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Will people with less than a week left on their monthly Chest Of Loyalty recieve it when SotO launches? [Merged]

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So, the daily log-in is being lost. Strange decision after ten years of it being this way, but I will give the new system a chance. My problem is, I will literally lose the last two days on this track out of the 29 track, so I won't get the bag of XP and I will lose the Chest of Loyalty which I will literally be two days from. So what about those of us that nearly have this track complete?

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1 minute ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

So, the daily log-in is being lost. Strange decision after ten years of it being this way, but I will give the new system a chance. My problem is, I will literally lose the last two days on this track out of the 29 track, so I won't get the bag of XP and I will lose the Chest of Loyalty which I will literally be two days from. So what about those of us that nearly have this track complete?

You wont get that chest and the new system will over write it.

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6 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

This is an assumption, yes? Like, there's no guarantee that there is a Chest of Loyalty as an AA choice.

I don't think there will be, but I mostly wanted the clovers from it (others the laurels) so we will get something similar-ish? But no not exactly what we used to get. As far as I know, maybe we'll be surprised.

As for the bonus gold increase I sort of expect that to just disappear, but knowing that it only affects drops from mobs and nothing that gives gold in other ways it's a really weak bonus. That said, better than nothing so I can get behind why people would be upset about it leaving.

Edited by Acheron.1580
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6 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

I don't think there will be, but I mostly wanted the clovers from it (others the laurels) so we will get something similar-ish? But no not exactly what we used to get. As far as I know, maybe we'll be surprised.

As for the bonus gold increase I sort of expect that to just disappear, but knowing that it only affects drops from mobs and nothing that gives gold in other ways it's a really weak bonus. That said, better than nothing so I can get behind why people would be upset about it leaving.

Doubt the bonus gold will disappear and that bonus is basically the main thing that keeps me from striaght up assuming the contents of that chest would be moved as separate purchase options. I think we might just be getting daily/weekly/monthly (4weeks, like the full current login reward cycle) tabs with purchasable items and the chest will be in that last one. Or maybe they'll be in the same tab, just with different refresh rates.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Doubt the bonus gold will disappear and that bonus is basically the main thing that keeps me from striaght up assuming the contents of that chest would be moved as separate purchase options. I think we might just be getting daily/weekly/monthly (4weeks, like the full current login reward cycle) tabs with purchasable items and the chest will be in that last one. Or maybe they'll be in the same tab, just with different refresh rates.

Yup very well could be. We will find out soon.

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Having fundamental system information still be so vague just a few days before launch is...frustrating. Like, I completely get keeping the story points secret. That makes sense. I do not understand the approach of not revealing the Wizard's Vault plan in full. Like, we have no idea how much AA is actually worth. Literally none.

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In the picture of the Vault, there are chest graphics by the rewards for each item of the weekly: "Chest + 40 AA." What that chest actually represents is unknown, but very well could be something similar to what we get now for completing a daily (karma, materials, etc).

Edited by DeanBB.4268
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6 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

In the picture of the Vault, there are chest graphics by the rewards for each item of the weekly: "Chest + 40 AA." What that chest actually represents is unknown, but very well could be something similar to what we get now for completing a daily (karma, materials, etc).

I just assumed it represented the 40 AA but that's an interesting thought, a chest AND the 40 AA.

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24 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Having fundamental system information still be so vague just a few days before launch is...frustrating. Like, I completely get keeping the story points secret. That makes sense. I do not understand the approach of not revealing the Wizard's Vault plan in full. Like, we have no idea how much AA is actually worth. Literally none.

One of the reasons is probably the game economy.

The moment they put details, we'll do the math and prices for key items like MC or T4/6 materials will go bananas or crash. 

Most GW2 players are casuals, they don't want to upset them in advance with massive market swings.

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2 minutes ago, disForm.2837 said:

One of the reasons is probably the game economy.

The moment they put details, we'll do the math and prices for key items like MC or T4/6 materials will go bananas or crash. 

Most GW2 players are casuals, they don't want to upset them in advance with massive market swings.

It's not like the silence isn't causing it's own issues. MC have gone up quite a bit. Rune mats as well. And that rise or crash is going to happen in a couple of days anyways.

Fair enough point though. But even without going fully into it, they could have given some example or another about how much things would cost. Could even be account bound stuff that can't be sold. We literally have no idea what AA is worth. Right now it's worth the same amount as 10 Schrute bucks or 5,000 Stanley Nickels.

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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Having fundamental system information still be so vague just a few days before launch is...frustrating. Like, I completely get keeping the story points secret. That makes sense. I do not understand the approach of not revealing the Wizard's Vault plan in full. Like, we have no idea how much AA is actually worth. Literally none.

They don't want to ruin the...


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3 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Are players with only 2 days left more entitled than those players with 10 days left?  17 days left?  27 days left? 

If one player is compensated, all players should be compensated, no? 

I agree. I don't think they need to do anything and I doubt there's a way to make everyone happy but I think if they did want to avoid people missing rewards in the current cycle I think they'd have to allow everyone to finish the one they're currently on, regardless of how many days are left, rather than setting some arbitrary cut-off point. (Then people who will get the final chest just before would probably complain that everyone else gets an 'extra' cycle.)

I think I'm going to be about 16 days in on Tuesday, and I just assumed I'd lose all the other rewards when the system changes over. I'm way behind what some other players will have earned anyway, because I keep missing days.

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I am suppose to receive my much needed 7 clovers litterly hours after the content drops, so yeah not happy about that.

I asume there will be other equally easy ways to obtain them that SAME day. Right???

Seriously just like with the runes, another change that ArenaNet is vague about and have not forseen the questions we have about it.

It all feels sloppy to me.

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19 hours ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

I am suppose to receive my much needed 7 clovers litterly hours after the content drops, so yeah not happy about that.

I asume there will be other equally easy ways to obtain them that SAME day. Right???

Seriously just like with the runes, another change that ArenaNet is vague about and have not forseen the questions we have about it.

It all feels sloppy to me.

Maybe blame yourself for not logging in one extra day somewere in the past. 

This whole topic is so ridicule. Its a reward for logging in... if you didnt do so you dont get it... tadaa. Easy as that ! 

Sorry for this stupid answer couldnt hold it anymore hahha

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That's kind of my thinking. I've never kept track of it but I know I've missed a lot of days since login rewards were first introduced, sometimes 2 weeks in a row. (I'm also going to miss at least 3 days (potentially 5 or 6) in the first week after it comes out.) If I could add it all up I suspect I've missed at least a couple of full cycles I could have gotten if I'd been able to log in every single day.

I didn't worry about it at the time and I'm not going to worry about it now. Especially because the vast majority of the time I couldn't log in because I was away from home doing something at least as interesting as playing GW2. It's not all good, there's also at least 2 occasions my computer broke down, times I was too sick to even log in, days I should have been home but my travel plans were disrupted etc. But that's life, I still wouldn't trade it for being able to collect a login reward in a game every day.

Although if I've added it up correctly login rewards will have been available for 3,171 days when SotO launches so if you had logged in every day you'd have gotten 113.25 full cycles, so you still wouldn't be at the end of one.

Maths, if anyone cares:


The system launched on 16th December 2014 and will end on 22nd August 2023.
15 days for the remainder of December.
8 x 365 for 2015 - 2022, plus 2 days for the leap years in 2016 and 2020.
212 days for January - July 2023 and 22 days for August.

15 + (8x365) + 2 + 212 + 22 = 3,171
3,171 / 28 = 113.25

Actually based on that, and knowing the final chest always includes a 2% increase to gold find, and factoring in how much of my Gold Find is from achievement rewards I can work out that I've done 101 complete cycles, so I've only missed 12 - 336 days. (I'm not counting the .25 or how far through the current cycle I am.)

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Just if someone wonders....

"Thank you for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support!
I have reviewed your inquiry. Unfortunately, we will not be able to manually grant the "Chest of Loyalty", since this is not a service that we provide.
If there's anything else that I can help you with, please do contact us again."

I'm one day off 😉

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