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June 27 Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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Unless the changes to Kinetic Accelerators gives crazy high amounts of quickness, I see this as worse than having to use 3 Gyros to keep quickness up. Rocket Charge is very dangerous to use in PvE as if it locks onto the wrong target that will probably kill you or mess up your squad's run. Sure, you changed the Function Gyro to make a blast finisher, but that takes away from the utility of saving downed allies. In the current builds for quickness Scrapper you can hang onto the Function Gyro for when you need it. So in the end I think it would be better to leave Scrapper unchanged until a real rework can be done.

Speaking of which, here is my suggestion, as an Engineer main, for a Scrapper rework. Gyros are removed from all skills and the tool belt is replaced with a system similar to Revenant's Stances. You are given the choice of 2 Gyros "Channels" to swap between in combat. Each Gyro has unique skills you gain access to while actively in their respective "Stance".  Then it would be a matter of making one or more those skills or traits apply quickness. This would free Engineer's skills so you can customize them to fit what the encounter currently needs; in true "jack-of-all trades" fashion. It also feels thematically fitting for scrapper to mirror Revenant, as Engineer's other elite specializations tend to be a mechanized version of another class; Holosmith to Necromancer, Mechanist to Ranger.

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Moving Herald Quickness to Elevated Compassion is a terrible idea. If the goal was to move boon support off utility skills, this doesn't do that at all. And it makes Draconic Echo worthless. Additionally, the Upkeep cost of 6+ to get boons including Quickness is terrible. Forcing Quick Heralds into giving a little healing in exchange for forcing us to use our energy should not be a thing. Anyone who just wants to be a Quick DPS Herald gets screwed over by this. Flicking facets on and off for Quickness is WAY more practical and doesn't harm anything. Revert these changes please and leave Herald alone. It's in a great place right now and doesn't need any of this deconstructive attention.

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So Warrior's just not allowed to have Quickness? I don't see in the notes where Berserker gets it, and it honestly doesn't *need* it. 

The Warrior changes overall are just baffling. 

Bladesworn would get more out of Quickness. 

Base kit of Spellbreaker needs something for support and should have gotten alacrity. 

Berserker could have been just fine as The Damage Spec. 

And ripping Quickness off of Core just reinforces that Quickness and Alacrity (very much "required" boons) are premium boons that you have to pay to get. 

I'm honestly just really ticked that I finally land a good spot as quick dps for my raid groups and that's getting rugpulled. 

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On 6/8/2023 at 11:12 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Removing additional skill-type-specific recharge-reduction traits and rolling the reduction into baseline skills where it makes sense to do so. The goal of these changes is to give players more flexibility in trait selection.

So it makes sense to provide baseline cd reduction to skills that don't need any cd reduction whatsoever and would be/are used plenty without - buffing some already op builds in the process - while other completely garbage and unused skills are getting nerfed?

Generally the premise that "cd reduction traits are mandatory, because otherwise the related skills would be bad" is not true in most cases. Usually builds take cd reduction traits, because having shorter cds on strong skills is very good (and the alternatives often bad) - and the stronger the affected skills, the stronger the cd reduction. This does not mean, skills that are frequently used with cd reduction traits actually need the shorter cd to be good, quite the opposite is often the case.

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Desert Empowerment: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster tier, replacing Feed from Corruption. The barrier from this trait will now only apply around the shade and will affect 5 targets. This trait now also grants alacrity to allies when you grant them barrier.

-> if desert empowerment gets moved. What will take it's spot? Or will they just switch places?

Also I heard that shade uptime will be gutted from 20 to 8 seconds. Maybe this should be tied to the desert empowerment trait?! Else it will affect condi dps scourge very negatively.

Sandstorm Shroud: This skill now pulses barrier to allies near the scourge before it detonates.

Abrasive Grit: This trait no longer causes Sand Flare to grant barrier to allies. In addition to its previous effects, this trait now grants might when you apply barrier.

Sand Flare: This skill now grants a reduced amount of barrier to nearby allies.

Sadistic Searing: This trait no longer reduces the cooldown of punishment skills. Increased burning duration from 2 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP and WvW.

-> increase the burning in pve as well to incentivise players to actually use punishments on dps scourge?!

Trail of Anguish: Reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE and from 50 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP and WvW.

-> not really playable on a support necromancer. You can't just press the skill to give stability, like with stand your ground, you have to set it up ahead of time, running through your group.

Ghastly Breach: Reduced cooldown from 75 seconds to 60 seconds in PvE and from 90 seconds to 72 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced duration from 4 to 3 seconds in WvW only.

Desiccate: This skill now also grants fury to nearby allies. Increased might from 5 stacks for 8 seconds to 8 stacks for 9 seconds. Reduced cooldown from 20 seconds to 16 seconds.

-> yay but nay. Probably not really useable on support version of scourge, since other abilities are so much stronger: spectral grasp, portal, blood is power, signet of undeath, new serpent siphon...

Serpent Siphon: This skill has been reworked. It will now send a serpent to a target area that will detonate upon arrival. Allies in the area will gain barrier, regeneration, and aegis. Enemies will be poisoned and one of their boons will be converted into torment. Reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.

-> very nice. Maybe the single most useless skill in the game finally made useful. Depends on the shield and healingpower modifiers as well as the boondurations

Path of Corruption: This trait now increases the cooldown of Nefarious Favor by 50% in WvW only

Imo overall some nice changes that possibly make heal scourge playable in good endgame groups, that just need a lot more thought. And I hope this patch - as it stands- doesn't go through.

ITs absolutely understandable, that the rezz power needed to be reduced.

The problem is, imo the heal build wont be able to keep up with things like heal mech or druid.

1. There's still one crucial boon missing on heal scourge: protection

2. The stability access is utter garbage

3 the healing radius is bad. Or better to say the alacrity radius is way too small. 180 radius is trash if that's the same radius as normal shade radii. But if it's not, what's the point of sand savant?

4. With the duration decrease of shades. It will basically impossible to get full benefits of the minor traits sand sage and blood as sand.

With the current planned version condi dps Necro will get a lot worse- loosing 150 Expertise in most situations (sand sage).

I don't get it why scourge/Necro gets so much regeneration access, when you could already have 100% uptime by spamming staff2, instead of giving the defensive healer that scourge is some protection sources.



Edited by Nimon.7840
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2 hours ago, BANNED.9527 said:

Please keep a close eye on Power Berserker...Greatsword swaps NEED to remain relevant to keep the class interesting. If the new Arc Divider isn't cutting it, please buff Hundred Blades. We all know GS Spellbreaker could use the love to make it competitive with the Hammer build.

They need to buff 100b either way. Auto attack almost out damages it right now 😂 

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Thank you for the stream

(The following comes from a player who mostly plays Rev in every gamemode)


Good changes for the most part. Energy based quickness is for sure much better gameplay than spamming facets on cooldown. It felt incredibly bad having to burn on cd Infuse Light, the strunbreak and Glint CC just to get good quickness uptime.
And I'm glad you even gave Draconic Echo something in compensation for the removal of quickness, nice.
Shield however, still needs attention, it's very bad in every game mode.

Banish Enchantment and Tree Song

I understand the nerf to their reliability but please reduce their energy costs, 30e and 25e is kinda expensive for how much less reliable they will become.

Vindicator healing nerfs

Again, I understand where you are coming from, but you've kind of gutted it by nerfing multiple things by round 50%. Plus the fact that you also nerfed their condition cleanse utility hard.
And the upkeep increase on the Urn is completely unnecessary if you want to keep those nerfs.

A review on Colaescence of Ruin would be nice as well, the skill feels very bad to use. You could just revert the October 01, 2019 functionality change, keep all current damage nerfs and everyone would be happy.

Overall, I still think that Revenant needs more attention, it is clear to me that many other classes here, once again, got way more focus. For instance, the Devastation traitline is very uninspired. I just didn't care about those minuscule buffs to Aggressive Agility and Battle Scars because the traitline itself is boring.

Thank you team

Edited by XxsdgxX.8109
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Really excited for these changes. Very well done to CMC and the rest of the team. Would love to see the Harb elixirs receive a similar treatment and be unblockable. Perhaps reworking the CD trait to trait for making them unblockable. 

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I'm surprised to see this much negativity from such a patch. From a competitive perspective in WvW, we're in dire need of dramatic shifts in the metagame that will allow for new classes and builds to see gameplay that hadn't previously. I like a lot of these changes, although I do wish the vindicator nerfs were a little softer. Thanks for the patch CMC, and congrats to Trig for the new balance team position. 🙂

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As a warrior main I have to say that overall it's a disaster, and I'm talking only about PvE becouse that's what I play.

Tie quickness to berserker is cool, that's how I would imagine the berseker fantasy to be, smashing things fast, enraged; I hope that somehow is going to be good but, I understand that you are tring to push condi berserker by reducing cooldowns on bow and touching traits, but I don't understand why you need to destroy the power variant when it's fine and more importantly FUN as it is, not only by grounding Arc Divider but also changing traits that were intended for power builds and tooning them for condi damage.

Also putting alacrity on bladesworn instead of spellbreaker... I don't get it, to me it doesn't make any sense.

Spellbreaker as I imagine it is supposed to be a warrior that, guess what? Breaks spells, shatters magic!

It could be that anytime Attacker's Insight procs you also apply alacrity, or something like that.

Edited by Ranzel.9763
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Recent changes to Mesmer, Staff/Staff Mirage mostly, have made me lose a decent chunk of motivation in playing this game. They wanted to nerf staxe mirage so they punished staff/staff instead of finding a way to make it only affect staxe. Now they want to balance mirage dodge in PvP/WvW, so they're changing it even in PvE. 😷

I love this game heaps but if they're going to keep doing PvE mirage dirty like this, might actually be time to just quit the game 😕

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Coming out of lurking to comment on Bladeturn Requiem. I agree completely on the block being removed from competitive modes. However, I would suggest that removing it from PVE is an unnecessary nerf that renders an otherwise helpful utility skill completely worthless. The pair of distort and block from f4 and f5 have given me multiple choices in dealing with pve mechanics, and I'm saddened by the thought of losing that.

An example, recently my progression raid group had the misfortune of an oil landing in the middle of the ward as mind crush was about to happen. Half of my squad was downed, but I was able to use Bladeturn Requiem to block the attack, and we were able to revive the others and salvage the run. Dying to unlucky mechanics is not fun. Having a little trick up my sleeve to save myself and the party from unlucky mechanics is fun. I would suggest instead of taking away this one random block from PVE, you might consider addressing the situation in WvW and PvP where it belongs, for maximum fun all around.

Anyway thanks for listening. Going back into lurking now.

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Do you want to turn WvW even more into a snoozefest? Because that's how you turn WvW even more into a snoozefest. RIP Warrior, you deserved better... People were complaining about boonblobs. What do we get? Even more boonblobs. And boonstrip nerfs. You have to be kittening kidding me.

Looks like you guys want people to turn their brain off while playing and make everything in this game about the gemstore (as if it wasn't already). You know Anet, a gacha would probably work better for you guys. There already are some where you completely turn your brain off and leave everything on auto while the only worthwhile content is currency, equipment or skins in the shop. Should give it a try, you seem to know the basics for it at least 😄 🙃 (sarcasm if it wasn't obvious already...)

I just got back a few weeks ago. The only mode I play is WvW (when it isn't boring for once with all the blobs running around). Might as well quit for good if this goes live.

Edited by Xenon Z.6015
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The nerf to mirage is such an unnecessary approach. If the issue with mirage is the staff/axe build for alac, nerf the axe skills, or nerf the clones that axe produces. Staff is BARELY on by a thread to be viable as a staff/staff mirage support boon build. And now you nerf it's ambush skill duration by 50%?? It's literally unplayable. Why are you so against diverse builds for support? Not everyone wants to play chronomancer or finds it fun, please don't rob people of Low-Intensity builds and homogenizing everything.

I play alac staff mirage because the other mesmer specs are too confusing, complex, and difficult for me to play. I shouldn't be punished for a disability I can't control, and that's what this feels like. I've played mesmer since PoF as one of my favorite classes, now I'll be forced off of it because of this.

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17 minutes ago, Nimon.7840 said:



Desert Empowerment: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster tier, replacing Feed from Corruption. The barrier from this trait will now only apply around the shade and will affect 5 targets. This trait now also grants alacrity to allies when you grant them barrier.

-> if desert empowerment gets moved. What will take it's spot? Or will they just switch places?

Also I heard that shade uptime will be gutted from 20 to 8 seconds. Maybe this should be tied to the desert empowerment trait?! Else it will affect condi dps scourge very negatively.

Sandstorm Shroud: This skill now pulses barrier to allies near the scourge before it detonates.

Abrasive Grit: This trait no longer causes Sand Flare to grant barrier to allies. In addition to its previous effects, this trait now grants might when you apply barrier.

Sand Flare: This skill now grants a reduced amount of barrier to nearby allies.

Sadistic Searing: This trait no longer reduces the cooldown of punishment skills. Increased burning duration from 2 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP and WvW.

-> make this change in PvE as well to incentivise players to actually use punishments on dps scourge?!

Trail of Anguish: Reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE and from 50 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP and WvW.

-> not really playable on a support necromancer. You can't just press the skill to give stability, like with stand your ground, you have to set it up ahead of time, running through your group.

Ghastly Breach: Reduced cooldown from 75 seconds to 60 seconds in PvE and from 90 seconds to 72 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced duration from 4 to 3 seconds in WvW only.

Desiccate: This skill now also grants fury to nearby allies. Increased might from 5 stacks for 8 seconds to 8 stacks for 9 seconds. Reduced cooldown from 20 seconds to 16 seconds.

-> yay but nay. Probably not really useable on support version of scourge, since other abilities are so much stronger: spectral grasp, portal, blood is power, signet of undeath, new serpent siphon...

Serpent Siphon: This skill has been reworked. It will now send a serpent to a target area that will detonate upon arrival. Allies in the area will gain barrier, regeneration, and aegis. Enemies will be poisoned and one of their boons will be converted into torment. Reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.

-> very nice. Maybe the single most useless skill in the game finally made useful. Depends on the shield and healingpower modifiers as well as the boondurations

Path of Corruption: This trait now increases the cooldown of Nefarious Favor by 50% in WvW only

Imo overall some nice changes that possibly make heal scourge playable in good endgame groups, that just need some more thought.

ITs absolutely understandable, that the rezz power needed to be reduced.

The problem is, imo the heal build wont be able to keep up with things like heal mech or druid.

1. There's still one crucial boon missing on heal scourge: protection

2. The stability access is utter garbage

3 the healing radius is bad. Or better to say the alacrity radius is way too small. 180 radius is trash if that's the same radius as normal shade radii. But if it's not, what's the point of sand savant?

4. With the duration decrease of shades. It will basically impossible to get full benefits of the minor traits sand sage and blood as sand.

With the current planned version condi dps Necro will get a lot worse- loosing 150 Expertise in most situations (sand sage).

I don't get it why scourge/Necro gets so much regeneration access, when you could already have 100% uptime by spamming staff2, instead of giving the defensive healer that scourge is some protection sources.



This is exactly what happens when people who dont play the class or have profound knowledge about it make changes for it.

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Ah, another nerf to Confusion (and directly to Mesmer/Staff Mirage).


Why Confusion still exists in the game, if it's slowly getting nerfed to the point where it has no identity? It as already gutted some time ago and now you are just following through. Why not just remove it and instead change all the Confusion stacks for Torment or Burn (burn, since you never nerf it) /s


Seriously, leave Mirage alone. You nerf it almost every patch.

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Sigh* After the hype about Deadeye getting quickness i am not surprised at all to express such disappointment jaja Sure, they kept their word on giving DE Quickness, but definitely not in a way that makes worth playing it at all or even trying unless you just want something to "chill" cause not becoming meta anytime soon if not ever with many specs and better options to play quickness for the team. You won't see anybody asking for quickness DE at fractals,strikes, raids and even less at WvW/PvP content jeje as being said; Just an option to chill with no actual improvement on what Deadeye can offer to a group, for quickness rather play another spec or simply play DE DPS and find me an actual Quickness for the group. Ofc gonna give it a try but surely not gonna stick with it unless make the sacrificing of damage a worth trade for the quickness.

You guys should have considered a while ago to release a beta server for actual players to test your supposely good upcoming changes and provide you of a better feedback instead simply releasing all the mess without giving a heck about feedback here.

Btw your nerf from last "balance" on Shadowmeld was nonsense lol like you haven't nerfed stealth everytime you got the chance cause most players haven't realized yet stealth doesn't save you from getting damage as spamming shields, reflects and invu does. 


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-The rework of HGH Gadgeteer and Power Wrench are ok I suppose. Some skill didnt get the proper skill CD reduction they should have received (hello throw mine in PvE) I dont know why. But putting that aside, if you really wanted to do a rework of core skill, then why not rework turret, or even some underwhelming skill ? Ok this is not a bad change, but these trait werent in a place where they desperatly needed a rework. Turret on the other hands DO need a drastic rework.


-Scrapper change are just why ? The superspeed changes are totally irrelevant especially when we have classes like Willbender or Thief that can just engage and disengage at will and nothing can catch them. But I can get around this. Kinetic changes really ? Is this the best option you got ?


-Mechanist change are just whatever at that point I'm just disappointed we still have to babysit our Mech with a 360 range leash and the AI and responsiveness of the mech is still unchanged. Actually wait did you just nerf Barrier engine for no reason as well ? 


Anyway, I guess this patch for Engineer is whatever

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