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11th Anniversary...??? [Merged]

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The 10th anniversary event was unusual (and probably because it was a significant number). In previous years the only anniversary celebrations have been gem store sales (which are going on already) and the oldest player characters getting their new birthday gifts. Since an 11th anniversary isn't as significant as a 10th and SotO will launch just before it wouldn't surprise me if they go back to the usual format for the game's anniversary instead of having an additional event.

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I'm guessing:

2 Birthday Booster
5 Teleport to Friend
1 Bag of Spirit Shards
1 Birthday Card
2 Black Lion Statuette
1 Proof of Legend

There Can be Only Ones Anniversary Achievement Box
1  Delectable Birthday Dyes
1  Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock
2  Anniversary Weapon Pack
2  Dragon Decade Weapon Pack

I doubt there will be anything at the level of the Black Lion Special Mount Selection License this year, but I'd guess probably one more item of some sort either with the gift or in the gemstore. Another Black Lion Special Mount Selection License would be really awesome though.

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1 hour ago, Thelgar.7214 said:

I'm guessing:

2 Birthday Booster
5 Teleport to Friend
1 Bag of Spirit Shards
1 Birthday Card
2 Black Lion Statuette
1 Proof of Legend

There Can be Only Ones Anniversary Achievement Box
1  Delectable Birthday Dyes
1  Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock
2  Anniversary Weapon Pack
2  Dragon Decade Weapon Pack

I doubt there will be anything at the level of the Black Lion Special Mount Selection License this year, but I'd guess probably one more item of some sort either with the gift or in the gemstore. Another Black Lion Special Mount Selection License would be really awesome though.

I think you're not recognizing the difference between character birthday presents and anniversary event (which included gifts, like the mount selection licence you're mentioning here -regardless of the character's age). Last year anniversary was a special event because it was a full decade -nice round 10 years of the game going. Doubt there will be the game's anniversary event this year, outside of the regular gemstore discounts.

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On 7/22/2023 at 2:55 AM, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

And your 1 wardrobe unlock. Do not spend it all at one place.

Personally I would like a infinite personal celectrial exotic maintaince oil (gear icon). Not something you place on the ground like the cake.

That wardrobe unlock is one of my favorite parts of the birthday.  Don't you mess with my wardrobe unlock!

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6 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

I wouldn't mind having a vet specific item that gives recognition of being a veteran of the game not something that makes it ground breaking or what not. But at least something for those that have put time in and stuck around all of these years. Not a title or weapon skin nor food cakes that give crappy stats maybe  a emote. 

So far in addition to titles the unique items they've given us are:

  • A mini pet (1 year)
  • A cake gun (2 years)
  • A finisher (3 years)
  • A mail carrier (4 years)
  • 5 backpacks (4-8 years)
  • A weapon set (5+ years)
  • Armour sets for each weight (6-8 years)
  • A 'chair' / emote (7 years)
  • An enrichment (8 years)
  • A cake feast (9 years)

So any of those will work to show you've been playing for at least the number of years required to get it. Although for that purpose the cake feast does have the downside that it's not clear who placed it. (And if the idea is to impress other players it also has the downside that I see them everywhere so it's unlikely anyone would think twice at another 9+ year old player showing up.) I can't remember the last time I saw anyone using the victory rock chair, but as that can't be rarer than the cake feast I assume it's just less popular.

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Would make sense to cap it at 10 - is a nice number. At least regarding the unique stuff. That way new players could catch up. And for the old players some voucher or something (stuff you could get in another way - from gem store ... but here as a repeatable gift with a repeatable achievement every year after the 10th one, for the once per account stuff).

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2 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Idk it's just that alot of them feel kinda worthless so when the character birthday comes around it's like huh this is something I guess. Nothing really makes it worth being a veteran of the game.

That makes sense to me. I can't imagine any in-game item being worth playing for 10 years to get. But then I also can't imagine anyone playing for 10 years just to get an item to show they've played for 10 years.

I think the entire game is supposed to make it worth being a veteran and the birthday gifts are just a random extra bonus.

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On 8/20/2023 at 7:24 AM, Tic Tac Toe.1482 said:

Give us a reusable utility bonus like the Feast of Delectable Birthday Cake and good to go.  Useful but not game breaking and rewarding to long time players.

I thought we were going to get this sort of thing for #10. I would love to have the set of 2 for basic boosting in my shared inventory slots.

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1 hour ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

I wouldn't mind having a vet specific item that gives recognition of being a veteran of the game not something that makes it ground breaking or what not. But at least something for those that have put time in and stuck around all of these years. Not a title or weapon skin nor food cakes that give crappy stats maybe  a emote. 

Do you mean someone that created an account 10 years ago, regardless of whether they've played since then? Or do you mean players that have so many hours logged in?  🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Do you mean someone that created an account 10 years ago, regardless of whether they've played since then? Or do you mean players that have so many hours logged in?  🤷‍♂️

I mean it could be either way in all honesty. If people are late to a party they don't just reset that party since that  one party member was late and missed out  witnessing the opening  of the presents. People are not going to rewrap those presents and be like ooo and ahh in shock to witness a second reopening of same old crap they see every year.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That makes sense to me. I can't imagine any in-game item being worth playing for 10 years to get. But then I also can't imagine anyone playing for 10 years just to get an item to show they've played for 10 years.

I think the entire game is supposed to make it worth being a veteran and the birthday gifts are just a random extra bonus.

True one would think so but how many things warrant even wanting to play for years on end. World versus world has been abandoned for years for the pve cash grab which eod was hilarious that they ticked off their pve crowd because boo hoo  a mount from an expansion and to achieve it requires completing a so so difficult boss fight. I mean idk at this point I rather they let the pve nerds play with their 11 years of content and let wvw get some end game crap because it's been shelved multiple times and screwed with to the point where weapons and traits are never used because they got gutted to the point of old school dungeons level of interactivity and tactics who ever heard of those 🤣?

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Oh, I forgot that was today. My oldest characters will have to have a joint birthday tomorrow.

I imagine Wraith Darkblade would be quite annoyed I forgot his birthday, again. But he lives in my mind, he knows what a mess it is in there. He'll also be annoyed that he's once again spending it in a cave because he's on daily duty so he's currently stuck at the end of a jumping puzzle.

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They seem to be doing it the right way. No new title from what I have seen. (Just got my stuff now - I did not play from end 2013 until 2019 but my first chars were from back then 2012 head start.) The char-wide thing got me a karma item 5000 karma. And 30 spirit shards. And then other stuff ... did not notice cause it went to the other slots where I have already placed some of those items. The UI at the right showed proof of legends and 2 statuettes again I think.

The account-wide thing also continuing the previous stuff. More proof of legends. Dye. And then weapons from the 2 set they started - I guess we will get that one repeatedly now and maybe they'll at other stuff earliest as someone could have completed the whole sets.  (Then we'll finally be "old enough" lol.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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