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Why would u make ascended armor/weapons accessable via dailies?

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2 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

so you say it needs to be easier to get? but in your earlier argument you said it already is easy to get and you have full ascended. SO WHICH ONE IS IT?  i like how you take all positions? so you're basically trolling and you have no point u just want to come in and argue and die on a hill arguing and you have no point.

For new players it need to get easier, yes. For veteran players that raid and play fractals it has always been very easy to get ascended gear. 
My point is that this is a good change, especially for new players that want to get into endgame content. 

Edited by vares.8457
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Just now, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

the hilarious part is probably have more gold and more legendaries than any of you, so its comical hearing these opinions from the peanut gallery of users who don't engage in any of this, dont utilize it, isnt affected by it,  you guys just weight in to be trollish or just to disagree with someone and then die on a hill for no reason.

It's not a competition, we're all on the same side. It's great that you have all this gear, now you can go out and use it. Watching your gold number get bigger on the backs of newer players that need this equipment to be able to perform well in endgame content isn't enjoying the game, it's enjoying other people having to serve your interests.

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6 minutes ago, Aaron Forestman.4758 said:

It's not a competition, we're all on the same side. It's great that you have all this gear, now you can go out and use it. Watching your gold number get bigger on the backs of newer players that need this equipment to be able to perform well in endgame content isn't enjoying the game, it's enjoying other people having to serve your interests.

no we are not on the same side as you can see by the comments on the forums, people weighing in ADAMANTLY over an issue THEY DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT, dont ENGAGE IN, DOESNT AFFECT THEM and they DONT CARE ABOUT IT, and then they flip out and tear down the argument like their lives depend on it.  what a joke, trollish enviornment.  I guess the fact that im PISSED ABOUT this is IRRELEVANT because WERE NOT ON THE SAME SIDE my opinion according to people who DONT CARE ABOUT THIS ISSUE is that it doesnt matter.  AMAZING LOGIC.  i guess i should do the same thing too on here, take all positions and flip flop my argument so that "I WIN" then say NOTHING MATTERS, even if everyone complains about something thats relevant i can retort with nonseqitors like the UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING SO YOUR CONCERNS ARE IRRELEVANT.  not TOO trollish.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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OP seems to have a fair point. Crafting is for many people an enjoyable part of the game. Making ascended gear relatively easy to obtain through dailies makes it largely unnecessary to craft things. Anyone who enjoys the crafting (my wife and son included) is going to have their enjoyment of the game significantly reduced by the change.

Why have crafting in the game if it isn't going to be worth learning? I'm very puzzled why Anet would want to neuter this part of their game.

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Thinking further, that presumably also means that most of the need for crafting materials, which is most of the drop rewards in the game, are no longer really required. So it isn't just neutering crafting, it is neutering gathering nodes and doing content to gather rewards in general. Seems like a huge change?

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3 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

OP seems to have a fair point. Crafting is for many people an enjoyable part of the game. Making ascended gear relatively easy to obtain through dailies makes it largely unnecessary to craft things. Anyone who enjoys the crafting (my wife and son included) is going to have their enjoyment of the game significantly reduced by the change.

Why have crafting in the game if it isn't going to be worth learning? I'm very puzzled why Anet would want to neuter this part of their game.

You can still craft if you want to, they are not deleting the recipes from the game. 
But what about the players that don’t want to craft? Ascended gear already is easy to get if you play fractals or raids. What exactly does it change now hat there is ascended gear in the wizards vault? How does this now significantly see how Duce your enjoyment? 

Edited by vares.8457
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Just now, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Thinking further, that presumably also means that most of the need for crafting materials, which is most of the drop rewards in the game, are no longer really required. So it isn't just neutering crafting, it is neutering gathering nodes and doing content to gather rewards in general. Seems like a huge change?

There's 3 pieces of ascended armor and 1 weapon available through the vault for this whole quarter. They'll almost certainly be accessible again when the shop refreshes in 3 months, but 1 armor piece a month is not going to remove crafting from the game. That kind of hyperbole isn't productive.

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I think there may be an overestimation in how many will spend tokens on this. Tokens will have widespread things to buy and I suspect people will be working on legendary armour which will have an impact on ascended acqusition anyway. Crafting is still relevant because people will buy legendary stuff or skins or even laurels to get ascended rings like before from the tokens. Sure, there will be some buying ascended, but I'd be very, very surpised if it killed off the ascended market.

I don't think it'll be a big enough problem to be too concerned over. 

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11 minutes ago, Aaron Forestman.4758 said:

There's 3 pieces of ascended armor and 1 weapon available through the vault for this whole quarter. They'll almost certainly be accessible again when the shop refreshes in 3 months, but 1 armor piece a month is not going to remove crafting from the game. That kind of hyperbole isn't productive.

That's good to know. OP didn't mention the number was that limited. That said, if the number builds up over time then it could have an impact.

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Just now, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

That's good to know. OP didn't mention the number was that limited. That said, if the number builds up over time then it could have an impact.

Wouldn't it still be quicker to just craft the items rather than waiting 3 months (or even one month) The only true time gates on ascended mats are the Ecto Refinement items

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57 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

the entire weapon and armor economy on the TP has ground to halt because getting ascended is so easy, and you guys act like thats not a problem LOL i dont get it.  Every year theres less and less ways to make money in this game and it all steers people towards convertering gems to gold which i guess is what you want?  yah Great. way to stick it to veteran players. Oh and new players when they realize there are no niches to make gold.

How is getting ascended gear easy a problem for anyone?


Most players don’t care about making gold, they will be happy to see prices drop.  Most players only want enough gold to build out their characters and then they want to actually play the game.  

Also, the way gem to gold conversion works means that it will never be a problem.  

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I am confused, there are several threads complaining about the new daily system.  They don't seem to think that it is easy. 

Apparently there is a cap on how much wizard vault currency you can hold. 1,300? You get locked out of tasks if you would earn more currency than you can hold.  Since there is a limited amount you can earn, and you cannot save more than 1300 at a time, how would this throw the tp into chaos?  It looks like the wizard's vault is quite regulated a bit time-gated even.

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2 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Way to show love for veteran players who had to struggle at first to get it, and then found niches to make money all to cater to new players so they can have it EZ mode. 

I understand you being frustrated, but these kinds of things happen over the lifespan of games that have been out a long time like Guild Wars 2. 

I spent a ton of time and went through a very long and expensive quest chain back in Vanilla WoW to get my dreadsteed on my warlock. That wasn't easy to get by any means. It was a big deal to get that mount. Now? The dreadsteed is automatically given to you when you reach level 10 or 20, can't remember which. I worked hard for mine, but now it's given freely. There are tons of examples like this in every mmo out there. 

I do get the disappointment and frustration though. But if I've learned anything playing these games for many years now, it's not take them too seriously. Just play and have fun. Many people play these games like a job or second job and take them way too seriously. If I'm having fun, I play. If I'm not having fun, I move on.

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The reason ascended armour was harder to craft years ago was down to the fact that there was no legendary armour. It was end game gear and hence had a higher value and so did it mats, since you needed multiple sets some times for different builds. (Unless you wanted to stat swap constantly) I don’t think this choice is really that bad. It unlocks a lot of content for new players faster, strikes, raids and fractals. Since the player base is adamant you need min maxed gear for anything If you pug. And with you needing multiple sets for not only builds but classes, In my opinion it will hopefully see a influx of players in this content.  So long as we as a community are willing to train them in mechanics. 

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Not gonna lie, the new Wizard's Vault has been helping me greatly with crafting Ascended weapons and stuff, which is something I have been doing since I have a lot of characters and I want to give them all at least a set or two for it. Before then I had to farm golds and stuff which takes a while, but now it's quite easy.

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I guess this would kinda toss a wrench in your plans if you're only making gold from ascended materials. I'm not sure what ripple effect it would have otherwise.

Still, 154 days at the least for a full set of one stat line - roughly 5 months. Honestly, this only makes me feel like it's good for celestial to bypass charged crystals. Crafting other ascended armor pieces aren't that bad, and if you can't wait, then you will buy the time gated components. 

Your true competition comes when the pve legendary armor is released...what will you do then?

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For the majority of people, those ascended rewards are deadweight anyway, at some point you just don't need additional ascended anymore.

At the end of the day, ascended gear is account bound and the amount of ascended gear you can get from the system seems to be timegated. So all in all it shouldn't be enough to completely throw off the economy like you say it would.

After all there are still (gen2) legendaries that require a decent bunch of the very same set of materials. May they get a bit cheaper? Sure. But that price decrease will also reflect downwards to the base materials (e.g. Mithril) so whatever "scarcity margin" you can get for selling stuff based on timegated crafts will likely continue to exist for materials that are profitable to sell right now.

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Your issue isnt with ascended crafting, its with forever gear.


I have had the exact same armor set on my guardian for 9 years.... only the runes were updated along with higher agony resist items. My mesmer has been the same for 7 years. 

New armor/weapon skins? Dont care, their looks have been the same skimpy outfits for years. New weapon set? Cool ill unlock as i get them, but why would i equip something that isnt my legendary skins?

So basically you want Anet to make a new ascended armor skin set for people to want to unlock, as the vast majority of us have no real need or desire to change our gear, but just about all new skins are exotic....

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Until you have exhausted all the bags of gold, getting the ascended chest is very inefficient.

You get the 1 gold bag for 6 points.  (1/6 = ~0.16g per point)

You get the mystic coin bag for 9 points  ( ~1.2/9 = ~0.13g per point)


Ascended Armor chest costs 400 points. The most expensive standard ascended armors are 50 gold so 50/400 (0.125 gold per point) Most armor sets are closer to 30-40g per


Ascended weapon costs 600 points. The most expensive standard ascended weapon  costs about 50g, but most stat sets are 30-40. We'll just assume they are 50. 50/600 (0.083 gold per point)


The most expensive standard ascended weapons cost 60g, but most are around 40-50. We'll just use 60. (0.08 gold/point)

I deliberately bumped up the cost of ascended to the worst case scenario. In practice, crafting those expensive stats is inflated due to the jeweled damask which can be bypassed by crafting a cheaper armor and using stat switch.

In other words, even in this scenario, buying ascended with the points is only "good" if you don't want to spend time crafting at all and are buying everything. Gold and mystic coins are far more liquid and are much more flexible.

This also doesn't include the fact that you are limited per season (1 weapon/3 armor).

In no way does it nullify anyone's efforts of getting ascended. It's just another way if you've exhausted the main rewards.

edit: I don't know how many those laurels are worth, but they'll probably worth taking after the gold too.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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It's just 1 weapon and 3 pieces of armor per vault rotation...I doubt that's gonna influence the economy that much. It will take you 6 months to complete an armor/weapon set...and if you're not using 2 handeds even longer. Crafting is not going to die anytime soon, on the contrary people will want more ascended stuff and they'll craft it.

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