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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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I'm not a big fan of not having spares available. Especially with WvW in mind. Sometimes you just can't get people to attack your objectives or capture a keep - now that will stonewall you from daily completion.

If there were 6 random dailies that would feel much much better. You can have two bad picks then and still do your daily.

1 minute ago, MokahTGS.7850 said:

So if I am required to do a jumping puzzle to complete the daily then I guess I'm out.  Not everyone can play every game mode ANet...Why would you take away choices?

Cold comfort, but you could probably get someone to help you out with a Portal.

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1 minute ago, Sarrs.4831 said:

I'm not a big fan of not having spares available. Especially with WvW in mind. Sometimes you just can't get people to attack your objectives or capture a keep - now that will stonewall you from daily completion.

If there were 6 random dailies that would feel much much better. You can have two bad picks then and still do your daily.

Cold comfort, but you could probably get someone to help you out with a Portal.

yeah...not much of a comfort for sure...portal mesmers are gonna get lots of tips on those days.

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So I would like you to consider the fact that most people (not all but most) people are not happy with the current lay out of the new daily system.


Personally I liked to do 1 or 2 PVP and 1 WvW. Or if the WVW was too long to get done then 1 WVW, 1 PvP and one PvE with the old system... Sometimes I only did PvP. Sometimes I only did WvW but I had a choice.... The new system doesn't allow for choice.. Please give us back choice... I would rather do the dailies as PVP and the Weeklies as WvW, but oh I cant do that because the setup of the new system doesnt let you choose like that.


Oh and you missed out on a massive opportunity with the rework of the daily system. You could have had all the PvE dailys done on one map. Be it a World Boss or a mini Dungeon or a JP or a repeatable heart or a mini event.. You could have had whole maps reinvigorated by having every map have 1 day where it gets players to play on it and then the next day a whole new map..... The implications of that should have you facepalming your head......

Edited by Firebird Gomer.9563
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11 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Well, maybe if the content was fun, the reward system wouldn't have to be as desperate. Many people played WvW for years despite it being a gold sink for the first part of its existence. If PvP can't attract people despite throwing mystic coins and gold at people then maybe it just doesn't appeal to the average player. I think the developer shares some of the blame; you can't just blame players for that. Besides, the competitive players are probably out playing an actual esports game.

And even you can't give a good reason to play pvp beyond its material rewards. Oh and I guess people are too chicken to play it. Very convincing.

Why would you play a game you don't think has fun content?

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6 hours ago, trulosek.7145 said:

I don't understand why this mobile game system wasn't just added as an extra thing from lvl 80 onwards. The old daily loggin (even quests) could have stayed and this mobile shop could have just had bigger prizes for items and more complex quests for at least some difficulty and fun. And what would ANET get with it? Satisfied players with the classic old daily loggin + a new system for challenges and rewards that interested players will be happy for and in the final there wouldn't be so much dissatisfaction from players to deal with.

The current new system is just a mix of boring quests, it's also confusing, annoying and limiting for new players, the previous system at least had a real meaning of "daily loggin".

I really hope ANET brings back the old loggin system and just modifies this new one as a new reward shop with more complex and original quests as something extra and not a replacement otherwise good luck, since this is probably the first MMO with such a bad daily loggin.

I think exactly like you as I already wrote in another thread. It was the most logical thing to do in my opinion, and also you could do the same thing for relics too, they should be thought of as an addition to the rune system not a replacement. Basically I bought an expansion that instead of adding content it takes away and above all it takes away from the players the possibility of choice.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't think it's a big deal that just logging in and not actually doing anything isn't very rewarding.

As one of the people who sometimes doesn't have time to even do the dailies I don't think the new system is any different to the old one. There have always been days when I had to choose between the dailies and anything else because I didn't have time for both, or didn't even have time to do the dailies, that's nothing new. Yes some days there was a combination which could be done quickly, but there's been plenty of times I've looked at the available options and realised I'd have to skip them because it would take too long. Also (I know I keep going on about this but) yesterday I was able to complete all the dailies and the weeklies in under 2 hours, so I don't think it's accurate to say players who can only log in for 4 hours over the weekend can't do dailies.

It's fine if you don't want to do them, but it seems odd to be upset that you have to play a game to get the rewards.

You get some from completing the weekly achievements, and can buy more with astral acclaim.

Just FYI I'm not speaking about the daily quests, but the daily rewards for logging in.  Also, you might be right about the fact that logging in and not doing anything wasn't very rewarding, but now it's even less...

What some of you don't understand (including Anet) is that logging in every day, even if not doing anything, actually keeps you  BOUND to the game. And like somebody else said in this thread, sometimes you see when logging in that an old friend is also there, and you chat, and you play a bit, and so on... In the end you get a virtuous cycle that is linked to the social aspects of this games, not the pure grind. In addition, it's also a way for ANET to market the new releases and update through the launcher... again, virtuous cycle.

I strongly believe this is what kept this game alive and so different than the competition for so long. But not anymore




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11 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

A million times this. I'm only in HoT and I'm not ruining the story by visiting a future map just for a daily, so with this new system it seems like I'll practically never get a set of 4 PvE dailies which I can complete?

Same for me, and I really really enjoy taking my time in GW2, exploring each corner of the maps, getting my mastery points, doing events... I dont need nor wish to speed through expansions to get mounts and reach the end of the game. I love knowing I still have plenty to discover awaiting for me..

And yes, I belong to that crazy species who do enjoy HoT maps a lot, dont shoot me xD

That new daily system punishes me for taking my time and I really really resent that. I used to be able to do my dailies every day, picking what I could do to earn my most appreciated 2 golds.

That's 2 days now that I haven't be able to complete the daily.

Makes me wonder if its still worth connecting to the game every day anymore..

(sorry for the mistakes, not native english)

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2 hours ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

You only have three real task/quest you need to do to get those AA in your Vault. The main problem here is that you need check when you have finished each task and collect that reward or you will not get that chest (click on it) and AA that is part of this system. The fourth task/quest is automatically from log in (so here it only important that you collect that reward), so I wouldn't count it as four, but three daily task you can pick and finish or ignore (but loose out on AA). That way you are limited to only three task that you can get any reward including currency from to buy things in Wizard's Vault.

The real issue here is the special task section which have higher AA as reward (look at right upper corner for how much time you will have before this will reset).

Daily give around 40 AA, and special task give from around 300 AA to 500 AA or even more, but will force you to finish story to get there or some other objectives which is more time consuming, then daily or even weekly tasks.

Those three tabs (daily, weekly and special) can be seen as different tier where tier 1 is the easier or faster one, weekly medium (tier 2) which needs to be finished within a week and the special (tier 3) have longer duration between reset, but are also more demanding to finish as you need to progress story or do other type of progression to get there as a tier 3 objective.



You seem to have completely misunderstood my point there. I do understand how the system works, and do not need another explanation or summary.

Yes, if we got into technicalities, one of the four tasks is always logging in, so we end up with a 3, but my point was that I agree with the statement, that the fact that the vault only has 3 of those available is a clear downgrade compared to earlier dailies, where pre-vault dailies, you had 4 tasks for each cathegory (PvE, PvP, WvW), so in total 12 tasks to pick from which 3 will you do for the daily.

Now for the second part of my post if you go to the weekly section you will notice that you need to complete 6 weeklies for weekly chest, and if you go through the list you will notice you get 8 weeklies. meaning that there are two weeklies you can skip and still get the weekly chest. Which is some flexibility given to weekly tasks, where dailies were given none, which is a weird contrast.

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Hard to disagree OP.  I don't like this new system at all.  It feels like the implementation of this system shows that either:

1.  ANET doesn't understand the main principle that sets GW2 apart from the other MMORPGs.

2.  ANET does understand this, but they aren't satisfied with that being the case.

There are tons of of MMORPGs out there, and many of them do so many things better that GW2 (raids, dungeons, bosses, etc.).  HOWEVER, the thing that has kept me coming back to this game since launch is that it has always gone the exact opposite direction that other MMORPGs lean when it comes to FOMO.  I can leave and come back to GW2 w/out feeling like I've missed out on anything (not counting Season 1 LS for a while, and we saw what a stink that caused.) 

This battle pass system (while mild) represents a step in the wrong direction - and it's a pretty in-your-face step being that it is tied to the daily system that slaps you right in the face the minute you log on each day.

Is this egregious?  God, no.  It is however indicative of a direction that if they fully leaned into would make me leave this game for good.  I really hope they don't kill the one thing I find special about this lovely game.

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9 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Now for the second part of my post if you go to the weekly section you will notice that you need to complete 6 weeklies for weekly chest, and if you go through the list you will notice you get 8 weeklies

Yeah I had to squint and noticed this today as well which begs the question:

WHY IN THE HOLY HELLS IS DAILYS NOT 6 WHERE YOU HAVE TO COMPLETE 4 (which would naturally block the remaining 2 as daily is completed)

Also WvW weeklies was magically back today lol. Guess it was an "accident".

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1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

My dailies were impossible for me but my wife got one that is for the new area, and of course it doesn't explain that, so she googled it for ages trying to figure out where the heck to go and ended up giving up

Let me guess: Horn of Maguuma? 😄

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50 minutes ago, Firebird Gomer.9563 said:

So I would like you to consider the fact that most people (not all but most) people are not happy with the current lay out of the new daily system.


Personally I liked to do 1 or 2 PVP and 1 WvW. Or if the WVW was too long to get done then 1 WVW, 1 PvP and one PvE with the old system... Sometimes I only did PvP. Sometimes I only did WvW but I had a choice.... The new system doesn't allow for choice.. Please give us back choice... I would rather do the dailies as PVP and the Weeklies as WvW, but oh I cant do that because the setup of the new system doesnt let you choose like that.


Oh and you missed out on a massive opportunity with the rework of the daily system. You could have had all the PvE dailys done on one map. Be it a World Boss or a mini Dungeon or a JP or a repeatable heart or a mini event.. You could have had whole maps reinvigorated by having every map have 1 day where it gets players to play on it and then the next day a whole new map..... The implications of that should have you facepalming your head......

It would have seemed that by selecting multiple game modes there would have been more choice. By having the daily need four and just have 4 is a backwards step in direction. More options would be better in this case versus either in a single game mode or even more so when multiple game modes are opted for. Additionally having these not auto complete is a bit odd and adds additional chances for people to not 'complete' a task they completed. for QoL sakes that might be something to reconsider.

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I really hope they think about doing a PvE map a day. It would bring life back to maps that hardly see any play time.... I think the Daily Login could be fun if they just modify it 1 to allow choice and 2 if they link it to maps..... Im sure there are other idea's people far smarter than I that could come up with suggestions.

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1 hour ago, Athena.1735 said:

WTH anet the idea of GW 2 is that we have options to do what we want, i never skipped my dailly before, because daillies give nice rewards now i am forced to doing it because i am forced to make the new story to do a crappy bounty i dont even know where it comes from.... yea i am not forced to do the dailly but i want to do it, so my take is why is it that i have a dailly in the new expansion if i HAVENT EVEN STARTED IT YET... i dont want to go there and now i am being forced because i want to do other things then the blasted new expansion, and yes i already bought the expansion but the beauty behind gw 2 is nothing is locked behind content or hard to reach and setting a bounty as a freaking dailly on a new map i dont intend to go for is just taking the crap out of players.... this is starting to smell like WoW crap, finding a new mmorpg to focus on might be a good idea if this is how u intend to do things.

Dailies have always taken into account what content you had the expansion for. Are you telling me you both got SotO dailies but don't have SotO?

EDIT: By "always" I meant since the game became F2P but required expansions to unlock the other features.

Edited by Dalent.9358
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