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More dialogue with YOUR PLAYERBASE !!!

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It saddens me too see soo many posts which are trying too bring light on certain flaws of the game ie. Bugs, Broken builds issues.

Our community in the forums for the most part are engaging bringing up valid points for discussion and suggestions. Granted a lot of them are trolls, who write no constructive critisism or actual discourse.


This an old MMORPG the formula changed. The community has changed aswell. There is no interaction from what I see for the veteran players and the developers post that you (Anet) have tried too at least acknowledged your player base.

How is it possible after soo many years soo many of the same bugs are still an issue. You've abandoned dungeons, neglected the PvP community. Decided too not too invest in new Raids. You say open world and story mode will be your focus?!? However, there are still a lot of the same bugs since 5 or plus years ago? 

You release horrible content/skins as a easy cash grab from the Gemstore. You release skins that have nothing to do with GW2 aesthetics or art the art department has created. Look back on your videos and see what the game is.

I still have hope for this game. Which I loved playing back in my youth in GW1, this GW2 has been a hit or miss a lot of the times. I hope with this new way of making money every year a mini expansion will allow you too tackle bigger problems, then some skimpy skin or useless glider. However, personally its doesn't push me too buy this expansion.


It doesn't take much too make your community feel like they are being heard! 

This come from a player who played your games 10 plus years. I know im not alone on,  how I feel.


PS: Apologies for my English not my first language.

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There has too be some recognition from the feedback. Im sorry, Iv played alot of games that died due too neglet from the community since they opted for a quick cash grab.  

For example, as vehicles I'm not saying the consumer should be calling the shots on the design of the vehicle. But they ( The company) should at least hear out what the previous owners of the vehicle complained about and look into it.

The mentality of saying set designs are non negotiable will not end well for them. Alot of my friends from years of playing have quit the game or moved on due too Anets direction. Alot of new players I meet who fall in love with the game cycle through right after learning T4s, Ranked Pvp or some raids. 

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1 hour ago, Blindness.7215 said:

The mentality of saying set designs are non negotiable will not end well for them. 

Well, it is what it is then because it's highly unrealistic to think of an effective, efficient process where players contribute to the game design so that fewer are unhappy with game changes and in a way that takes the game in the direction Anet wants it to go. The idea that Players sit at the design table with the devs will make the game get 'better'  is a fallacy. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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Seems that your idea of "communication" is for devs to do everything that the complainers say and not follow their own vision of the game? Doesn't sound like communication to me.

"Change the game or it means you're not communicating".  If they "communicated" the fact that they won't add/change the things people wanted, then they would still be bitter and rant on the forums because it wouldn't be the type of communication some people would want.

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Nope, Im not saything that obviosuly. Would like too see more interaction between community & devs. If the community would have it their way where the majority of post are rants or trolls it would be odd. Other games I played had a lot better connection between the community and Devs from poll voting, little posts here and there about issues they are looking into etc etc 

5 minutes ago, Crono.4197 said:

Seems that your idea of "communication" is for devs to do everything that the complainers say and not follow their own vision of the game? Doesn't sound like communication to me.

"Change the game or it means you're not communicating".  If they "communicated" the fact that they won't add/change the things people wanted, then they would still be bitter and rant on the forums because it wouldn't be the type of communication some people would want.


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12 minutes ago, Blindness.7215 said:

Nope, Im not saything that obviosuly. Would like too see more interaction between community & devs. If the community would have it their way where the majority of post are rants or trolls it would be odd. Other games I played had a lot better connection between the community and Devs from poll voting, little posts here and there about issues they are looking into etc etc 


Again, don't convince yourself 'more interaction' is going to prevent your friends from leaving the game because Anet change it in ways they don't like. More interaction is simply going to lead to more disagreement and more 'Anet not listening' complaints from players because players don't understand they don't really have the scope of influence in how the game is designed as they think they do. 

The biggest problem is that players have somehow forgot that it's in EVERYONE'S best interests to make the game as good as it can be, including Anet. So when Anet makes a hard decision to change something, it's not done with malice or spite or lack of care or anything else. It's simply because they need to make that change for the game to go in the best direction they want to take it. Somehow people conveniently 'forget' that's their job. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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Dev tracker says there is a blog post on the 20th and at the very least addressing the concern about Legendary runes being nerfed because the bonus is being moved somewhere else. They are browsing the bug tracker and looking into problems with the July 18th (yesterday) patch. At some point you have to put faith in ArenaNet to make Guild Wars 2 the best game they want to make, and not the best game you want to play. Nothing is wrong admitting "We tried this type of content, and it did not work with our direction" and either move resources to content people do play or try another form of content that does work.

Edited by Hsanrb.1570
Grammer fail
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Most of the time when I see "Anet isn't listening to the commuy" it often means "Anet isn't listening to me" . 

People act like the community is one singular, unified, entity when the reality is it's made up of individuals who all want something different. 

Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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1 minute ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

what make you think, part of us arent shareholders

If you are a shareholder, then you understand Anet can't please everyone all the time ... I mean, ESPECIALLY as someone that holds shares, you should understand that. Do you assume as a shareholder that Anet isn't trying to make the best decisions for the game? If you do assume that, why do you even hold shares if your confidence in Anet's ability to do what's best for the game is so low?

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16 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

what make you think, part of us arent shareholders

I never said that anyone wasn't.

I didn't quote the post, but I was responding to

1 hour ago, Blindness.7215 said:

There has too be some recognition from the feedback.

No.  Anet does not have to provide recognition to anyone in the public forum.  Their duty is to their shareholders.  If you happen to be one, then you have other avenues to pursue to make your point to the company instead of the public forum.

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12 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

If you are a shareholder, then you understand Anet can't please everyone all the time ... I mean, ESPECIALLY as someone that holds shares, you should understand that. Do you assume as a shareholder that Anet isn't trying to make the best decisions for the game?

Thay read feedbacks, and putting stuff according of priorities, it's just take long time

Good example is quick heal scrapper, after feedback thay implemented quickness to it after 0,5y, and it took them next 2y to expriement, and scalper it 2-3 times before it started to work 

Similar is with heal alac scorge right now, when it's in experimental phase, diference is it will take them shorter now, as thay focusing on whats right now, racher then making new elites



If you do assume that, why do you even hold shares if your confidence in Anet's ability to do what's best for the game is so low?

Cuz ncsoft actions are rly cheap right now in my opinion



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15 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

Thay read feedbacks, and putting stuff according of priorities, it's just take long time

Sure, but that doesn't change what I'm saying. You are asking what if some players are shareholders. The situation doesn't change ... everyone wants what's best for the game. Either as a player or a shareholder or BOTH ... if the game is going in a direction I don't agree with, there are options to either 1) not buy things or 2) sell shares. 

15 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

Mhm, so if i like witcher/cyberpunk, i can't have cdproject shares as consumer and feedback them from inside cuz "having other avenues to pursue" is more importent

Sure you can ... nothing I said should indicate you can't. The part that is most interesting to me is that as a shareholder, low level events like 'balance patches' don't even show up on the radar. Again, it's simply sensational to think that balance patches have THAT much influence on the business. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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57 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Got a source for that?

I can't give the source without compromise it so you are indeed allowed to call me a liar (and I don't care).

But if I put the words "asura arena" and "long corridor full of technology" together, the majority can't understand but some insiders can.

I am the mad guy of the forums. The guy who tell noninteligible things. If I can convince at least one people, I am happy with that.

Edited by Anvar.5673
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2 hours ago, Anvar.5673 said:

They dropped the dungeons, raids and now they're are dropping the Guild Wars license for another toy but they will never be honest with their community: the milk cow must continue to produce. That's the Andy's syndrome: "I don't want to play with you anymore."

Thank you for the input! was curious what do you mean they are "dropping the GW license for another toy" My english is not the best and sometimes google translator doesn't make it justice.


if you have an article or something feel free too post it.


Thank you!

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3 hours ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

Most of the time when I see "Anet isn't listening to the commuy" it often means "Anet isn't listening to me" . 

People act like the community is one singular, unified, entity when the reality is it's made up of individuals who all want something different. 

I hope you see that is not the case here, I see other games have Q&A events/streams, community mod managers and polls. Personally, as a customer of a MMORPG I see it important creating a bridge or an illusion of it between community and company.

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I will add that the same people with hundred of messages who are hanging on the forums since years will always try to discredit people who have different opinions with confused reactions (some even looked at my older messages to put confused reactions even if of my ideas were well received by the majority) but at the end the silent majority always balance the debate.

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5 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Anet doesn't have to do anything other than make profits for their shareholders.

Well technically this isn't true either.

But since most of us here probably aren't interested in the internal finances of their business, that's just a subject for another day.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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they've tried to communicate better many times before, but players always go completely rabid on them. out of all the threads on the forums maybe a third of the posts aren't some complaint, and about half of them are outright insulting arenanet and the game.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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