:

To answer the question directly ... something to cover "high base health, medium armor." We don't have one of those. It's not necessary of course, but it's something I've noticed in the past. However, you have to keep in mind two probable issues for this argument:

1. A new class at this stage would imply new accompanying Elite Specilalizations with said class anyway.


Or 2. Releasing a core only new class would sit well with generally no one.

happy someone finally took the inventation to be creative.

i think if they do new class it might be 3 core classes or 1 with 3 elites. not 3 direct but 3 over the course of 2 years. 

start as core than add an elite a half year later and so on. it's less work and I'm thinking thats the direction anet is goin now.

than which each expansion a new class. or one new elite

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On 6/2/2023 at 11:37 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

Well... revenant does have a demon legend, and the elite for that is channeling the power of the demon - it's not, strictly speaking, a transform, but it's a ton of shadowy particle effects that certainly change your appearance. Broadly speaking, the concept behind revenant is shifting between modes depending on what you need. It's not three demons and shapeshifting specifically, but given that one of the legends is a demon, there is a lot of overlap between revenant and what you proposed.

I'm pondering how to go about making your concept more mechanically distinct. It's a bit hard when we already have kits, shrouds, attunements, and legends. Could make it a no-weaponswap profession, but you choose from a selection of alternative forms as your profession mechanic that replace your entire skillbar.

mechanical more distinct perhaps by how each transform is not coming with a time limit and it.changes the way of how a class move.

the.druid in wow comes to my mind.

in general im sure anet has a lot unused concepts made ove the years which they could not use bcs elites need be tied to cores.

im not advocating for my class idea more for new classes in general as a alternative to elites.

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5 hours ago, Dreamreaver.4908 said:

To answer the question directly ... something to cover "high base health, medium armor." We don't have one of those. It's not necessary of course, but it's something I've noticed in the past.

Yep, we're lacking a "high base healt medium armor" class, due to medium armor category having two medium health classes, but no high health one, but also, by consequence, we're also lacking a second "medium health" class for light and heavy armor. Incidentally, the original GW1 triad i have mentioned earlier (Ritualist, Dervish and Paragon) would neatly fit in that pattern.

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I'm always a sucker for new classes and especs.  But new weapons for our classes (with updates to traits for new weapons) would be very welcome.  Also, just allowing us to use aquatic weapons in land (particularly spears) would almost be like getting new weapons (as long as we get traits with it).

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On 6/2/2023 at 6:39 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

never saw rev shape shift any links ?

If "but it doesn't shapeshift, it only adds different particles!" is the main difference you see between the playstyles of rev vs what you proposed then it just shows how unworthy of a new class that idea is imo.

On 6/1/2023 at 7:22 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

So... like changing legends on revenant, except 3 (oh hi, Vindicator) and it's more of a character reskin type of deal instead of changing particle colors? Not sure that's original enough to justify a whole new class.

With the current state of the game, space for balancing and reworks of traits/weapons/skills, I don't think a new class fits anywhere in the equasion.


I don't want a new class at least until they "sort out" what we already have ingame.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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IF for some odd reason that ANet decided that we need a 10th profession, it helps to bear in mind that each profession draws from a unique power source.  Warrior draws from raw personal power, guardian draws from light & morality, revenant draws from the mists, ranger draws from nature, engineer draws from technology, thief draws from shadows and subterfuge, necromancer draws from the undead, elementalists draw from the four classic elements, and mesmers draw from illusion.

To make a 10th profession would require making another power source to draw from that would be thematically unique, which at this point is pretty hard to do.  Sure, the OP's original suggestion of "demons" could be something (especially looking at whatever those new enemies might be from that recent blog post), but the question then becomes a matter of acceptability in terms of lore (i.e. how would NPCs view drawing from such malevolent power?) along with other professions like revenant covering such power via the Mallyx legend.

As for unique mechanics, transformation could be something, although as mentioned previously, it certainly wouldn't be close to the first case of it.  Yes, norns exist and they do their werebear/bird/cat/wolf thing, but you also have things like the shroud mechanic from most necromancer specs, or the light forge form of holosmith, or even more subtle form changes in elite specs that may not look like transformations but are such as untamed or that one elite skill from warrior that makes your character larger and have hilariously over the top sound effects for attacks.

In short, think about a unique source of power for a profession to draw from.  Then think about how that profession would channel that power, not just by skills, but also by weapons.  Then think about an overarching mechanic that would tie the profession together with all of its specializations, core and elite.  Then realize that while that's still just scratching the surface of what it'd take for another profession in this game, it's still better than someone lazily whining about wanting something from GW1 that could just pop up in another elite spec.

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