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Bring back the old Dailies [Merged]

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They can easily improve on the Wizard's Vault in a hotfix, by allowing more alternatives under the Daily tasks. If it had twice as many options, I doubt people would complain as much, but I agree that needing to do exactly the 3 dailies that are available is forcing your hand. But I guess Anet will see this too and change it, right @Rubi Bayer.8493? 🙂

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1 hour ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

They can easily improve on the Wizard's Vault in a hotfix, by allowing more alternatives under the Daily tasks. If it had twice as many options, I doubt people would complain as much, but I agree that needing to do exactly the 3 dailies that are available is forcing your hand. But I guess Anet will see this too and change it, right @Rubi Bayer.8493? 🙂

The system is so bad I can't help but wonder if the plan is get us fired up over the lack of choices so we focus less on the battle pass style kitten.  Then send out a patch explaining how they listen and care.

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3 minutes ago, suialthor.7164 said:

The system is so bad I can't help but wonder if the plan is get us fired up over the lack of choices so we focus less on the battle pass style kitten.  Then send out a patch explaining how they listen and care.

Come on, it's not the whole system that is bad. It's mainly the lack of options to choose from for Daily objectives. Being forced to do exactly the 3 the system picks for you is bad design, if Anet fix that so players can choose 3/8 or whatever, most complaints would go away.

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1 hour ago, Rolebreaker.4920 said:

I feel like this is going to kill old, core maps since there are no more map dailies. No reason to have veterans going there, mingling with new players. They will become barren. 

Well I mean Anet killed the threads poping up that hey why are all these high levels ruining my experince doing low level maps we used to get so some people are happy now.

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8 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

I don't like some options (Obsidian Sanctum/Hearts) but other than that (and the fact we get just 1g now for daily), I like it. Being able to get Clovers/Coins which I really need instead of random useless crap is a massive improvement IMO.

Actually because the wizard's vault will only restock every 3 months; you're actually getting less coins/mystic clovers than previously. It just so happens you can get them earlier; but then you have nothing worth picking for the remainder of the 2+ months. And because of the 1300 cap, you can't just save up all your points for when there's nothing good in the vault.

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8 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Did anyone actually complete Vexa's Lab to get the daily award?  I got that one as the daily, and I'm having trouble bringing myself to even go there.  Normally I'd just skip over it and then do WvW dailies instead, but that isn't an option anymore.  It's Vexa's lab or bust.  I mean, I'm fine with having less options under the condition that those options are proportionally rewarding for their time and effort investment.  But... they are not.  

I was assigned this and I did not do it.

I am not interested in dungeons or mini dungeons and no amount of forcing on Anet's part will change that.

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Keep the weekly and special categories, but remove the new wizards vault daily's and let that daily astral currency be acquired by simply completing the old system with the old objectives. This keeps everyone happy and lets people have the benefits from the old system including the diverse objectives that are the same for everyone while also having the benefits of the new system. 2 gold reward can be added back to old system and the 1 gold for astral reward can simply be removed. I see no issues with this idea. It simply gives players what they want. Anet really needs to not be stubborn on this issue. 

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3 hours ago, Sjentra.3409 said:

Actually because the wizard's vault will only restock every 3 months; you're actually getting less coins/mystic clovers than previously. It just so happens you can get them earlier; but then you have nothing worth picking for the remainder of the 2+ months. And because of the 1300 cap, you can't just save up all your points for when there's nothing good in the vault.

ah well, kitten... In 3 months, I will probably have no need for coins or clovers so gg. And if what you say is true, then the new vault is mostly worthless.

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What would be wrong with having the now-departed system for choices, except capping at three and switching the reward chests to the new vault rewards?  I really wonder what they thought they would gain by offering only 3 choices.  And by "they," I mean whatever hidden agenda ANet was pursuing.  Can they really have believed people would prefer less choice/flexibility?

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" All day, and all night. And then the next day, and the next, but not the day after that. That's a holiday."

Well i'm sure by now we've all heard a lot of feelings about the dailies, however I just wanted to throw my two cents out there and say I'm happy to play for a few hours a day working towards the Special and Weekly targets.  It's nice to see the old weekly and monthly challenges back too. The rewards up on the Wizard's Vault aren't too bad in my opinion considering items like Mystic Clovers are only 60 AA and can be bought 20 times ( I assume after they are bought they will be recycled around? :classic_huh:) If I need to buy all 20 I can finish the Special tasks sooner than waiting  28 days to get 7 clovers, I like the sound of that! (Also, Vision Crystals are up for grabs? OK. Seeing items like Upgrade Extractors/ Build Storage Expansions and a Black Lion Mastery Coffer also wets my appetite!)

As for the daily tab, honestly the WvW targets will probably get my butt back into multiplayer as I haven't been in the mists for years at this point (unless I needed a Gift of Battle or Memories of Battle) plus the WvW reward tracks can help me get loot from certain maps/dungeons I don't enjoy playing.

PvP? Hmm, again my last long term stint in PvP was in 2016, but I should probably dip my toe in again since we've had 3 major updates/expansions since then. I could be tempted to at least spend an hour in PvP I guess. More if i enjoy it, though I am strictly casual.

If i was pressed for time and I didn't have the chance to grab the dailies then, I'm not gonna lie, it doesn't look like I'm going to miss 1 Essence of Luck and 1 Gold. The 30 extra AA...meeeeh..I mean if  I concentrated on the weekly tab more then I'd get much better loot (10 Laurels and 450 AA sound better to me)

All in all I just wanted to share a positive voice for the new update.

C ya! :classic_cool:

"How do you like them apples!?"

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I absolutely love the new system. My only thing I'd want to change is give us 6 dailies and we have to do four of them. With Weeklies we have a few we don't need to do (I think we have 8-9 options and we have to do 6? Not at my PC to be able to check, if someone else could verify), so it would be nice for a similar option for dailies. I don't need the full 12 options and only do 3 we had before, especially since we can tailor our dailies.

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45 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

yeah in general I think the system is fine, it just could use extension of the amounts of choices of tasks to do for dailies specifically (weeklies could use extension to, but they already have flexibility in them as opposed to very rigid dailies)

This and the fact that they're different for everyone. It destroys the cooperation you used to see in the old daily system. If they made them the same for everyone and gave us more choices in both the daily and weekly options, I'd love the system. It's definitely a nerf to passive income, but at the same time, I think it's good they're encouraging more active play. 

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Give back the choice between 12 dailies.

Make Astral fluff be gained automatically when finishing a daily, instead of having to interact with the UI and click the chest..

Let us flag a specific reward to automatically gain it, when we have enough Astral fluff.

If all these happen, then we can talk about it potentially being a good change.

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5 hours ago, HawkMeister.4758 said:

If they could do it they would've.

If they had wanted to, they would have done so.

They could have simply left the old daily system alone and made the Vault only for weeklies and special tasks.

But they didn't want to leave it alone.

5 hours ago, HawkMeister.4758 said:

and the new crop is too afraid to touch this perfectly fine functioning code with a ten foot pole.

Yet they weren't too afraid to touch and uproot the perfectly fine working system.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I also much prefer the new system to the old one.  

I never did the old dailies.  I don’t PvP much, and by the time I could complete the pve dailies for a measly 2g, I could have just farmed more than that on a number of open world maps.  

With this new system I get currency for each daily I complete instead of needing to do all three to get the reward.  Being able to choose my rewards is also very cool.  

Literally the only thing I would change is add more options to the daily pool you get.  I think they give you four?  Six would feel better.  

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15 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Give back the choice between 12 dailies.

Make Astral fluff be gained automatically when finishing a daily, instead of having to interact with the UI and click the chest..

Let us flag a specific reward to automatically gain it, when we have enough Astral fluff.

If all these happen, then we can talk about it potentially being a good change.

I think 12 was way overkill. Especially if you can pick only to do PvE and no PvP/WvW? 5-6 should be fine. I'm going to test today to see if not clicking a chest will cause it to auto-collect at daily reset or not. Will I potentially lose some currency? Sure, but science.

I wouldn't want it to auto-purchase a reward with my currency, but I would like it to be highlighted and at the top. What if I only wanted to auto-collect the Legendary chest once but forget to track something else? I'd be stuck with a second one.

Overall, I think it's a good change even without changes. Not a perfect change by any means, but a net positive.

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I would be interested in 5 total dailies.  Reason is: you need to have at least 1 option for each mode, to encourage ppl to try that mode.  

So: 1 option checked: you get 3 dailies of your option, and 1 more for each of the other 2 options, just in case they are easy which would encourage you to try that option.  

2 options checked: 2 of each, and 1 more of the option that was NOT checked.  

3 options checked: hmm not sure actually lol!  2 of each except for one option which only has 1.  


This would work for 7 also, if more options for the 'main' mode are needed. 

edit: and of course, only reward the first 3 that get completed.  

Edited by missing.2148
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I haven't logged in because of work , but what are the specials ?

Could the system randomize the rest of the unfinished dailies  , if you complete a special and have checked from the 2+ categories.

Or if you  party with another person the 4/4 daily completion reward or each single daily quest completion  (1/4)  is shared among his party memebers , regardless if he has it?


(99% ram comsuption and freeze . Firefox must hate windows 7)


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8 hours ago, Dalent.9358 said:

I think 12 was way overkill.

If 12 were too much for you, you could have limited yourself to just five or six.

That doesn't mean, other people also need to have less choices (or none like it is now).


8 hours ago, Dalent.9358 said:

I wouldn't want it to auto-purchase a reward with my currency

They could have made this optional, so that player can use it if they want and not use it, if they dislike it.

But giving us options to minimize interactions with the mobile game-esque UI would have been great.

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1 hour ago, FalanuLachance.4576 said:

Oh, yes, I did adjust the settings. I was able to gather 10 crops with a sickle, but not the number required to actually "do the dailies". 

Then do the other dailies until next daily reset when you will get your new choice you ticked in today.

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