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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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7 hours ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

Why lie about this? Do you think that the dozens and dozens of people that play WvW don't know how to play? That NONE of them understand how the defence process works?

Where did you see anything about "lying" in my post? I said I usually don't have any issues getting credit for defense events. I also asked if those playes "considered making replays of what they think should count as defense event participation and then reporting it to anet with that video included" because it will objectively help recognizing the issue, either by being able to point out why it -possibly intentionally, by design- didn't count OR by helping with replicating the possibly bugged event participation.
Nothing I wrote there suggested that people intentionally lie about what they think should have counted as participation in defense events.

7 hours ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

Actually, who am I kidding. We don't know how it works. Because sometimes we do things that should clearly give credit, and it just doesn't. It's broken as kitten, and if you are genuinely trying to say that you get them every time, without fail, then you are at the far, far end of a bell curve, and  should consider buying a lottery ticket.

Cool, so... you understand why I wrote what I wrote?

7 hours ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

I do diamond every week.

Sorry, but that's irrelevant to anything said here. I mean no offense and in no way this is supposed to try to say how you play or what you know about the game (because I have 0 information about that), but just saying "I make diamond every week!" in isolation means as much as nothing since we know reaching diamond has nothing to do with player abilities or some extended knowledge of the mode.

And this is not an attempt at taking some cheap jab at you. It's simply how it works. If you think what I just wrote is incorrect then explain why.

7 hours ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

I've had times when I KNOW for a fact that I've done enough to get credit, and nothing. I've had to drop the WvW dailies, because I can't trust that even playing for an hour or two a day in WvW that I'll be able to do them.  It's a joke.

Meanwhile I'm pretty sure I didn't miss a single daily defense objective and none of them were done by somehow repeatedly struggling to get participation.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I'm a big Anet fan, I love what they're doing with the game, and I like the new Daily/Weekly/Special system.
However, I'm disappointed with how they have the new Wizard's Vault interface co-existing with the old daily system in the Hero Panel with no attempt to integrate the two.
Right now there is a WvW weekly track in the Wizard's Vault and a WvW weekly track in the Hero Panel. Only one of these can show in the upper right of the screen at one time. As soon as I 'eyeball' one of the items in the Wizard's Vault, the Hero Panel watchlist items disappear.
I was hoping for some integration with the updatee today, but was disappointed.
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I think adding only 1 more daily is a bit suspicious? Will Astral Acclaim be that valuable or will it be like Traders Tender in WoW. In WoW they used Traders Tender to make people felt fear of Missing out(FOMO). because how much you can get each month is now a like super small percentage of what items costs like every new item costs 3000-5000 but you can only earned 1000-1200 a month and if you cant bought it with Traders Tender you can buy it with real mony before it is gone. will Astral acclaim become like that in the future? Why are you super stingy about adding more? Also Mystic coins are not Free that meant the price will go up a LOT it is probably better to make them cheaper or you can added them back to Fractal CMs and othe high end gameplay or it will be probably become crazy expensive!

Wizard Vault could became very scummy

Edited by Saniyah.1984
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So a single new daily has been added.

That's asinine lol, what most players complained about is CHOICE not the amount of rewards, i don't care having extra astral i just want to freely choose different options just like it has been for a multitude of years.

Give us the choice to decide from the old 12 dailies from both pve-pvp-wvw and set a cap to the daily astral (put random non-astral rewards after the first 5 dailies?) - everybody wins, no reason for this downgrade

Edited by mariugo.4856
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12 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

This is probably the fastest fix they can put out until they can revamp it because it doesn't look like you're locked into only being able to claim 4 total dailies; you can get the 10 from the 5th daily, too.

To push out an expansion with a core part of it still in beta and not having the option to modify it  (i don't believe they didn't foresaw the outcome of the community not liking having 1/3 of the options about the dailies) and being forced to implement an extra free daily just to throw a bone is pretty concerning tbh.

Yearly xpacs are going to make the game packed with beta features like the vault

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5 minutes ago, mariugo.4856 said:

To push out an expansion with a core part of it still in beta and not having the option to modify it  (i don't believe they didn't foresaw the outcome of the community not liking having 1/3 of the options about the dailies) and being forced to implement an extra free daily just to throw a bone is pretty concerning tbh.

Yearly xpacs are going to make the game packed with beta features like the vault

I mean, they forgot legendary runes existed when they announced relics, so the potential lack of foresight on how people would feel about the Vault + what dailies/weeklies are included on the Vault just doesn't surprise me. It does feel like some of the Vault things were rushed, too, so things like "Here are 12 dailies, you can only get credit for four, have fun" weren't programmed yet and/or bugged tf out when they tried it so they changed to this "Here are 3 dailies" system just to get something out the door.

(let alone how relics themselves are a rushed mess, what with soulbinding, not stacking, etc)

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10 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I mean, they forgot legendary runes existed when they announced relics, so the potential lack of foresight on how people would feel about the Vault + what dailies/weeklies are included on the Vault just doesn't surprise me. It does feel like some of the Vault things were rushed, too, so things like "Here are 12 dailies, you can only get credit for four, have fun" weren't programmed yet and/or bugged tf out when they tried it so they changed to this "Here are 3 dailies" system just to get something out the door.

(let alone how relics themselves are a rushed mess, what with soulbinding, not stacking, etc)

If the system hadn't been ready, they shouldn't have released it. Given that they released in this manner anyway, indicates that this actually was their intended design. They have given us no reason to think otherwise.

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1 hour ago, mariugo.4856 said:

To push out an expansion with a core part of it still in beta and not having the option to modify it  (i don't believe they didn't foresaw the outcome of the community not liking having 1/3 of the options about the dailies) and being forced to implement an extra free daily just to throw a bone is pretty concerning tbh.

Yearly xpacs are going to make the game packed with beta features like the vault

Everything about this expansion screams that it was designed by people that did not have enough game design experience to make sensible decisions, or to think through the ramifications of their design choices. From the relic fiasco, to the dailies. To the terrible rewards for the metas. This "fix" to the daily problem just backs that up; it doesn't solve anything, and adding extra AA to the additional daily just means we STILL have to do them all or leave some of a capped resource on the table.

This can be fixed, and we could have a solid front end to a decent back end (the WV itself). But they need to understand the issues in order to be able to solve them properly. I'm seeing nothing to give me confidence.

The "balance" patch is going to be interesting, if this is the quality to expect moving forward. Anyone got the over/under on how many things they will break without realising it until it goes live?

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20 hours ago, Tanek.5983 said:

Anyone else only get 7 weekly objectives this week?

To add some details, this is with only PvE selected and is on an EU account that has HoT and PoF, but not EoD or SotO.
My NA account that has all expansions shows the normal 8 weekly PvE objectives.

Here's another wrinkle. After today's update, I still only have 7 weekly objectives, but I have credit for one more than I have completed. I have only done 2 so far and yet I am at 3/6 on the bar.

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37 minutes ago, Tanek.5983 said:

Here's another wrinkle. After today's update, I still only have 7 weekly objectives, but I have credit for one more than I have completed. I have only done 2 so far and yet I am at 3/6 on the bar.

Yeah, this happened to one of my accounts. I had 3 weeklies completed but the UI was showing 4/6 for some reason. Out of curiosity, I completed 2 more weeklies to see if I'd get the weekly completion chest after my 5th weekly, and sure enough, I got the weekly completion chest. I saved some screenshots just in case.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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So I just got back into GW2 and this new daily kinda bothers me. I participated in PVE, PVP and WvW, but it depends entirely on my mood of that day. Some days I'll just want to relax so I'll do PVE. If I feel like following a bandwagon I'll do WvW, and if I feel like being sweaty I'll play PVP. So I already ended up doing my dailies, but there is no real consistency.

Now I have to pick one daily type, a day in advance? But I don't know what mood I'll be in tomorrow, so that kinda ruins dailies for me. I've set it to PVE, but if I don't wanna do PVE, I am kinda kittened.

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2 minutes ago, Elku.6429 said:

So I just got back into GW2 and this new daily kinda bothers me. I participated in PVE, PVP and WvW, but it depends entirely on my mood of that day. Some days I'll just want to relax so I'll do PVE. If I feel like following a bandwagon I'll do WvW, and if I feel like being sweaty I'll play PVP. So I already ended up doing my dailies, but there is no real consistency.

Now I have to pick one daily type, a day in advance? But I don't know what mood I'll be in tomorrow, so that kinda ruins dailies for me. I've set it to PVE, but if I don't wanna do PVE, I am kinda kittened.

Yep. This is where I land, too. Given the current options, I went with PvE only, which is a shame.

What I would have liked to see is a setup where we still have all the options and if there needs to be a limit it is on the number of objectives we can complete in a day/week or the amount of astral acclaim we can gain from the daily or weekly. That way, we can still play how we want and people are not feeling like they NEED to do all 12 or however many for rewards.

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2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

If the system hadn't been ready, they shouldn't have released it. Given that they released in this manner anyway, indicates that this actually was their intended design. They have given us no reason to think otherwise.

I don't disagree. You are very correct. Regardless of intended or not, it is and was not ready. If unintended, I think they were forced to release it because it's a good chunk of the first part of the "expansion." If intended, the first sentence of Kranlor's below post hits pretty hard.

I'm trying to give Anet the benefit of the doubt that they pretty much had an all but beta version of WV and then had to push it to live before it could get cleaned up/polished. We are seeing some hilarious bugs with WV that I don't have enough info on if they were easily spottable with proper testing in QA (I am not blaming QA) or if they are another Test != Production issue. Hurray software development


1 hour ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

Everything about this expansion screams that it was designed by people that did not have enough game design experience to make sensible decisions, or to think through the ramifications of their design choices. From the relic fiasco, to the dailies. To the terrible rewards for the metas. This "fix" to the daily problem just backs that up; it doesn't solve anything, and adding extra AA to the additional daily just means we STILL have to do them all or leave some of a capped resource on the table.

This can be fixed, and we could have a solid front end to a decent back end (the WV itself). But they need to understand the issues in order to be able to solve them properly. I'm seeing nothing to give me confidence.

The "balance" patch is going to be interesting, if this is the quality to expect moving forward. Anyone got the over/under on how many things they will break without realising it until it goes live?

I look forward to the sheer chaos of the balance patch because things are going to get overnerfed again, to where other innocent classes/specs completely lose their viability in the crossfire. 🫠Let's see if my mains get nerfed again! (I don't have SoTO, so I can't run the busted builds; I'm still using builds from before, so, depending on the nerfs, they can probably completely destroy my classes again 😂)

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While having a choice of 12 dailies, and only needing to complete 3 of them under the current awards of 10 AA/daily might have resulted in too much AA if someone did all the dailies, they could have just made it so each individual daily granted just a little (1-3) AA, but completing the 3 required and claiming the daily chest granted more.  In that case, players could do all 12 and get an extra 10-15 AA, but most players would probably make the decision that the daily chest is the reward, and it isn't worth the effort to do extra dailies for another 2 AA.

This is basically how the old system worked - you could do more dailies than needed, and you'd get a chest for doing them which contained a minor amount of loot - the real reward was completing 3 of them for the 2 GP and 10 AP.


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On 9/11/2023 at 11:53 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

I must be the only player on this forum to not have issues with getting defense events count for the wvw dailies.

Not only in this forum, in game then too most likely.

I do the WvW tasks on 3 accounts and from what I have observed, it is not predictable to get the event successfully.

Acc1) In the first account I arrived just as a tower was attacked, 'lucky' I thought. Quickly do the defense. About 20 Blues were at the gate with 2 rams and already a few defenders. Just the usual hustle and bustle at an important tower (Jerry's) and nothing organized yet. At some point we were enough to push them away, they fled towards the camp. We killed a few, removed the rams and repaired the gate and then joined them in the camp. At the same time we defended the camp, which was half down. Then they retreated further to their side and there we killed them completely.

I didn't get anything for the tower or the camp. Later, someone posted an emergency wp for the fire keep on Red, and I got the defense for that. I didn't do anything different there than I did at the tower before. No that's not true, I did  less. I didn't remove any siege and didn't repair anything. I went harvesting.

Acc2) No defense events running. So I joined a ppt zerg and we took a tower far in the red territory. Heavily defended. On the third try it finally worked out. And as it is with heavily defended structures, there were still enemies in the tower after we took it, so we wiped them all out one by one. And that, in my experience, is the best way to successfully complete the event. Because most of the time when it counted for me, it was such a situation. Now you can't really bring it on. Sometimes there are no more opponents.

Another good possibility, with high chances of success, is when you have Stone Mist Castle. That is always attacked and accordingly high the probability that it counts.

Acc3) It was already at night and I was tired, just wanted to do the daylies quickly. The red enemies often went through the dredge tunnel to Wild Creek and the camp. Thus, we, who needed the event, were there defending the camp and the tower. A few times. After that counted for no one I wanted to do the method with the tower capture. So we took Anza. Was also defended but only a little and when we took it there was no one left. Checked other maps to see if there was a zerg/commander running around. Nothing. I defended the north camp on the homes and that gave again nothing and I was much too tired to wait there that all variables are true that it counts anywhere.


Edited by Lucy.3728
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20 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Not only in this forum, in game then too most likely.

Apparently, hence:

On 9/11/2023 at 11:53 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Did those players (including you) consider making replays of what they think should count as defense event participation and then reporting it to anet with that video included?


20 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I do the WvW tasks on 3 accounts and from what I have observed, it is not predictable to get the event successfully.

It is rather predictable to me though. Granted that when I need simple defensive events, focusing on camps is easier considering they're less likely to get zerged and you actually see who did something to that camp. It really is predictable there. But again, why aren't people posting videos of it to make the potential bug detection easier?


20 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Acc1) In the first account I arrived just as a tower was attacked, 'lucky' I thought. Quickly do the defense. About 20 Blues were at the gate with 2 rams and already a few defenders. Just the usual hustle and bustle at an important tower (Jerry's) and nothing organized yet. At some point we were enough to push them away, they fled towards the camp. We killed a few, removed the rams and repaired the gate and then joined them in the camp. At the same time we defended the camp, which was half down. Then they retreated further to their side and there we killed them completely.

I didn't get anything for the tower or the camp.

Yeah, it's because you won't get participation for just killing someone who happened to be nearby attacked tower or camp. This is not really how that works. 

20 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Acc2) No defense events running. So I joined a ppt zerg and we took a tower far in the red territory. Heavily defended. On the third try it finally worked out. And as it is with heavily defended structures, there were still enemies in the tower after we took it, so we wiped them all out one by one. And that, in my experience, is the best way to successfully complete the event. Because most of the time when it counted for me, it was such a situation. Now you can't really bring it on. Sometimes there are no more opponents.

Another good possibility, with high chances of success, is when you have Stone Mist Castle. That is always attacked and accordingly high the probability that it counts.

"Good possibility", sure. But, again, players who were left inside after defending their own structure do not automatically count for a defense event just because they're inside without interacting with anything.


And then people wonder why I'm asking about actual videos while acting offended because "woah, do you really think so many players don't know how it works?!?" just so they'll subsequently write a story like this, where nothing points at anything that should get them participation in the defense event. Because, again, killing someone who happens to be nearby (or even someone who follows the zerg and doesn't attack anything -either intentionally or because they simply try to tag npcs too late, when they're already dead) does not give you defense participation. As much as there can be -and probably are- bugs, this is most probably not one.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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32 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Apparently, hence:


It is rather predictable to me though. Granted that when I need simple defensive events, focusing on camps is easier considering they're less likely to get zerged and you actually see who did something to that camp. It really is predictable there. But again, why aren't people posting videos of it to make the potential bug detection easier?


Yeah, it's because you won't get participation for just killing someone who happened to be nearby attacked tower or camp. This is not really how that works. 

"Good possibility", sure. But, again, players who were left inside after defending their own structure do not automatically count for a defense event just because they're inside without interacting with anything.


And then people wonder why I'm asking about actual videos while acting offended because "woah, do you really think so many players don't know how it works?!?" just so they'll subsequently write a story like this, where nothing points at anything that should get them participation in the defense event. Because, again, killing someone who happens to be nearby (or even someone who follows the zerg and doesn't attack anything -either intentionally or because they simply try to tag npcs too late, when they're already dead) does not give you defense participation. As much as there can be -and probably are- bugs, this is most probably not one.

Everything you write is known. Nothing new.

I said it is not predictable. Because I cannot know whether the ones I killed, attacked, hit (e.g. from aoe) and maybe died later, DID something to the structure or the guards.
And that within the invisible event borders.

I listed my very usual defend live.

Now come and tell me something new.

edit: Oh wait, the ones attacking the camp did something to it, they were only two, But they probably left the event area when we finally finished them

Edited by Lucy.3728
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16 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Everything you write is known. Nothing new.

And yet what you wrote in your previous post along with the result you expected says otherwise. And don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the honesty of the description of the situations you brought up, but it already pointed at the possible issue with your expectated results in relation to what you did there.

16 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I said it is not predictable. Because I cannot know whether the ones I killed, attacked, hit (e.g. from aoe) and maybe died later, DID something to the structure or the guards.
And that within the invisible event borders.

Maybe. If you -like in case of your listed examples- arrive late and hope you'll rng a player that was actively doing something. So it is predictable as long as you're not trying to jump in last minute and grab a random participation.


16 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Now come and tell me something new.

Sorry, but I can still only tell you something old until you start doing it in an attempt to help pin pointing actual bugs:

48 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Did those players (including you) consider making replays of what they think should count as defense event participation and then reporting it to anet with that video included?

Until then, if you want to keep playing a guessing game instead, it's kind of on you. As I said, I have no issues consistently getting defense event participation. It's not some dark magic if you really understand how it works. Record and properly report a bug (or even what you think is a bug). Some sarcastic "tell me something new" after what you wrote in your previous post won't change that.


16 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

edit: Oh wait, the ones attacking the camp did something to it, they were only two, But they probably left the event area when we finally finished them

So the reason for not getting participation in this case is also fairly clear. How is this supposed to be a bug or an example of unpredictability then?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Ive been involved in continuous 30 to 60 minute fights over a keep where I got credit for 100+ player kills, inside the keep, invaders who have damaged the lord, across multiple defend events, without getting credit for even a single defense. Its been reported to ANet countless times. The fact that one person can get credit reliably when others do not is solid evidence that the it is inconsistent.

If a havoc squad of five can all contribute to killing one invader who solo rammed his way into a tower, and all members of the squad got credit for the kill, but only one got the defend credit (in a situation where there were no other contributing elements) then there is a consistency issue.

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