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Enthusiastic Players Stay Silent

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On 8/3/2023 at 9:27 AM, Tiamat.8254 said:

People find it easier to be hurtful and negative on the internet because they can be anonymous. Imagine if they behaved the same way in real life. If this makes them feel better I pity them.

I'm with the original post. I'm hyped. Proper want details? Wait for the game to be out. You don't usually go to watch a movie and find find out all the spoilers and Easter eggs before you go right? 

Real life is different. I am grew up to not being greedy. So i expect others also not being greedy. But company’s dont accept the small earning. They get money hungry and want more and more without giving back. If i irl buy something i know what i get for the money. In games this days everything is. Behind paywall, rng, so lootboxes, or full of advertisements. Ppl get addicted to gamble. Others show of all shinys. Gaming is not that relax as when i was younger. Many things are time limited. Or split in much dlc to even cash more. I am just honest and have my opinions. If ppl think its oke to let someone gamble away 135 usd for a phoenix torch skin throught bl chest keys. It should be fair if skins get sold for 5 or 10 euro. Its nice that we got statues now. Make it a bit more fair. 
some ppl say mount prices go away the same as the price for an full expansion. And some countrys have higher prices but dont get balanced. Many times when there is an event its USA only. Also unfair. Probably americans who stay positive. They never get exclused. 

i once got mad and posted on some forum. And they said i had to keep friendly. I said as example. If someone kicks damage on your car are you stay calm and dont insult or swear. They told me they stay calm. How is this possble. Usa is different. 

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@ZeftheWicked.3076 ye while this might be true. The Idea of E-specs pretty mutch R.I.P the nice comebad system this Game has to offer. Also its just normal that your hyped about the first ever made Expansion a game get. Its like the moment they released e-specs to the Game they instantly f..... PvP gamemode, exactly the reason why i just Played GW2. Also the now new coming Expansion was meant to be a small one. In this case its totaly good how it is. Would i prefer some PvP/WvW content? Yes for sure. Did i lost the hope complete that we will see any new content for this gamemodes? Yeap totaly. Thats why i am still hyped cause this Game still get some Work on instead of staying in its state ^^

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On 8/7/2023 at 6:12 AM, enigmatic.3576 said:

You mean the incident where someone was labeled as being sexist just because they had some criticisms about something someone wrote who just happened to be female?  Not to mention the additional name-calling thrown at them.  They were a representative acting in a distasteful and disrespectful way.  Please don't downplay it.

ya the point that u think thats major shows why devs need be careful.

im not offended at all by this incident i would never ask someone loose the job for a kindergarten like that.

be honest to urself would u have a job if u get.fired for bs u talk online?

somehow internet attract a lot holy people

Edited by Balsa.3951
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1 hour ago, Balsa.3951 said:

ya the point that u think thats major shows why devs need be careful.

im not offended at all by this incident i would never ask someone loose the job for a kindergarten like that.

be honest to urself would u have a job if u get.fired for bs u talk online?

somehow internet attract a lot holy people

A lot of companies will if you interact with customers in such a poor way for example.    If someone wants to be toxic, do it anonymously and especially not on an account where you identify as an employee of a particular company and interact with customers on.  It doesn't matter if it's your personal account or not.

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On 8/2/2023 at 11:47 AM, Alin.2468 said:

Congratulations for your excitement. I hope you are really happy for PvE only, since PvP and WvW got no content with EOD, and will likely get no content with SoTO.

On a positive note: some players seem to be really happy. This positive attitude is great for the partial content we get in the coming expansion at release.

Probably because you can't please the majority of the competitive community. Just about every nerf, skill change, npc nerf and environmental degradation has been driven by someone or groups in the competitive community complaining about this and that. Then once they get what they want they move on to the next agenda and start all over again. It's like being in a room full  of toddlers except toddlers can be reasoned with once they have a chance to get out of their emotions.

It's a lost cause with many of these people, strong is the narcissistic force in the competitive world.

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2 hours ago, enigmatic.3576 said:

A lot of companies will if you interact with customers in such a poor way for example.    If someone wants to be toxic, do it anonymously and especially not on an account where you identify as an employee of a particular company and interact with customers on.  It doesn't matter if it's your personal account or not.

culture different.

where i life ur work ends when u leave the office.

if u guys happy that way enjoy 

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5 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

ya the point that u think thats major shows why devs need be careful.

im not offended at all by this incident i would never ask someone loose the job for a kindergarten like that.

be honest to urself would u have a job if u get.fired for bs u talk online?

somehow internet attract a lot holy people

If I, presenting myself as a representative of my company, attacked my company's customers, yeah I would expect to be fired. If a cashier at a store started verbally abusing a customer in line for asking a question they would be reprimanded at least and most likely fired. I dont see why a game developer should be considered to be above standards set for every other worker in every other field.

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1 hour ago, Balsa.3951 said:

culture different.

where i life ur work ends when u leave the office.

if u guys happy that way enjoy 

She was presenting herself as a company representative at the time of the incident. I would 100% agree with you otherwise.

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The OP is so confusing. "I Like this objectively bad direction the game is going therefore the silent majority agrees with me".

Runes have existed in the game for over 10 years right? at no point in the entire GW2 games history, its entire life, have they ever taken a system we currently have access to, and take it away from us. 

They have never done this before. They have never taken away something we already earnt or de-valued something we already have or plan to seek out. Until this "mini" expac (a living world we pay for) where they will drip feed relics back into the game where they forgot that legendary runes existed. This game earns most of its money from cosmetics, not expansion prices. If anything releasing more expansions like what they are doing here will only cost them money in the long run as people leave. Personally my own opinion is that the game was a better game before EoD existed on its server. Nothing that expansion added benefited the game. At release none of the beta testing we did had been updated on any of the elites, which meant many were broken and all the "beta" testing we did was pointless. 

All they had to do was release the relic system with what we currently have as six runes, every single one, and then make new ones for the expansion. 

All they had to do was reward people with the legendary relic (without having to buy the expansion) as soon as you crafted your sixth rune, then the runes actually grow in value instead of decline. That should come out on expansion release day, not promised what could be a year in the future and then we will still need to buy the expac/work for it regardless for no reason other then I honestly don't know. 

This mini expansion is just such a bad direction for the game its amazing, because relics is just one of the controversial features. 

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4 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If I, presenting myself as a representative of my company, attacked my company's customers, yeah I would expect to be fired. If a cashier at a store started verbally abusing a customer in line for asking a question they would be reprimanded at least and most likely fired. I dont see why a game developer should be considered to be above standards set for every other worker in every other field.

Reminds me of that leaked discord conversation with the lead balance dev at the time calling for salt and ignoring helpful suggestions. Before suddenly they stopped being the lead balance dev. 

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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:


They have never done this before. They have never taken away something we already earnt or de-valued something we already have or plan to seek out. Until this "mini" expac (a living world we pay for) where they will drip feed relics back into the game where they forgot that legendary runes existed.

They actually did with exotic gear.

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Ppl are too addicted to see the truth. 
you only get cosmetics as you see. Chairs, jade bot skins, armor skins. And much more. All in the gem shop (no drops at all) new ls maps where just new grinds without real rewards. Just small silver drops. The real rewards are so expensive that only players from release are able to afford them. (10k gold worth infusions) so you have to grind metas for years to be able to buy 1 shiny. They want to keep you playing this way. Also they want you to get upset by the showoff from others who got the shinys so you use your wallet. Every week i get a middle finger against me when i trade the 4 statues in seitung. Same with treasure mushroom. Or other bosses that have Real Loot Drops. 

the content ppl really want is. Pvp/wvw content. 
race change. 
new playable races. 
elite specs. 
dye able weapons. 

ALL Nothing!!! Just cosmetics for even more money. When they have a charity your money help them for free advertisements. 

but if there is some promotion event its america only. Thats the big thank for your awesome support. 

also prime loot, a dye pack that is also rng, for 99% of the playerbase a few silver. Not even a choose option. That would be too easy money. 
or some other rewards that are not worth anything. 

WoW gave helm skins. AND MOUNTS!!! Throught prime. 

there was a time when the servers were broken and they asked ppl to not login. Some ppl logged in and got a mount skin licence worth 1200 gems. Because their gameplay could be worse because of the server problems.

the content that was free before you now have to pay for. AND MORE often. I saw their earnings a few weeks ago that someone posted here. Billions. And then this. Gl on your journey in guildwars 2. 

btw if you play a subscription based mmo you get that all you wish for. Ofc you have to pay to get access. But atleast you get something fresh new for your money. Instead only cosmetics that also cost money if you dont be rich from endless silver farms. 

NO i am not bashing or hating. I think real. I am always honest. This is my experience. No lies in this post. 

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3 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Reminds me of that leaked discord conversation with the lead balance dev at the time calling for salt and ignoring helpful suggestions. Before suddenly they stopped being the lead balance dev. 

It’s too bad it didn’t go as far as reverting some of the “balance” changes that were motivated solely by said dev’s dislike of a particular weapon or mechanic.

We’re still suffering with some of those changes.

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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

It’s too bad it didn’t go as far as reverting some of the “balance” changes that were motivated solely by said dev’s dislike of a particular weapon or mechanic.

We’re still suffering with some of those changes.

I'd even say Solar was better than the current lead balance, not by much tho.

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10 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

They actually did with exotic gear.

Yes, and the backlash for that was absolutely massive. So massive they eventually stated nothing like this will ever happen again and there will be no gear progression in gw2 in the future. Unfortunately it seems they are reconsidering now.

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The major problem is not the lack of enthusiasm, the main issue here is the lack of transparency with us (consumers).
We know alot of suposed things and almost nothing clear and solid about the new expansion, i'm not talking about spoilers, is about what we are buying, we don't know.
Short videos showing nothing can't help, we want to know how the relic system will work for example, its not about a spoiler is an important info needed to decide if will buy or no the half-expansion. Deeply the community are disappointed and you know it, don't matter the amount of phrases being a good guy you post, we was expecting a new expansion at sometime but never a half-expansion with no new elites, no new mount announced, the legendary armor still is a fictional concept and they still don't have nothing concrete about how will be the new armor in-game.
You guys need stop acting like an Anet employee and act like what you guys are, consumers. You cant love Anet, you can love the job of developers (when well done) and we cant touch their job now with SOTO, they are working hard but who should show us the partial job with the new content sometimes dont put the same effort to deliver quality, that's the main reason of the general anger. The new expansion will come out in 2 weeks and what we know is irrelevant to be hyped because a lot of already known info is just disappointing.
We are paying to play a half-expansion what should be only a Living Story and you think strange the anger...

Edited by KarlMarx.5910
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Or the higher probability. Many 'realistic' players stay silent because there is not much too talk about, nothing to get excited for. Its not for nothing that the new expac is not being talked about at all outside of a handful of people on this forum and reddit. And its not for nothing that there has been no expansion reveal stream/event and stream/video showcases by the devs at all, like Hot and Pof had a good amount of.

Edited by particlepinata.9865
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14 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, and the backlash for that was absolutely massive. So massive they eventually stated nothing like this will ever happen again and there will be no gear progression in gw2 in the future. Unfortunately it seems they are reconsidering now.

I’m suddenly having flashbacks to all the “but you only need ascended for raids” posts back in the day.

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17 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, and the backlash for that was absolutely massive. So massive they eventually stated nothing like this will ever happen again and there will be no gear progression in gw2 in the future. Unfortunately it seems they are reconsidering now.

The worst was ANet way to deal with it, saying that ascended was already on pre-release plans. Like, why the kitten did you say exotic was easy to attain BiS and no vertical progression?
Oh and Gaile Gray "if you've nothing positive to say about ascended don't post".
And somehow ANet didn't learn anything from that.

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On 8/8/2023 at 2:24 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

If I, presenting myself as a representative of my company, attacked my company's customers, yeah I would expect to be fired. If a cashier at a store started verbally abusing a customer in line for asking a question they would be reprimanded at least and most likely fired. I dont see why a game developer should be considered to be above standards set for every other worker in every other field.

This is a pretty disingenuous interpretation of that event, imo. Should she have realized that the person commenting on her post was so uninformed as to not even be worth her time to go in on? Definitely.

Should she have found a less public space to lament how this interaction made her feel, considering it was the exact same space where the interaction occurred? Probably.

But do I think game developers should be beholden to the grotesquely servile relationship with players they are forced into currently? Absolutely not. They're professionals, not customer service. You sure as kitten won't find me making nice with customers going out of their way to question my expertise off company time. No chance. (And this goes back to my first rhetorical question. The player interacting with her was just so unware of what her post was about that they didn't even realize that they were unintentionally questioning her expertise and inserting themselves as an authority on narrative development at Arenanet.)

And let's be real, players aren't affording developers an iota of the courtesy they expect from them. They're the last group of people who should be clutching their pearls about stuff like this.

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33 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

This is a pretty disingenuous interpretation of that event, imo. Should she have realized that the person commenting on her post was so uninformed as to not even be worth her time to go in on? Definitely.

Should she have found a less public space to lament how this interaction made her feel, considering it was the exact same space where the interaction occurred? Probably.

But do I think game developers should be beholden to the grotesquely servile relationship with players they are forced into currently? Absolutely not. They're professionals, not customer service. You sure as kitten won't find me making nice with customers going out of their way to question my expertise off company time. No chance. (And this goes back to my first rhetorical question. The player interacting with her was just so unware of what her post was about that they didn't even realize that they were unintentionally questioning her expertise and inserting themselves as an authority on narrative development at Arenanet.)

And let's be real, players aren't affording developers an iota of the courtesy they expect from them. They're the last group of people who should be clutching their pearls about stuff like this.

He was nothing but polite, was a fan of hers in fact...and my description was accurate. 

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