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What other classes are you enjoying?


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I don't think I have a main or would be qualified as a Warrior Main despite the majority of my playtime being on my Asura and Charr warriors. I've played them since release but rotate characters around but end up coming back to War. I didn't even have a Guardian until PoF and I literally just rolled a Rev when I came back from my long break. I've been bouncing back and forth from War to Rev. I had to make a Rev after trying Vindicator during the beta...I just only got around to it recently.

That being said, I feel Rev is pretty solid...almost too solid. Playing Vindi and Herald and sort of teasing myself by holding off on Renegade...but I've been having an itch to go back to my Charr war who is my quintessential Spellbreaker (the Asura is the Berserker). Haven't played Spellbreaker in a minute...

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Warrior was my main before taking a hiatus because GW2 was interfering with my RL (wasn't my first main, but is my longest-played main).  When I returned a few months ago instead of going right to my warrior, I wanted to see if I could play something that reflected damage and incorporated a visual of lightning... So, I started running an elementalist (core, then tempest, then catalyst) single-attunement (air) build in PvE, that capitalized on constant shocking aura from dagger 3... auto-returning damage and stunning mobs so that i could tank and regain health before they attacked again.  It was good at first, but then I started finding it a bit boring against trash mobs, and a liability against champs.  It still was a really effective build with bottom-floor complexity that consisted of just keeping aura up, and mostly aa-ing and d2-ing mobs to death... unless they were champs. In WvW I ran the ele as a magnetic-aura-chaining water/earth build, with some success... until one of the recent balance patches removed constant crit immunity, which undercut his effectiveness in that mode.  Both the stale pve factor and less-effective wvw factor led me to try something else...

...and that was a short bow wielding thief.  After the melee elementalist, I wanted to step back and see if could enjoy ranged since I feel the game unintentionally favors ranged combat a bit.  Tbh, thief short bow 1-4 is exactly how I want warrior longbow 1-4 to play.  It was perfect for pve, and useful for camp-flipping in wvw.  It is an incredibly engaging weapon, great gamefeel, and there's some choice in skill interaction.  I also made it my goal to ignore stealth, and that became a fun restriction in my buildcraft.

But, I was always side-eyeing my warrior even when playing ele... and browsing the forums reading peeps trash-talk the sword caused me to remember that I had been enjoying the sword before my break and I started wondering if in the few years I was gone the sword had indeed became trash... so I started build-crafting starting with where he was left at before I took a break... and I kinda lost interest in my thief.  I was happy to discover that the sword is not trash, there's just people who don't build around a weapon's skills or just don't mesh well with the sword similar to how I don't mesh with the GS or have different standards than i do.

Now, my warrior is my main once again.

Sorry for prattling on, but your question caused me to reflect a bit more on the last six or so months than I had expected.  Tl;dr: I had dalliances with the ele and thief, but didn't stray for long.


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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rev and mesmer, even tho thief is second most played, but i don't really enjoy thief, you can basically avoid any challenge and pick on the weak, it just works in pvp.

mesmer is one of the least played, because i suck at it, but does not stop me enjoying it.

rev is just a more enjoyable experience than warrior overall due to its viability and flexibility.

i used to enjoy holo as well(specially the rocket boot version), but it fall off from my list.

i still play warrior because i invested so much time in warrior during vanilla gw2(6 hours+ every day hardcore dueling during high school lol), so it's easy for me to play literally anything warrior.

and now i don't really have time to heavily invest into another class, i'd main rev by now if i still have the time like I had during high school.

Edited by felix.2386
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2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:





I main ranger and play my warrior and mesmer a lot lately. 🙂

just a heads up guys, if you're still roaming on the typical marauder/zerk, durability runes spellbreaker build (str/disc/spb), the damage is too low if youre solo roaming and the sustain gained isn't enough, pack runes synergizes far better with boons warrior needs. I'll put my build in the editor so you can start roaming again. The metabattle version doesn't work in the current meta, here's mine: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lNwCZiMMGKeuW6vbA-zVRYBRNyXMcBlSYhQmFQnJQvRgaHgA2DvF9PjAA-w

Try it out first before you criticize it please.

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17 minutes ago, Strider.7849 said:

I main ranger and play my warrior and mesmer a lot lately. 🙂

just a heads up guys, if you're still roaming on the typical marauder/zerk, durability runes spellbreaker build (str/disc/spb), the damage is too low if youre solo roaming and the sustain gained isn't enough, pack runes synergizes far better with boons warrior needs. I'll put my build in the editor so you can start roaming again. The metabattle version doesn't work in the current meta, here's mine: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lNwCZiMMGKeuW6vbA-zVRYBRNyXMcBlSYhQmFQnJQvRgaHgA2DvF9PjAA-w

Try it out first before you criticize it please.

Warrior has no support build, so druid became my go to swap if Warrior wasn't needed. 

Over Druid, I also started liking Soulbeast. Because if I entered a raid/Strike on my druid and heal wasn't needed, I could just swap to dps Soulbeast instead of dealing with loadscreens. 

Mesmer Was my least favorite class in the game until Virtuoso. This spec is simple, even more simple then Warrior. 

No thinking needed. Just basic smash buttons and kill stuff. Lazy fun. 

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Vindi, Tempest, Weaver, Holo, Chrono (OW)
Scourge for some PvP degen gameplay cause I don't care anymore and CmC clearly digs this ongoing fiesta.
In WvW I still mostly roll with warrior.
PvE in general is also still quite fun with core warr (still provides some challenge and mobs don't just die in a few seconds compared to e.g. Reaper).

edit: druid and scrapper were fun as well before the recent patch, did not touch them since then

Edited by Greyrat.2378
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Recently a new Sylvari Mirage (Meg Nut), with Trailblazers. Ridiculously tanky.

And I've also been playing my Norn core Thief a fair bit (Snuella), who's running Celestial and is equally tanky.

Sure, coming from running Berserker's on a lot of my other characters, they can take a bit longer to kill stuff. But on the flip side, they're really hard to kill.

I've been soloing HoT HPs with them quite effectively (except mushroom queen and Shrine of Balth, because those are poopy jerkfaces).

After Warrior, Mesmer's the profession I'm most familiar with. While I can appreciate the damage Virtuoso is capable of putting out, I don't like playing it, as I find it quite dull and not really very Mesmerising (I was going to say "mesmerish", but couldn't resist).

I love core thief D/D, as it's easy to understand and has great access to stealth. It might not be the most effective compared to its especs, but it's fun. I think if I do espec it, it'll probably be Deadeye, as that seems to synergise nicely with core thief play style.


However, both of those are HEAVILY leaning on condi, and it can be annoying how much easier it is to spec for condi on those compared to Warrior, especially as condi only has 2 stats to worry about, compared to a crit build's 3.

It's so much easier to get some survivability while still being effective as a condi build.

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I could be wrong here, but spell breaker open world is dead for me.

The change to martial cadence from quickness to stab is dumb IMO. 

now you need to choose aggressive onslaught over might makes right and sustain sucks.

I much prefered quickness on cadence. As warrior has stab coming out of its butt

I love warrior as a class, as its a clean non flashy experience. I feel like you are competing for boon on traits to much. 

I have been playing Rev, Vindicator is so OP compared to warrior in open world. 

maintains every single boom aside alac to itself. its personal DPS is well above 20k and ultra tanky.

can even spec into mega tank version for soloing stupid hard content and still maintain more personal DPS than warrior.

Edited by bhaldor.9837
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2 hours ago, bhaldor.9837 said:

I could be wrong here, but spell breaker open world is dead for me.

The change to martial cadence from quickness to stab is dumb IMO. 

now you need to choose aggressive onslaught over might makes right and sustain sucks.

I much prefered quickness on cadence. As warrior has stab coming out of its butt

I swapped from Spellbreaker to berserker. 


Strength Down/Down/Down

Defense Down/Down/Down

Zerker Up/mid/up. 

Firework Rune. 

5 rage skills. 


No adrenaline problems. Both Primal Burst of rifle and hammer daze. 😁

Fast AF.  

Perma quickness and Fury. 

Durable thanks to defense. 

Stability on mass. 

Sundering leap > F1 > 6 > F1. Is a triple jump. 


Most fun I had in ages. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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These days, I play with my Renegade more than my Warrior, because it simply is stronger. But I only do dailies these days anyway.

However, I wouldn't call Renegade my main. When there's new content, I'll always play it with my Warrior first.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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50 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:

i've been playin a bit of warr lately enjoying using arcing blade charge up now i got to figure out a way to earn fast stamina  refils so i can use arcing blade often.

If you're talking about Arcing Slice, I'm a fan of using Signet of Fury for the fill-up of Adrenaline, the chunk of Ferocity and the short cooldown. If you take Signet Mastery, you can stack up even more ferocity for big crit Arcing Slices.

If you're talking about Dragon Slash (the charge up part), you need stuff to increase flow. Most straight forward option would be the utility Flow Stabilizer. The elite skill Tactical Reload will get you more Flow Stabilizer charges for more flow.

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