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New Churning Earth


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How does everyone feel about the new churning earth animation? As a pWeaver main I can't say I'm a fan.

A: Now I'm leaping twice in a row (flame uprising into churning earth) which looks weird.

B: It ruins the flow of the rotation imo, you either have to use quantum strike into ride the lighting in order to keep the flow of flame uprising into pyro vortex (and that's a very very tight timing to not get autos sneaking in) or you have to use pyro vortex before flame uprising, which throws off the timing of your second flame uprising in f/f.

Obviously this complaint revolves around how it fits into a optimized rotation rather than the skill itself, but I think the way an optimized rotation feels is a very important aspect of class fantasy.

Closing: I think new Churning Earth disrupts to flow of pWeaver and wish the animation was either slightly longer, or completely reverted. 

How do you feel about the new Churning Earth?

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I don't think churning earth was ever part of the meta DPS rotation. I've been out of the loop for awhile so maybe someone discovered it was worth using at some point? But when I did fractals/raids on power weaver churning earth was a DPS loss. I don't really understand what you mean about disrupting the flow of air and fire attunement skills since it's in earth, not trying to sound snarky, genuinely not sure what you mean.

I roamed for a bit and did some duels in WvW and found the new churning earth to be very enjoyable, especially with dagger mainhand. Much better than before - people rarely stood in the big red circle long enough to get it off before so you pretty much had to combo it with lightning flash - not so anymore, which is nice. Easy/instant blast finisher. Not suicidal to spend 2s casting a skill that probably won't hit the opponent anyway/they'll do 5x as much damage while you channel it - that's a plus. I like it

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12 minutes ago, solemn.9670 said:

I don't think churning earth was ever part of the meta DPS rotation. I've been out of the loop for awhile so maybe someone discovered it was worth using at some point? But when I did fractals/raids on power weaver churning earth was a DPS loss. I don't really understand what you mean about disrupting the flow of air and fire attunement skills since it's in earth, not trying to sound snarky, genuinely not sure what you mean.

I roamed for a bit and did some duels in WvW and found the new churning earth to be very enjoyable, especially with dagger mainhand. Much better than before - people rarely stood in the big red circle long enough to get it off before so you pretty much had to combo it with lightning flash - not so anymore, which is nice. Easy/instant blast finisher. Not suicidal to spend 2s casting a skill that probably won't hit the opponent anyway/they'll do 5x as much damage while you channel it - that's a plus. I like it

Earth is part of the weave self rotation. The new quicker animation means your other skills no longer come off cooldown in a way that lines up well like they used to, hence it messing with the flow of your f/a skills.

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id rather they kept it as a 360 radius "get away from me" pbaoe (with maybe 1.2s or less cast vs 2s before however) instead of a 2nd flame uprising/burning speed, but since theyre unlocking espec weapon restrictions then im assuming this is just them really doubling down on weapon identities (watch pve pdps all convert to warhorn from dagger tho)

Edited by Noodle Ant.1605
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Its good dps, no pointless animation lock for 2 sec ( unless you cancel it). Weave self rota still works the same, you can't delay fire grab/ring of fire- in the opening due to recharge time, so rota basically stays the same except for abit more time on air AA in weave self. Atleast it frees up some margin in the weave self to dodge etc without skipping the F/F phase at the end of the weave self. 

FA Weaver also flows quite alot better now. Unfortunately still abit lacking in its benchmark dps compared to BttH, but in actual combat practice a very strong competitor (more consistent dps, support and CC)

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12 hours ago, Arenthiel.7843 said:

Earth is part of the weave self rotation. The new quicker animation means your other skills no longer come off cooldown in a way that lines up well like they used to, hence it messing with the flow of your f/a skills.

Ok true, but that doesn't sound like a DPS loss. If you have to fit one more air autoattack chain in so what, isn't that a good thing?

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I preferred the channeled animation better instead of another leap skill. Why change a unique skill animation that no other class has to something similiar to other leap skills. Also, why that skill in particular was it overpowered or did people complain about it. They should have given earthquake a new animation or lack thereof.

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16 minutes ago, Razor.6392 said:

The actual funny part about the new CE is the fact that it's a blast finisher while looking like a leap.

Imho they should've added a leap finisher as well. Have it blast at the end, now it is blasting weirldy at the start.

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On 6/28/2023 at 6:18 PM, DEL.9468 said:

Imho they should've added a leap finisher as well. Have it blast at the end, now it is blasting weirldy at the start.

The skill used to blast at the start before too, it also looked weird but was required to be able to use the blast finisher and interrupt the channel to survive (dodge) having both leap and blast finisher procking together from 1 skill will make for great healing though and i wouldn't mind to see that

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I think the change is perfect. I have been trying D/D or Sc/D in PvE and PvP. It feels fantastic, this skill is finally in any rotation on elementalist specially ‘catalyst’ which is my favorite elite specialization.


Thanks anet, keep up the good job ! ❤️ 

Edited by GLOR.2489
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Its more then just the churn update the updraft update of it being bigger combos with it and makes off hand dagger crazy mobility i cant wait to see what an pistol / dagger ele can do. I could even see sword/dagger doing some crazy things (i do not like sword over dagger maybe after the non duel skill sword from the expansion.)

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On 7/5/2023 at 5:22 PM, Junkpile.7439 said:

It's lame boring skill now. They could have keep old one and add stability, aegis and massive damage boost.

To each their own.  I personally can't stand rooted channel skills, especially when they last 2 seconds.  On the other hand, I'm also not a huge fan of slow, locked-in leap animations and sword weaver is already saddled with one.  If you're going to give us leap animations, let it serve as a useful gap closer.  That means at least 600 max range, a speedier animation, and reduced animation lock when used at shorter range.  These slow, locked-in animations are almost as much of a liability as rooted channels.  I'd prefer my movement skills be helpful rather than a hindrance.

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