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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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1 minute ago, jason.1083 said:

It does explain what it's supposed to explain, it tells you to check what game mode you want your dailies/weeklies to be set in. It doesn't tell you what they're gonna be but we never had something like that, so it's not a downgrade or anything. Some people apparently experienced bugs with it but that's quite normal for a new release, for some time after the release the vault didn't even work, it just gave an error screen. 

There are two pieces to it. The first is the checkboxes. THAT is what wasn't explained well. You weren't told that if you checked a box, there would be required items in the list from that playing area. Other people weren't so lucky, and left a game mode checked that they didn't like. They were then forced to do tasks in all three game modes.

Now the second part is after one chooses the checkboxes and continues. Now one is presented with two (in my case, PvE and WvW) lists, and there are no options. All must be done to complete the dailies. THIS is the part I found obnoxious: I couldn't pick from a list like we could before. We used to have twelve choices, and had to complete three of the twelve. I could simply avoid the unpleasant ones. Now we can't. We've reverted back five years to when you had to complete a set list every day. Everybody (pretty much without exception) cheered when that was replaced by the system that was in force until today. Now we're back to that old garbage.

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1 hour ago, jason.1083 said:

From my understanding people who are complaining are mostly people with dozens of alt accounts for log-ins. They are the only ones seriously affected, otherwise the dailies are about as easy to do as the original ones (some being even easier), they just decreased the the log in reward value drastically while also halving the value of completing the required 3 dailies in exchange for A) letting us choose what game mode we want our dailies to be in and B) letting us choose our rewards from a, (small in my opinion) selection. 

It can definitely see improvements, but it's not a big deal for people who actually played the game anyway. 

Yes, playing the game and owning multiple accounts are mutually exclusive. You either do one, or the other.

Seriously... how the heck do some players come to the conclusion that players with multiple accounts don't "play the game." If players with multiple accounts don't play the game, they wouldn't have bought multiple accounts to fund their main account in the first place.

And today's update is more than just nerfing the log-in rewards. The forum has pages of posts from upset players describing what they're unhappy about with the Wizard's Vault. The log-in rewards nerf is just ONE of the issues with today's update.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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1 hour ago, jason.1083 said:

From my understanding people who are complaining are mostly people with dozens of alt accounts for log-ins. They are the only ones seriously affected, otherwise the dailies are about as easy to do as the original ones (some being even easier), they just decreased the the log in reward value drastically while also halving the value of completing the required 3 dailies in exchange for A) letting us choose what game mode we want our dailies to be in and B) letting us choose our rewards from a, (small in my opinion) selection. 

It can definitely see improvements, but it's not a big deal for people who actually played the game anyway. 

You must be joking. I used to complete the 3 dailies every time I logged in. But I almost always did a mix and I had 12 to choose from, not 3 CHOSEN FOR ME.

I want the number of choices for the dailies to go back to where they were. What they are doing is they are artificially hampering our efforts to gather the new currency by throwing at people tasks they do not enjoy doing. I do not want to do jumping puzzles, I do not want to do mini dungeons, I do not want to capture towers, I do not want to freaking hunt down 5 players in WvW, I do not want to freaking do events in specific zones, I do not want to escort 10 freaking dolyaks!!!

Plus you could find people doing the same dailies and group up easily. Do you have any idea what would happen if they decided to pull the same kitten in fractals? Imagine making a group and everyone having different fractals as dailies. That would be DEAD content right then and there.

There always fast and efficient choices that I could make to complete my 3 daily tasks and go on and play the game doing stuff I like and that system RESPECTED MY TIME, which was a huge plus for GW2. I could do 2 fast ones in WvW and a PvE daily and be done with it. But for example today, I have to run around WvW maps, trying to find a group to capture towers. WTF do I have to do that?

The new system s@cks b@lls! 

Edited by gousgou.5438
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The new system is a downgrade IMO.  Like Gousgou, I liked having many choices - some times, I could easily complete the 3 dailies in PvE.  Sometimes, I'd wander into WvW because something like a ruin capture or killing a vet was easier than the alternatives.

Today, for my mix of PvE and WvW, I get Vexa's Lab minidungeon - while not hard, probably one of the longer mini dungeons out there.  Defeat 3 enemy players in WvW - the difficulty of this can be all over the place.  Perform 3 combo skills - OK, that one is fairly easy.

I'd have to do analysis of the rewards - completing all 4 gives you 1 gold and 30 astral acclaim.  6 astral acclaim can by a chest for 1 gold, but limit 90 (so basically 1/day), so maybe things come out ahead, if you can do all 3 dailies reasonably quickly.

In the old system, there were sometimes where I might be more focuses on WvW, and if there was a more challenging WvW daily, I'd go for it, but if unable to get it, I'd fall back to a PvE one.

I am glad I did not pre-purchase - these latest changes make it even less likely I want to give Anet money.  I can understand that they might want to put a cap on the amount of astral acclaim one could get per day, so don't want 12 objectives out there, but certainly there could have been other ways to do it.

Also, the special ones, which reward a lot of AA, require SotO, which is clearly another way they are trying to get people to buy it.


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2 hours ago, jason.1083 said:

From my understanding people who are complaining are mostly people with dozens of alt accounts for log-ins. They are the only ones seriously affected, otherwise the dailies are about as easy to do as the original ones (some being even easier), they just decreased the the log in reward value drastically while also halving the value of completing the required 3 dailies in exchange for A) letting us choose what game mode we want our dailies to be in and B) letting us choose our rewards from a, (small in my opinion) selection. 

It can definitely see improvements, but it's not a big deal for people who actually played the game anyway. 

They reduced our daily options drastically.

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2 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

You are being rewarded for playing the game. 

We are rewarded less for logging in and playing the game than we were yesterday. We also have had the option to choose our dailies removed in favor of having specific chores assigned to us. We also have dailies that are assigned per individual so that they are not necessarily shared with friends/guildmates for group play. None of these are the end of the world, but are all downgrades from what we have before.

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2 hours ago, OhOkYea.5431 said:

"How can we try and force people to do things they would never want to do otherwise?"

The fact that you call this "bad game design" in an MMORPG where carrots and positive reinforcement for engaging with specific systems are a fundamental bedrock of the genre (especially in Guild Wars 2) is just icing on the cake.

This game needs more people to venture out of their comfort zone. Y'all got too comfy with the game not changing for years. How many of y'all know that automated SPvP tournaments offer Mystic Coins and gold practically as a participation trophy because there's so little engagement with them? This game's community is so afraid of doing "hard" things that ANet had to pull the plug on an entire class of design (raids) because of low engagement. At least give the system a week or two before throwing a fit about how terrible it is.

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My friend is still at icebrood saga but I got him the expac as a gift.

Now he has dailies requiring him to do rifts (can at least spawn them for him) but also now a daily to go do stuff in Horn of Maguuma (expac maps) - so he'd have to spoil himself on the story or miss out on the daily reward. This is really bad design anet.

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20 minutes ago, Furyhunter.1495 said:

This game needs more people to venture out of their comfort zone. Y'all got too comfy with the game not changing for years. How many of y'all know that automated SPvP tournaments offer Mystic Coins and gold practically as a participation trophy because there's so little engagement with them? This game's community is so afraid of doing "hard" things that ANet had to pull the plug on an entire class of design (raids) because of low engagement. At least give the system a week or two before throwing a fit about how terrible it is.

Well, maybe if the content was fun, the reward system wouldn't have to be as desperate. Many people played WvW for years despite it being a gold sink for the first part of its existence. If PvP can't attract people despite throwing mystic coins and gold at people then maybe it just doesn't appeal to the average player. I think the developer shares some of the blame; you can't just blame players for that. Besides, the competitive players are probably out playing an actual esports game.

And even you can't give a good reason to play pvp beyond its material rewards. Oh and I guess people are too chicken to play it. Very convincing.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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14 minutes ago, Chyro.1462 said:

My friend is still at icebrood saga but I got him the expac as a gift.

Now he has dailies requiring him to do rifts (can at least spawn them for him) but also now a daily to go do stuff in Horn of Maguuma (expac maps) - so he'd have to spoil himself on the story or miss out on the daily reward. This is really bad design anet.

A million times this. I'm only in HoT and I'm not ruining the story by visiting a future map just for a daily, so with this new system it seems like I'll practically never get a set of 4 PvE dailies which I can complete?

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48 minutes ago, Jajo.1428 said:

And who even escorts dolyaks in WvW outside doing guild missions?

I used to do that all the time, I figured it would count for participation.

But with the server lag it doesn't even work anymore--this should not be a daily until the server lag is fully and completely fixed

Another bug in yak escort is that if they do get attacked, you lose the event (worth like a hundred karma or something, almost nothing anyway) by fending off the attack because this pulls you out of their small event radius (if the server even thought you and the yak were where you thought you and the yak were). So you fail by actually defending the yak. So incredibly weird. So again, this should not be a daily especially when you cannot choose an alternate!

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1 hour ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

Yes, playing the game and owning multiple accounts are mutually exclusive. You either do one, or the other.

Seriously... how the heck do some players come to the conclusion that players with multiple accounts don't "play the game." If players with multiple accounts don't play the game, they wouldn't have bought multiple accounts to fund their main account in the first place.

And today's update is more than just nerfing the log-in rewards. The forum has pages of posts from upset players describing what they're unhappy about with the Wizard's Vault. The log-in rewards nerf is just ONE of the issues with today's update.

Not saying that they don't play the game, they are the ones mostly affected by the removal of log in rewards though. For most people log in rewards are not the majority or even a considerable portion of their in game income. 

And yes log in rewards are only one thing, but it's the only thing that got totally nuked, dailies are still here, changed, but still here. 

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53 minutes ago, Jajo.1428 said:

New dailies are bad, because they mandate goals. Old system allowed us to forego 75% of  possible daily goals and still achieve the coveted cumulative (complete 3 dailies) achievement. It gave you options, that you could chase based on your daily busyness, company, or even just current mood.

and yes this.

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1 hour ago, gousgou.5438 said:

You must be joking. I used to complete the 3 dailies every time I logged in. But I almost always did a mix and I had 12 to choose from, not 3 CHOSEN FOR ME.

I want the number of choices for the dailies to go back to where they were. What they are doing is they are artificially hampering our efforts to gather the new currency by throwing at people tasks they do not enjoy doing. I do not want to do jumping puzzles, I do not want to do mini dungeons, I do not want to capture towers, I do not want to freaking hunt down 5 players in WvW, I do not want to freaking do events in specific zones, I do not want to escort 10 freaking dolyaks!!!

Plus you could find people doing the same dailies and group up easily. Do you have any idea what would happen if they decided to pull the same kitten in fractals? Imagine making a group and everyone having different fractals as dailies. That would be DEAD content right then and there.

There always fast and efficient choices that I could make to complete my 3 daily tasks and go on and play the game doing stuff I like and that system RESPECTED MY TIME, which was a huge plus for GW2. I could do 2 fast ones in WvW and a PvE daily and be done with it. But for example today, I have to run around WvW maps, trying to find a group to capture towers. WTF do I have to do that?

The new system s@cks b@lls! 

The old dailies had some days where it wasn't super easy to get all 3 effortlessly. I also used to go for the easiest ones like Vista Viewer, Mystic Forger, Big Spender etc. 

But from what I've seen here so far from dailies people got, they are also super easy. I've seen stuff like, "dodge 3 attacks", or "preform 3 combos", I got the "loot 10 enemy kills". This stuff is trivial at best and can be done in less than 1 minute. 

Yes you had more choices before, but you never had a lot of easy ones, so you never went for the harder ones. Plus with the weeklies being in the same tab you use both your daily and weekly efforts towards rewards of your choice, which I admit it's a little limited, and I'd like to see more stuff there. 

Edited by jason.1083
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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And again: no, you are wrong. And I know that, because I didn't click anything before reading. What the box said was basically this:

And clearly it does say when the reset happens.

I think the big UI issue is that this screen doesn't tell a new player what the implications are of their choice. Coming from the old daily system one could reasonably expect that leaving all 3 checkboxes ticked would mean you get 12 daily choices, 4 in each category (as that's what the old system did). Nowhere does it tell you that in the new system you have strictly 4 daily choices and they will be spread out between the options you leave ticked.

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3 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

For 60 acclaim you can get that clover today instead of in a few days. But you probably already knew that.

The big problem is that before you used to get 7 mystic clovers + 35 laurels + 20 mystic coins every 28 days just by logging in. Plus other rewards like tomes of knowledge (spirit shards), bags of luck and black lion goods.

Now just by logging in you get 5 astral acclaim. Which gets you EITHER 2 mystic clovers OR 15 mystic coins OR 14 laurels, but you can mix and match... for instance you can get 1 clover + 4 mystic coins + 4 laurels. That's a pretty hefty reward nerf.

Sure you can fill up with daily achievements, but previously you could pick any 3 out of a list of 12, whereas now you can only do the 3 that the game forces you to pick. It didn't help that yesterday one of the tasks was quite time-consuming to do.

Edited by blackoil.2673
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12 minutes ago, jason.1083 said:

The old dailies had some days where it wasn't super easy to get all 3 effortlessly. I also used to go for the easiest ones like Vista Viewer, Mystic Forger, Big Spender etc. 

But from what I've seen here so far from dailies people got, they are also super easy. I've seen stuff like, "dodge 3 attacks", or "preform 3 combos", I got the "loot 10 enemy kills". This stuff is trivial at best and can be done in less than 1 minute. 

Yes you had more choices before, but you never had a lot of easy ones, so you never went for the harder ones. Plus with the weeklies being in the same tab you use both your daily and weekly efforts towards rewards of your choice, which I admit it's a little limited, and I'd like to see more stuff there. 

The stated goal of the daily system revamp was to promote engagement with the content. Jumping into a camp and dodging once as all of the guards attacked and then hitting my rotation once in order to get daily dodges, guard kills, and camp captured all at once in a period of about 30 seconds does not do this. Not allowing me to choose dailies that look fun or interesting does not promote engagement with content either. Assigning me different dailies than my guild mate so that we cannot work on shared dailies does not do this either. By Anet's own stated goals, and your description above, the new system is an abject failure on day one.

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