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Relics Bring New Equipment to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hi all, I've got a few more answers to questions we've seen frequently. I'll add these to my original post as well:

  • Why only "progress towards," rather than rewarding the relic itself? 
    • The relic will need to be unlocked separately because relics will have new abilities beyond those covered by runes previously, and the legendary relic will be capable of expanding with new relic releases.

That seems like strange logic to me. If the abilities in these Relics weren't being spun off from the sixth Rune bonus and were instead new Rune sets then they'd be available to anyone with Legendary Runes as soon as they hit the servers.

It's a distinction that only exists because ArenaNet have created it, isn't it?

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1 hour ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

I'd much rather see the inclusion of the legendary aquatic breather

All very good points and something I'm not opposed to at all. One of the biggest influences for why I didn't make the last legendary rune was because there was no breather to go with it. I have all the mats for it I just never wanted to use it until they introduced the breather, and if they never did no harm. Even a super vague promise of something extra for that 7th rune isn't a very compelling reason for me wanting to make it because the cost is just too high (despite the fact the cost would be the same with a legendary breather, but the collectionist in me would be happy having everything purple).

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The Relic coming soonTM update where legendary armour and runes are being devalued because "get these and you are set for the rest of the games life" is now something that is not true when it comes to legend gear and I find it hilarious. Cause what's stop them doing this again?

I really feel for the people who got a full legendary rune set only to have the rug pulled out from under them as now they have to wait 15+ months to have the functionality they already have now, again. No difference besides maybe a slight increase in stats and only a 15month wait for legendary relics that will only go down well if the people who already have 7 runes unlocked, get the relic free and handed to them once its in game. 

If they don't and they still need to farm regardless and spend hundreds of gold regardless to get back what players had 15 months prior.... haha. I really don't understand the point of doing this to people who have spent the time and money getting legendary stuff unlocked and then pulling this on them. 

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Please rethink your strategy regarding legendary rune compensation.

The time, grinding, resources and effort to get the 6-7 legendary runes should merit a legendary relic.

In the words of Mukluks video concerning this issue, it is "a bitter pill to swallow".

Take this situation as an opportunity to properly reward a loyal customer base. 

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4 hours ago, Antina.5973 said:


thank you for clarification. However do you mean specific boon/condi duration. like burning duration on Flame Legion runes, or only the general effects saying explicitly "+x% Boon Duration" or "+y% Condition Duration"?

Or in other words, do I understand correctly that both effects: "+10% Burning Duration" and "+10% Condition Duration" and all variations of those are to stay on  runes? 🙂


Just look at the rune of snowfall and you know what Rubi is talking about.

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I have mixed feelings about the relics. I do not own legendary runes, but I can understand the concern people with legendary runes have with this change. They made these runes for a reason, and one of these reasons will now be taken away. 

On one side, it seems like this change will open up for more interesting build variations, and I’m curious what it will add to the game. 

On the other side, I’m sceptical because it’s such a massive change and we know too little about it at this point. I’ll wait until it releases and we know more about this before I make my judgment about relics. It can be a good change, or a really terrible one. 

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1 minute ago, Freya.9075 said:

It can be a good change, or a really terrible one. 

I'd like to think in general people can see it's a positive change, being able to be more flexible with your builds, having new toys to play with, creating new playstyles. I think where it's falling pretty flat was it is a change being implemented without considering the impact to the game as a whole, and was made without remembering that legendary runes were a thing. The compensation doesn't seem particularly appealing because it's so vague that nobody can put a value to it, and it's compounded by this idea of 6 vs 7 runes which feels a little bitter when the value of that 7th rune was already pretty low, and all legendary rune value is going to suffer from the change (making that 7th rune feel even worse to craft).

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8 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

The Relic coming soonTM update where legendary armour and runes are being devalued because "get these and you are set for the rest of the games life" is now something that is not true when it comes to legend gear and I find it hilarious. Cause what's stop them doing this again?

I really feel for the people who got a full legendary rune set only to have the rug pulled out from under them as now they have to wait 15+ months to have the functionality they already have now, again. No difference besides maybe a slight increase in stats and only a 15month wait for legendary relics that will only go down well if the people who already have 7 runes unlocked, get the relic free and handed to them once its in game. 

If they don't and they still need to farm regardless and spend hundreds of gold regardless to get back what players had 15 months prior.... haha. I really don't understand the point of doing this to people who have spent the time and money getting legendary stuff unlocked and then pulling this on them. 


8 minutes ago, Arrow Blade of El Elyon.9341 said:

Please rethink your strategy regarding legendary rune compensation.

The time, grinding, resources and effort to get the 6-7 legendary runes should merit a legendary relic.

In the words of Mukluks video concerning this issue, it is "a bitter pill to swallow".

Take this situation as an opportunity to properly reward a loyal customer base. 

So much these. Six runes should be enough considering how neglected underwater anything is. 

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Full disclosure; I do have all 7 legendary runes (and 4 legendary sigils).

The significant progress will definitely need it be clarified; if the remaining progress is basically the same as crafting an 8th rune; I could live with that.
However if it instead only gets me half way there and/or involves non open world content (PvP/WvW/Fractals/Strikes/Raids) to actually unlock it that's going to be a problem.

Edited by Sjentra.3409
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1 hour ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

Can you please confirm if the legendary relic requires the SotO expansion to complete or not?  This information is kind of important since this relic is taking a feature away from a pre existing non SotO legendary item.

Actually this is very important information. Cause as it stands if they also lock a feature we currently already have behind paying real life money for then legendary relics will have a paywall... to get back something we already had 15 months prior to it being added in a 2024 quarter. 

After the way IBS was handled and the disaster that was EoD I wasn't planning on buying anything more from Anet, if they also pull this after already pulling the rug under from anyone whose ever unlocked a legendary as now none are safe and none mean your account is "finished in this slot" anymore I'll be surprised if anyone is happy. 

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19 minutes ago, cat.8975 said:

So the legendary rune recipe is going to become cheaper to reflect the loss of functionality, right?

The cost of the legendary runes are not controlled by arenanet, are controlled by the trading post. Will be cheaper if we cant use charms and symbols to make profit and we stop buying them. Not because arenanet say  "some people are sad because they will have to do other legendary doing content 2-3 days and paying the gold equivalent to a 10h fishing in crystal oasis"

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3 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Actually this is very important information. Cause as it stands if they also lock a feature we currently already have behind paying real life money for then legendary relics will have a paywall... to get back something we already had 15 months prior to it being added in a 2024 quarter. 

After the way IBS was handled and the disaster that was EoD I wasn't planning on buying anything more from Anet, if they also pull this after already pulling the rug under from anyone whose ever unlocked a legendary as now none are safe and none mean your account is "finished in this slot" anymore I'll be surprised if anyone is happy. 

Yes, you will need SOTO and probably all expansions to do achievements since they said you will have relics exclusive from expansions and u wont get them without paying SOTO, HoT+PoF and EoD

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3 minutes ago, Vortus.2801 said:

The cost of the legendary runes are not controlled by arenanet, are controlled by the trading post

Yes, but actually no. The individual items that make up the patterns that are required for the legendary are controlled by TP prices, but the pattern itself could have reduced resource requirements, thereby reducing the cost of each legendary rune.

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3 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

All very good points and something I'm not opposed to at all. One of the biggest influences for why I didn't make the last legendary rune was because there was no breather to go with it. I have all the mats for it I just never wanted to use it until they introduced the breather, and if they never did no harm. Even a super vague promise of something extra for that 7th rune isn't a very compelling reason for me wanting to make it because the cost is just too high (despite the fact the cost would be the same with a legendary breather, but the collectionist in me would be happy having everything purple).

The 7th rune slot is absolutely not required and you're not really missing much not having it, 6 runes is all that's needed for 99.9% of situations and players, it's actually somewhat niche for most builds and probably even classes to be honest due to the aquatic weapon skills being a mixed bag. When i'm playing reaper it's absolutely a benefit to have it because i'm still in reaper shroud with reaper skills underwater (and necro aquatic weapons are actually on the better side of the scale i feel) so the value of having 6 set scholar is still there for those times when your group are relying on you and maybe one other dps to do all the work in aquatic ruins for example. But for a lot of builds its already so unoptimized that its not really going to make or break it.

Even though i'd get by just fine by simply using a regular scholar rune in the slot for that scenario and a nightmare for scourge, the completionism in me wanted it and i don't regret it because i always have that freedom to experiment and change and never EVER have to care about needing another rune (like before they merged dungeon currencies), but it's absolutely no where near the value of the first 6. Part of it stems from me having the sigils too for aquatic weapons due to the requirement of needing to have the same sigil on an aquatic weapon as a land weapon in order to not lose stacks when you dip in water (quite big for wvw).

The wvw part is something people forget about a lot when you talk about aquatic gear, again it's not mandatory but it really does help in the situations you do end up underwater, and that 7th slot gives value there.

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Welp, that answers the question then.

You've just invalidated the work of all legendary rune holders, told us to kitten off for a year, broke all our builds, will make us keep re-stocking and juggling relics while hunting for the rune bonuses again for a full year until we are blessed by ArenaNet™ to start grinding our way back to our existing quality of life once legendary relics finally come out (if ever).

Can we scrap all of this and go back to the times of ArcTemplates?

Edited by Nuunes.5046
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7 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Still, the person who bought a full set of legendary runes (over $70) did so knowing that they included sixth tier bonuses. When you buy a package that lists something as included in the package, then you have paid for that something.

ANet is choosing to take that something, the sixth tier bonus, away. It is within their right to do so. I am not arguing otherwise. But, if they want to placate those whom they are planning to deprive of the value of their purchase then the onus is on them. They created the problem. They created the complexity or specifics that make it difficult for them to restore what the player paid for. If it is too hard for them to address the matter in a satisfactory manner for those paying customers who are negatively impacted...they should have considered that before designing the system, ajd should be prepared for the backlash.



Are you speaking about you did RMT to buy the full set? Or why are u speaking about dollars cost... In gems conversion is like 130$ so you only can get that price doing RMT. Thats illegal and you can be perma banned for that.

Anyway, things change. You paid to have all the runes in one place, and it will remain that way because the runes don't disappear, they just change. If you don't like it, that's how it is. As compensation, you'll get to access to the legendary relic earlier, but if you have such little interest in playing the game and playing content to unlock more things in the game, maybe you should reconsider. The issue you're talking about doesn't exist for 95% of the players, only the 5% who make noise in the forums.

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12 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Actually this is very important information. Cause as it stands if they also lock a feature we currently already have behind paying real life money for then legendary relics will have a paywall... to get back something we already had 15 months prior to it being added in a 2024 quarter. 

This is the exact reason i want to know and suspect everyone else does too, it's really not a great precedent to set.

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1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

We recognize most players will have only crafted up to 6 runes, but for players that have crafted seven, the extra effort will be recognized. That said, there is no requirement to make 7 legendary runes.


Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics.

Can you confirm whether legendary runes will be a requirement for crafting legendary relic via some kind of collection?

If so, that could be a pretty steep price if you just wanted the relic for the bonus with no desire to use legendary runes with their diminished role in builds.

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1 minute ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

This is the exact reason i want to know and suspect everyone else does too, it's really not a great precedent to set.

The expansion costs $25 and gives you hundreds or thousands of hours of gameplay. Are you really going to decide whether to buy an expansion based on something like a legendary relic? I don't think so.

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1 minute ago, Vortus.2801 said:

Anyway, things change. You paid to have all the runes in one place, and it will remain that way because the runes don't disappear, they just change.

I hate this argument because its A) dismissive, B) Doesn't actually address the concerns people have at all (nobody is saying that their runes are being taken away, rather they are being significantly devalued) and C) is such a crap mentality towards products people paid for just because it didn't affect you.

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Thank you for this.

Well, as long as I still have my Fireworks Runes, I'm happy, because they complement some classes incredibly well in open world and WvW, thanks to their power, boon duration, movement speed, and their bundle of Might + Fury + Vigor every 20 seconds.
The same goes for Rune of Speed, which makes classes like Reaper not feel terrible to move.

I was worried you were actually going to turn everything into "Use your Heal/Elite to trigger this..." variations.

Edited by XxsdgxX.8109
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11 minutes ago, Vortus.2801 said:

Yes, you will need SOTO and probably all expansions to do achievements since they said you will have relics exclusive from expansions and u wont get them without paying SOTO, HoT+PoF and EoD

I very much doubt you will need all of the expansions. A/Net have been pretty good with that in the past. All that happens is that the legendary armor, as an example, doesn't let you choose stat combinations from expansions that you don't own.

That said, I re-read the blog post and it looks like you will need SOTO:

"Legendary relics will be introduced to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure during one of the quarterly releases in 2024."

If they said "Legendary relics will be introduced to Guild Wars 2 during one of the quarterly releases in 2024." then that would imply that it will be available to everyone but the fact that they said "Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure" implies that you will need the expansion.

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