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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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For me it is similar with PvP. Never really liked WvW. Well at release in 2012 and with still classic servers available without linking and when I did most PvE content - I played it a lot and like it. But I took a year-long break and still have lots of PvE stuff to catch up on. Mainly doing fast-paced short PvP. The participation system that does not really encourage defense (better to r run around to hunt kills and tag something - instead of scouting and building defensive siege) is annoying.

Did not see any annoying dailies in the list in the wiki - but that might not be up to date yet: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wizard's_Vault

The old system had veteran waiting and keep capture (that might take stuff). Current wiki does not even list towers (yet). I wonder if the obsician sanctum will get more interesting because of the weeklies. Like to do it when I have the guild mission for my solo guild. This was fun back then in 2012/13 when still a lot of people played it. (Actually I'd prefer a 10-20 vs 10-20 game mode for PvP and the Obsidian Sancum offered nice skirmishes on a mid-scale level that felt not too zergy ... with some actual kind of goal - getting to the top ... or having a mesmer port you to there and then try to kill others that want to proceed the normal way lol.)

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Be sure to read this thread before you try the suggestions given to you here.

While the suggestions would no doubt work, you still wouldn't be able to complete that daily. 

For the person who is confused, the dungeon to be completed for that daily is bugged to the point where you can't complete it. The thread that I referenced explains. 

Edited by Stelawrat.6589
To clarify for those who appear to be confused.
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What do you guys think of the rewards given for your daily's?
Just for logging you could get chest, tombes of knowledge or mistic coins, now you don't you can't even get chests or mistic coins thoug doing daily's
I think it is verry down graided. They took a lot of reward satisfaction away.

Edited by ocram.9215
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Thanks for the responses all. Going forward, if I get a mini-dungeon that is further along in the story than where I am, I'll see if I can find someone to help me get to it via teleport to friend.

In this case, it sounds like the mini-dungeon had some other issues, but I'll definitely try it in the future then. As much as I'd like to hold off on going places until the story takes me there, I'd much rather get the daily rewards.

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2 minutes ago, Ganogati.8963 said:

Thanks for the responses all. Going forward, if I get a mini-dungeon that is further along in the story than where I am, I'll see if I can find someone to help me get to it via teleport to friend.

In this case, it sounds like the mini-dungeon had some other issues, but I'll definitely try it in the future then. As much as I'd like to hold off on going places until the story takes me there, I'd much rather get the daily rewards.

You are not being entirely good advice. Teleport to friend does NOT work for  Valdhertz. The mini dungeon requires an achievement to be done first. Any attempt to access via Mesmer portal or teleport is blocked. I tried earlier for a group already. The game does not accurately check if you are eligible. It should be only be daily if the achievement for access is done first. Obv they should also put the effort in to fix bugs after all this time too, but that’s separate.

Teleports are all very well and good, but it’s on the devs to find better solutions. You should not have to skip content or do precursor content to access a daily. They need to add options.

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8 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

I had combo fields and dodges yesterday. I did both before I even opened the Wizard's Vault to check what the dailies were 🙂

Such things are quick for me too, but back then feedback was so great (partly due to some issues with combos at the time) they had no choice but to pull that daily from the rotations permanently. Whilst Valdhertz is a bigger problem, it still stems from the devs not passing lessons down from team to team to understand their players’ feedback. I don’t even really have ani issue with any of them being a daily, as long as there are multiple choices. 

Edited by Randulf.7614
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9 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

My strategy has been to disable everything except PvE. I've never gotten into PvP at all so that was never going to be an option here, but I find it sad that I have to drop the WvW part. I've done WvW dailies for years, often sticking around for an hour or 2. The problem is that I can't always make a lot of time to play,  and with some daily WvW tasks taking too long to accomplish due to the state of my server at the time I log on, I just disabled WvW altogether. or be guaranteed to have days where my dailies weren't going to happen. (Not to mention having gotten 3 terrible weeklies for WvW the first week.)

All in all, these new dailies have made me pretty much abandon a game mode, which surely can't have been the point of this revamp.

I'm the same. Picking only PvE now, when I used to hop into WvW also for dailies. I have a partially filled GoB track that will need to be finished at some point -- unless GoB shows up in the Vault.

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12 hours ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

FYI, there are 8 options for weeklies, with the overall weekly completion reward requiring you do 6.  Interestingly, you can complete more than 6 and collect those individual tasks' acclaim even after collecting the overall.

Yeah that's my bad for misremembering it. Went and edited it right now.

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12 hours ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

FYI, there are 8 options for weeklies, with the overall weekly completion reward requiring you do 6.  Interestingly, you can complete more than 6 and collect those individual tasks' acclaim even after collecting the overall.

fyi there is only 7 for core only account somehow they get 1 auto completed after they do their first without rewards.

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5 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

You can scroll down on the reward pane. I know some people haven't realized this. Your first 90 gold only have to cost 6 astral by the way, the 30 astral option is only useful if you want more.

On Might teapot stream he said you could buy these that sell for a gold before going for the 30 aa gold btw.


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1 hour ago, Nate Anabe.6091 said:

Are dailies/weeklies mandatory to do?

Do you have to do them first before the game lets you play other aspects of the game?

The issue usually is that ANET is offering something highly desirable and then the play is intermittently bugged to get there. Often years waiting or never getting fixed. The same drama happened with the Siege Turtle in EoD. It was offered, highly sought after, enough people got it to spread word that it was possible (even easy if you were in the 'correct' guild/group), and then most of the casual population couldn't get it due to bugs/difficulty. Thankfully in that specific case, they fixed/altered the Dragon's end meta to make that more achievable.

By being buggy intermittently, you end up with people being quite angry when they see others that were lucky and made it through. If something was never offered or literally impossible to get because the bug is 100% breakage, there would be no or very very few complaints.

In this case, people are excited to get items from the wizzard vault as fast as possible. Engaging in non-daily content doesn't progress that goal. And people see some players succeeding which creates frustration out of feeling of unfairness to the player base.

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On 8/23/2023 at 4:50 PM, Stx.4857 said:

This post is extremely non-constructive.  

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it “bad game design”.  

Literally the only sentence in your post that made any sense was the criticism of the selection of daily tasks.  I think everyone can agree that only four to choose from is too few.  But other than that, this system is FAR better than the old, in every possible way.  

The potential total rewards for completing your dailies / weeklies is roughly triple what we had before.  Even if you only do dailies every three days, you will probably get close to the exact same rewards as before, oh and by the way, you can choose so many more things than before.  Skins, ascended items, costumes.  And no FOMO.  


Once they make a few adjustments like making sure you can play with your friends while doing the dailies, the system will be near perfect.  

As Erich.1783 said: At a guess the complaint is, and I agree, having to open the Wizard Store and then click something to collect.  While I realize that you had to click various things in the old system, you could just right click the chest daily chest to drop the reward into inventory and deal with it later.  The new system just seems a bit more clunky.  There is also the situation, and I have not tested it since I do not want to miss out on AA, that it appears that if you do no not open the tab and click on the completed daily etc you do not get the AA.  I would be happy if when a task was completed the AA was automatically added to the account.

I am not interested in how this new system works, It's more grind for less rewards, 4 dailies now Vs the 3 we had 😞  And I refuse to play anymore, and I don't see them trying to fix dailies were we play with our family friends or guilds. with more to choices from the daily task to work with the community.  Some of the RAGE in WvW they have turned this into a Dictatorship forcing us to do what they deem right for us. Arenanet has made no comment's on or  if they are going listen to the community's or just keep slapping us in the face with bad choices they have made. They could have made it to were we kept out dailies and made the wizards vault a bonus for those who have the time to grind it out. and they could have made the AA  was automatically added to the account and not force us to spend it every month or quarterly or how ever it is set up. We should also be able to get more then 1,300 and spend it as we need to and not make bad choices on crap we don't want or need. the other issue I have no WvW or PvP potions anymore? they should have kept that, or added it to the Vault as a currency.... 


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On 8/24/2023 at 7:02 AM, Vecta.3475 said:

This is my first forum post. After the SotO release this week, I felt compelled to criticize one change that I do not understand nor agree with. Why was the daily achievements system changed? The new daily achievements system is flawed and inferior to the old daily achievements in every way that I have considered.

First off, I'm not referring to the changes to the daily login rewards system. Personally I am neutral on the removal of the daily login rewards. I understand ArenaNet's rationale for removing it. What I cannot comprehend however, is why ANet decided to also remove a good, working daily achievements system, and replace it with a worse one at the same time. There are several issues to be had with SotO, but the changes for the worse to the daily achievements are the most glaringly obvious to me.

The old daily achievements system was objectively better than the current SotO equivalent. The old daily achievements: 1) Already aligned with ANet's goal of rewarding active player participation, as there was no passive daily achievement reward for simply logging in. 2) Provided player choice with four options per game mode, so that players could choose the content that they enjoy. This choice of options was completely curtailed in the new system, which is a serious problem. 3) Were unobtrusive and intuitive, requiring no additional actions from players once a reward was earned. An elegant design compared to the cumbersome new system. 4) Provided some useful reward chests upon completion. Now replaced with nothing equivalent. 5) Encouraged better group participation, which is a good thing in an MMO. The new daily rewards system introduced in SotO fails at every one of these criteria.

In the quest to remove the contentious daily login rewards, ANet allowed the daily achievements to be caught up in the conflagration and removed it as well.

The current SotO daily achievements are an over-engineered, immersion-breaking design that is coupled to a budget storefront with worse UI and UX. This change should not be acceptable to players. The overall problem that I have not seen discussed by other forum posts is staring me in the face.

SotO added a new currency, Astral Acclaim to provide a means of purchasing the important items that were previously primarily gained via the daily login rewards. ANet decided to tie this AA currency to daily achievements, which inexplicably seems to limit their own options. Be that as it may, the core problem is that we do not need any new daily achievements or new storefront to support the new AA currency. Since the dawn of GW2, there has always been a solution. Vendors.

The Wizard's Vault UI is not needed. Keep the new rewards system, but remove the WV and use currency vendors like every other non-gem currency in the game.

Astral Acclaim should be earned as any other in-game currency, and spent at AA currency vendors throughout the game world. The SotO expansion-only items would only be purchasable at AA vendors in the SotO maps, while the rest of the core game items would be purchasable at AA vendors in all regions. The currency vendor model is perfectly fine for this new currency. The UI and UX of buying and selling at vendors is seamless, understood and intuitive to players since the game launched. Not to mention that its also immersive and fun to buy and sell things at merchants, if you enjoy the lore aspect of the game.

Replacing the currency vendor model with a poorly designed, budget storefront is disappointing and probably cost ANet too much time to develop, when an existing system was readily available that does it better and faster.

The only change that was needed to allow the old daily achievements to support the new Astral Acclaim currency , was to add AA rewards to the pre-existing daily achievement rewards. Limit the number to completed dailies that award AA to 3 or 4 or whatever is needed, and add the new AA currency vendors to the game world. Simple, efficient and intuitive.

The new daily achievements with the Wizards Vault is an objectively worse design for the reasons stated. Extrapolate the WV concept to future expansions. Where does it end? How many budget storefronts will we need? It won't work. Do not follow that path. The idea to allow player freedom to earn and spend AA on items including Mystic Coins, Laurels, and Clovers is good and laudable, but the execution of the idea was poor.

Please ArenaNet, consider this alternative. Bring back the old daily achievements with Astral Acclaim currency added as a new reward alongside the previous daily achievement rewards. Do not fall for the sunk cost fallacy. ANet, there is still time to recover from this stumble before it becomes a fall.

Well said, and Thank you. I couldn't agree more with you ❤️


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Really unhappy that there are no options on which tasks complete the daily/weekly. I play all 3 modes actively and usually completed dailies without any thought before because there was a variety of options for each mode. Now it's 3 specific things I have to go out of my way to do each day. I can choose just one mode or the other to have smoother completion but that means knowing in advance what I will do the next day, or else be forced to interrupt what i'm interested in doing with a detour into something i'm not feeling at the moment. Who schedules what they want to do a day in advance?

The pve dailies like "do this notoriously terrible jp (The long way around)" or "do an activity" has also made me wary of ever choosing pve category for dailies even when i'm going to be playing pve that day. I noticed sanctum sprint was polished up a lot (crab toss is bugged lol) but it's still out of  my way and not honestly much fun.

Also really REALLY dislike having to click the chest to get credit?? Why on earth would this be how it is. Why would you want players who completed the task to simply forget and not get the reward? What is the purpose of this extra, negative step?

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I love this on forms: Vecta.3475
Posted Thursday at 07:02 AM
This is my first forum post. After the SotO release this week, I felt compelled to criticize one change that I do not understand nor agree with. Why was the daily achievements system changed? The new daily achievements system is flawed and inferior to the old daily achievements in every way that I have considered.
First off, I'm not referring to the changes to the daily login rewards system. Personally I am neutral on the removal of the daily login rewards. I understand ArenaNet's rationale for removing it. What I cannot comprehend however, is why ANet decided to also remove a good, working daily achievements system, and replace it with a worse one at the same time. There are several issues to be had with SotO, but the changes for the worse to the daily achievements are the most glaringly obvious to me.
The old daily achievements system was objectively better than the current SotO equivalent. The old daily achievements: 1) Already aligned with ANet's goal of rewarding active player participation, as there was no passive daily achievement reward for simply logging in. 2) Provided player choice with four options per game mode, so that players could choose the content that they enjoy. This choice of options was completely curtailed in the new system, which is a serious problem. 3) Were unobtrusive and intuitive, requiring no additional actions from players once a reward was earned. An elegant design compared to the cumbersome new system. 4) Provided some useful reward chests upon completion. Now replaced with nothing equivalent. 5) Encouraged better group participation, which is a good thing in an MMO. The new daily rewards system introduced in SotO fails at every one of these criteria.
In the quest to remove the contentious daily login rewards, ANet allowed the daily achievements to be caught up in the conflagration and removed it as well.
The current SotO daily achievements are an over-engineered, immersion-breaking design that is coupled to a budget storefront with worse UI and UX. This change should not be acceptable to players. The overall problem that I have not seen discussed by other forum posts is staring me in the face.
SotO added a new currency, Astral Acclaim to provide a means of purchasing the important items that were previously primarily gained via the daily login rewards. ANet decided to tie this AA currency to daily achievements, which inexplicably seems to limit their own options. Be that as it may, the core problem is that we do not need any new daily achievements or new storefront to support the new AA currency. Since the dawn of GW2, there has always been a solution. Vendors.
The Wizard's Vault UI is not needed. Keep the new rewards system, but remove the WV and use currency vendors like every other non-gem currency in the game.
Astral Acclaim should be earned as any other in-game currency, and spent at AA currency vendors throughout the game world. The SotO expansion-only items would only be purchasable at AA vendors in the SotO maps, while the rest of the core game items would be purchasable at AA vendors in all regions. The currency vendor model is perfectly fine for this new currency. The UI and UX of buying and selling at vendors is seamless, understood and intuitive to players since the game launched. Not to mention that its also immersive and fun to buy and sell things at merchants, if you enjoy the lore aspect of the game.
Replacing the currency vendor model with a poorly designed, budget storefront is disappointing and probably cost ANet too much time to develop, when an existing system was readily available that does it better and faster.
The only change that was needed to allow the old daily achievements to support the new Astral Acclaim currency , was to add AA rewards to the pre-existing daily achievement rewards. Limit the number to completed dailies that award AA to 3 or 4 or whatever is needed, and add the new AA currency vendors to the game world. Simple, efficient and intuitive.
The new daily achievements with the Wizards Vault is an objectively worse design for the reasons stated. Extrapolate the WV concept to future expansions. Where does it end? How many budget storefronts will we need? It won't work. Do not follow that path. The idea to allow player freedom to earn and spend AA on items including Mystic Coins, Laurels, and Clovers is good and laudable, but the execution of the idea was poor.
Please ArenaNet, consider this alternative. Bring back the old daily achievements with Astral Acclaim currency added as a new reward alongside the previous daily achievement rewards. Do not fall for the sunk cost fallacy. ANet, there is still time to recover from this stumble before it becomes a fall.

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31 minutes ago, Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:

I love this on forms: Vecta.3475
Posted Thursday at 07:02 AM
This is my first forum post. After the SotO release this week, I felt compelled to criticize one change that I do not understand nor agree with. Why was the daily achievements system changed? The new daily achievements system is flawed and inferior to the old daily achievements in every way that I have considered.
First off, I'm not referring to the changes to the daily login rewards system. Personally I am neutral on the removal of the daily login rewards. I understand ArenaNet's rationale for removing it. What I cannot comprehend however, is why ANet decided to also remove a good, working daily achievements system, and replace it with a worse one at the same time. There are several issues to be had with SotO, but the changes for the worse to the daily achievements are the most glaringly obvious to me.
The old daily achievements system was objectively better than the current SotO equivalent. The old daily achievements: 1) Already aligned with ANet's goal of rewarding active player participation, as there was no passive daily achievement reward for simply logging in. 2) Provided player choice with four options per game mode, so that players could choose the content that they enjoy. This choice of options was completely curtailed in the new system, which is a serious problem. 3) Were unobtrusive and intuitive, requiring no additional actions from players once a reward was earned. An elegant design compared to the cumbersome new system. 4) Provided some useful reward chests upon completion. Now replaced with nothing equivalent. 5) Encouraged better group participation, which is a good thing in an MMO. The new daily rewards system introduced in SotO fails at every one of these criteria.
In the quest to remove the contentious daily login rewards, ANet allowed the daily achievements to be caught up in the conflagration and removed it as well.
The current SotO daily achievements are an over-engineered, immersion-breaking design that is coupled to a budget storefront with worse UI and UX. This change should not be acceptable to players. The overall problem that I have not seen discussed by other forum posts is staring me in the face.
SotO added a new currency, Astral Acclaim to provide a means of purchasing the important items that were previously primarily gained via the daily login rewards. ANet decided to tie this AA currency to daily achievements, which inexplicably seems to limit their own options. Be that as it may, the core problem is that we do not need any new daily achievements or new storefront to support the new AA currency. Since the dawn of GW2, there has always been a solution. Vendors.
The Wizard's Vault UI is not needed. Keep the new rewards system, but remove the WV and use currency vendors like every other non-gem currency in the game.
Astral Acclaim should be earned as any other in-game currency, and spent at AA currency vendors throughout the game world. The SotO expansion-only items would only be purchasable at AA vendors in the SotO maps, while the rest of the core game items would be purchasable at AA vendors in all regions. The currency vendor model is perfectly fine for this new currency. The UI and UX of buying and selling at vendors is seamless, understood and intuitive to players since the game launched. Not to mention that its also immersive and fun to buy and sell things at merchants, if you enjoy the lore aspect of the game.
Replacing the currency vendor model with a poorly designed, budget storefront is disappointing and probably cost ANet too much time to develop, when an existing system was readily available that does it better and faster.
The only change that was needed to allow the old daily achievements to support the new Astral Acclaim currency , was to add AA rewards to the pre-existing daily achievement rewards. Limit the number to completed dailies that award AA to 3 or 4 or whatever is needed, and add the new AA currency vendors to the game world. Simple, efficient and intuitive.
The new daily achievements with the Wizards Vault is an objectively worse design for the reasons stated. Extrapolate the WV concept to future expansions. Where does it end? How many budget storefronts will we need? It won't work. Do not follow that path. The idea to allow player freedom to earn and spend AA on items including Mystic Coins, Laurels, and Clovers is good and laudable, but the execution of the idea was poor.
Please ArenaNet, consider this alternative. Bring back the old daily achievements with Astral Acclaim currency added as a new reward alongside the previous daily achievement rewards. Do not fall for the sunk cost fallacy. ANet, there is still time to recover from this stumble before it becomes a fall.

please when you copy in text into your post click the post as plain text that pop up.

It is horrible on dark mode with a glaring white background tht make it impossible to read your posts the way you do it atm.

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