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why isnt willbender nerfed in wvw? ​​


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Honestly any nerf would be welcome, but looks like they plan to buff it



  • Conceited Curate: This trait now grants 180 vitality instead of healing power.
  • Roiling Light: This skill now grants resistance instead of swiftness.


Edited by Loke.1429
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9 hours ago, harry.4267 said:

yeah, high alert when i see a will bender.. nothing else has that burst, insta kill, u cant stop them!


The Balance in the game is a Disgrace and with Willbender Profession Toxic design, you can clearly see what Anet vision of "Balance" is- Toxic Game Design. Then there are current MMo's in the market including new upcoming MMo's in the Gaming Market, which Balance Game Design which encourages the players to play Competitively whereas in Anet Guild Wars 2 game, the players instantly gets one shot, stun, instantly killed in stealth..

The more you give other Company games a chance without having their game being the 'best' combat, the more you will Appreciate them for not following in Anet footset of  encouperating Toxic Game Design being called "Balance" in their game

Anet will never change and will continue to encorperate Toxic Game Design in their "Balance", as long we continue to stick arround and putting up with it

"When You Care For Someone More Than They Deserve, Their Happiness Matters More Than Yours"

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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7 hours ago, harry.4267 said:

yeah, high alert when i see a will bender.. nothing else has that burst, insta kill, u cant stop them!

Imo they need to loose mobility and be more back and forward but skills need target (iv seen sillybender disappearing in dash teleport dash teleport and I can no longer see it to mobile)

They can be quite bursty with the condis sometimes way to much 9k ticks no matter how much burn and condis u cleanse only dedicated condi cleanse build  can stale fight  the sillybenders ive seen, I haven't  played much mine besides a +1 (plus oner) but   I am the fatality that comes in a duel lol 0 change insta high condis and the amount of boons is idiotic and a am not even good with that spec.

Any class that does not have  block duration skills and have low condi cleanses will die easily and way to fast to sillybenders, but still overall is carrying way to much the players.


Note I can stale match with a bender but everything I do Is dodge  block its burst the minimal mistake or delay its 20k hp down in 2 seconds or if the strong condis get covered and I ended cleanse the weakest ones, and burn keeps ticking.. RIP, that's how I have playing as well.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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10 hours ago, harry.4267 said:

yeah, high alert when i see a will bender.. nothing else has that burst, insta kill, u cant stop them!



This Is Dispicable For A Game Company To Call This "Balance" Especially For A 10 Years+ Old "MMO Game"


Anet, Keep It Up With Your Toxic Game Design. You Will Never Get An Expansion Out Of Me!!

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:



This Is Dispicable For A Game Company To Call This "Balance" Especially For A 10 Years+ Old "MMO Game"


Anet, Keep It Up With Your Toxic Game Design. You Will Never Get An Expansion Out Of Me!!

Burn, here is the issue with this style of video, what was the other side setup as? 

So if a player drops a Willy after a video like this, do they also need nerfed?

If those are then killed by others do they need nerfed?

Mileage varies from player to player. But I still haven't seen Willy as best in spot and seen parties of Willy die to smaller numbers on this side myself.

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I play 1 of each espec and a few core classes in wvw, totalling 29 characters.

When I play my dedicated willbbender it's laughably overperforming to the point of meme.

Harbinger and Catalyst aren't far behind.

I feel sorry for maybe a third of my characters, nerfed into below average oblivion.

I don't enjoy playing willbender due to the lack of challenge it effortlessly brings .

Even random button mashing will produce infinite bags.

Anyone maining wb isn't as good a player as they like to think they are.

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6 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:



This Is Dispicable For A Game Company To Call This "Balance" Especially For A 10 Years+ Old "MMO Game"


Anet, Keep It Up With Your Toxic Game Design. You Will Never Get An Expansion Out Of Me!!

I'm not going to state an opinion either way, but... I will say that montages do not carry as much weight for your case than a recorded livestream or at least continuous gameplay session would. As an average WvW / PvP player I could take any high damage glass cannon type build on any profession and produce a montage like this if you give me enough time. I would fail and die many times for each "gg ez" one shot play, but I can just cut those out.

Love the honesty at the end though.

Edited by Remus Darkblight.1673
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26 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

kitten the personal vendetta is real. And another time the thread got resurrected by the author of it.

Lol thanks for the laughs. I post in a thread I made with info not mentioned before... Such shock, such conspiracy much wow. Also "Ressurected" is not the right term, look it up.

I'm posting here to help to help anet have a balance that keeps more players engaged. No high expectations from me though, since they willfully ignore relevant repeated (e.g. these 14pages) feedback about outlier specs. Possibly Trig and Roy can help put the current excel sheet balance logic in the trash can. Maybe this is the last time I bother to give to give them any feedback, and instead just play the most OP toxic spec, and then troll the forums with gaslighting together with you. Alternatively just not play.

Edited by Loke.1429
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1 hour ago, Loke.1429 said:

Lol thanks for the laughs. I post in a thread I made with info not mentioned before... Such shock, such conspiracy much wow. Also "Ressurected" is not the right term, look it up.

I'm posting here to help to help anet have a balance that keeps more players engaged. No high expectations from me though, since they willfully ignore relevant repeated (e.g. these 14pages) feedback about outlier specs. Possibly Trig and Roy can help put the current excel sheet balance logic in the trash can. Maybe this is the last time I bother to give to give them any feedback, and instead just play the most OP toxic spec, and then troll the forums with gaslighting together with you. Alternatively just not play.

funny that u even went through my profile and confused emote on some of my posts about wb in the guard forums. These 14 pages are mostly about how wb is not a problem at all and that there are many other specs that are as or even more powerful than wb. It just seems that you personally have issues with it. I have seen it multiple times now that this thread was gone for several days and then you came in and resurrected it, just like this time.

You should probably step back from the game for a while. You are extremely biased and seem to be very angry/mad atm.

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1 minute ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Range and thief

Thief I can see and would agree, it is a good thief chaser. Range I can see as well with its gap closers. Do your range run range and melee for close action? I am usually facing Willy in melee or with Melee/Range mixes which is why I ask. A lot of my mixed builds are trying to draw players into melee range. It's been a good tactic against Willies to not have to try and chase them. I don't disagree they have a lot of escape options. Appreciate the details.

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28 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Thief I can see and would agree, it is a good thief chaser. Range I can see as well with its gap closers. Do your range run range and melee for close action? I am usually facing Willy in melee or with Melee/Range mixes which is why I ask. A lot of my mixed builds are trying to draw players into melee range. It's been a good tactic against Willies to not have to try and chase them. I don't disagree they have a lot of escape options. Appreciate the details.

I run axe /wh gs i only solo roam and have since game came out, actualy played quite a bit willbender too.

Dont play willbender any more as it makes me feel dirty bc it is so overpreforming compared to other classes.

I would say nerf the sustain it have as if you nerf the dmg it will only be a tank and if you remove some of the mobilety it will lose its identety.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/12/2023 at 12:21 PM, Loke.1429 said:

Honestly any nerf would be welcome, but looks like they plan to buff it


Rolling Light as we brought up before is pretty much unused, and will continue to be so.

 Curate is kinda weird though that's more of a sidegrade. That's only taken on support zerg  willbender which is extremely niche, and I don't actually understand that one; maybe for a sustain build the devs play?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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