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why isnt willbender nerfed in wvw? ​​


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2 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

And for you that's an acceptable result or what?

Endless resets, staying at 1500 range like some annonying toilet fly, waiting for you to play the game and gank you unless you port back to spawn or keep. I bet ANet lost thousands of players in the last 10 years just because thief exists. And thief's current most degenerated form is deadeye.

Which is why I'm asking how did you get them to manage to stay and actually fight them, because of the above. It's just such a waste of time usually.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Its funny we are fightning underworld+vabbi this week and I have had not one but two willbenders on the same meta builds whisper the usual random garbage. Did daredevils finally hop over to willbenders or something? Its been many months since even one of them whispered!

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30 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Its funny we are fightning underworld+vabbi this week and I have had not one but two willbenders on the same meta builds whisper the usual random garbage. Did daredevils finally hop over to willbenders or something? Its been many months since even one of them whispered!

Can i see those meta builds?

...ofc for research purpose ... 🤥

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Perhaps you could record your next losing fight with a Willbender so we can see what you do and give you some advice?

Are you using active defenses, dodges, mobility and range to mitigate the key damage skills? What is your build? What are you even playing?

GW2 has a lot of different specs and a fair number of them work as rock < paper < scissors to one another.


Some fights are an uphill struggle and the best you might do is to simply die slowly against an equally skilled player, some fights are much easier as your spec vs another.


For example, some fights I know I need to be aggressive from the start and continue the momentum. Some fights I need to feint an aggressive start then go defensive from their burst and then riposte and go back on the offensive after avoiding them. Some fights I need to be defensive right from the start before trying to counter once the opening burst threats are over.

Some I just can't beat them, but it's fun to try anyway, rather than complain on the forums. What's the joy in a game where everything is easy? If you want that just go play condi P/P Thief and win every 1v1 in a frustrating way.

If you're an Ele then Fresh Air and Cele can both wreck all Guardian specs, Scepter is your friend.

Edited by Ezrael.6859
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Solution: Guardian Profession-Willbender must be deleted alongside with other Bad Design Specializations and Professions. Nothing more or less!!

Also do take note: Bad Design can not be Band-Aid "nerfed"

"A House Build On A Broken-Cracked Foundation Will Eventually Collapse"

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 7/21/2023 at 8:36 PM, babana.7521 said:

WvW forum has become the Nerf everything forum.

Honestly that's the whole gw2 forums in general, 4 or so Years ago there was 10x the amount of people contributing to threads and half the nerf this and nerf that threads, there were still nerf threads but not as many it seemed like. There was also far more interesting thread topic vs the as u mentioned just merf x threads we see now. Most players of gw2 consider the forums a meme and avoid setting foot in here these days. Now that ele is toned down another class will be the new op class/build that needs nerfed down, even though it existed as is since before the pitchforks went after ele lol, than after whatever class was chosen is nerfed the forum warriors will choose another op class and so on, never ends here in the gw2 forums. I like to come in for a quick laugh to see what class is next in line as being op lol.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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The bartender passed the drink over to Scissors nodding their head slowly as Scissors laid out their day and how bad it went. Rock strode up and patted Scissors on the back with a bright smile on their face. How are you doing was their words while a sparkle was in their eyes. At least until Paper came thru the door. Scissors immediately brighten as they hosted their drink and said, hey buddy we are over here! Seeing this Rock also ordered a drink while grumbling about some jerk.

Meanwhile Lizard and Spock waited in the corner booth chuckling and waiting to make their move. A good time would be had by all that night.

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5 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

The bartender passed the drink over to Scissors nodding their head slowly as Scissors laid out their day and how bad it went. Rock strode up and patted Scissors on the back with a bright smile on their face. How are you doing was their words while a sparkle was in their eyes. At least until Paper came thru the door. Scissors immediately brighten as they hosted their drink and said, hey buddy we are over here! Seeing this Rock also ordered a drink while grumbling about some jerk.

Meanwhile Lizard and Spock waited in the corner booth chuckling and waiting to make their move. A good time would be had by all that night.

Why is Spock in the story, I don't get it.

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On 7/25/2023 at 7:05 AM, Burnfall.9573 said:

Solution: Guardian Profession-Willbender must be deleted alongside with other Bad Design Specializations and Professions. Nothing more or less!!

Also do take note: Bad Design can not be Band-Aid "nerfed"

"A House Build On A Broken-Cracked Foundation Will Eventually Collapse"

Burn......did you build one? Have you played it to figure how to counter it? 

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8 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Burn......did you build one? Have you played it to figure how to counter it? 

yes my friend, I did build one and I find it Ludicrously a Bad Design specialization which has absolutely nothing to do with Guardian Profession whose roles are support/healer role. So I play a Support/healer role instead.

I have no Patience, Desire nor Tolerance in playing a clown role Profession 

-there are many games in the gaming market which markets clown fiesta circus games-


As you can, Anet has absolutely no desire in turning Guild Wars 2 into a serious competitive game.

Bad Design, Circus Gimmicks....are the face of Guild Wars 2

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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5 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

yes my friend, I did build one and I find it Ludicrously a Bad Design specialization which has absolutely nothing to do with Guardian Profession whose roles are support/healer role. So I play a Support/healer role instead.

I have no Patience, Desire nor Tolerance in playing a clown role Profession 

-there are many games in the gaming market which markets clown fiesta circus games-


As you can, Anet has absolutely no desire in turning Guild Wars 2 into a serious competitive game.

Bad Design, Circus Gimmicks....are the face of Guild Wars 2

Good, then I will share details.

While using a melee only class I think I would say I have fought 4 Willies that I couldn't beat after multiple tries. Will I try again, yes its good practice. There have been tons others that really didn't stand out and were just dodged as they blew thru their rotations and either died or did their best to run away. When switching to more ranged builds was even easier to drop by just using positioning and kiting. I wouldn't call my melee heavy build I am referring to as OP either since the same can be applied to most melee heavy class/builds, be good at range and positioning and you can break down all melee classes. To me Willy is no different.

Now when I ran into the first one that beat me three times in a row was when I decided I needed to build one to adjust tactics. They make really good catch them and anti-runthief builds. People don't see the red warning lines. A lot of people just stand in the condi. And we still have a lot of people that don't carry enough condi clears for whatever reason be that class, build, choice or various reasons. The fact of running condi clears may be why my main-alt Warrior does well against a lot of them since as I plan on getting hit with a lot of condi. So in the end I think the ones that I noted above were less the class and more the player, which is why during a match if I find them, I will try again since its the player knowing what their build can do or not that will be worth fighting and losing to. Not as worried about the elite else I would just change to a ranged class to fight them, since I did that on a few and it immediately changed the fight and outcome. But most Willy even just using melee drop after they run of their rotation.

As others have stated in past threads, Willy is the greedy Guard, not as good for group play as other Guards but is does have a role in roaming and havocs and can have some roles in attacking zergs even if not as well welcomed into them as other Guardians. Mileage will vary mind you, but 2 cents since you took the steps to build one and try it. Good hunting!

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On 7/27/2023 at 6:30 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

While using a melee only class [...]
When switching to more ranged builds was even easier [...]

No credibility in my books with vagueness like that. Let me guess, ranged = harbinger?

Willbender moving faster than mounts continously is a problem, and yes that is also the case for other specs, but willbender has that nasty combo of very good movement/tankiness and damage, etc, all at once without any real tradeoffs.

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42 minutes ago, Loke.1429 said:

Willbender moving faster than mounts continously is a problem, and yes that is also the case for other specs, but willbender has that nasty combo of very good movement/tankiness and damage, etc, all at once without any real tradeoffs.

Honestly wished Willbender was a hyperspeed support for a different kind of class fantasy, the medic who speeds in with a motorbike, stabs u with a syringe then zips off to God knows where.

As it stands, if they nerf mobility on Willbender, its just another boring Melee dps with no distinguishing features.
And if it keeps its dmg/mobility while being nerfed in tankyness, its just a Thief with no stealth.

Taking away the dmg on Willbender but giving it tools that doesnt make strong in 1v1 is probably a better idea.

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On 7/27/2023 at 6:25 PM, Burnfall.9573 said:

yes my friend, I did build one and I find it Ludicrously a Bad Design specialization which has absolutely nothing to do with Guardian Profession whose roles are support/healer role. So I play a Support/healer role instead.

I have no Patience, Desire nor Tolerance in playing a clown role Profession 

Apparently you utterly misunderstood the entire simple design purpose behind Elite Specialisations...


No patience, desire or tolerance? Really? But your posts on these forums have been playing that perfectly.

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5 hours ago, Loke.1429 said:

No credibility in my books with vagueness like that. Let me guess, ranged = harbinger?

Willbender moving faster than mounts continously is a problem, and yes that is also the case for other specs, but willbender has that nasty combo of very good movement/tankiness and damage, etc, all at once without any real tradeoffs.

and this is what make Anet Balance Philosophy Toxic; it goes against the game structure key design elements. 

-This is no longer the case of The Balance Team who are only at fault for Guild Wars 2 Toxic Instability, but also The Design Team as well.  Both The Balance Team and The Design Team need to be retired-replaced with a new Balance Team and Design Team whose Philosophy is; building a healthy strong design foundation for the player experience and for the game environment.

"Things built on a weak, design foundation will eventually crumble"

Guild Wars 2 need  a complete rework-overall 

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4 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

and this is what make Anet Balance 

Burn, to give some background, me and Loke go back a ways and am happy to see them back on the forums, its been a while and I see a return as a good thing in my book. I don't think any side shouldn't have a sounding board, myself included, which is why I appreciate all the forum friends that have been made over time all the better. They point out when you might be group thinking, when you are being biased, being a stubborn kitten, when you are missing making better points, when you miss a better point via snark technique, when you miss wit, when you miss being more diplomatic, when you miss using older methods to raise a better point.

So in short, /wave to you all. Now. Let the banter continue.

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8 hours ago, Loke.1429 said:

No credibility in my books with vagueness like that. Let me guess, ranged = harbinger?

Willbender moving faster than mounts continously is a problem, and yes that is also the case for other specs, but willbender has that nasty combo of very good movement/tankiness and damage, etc, all at once without any real tradeoffs.

Loke, so I still run a large number of alts, as before. But in this reference in melee, my references is to sword/torch, sword warhorn Berserker. Also Power Hammer Scrapper. That's where I refer to running into about 4 I couldn't counter in a pure melee. When talking ranged , its been Renegade, Power Soulbeast, Power core Necro. Have I tried more, no since they didn't seem to need to need others. Using those as base tests, didn't feel they were OP (after the various nerf bats post expansions) after finding fast counters. Is that less vague? Either way, good to see you back, hope your gaming has been well. Good hunting to you!

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9 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Burn, to give some background, me and Loke go back a ways and am happy to see them back on the forums, its been a while and I see a return as a good thing in my book. I don't think any side shouldn't have a sounding board, myself included, which is why I appreciate all the forum friends that have been made over time all the better. They point out when you might be group thinking, when you are being biased, being a stubborn kitten, when you are missing making better points, when you miss a better point via snark technique, when you miss wit, when you miss being more diplomatic, when you miss using older methods to raise a better point.

So in short, /wave to you all. Now. Let the banter continue.

TheGrimm, I hope you didn't misunderstand me, I fully agree with Loke  🙂 my previous posts says it all. Anet had years and years of history and experiences before releasing Guardian Profession-Willbender in Guild Wars 2. 

Guild Wars 2 is an 11 years old game....what lessons has Anet learned from Guild Wars 2 past mistakes? Where are the applications, results of learned lessons from Guild Wars 2 past mistakes and poor choices? 

Where are the growth, progress, action, positive changes, healthy experiences, opportunity from Guild Wars 2 past mistakes and poor choices? 

Why are we yet here again in the present, re-experiencing the same past mistakes in Guild Wars 2 past?

Why is Anet replaying the same unlearned lessons, poor choices, bad decisions from Guild Wars 2 past?

What any difference does it make, when the same thinking that were used in creating Guild Wars 2 past problems are being used to to resolve Guild Wars 2 present problems?

Replaying the past over and over again is what got us here

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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22 minutes ago, Sonork.2916 said:

Just gonna say it, pretty much every single class has a spec that can compete with a WB 1v1.   Thread feels like a, "I lost, nerf plz" whine thread more than anything.  

Oh, so why did WB get nerfed in pvp then? Link builds instead. I win some and I lose some. This was written after an evening of WvW vs FoW, a server that had 2-3 good WB, and those players alone  were dealing high damage and took way too much of my effort to kill, on a glass cannon, so I wrote this post .

It was also written in retrospect of the balance patch, which I was expecting to correct previous major balance mistakes from Solar (which it didnt).

Edited by Loke.1429
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