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Outside of alliances/rewards, will there ever be more content added to WvW?


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I'm talking about new maps, upgrading old maps, new events or some other content that isn't just alliances/rewards.   When i say upgrading, I mean things like improved map graphics, new map adjustments, or another new borderland altogether.    As far as events, things like a roller beetle week, maybe wiht the new expansion portals popping up that teleport you randomly around the map, or start a capture the flag mission or something could be fun.  But really i'd love to see more stuff/events to do, or improvements/upgrades to the current maps. 

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Also keep in mind is that the last new map that was introduced (desert borderlands) generally seems disliked.  So it would seem unlikely that a new map would be added, simply because it would be really hard to know what the players would want.  In some case, no action is more popular than trying to do something.

My take also (and this includes PvE) is that Anet pretty much never goes back and updates or changes old content/graphics.  They might improved the engine (DX11 for example) which can help all modes, but they tend not to go back to old maps and improve/update the looks of them.


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38 minutes ago, Solvar.7953 said:

So it would seem unlikely that a new map would be added, simply because it would be really hard to know what the players would want. 

That's a flimsy excuse, if that was the case you might as well never make any content anywhere.

The problem is when they don't take feedback well, when it took the game mode participation dropping like a rock for 6 months before they decided to do fixes. Then still blame players for not liking what they produced.

They made two maps that are still more popular to this day, a third one probably if they bothered to give it the same rewards.

All they had to do was pick a good seasonal/geographical theme for a map, desert is probably one of the worse in that area of likeability, how did they even choose desert theme around an expansion that was about jungles? if it was PoF sure, but with HoT?.

They could have stuck to the same objective design structure of alpines, instead they decided to change it for the worse, north towers have no meaning, south towers were the way pointed objectives making the side keeps useless, everywhere takes a long time to travel to, too many pve events, etc

They could ask what the players want?

They could do a simple survey of what the players want, they have forums, emails, a means to send mail in game.

Anet just does not want to put resources into that area of the game, much like spvp, and dungeons before it. Wvw has been in maintenance mode since 2017.

They like to complicate simple things.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

They could ask what the players want?

They could do a simple survey of what the players want, they have forums, emails, a means to send mail in game.

Did you forget the last time they did that and players nearly voted through having 3x desert borders for 3 months straight which would have effectivly killed WvW?

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29 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Did you forget the last time they did that and players nearly voted through having 3x desert borders for 3 months straight which would have effectivly killed WvW?

Wasn't that more of a anet screwup requiring a 75% super majority vote? but it got 69% and anet ignored it.

The second vote came back with 78% in favor for mixed bl's.

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Frankly speaking. I don't think we'll get more than World Restructure and some reward changes.

Simply because of how little resources gets put into this mode, and this how long time it takes to get even that. At this pace I'd expect them to finish WR/A what, in 4-5 years? They might release it a bit before that, but then spend that much time fixing and adjust it, and adding more features to it.

And rewards is likely going to be a never ending battle, as you all know players are NEVER HAPPY about rewards, and always demands more. So players are going to sit on this forum and any other social media and demand more rewards until the forum/game goes down (And probably a few days after just out of habit).

ANet seems to have decided that there is little profit or gains in investing into WvW. And that seems to have been their direction since 2015/Hot/DesertBL. So I wouldn't get my hopes up, though I guess hope is free so by all means.

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They could improve/balance the maps and maybe finally remove all the places where the warclaw gets stuck (like the ramp in the fire keep in the red borderlands, just to name one example).

I would like to have events for wvw that return regularly, not just double points in beta week. I'm talking about events on the scale of the festivals in pve, just not as long - one week long is enough. Strong changes maybe just a weekend sometimes. Something new for a change, that disappears after a while and gives you back the old routine. Events with random objectives.
Maybe something that threatens all 3 servers.

No new map. The last attempt was enough for me.

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Adding a new map would like result in some players liking it, some disliking it (pretty much nothing will ever get 100% agreement).  In general, those who dislike something are more likely to complain than those that like it will say it is great, so this creates a distorted view of just looking at something like the forums.

I would expect the first response from Anet to be something like 'This is a new map, it will take some time for players to get used to it, the strategy, etc'.  And maybe after a few months of play (as it being your home BL vs one you visit is also going to be a different experience), some of those who dislike it come around.  Or it is possible it is just not a great map.

Regardless, I don't think Anet has a lot to gain from this.  Honest, at this point, I'm not sure what Anet has to gain by really doing much at all to WvW (and it shows based on what is done).  A new expansion will get the PvE players to buy it (and thus money), and if Anet is lucky, and the expansion is really good, maybe even pull in some new players.

But with a 10 year old game, it seems unlike there are bunch of people out there that would buy a copy of GW2 if only WvW had a new map.


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I mean there is the cornerstone horse that is known of  only by Legend. It is said about the mysterious creature that  it is called " If Alliances". Several years ago historians had discovered a book that mentioned it and all there is to know about it's habitat and it's occasional metamorphosis that would occur from time to time. At times  it would evolve to its surroundings based on how many fleas would cluster on parts of its hindquarters creating boon blemishes  that would glow in the moonlight. One day the book vanished, and when the historians in charge of it were confronted they told the world that it had been accidentally burned. Decades later a citizen of a nearby town found a page of the book and read its instructions and had found the mysterious elusive creature at last . Alas upon finding it they witnessed the historians gathered around it beating it with sticks over and over chains binding it to the ground. Then like the book they set the creature ablaze until all that was left of it was a burned out line of the once majestic " If Alliances" the last of its species lost to the world forever more.

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12 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

Just wondering if the new reward system is taking away the WvW weekly? 

They have not said so, the WvW dailies are rolled into the new SotO reward system. Daily login rewards will also be impacted, but the new system has its own weeklies involved but there has been no mention that I saw about it impacting WvW weeklies. All that said, its tomorrow so in either case it too late now, we will see what we see and then can come back to it. 🙂 

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On 8/18/2023 at 2:45 PM, Sonork.2916 said:

I'm talking about new maps, upgrading old maps, new events or some other content that isn't just alliances/rewards.   When i say upgrading, I mean things like improved map graphics, new map adjustments, or another new borderland altogether.    As far as events, things like a roller beetle week, maybe wiht the new expansion portals popping up that teleport you randomly around the map, or start a capture the flag mission or something could be fun.  But really i'd love to see more stuff/events to do, or improvements/upgrades to the current maps. 

I think it would be interesting if there was a pool of maps that got pulled from. no "home borderland" type maps, but just pure 3way maps. A Jade Sea/Kurzick forest type of map could of been fun and involve siege turtles. That way each week at reset you might not actually know which maps will "spawn" for your tier and if queues get high enough another map gets pulled from the pool or something.

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