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Lack of developer discussion and feedback on the current issues with the game(imbalanced classes, boring rifts, unrewarding new content, boring new content, etc)


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3 minutes ago, SpyderArachnid.5619 said:

This is a bug that has been reported for over a year and a half. Are you telling me that we shouldn't expect them to magically source a fix within that time frame? There are bugs that have still not been fixed since the beginning of the game. But now this bug in particular is coming back to bite them in the backside, and we should be grateful that they are looking into it again after all this time, instead of coming up with a magical solution to fix it (even though they've had over a year and a half to fix it)?

Nobody says anything about wanting you to be greatful about anything. What I'm saying though is that what OP writes is evidently false. What's with this strawman attempt?
Also in regards to your previous, initially unanswered, post:

11 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, meanwhile I don't think you're correct about it, seeing how OP says there are no responses on the forum since soto release (which is false) and literally asks a weird question about "not expecting bug fixes", so not sure how acknowledgement of bug/s and assurement they're working on them is supposed to not be a valid response here. Seems to be directly ticking both of these boxes.

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, meanwhile I don't think you're correct about it, seeing how OP says there are no responses on the forum since soto release (which is false) and literally asks a weird question about "not expecting bug fixes", so not sure how acknowledgement of bug/s and assurement they're working on them is supposed to not be a valid response here. Seems to be directly ticking both of these boxes.

I think you are just reading the title of the thread, and not the actual post from the OP.

They explain in their main post what kind of responses they are looking for from Anet. Responses to the feedback threads, not just bug reports. Feedback regarding Rifts, Strikes, class balance, etc. They are looking for Anet to engage with the community and have a discussion about all this feedback that is on these forums.

The title is poorly worded, I agree. And the contradicting statement about bug fixes as well. But it seems everyone is only focused on that instead of the whole post.

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  • Shiyo.3578 changed the title to Lack of developer discussion and feedback on the current issues with the game(imbalanced classes, boring rifts, unrewarding new content, boring new content, etc)
30 minutes ago, SpyderArachnid.5619 said:

I think you are just reading the title of the thread, and not the actual post from the OP.

Then that would be wrong since what I wrote is also contained in the body of his post and is not in the title (like the part about the bugs and expactations about the fixes)
We know rifts will get something added.
And we know strikes will get CM modes and it's doubtful CM modes won't provide some additional reward/s.
We also know there's supposed to be a balance patch this quarter (and yeah, I hope they'll target the power creep, but considering the weapon mastery, this might be a tough one).

Maybe OP should just read (re-read?) this for most of the concerns he has:

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You want them to talk about imbalanced classes, boring rifts, unrewarding new content, boring new content.
There will be a balance patch in a couple of weeks, they are usually on a schedule, we had the last balance patch in June.
All the rest is just nonsense, what you may find boring others do not. What do you want them to talk about? About your subjective feelings? This is not therapy. 

Edited by vares.8457
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1 hour ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

I did read it, and according it, I assume 49k DPS scourge is here to stay until october, as my OP says.

Ok, which part of what they wrote there specifically leads you to the balance changes (or lack of them) assumptions you made in this post?

(btw I did notice the tactical edit of your first post in this thread to partially reflect on your latest response as well as what I pointed out throughtout the thread. Mainly the way you removed the part about not expecting bug fixes and added the thing about "scourge staying until october" which is something that was not there -you literally edited it in 5 minutes before writing this response to then write "as my OP says" 😅)

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I agree that SOTO has been a catastrophic, unmitigated failure.

Two maps, both of which are low effort trash. Skywatch is just reused assets that I bought years ago. Amnytas is just two assets, a marble wall and a pillar with an orb on top, copy pasted into cubes.

The standout feature is.... skyscales? Which we have had for 4 years? Now the effort I spent a few months ago to get it is trivialized? Thanks, I guess.

Rifts? They happen at the same location and you kill 5 mobs.. The only randomness is if you get a Glutton or Despair. Great. Thanks. 

Relics? A "new" feature that is actually a massive, unmitigated downgrade from what we had before.

Wizard's vault? A "new" feature that is actually a massive, unmitigated downgrade from what we had before.

Whoever is making decisions at Arenanet needs to look at their organization and ask how these "ideas" ever got to even a concept stage when they should have been laughed out of the room. Whoever said they need to rerelease an old mount, destroy the rune system and destroy the daily system as "features" should be straight up fired.

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9 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

In less than a week since release, we've had four new builds, one at the end of every work day since the expac dropped.

For the record, that happens with every expansion. Those are stock standard hotfixes and improvements that come with any big release. Proper improvement will be when ANET can consistently update all content as well as the newest thing.

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Your list of things not being discussed: current issues with the game(imbalanced classes, boring rifts, unrewarding new content, boring new content, etc)

I have never EVER played a game were people didn't complain about lack of balance. Not one ever.  Boring rifts is a matter of opinion.  I bet there are more people who like them than like raids. Unrewarding content was partly addressed by the new dalies, which are massively rewarding compared to what we used to have. Boring new content is a matter of opinion and what would you like Anet to say about it?  That its' boring. I don't find it boring. Should they change it so you don't find it boring?  Then maybe I'd find it boring. Or unplayable. See that's the problem. You want Anet to jump whenever anyone says anything, but people never stop saying anything.

Seems a bit on the entitled side to me.

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Don't worry, messages from the director all full of fluff and PR talk are coming. They'll just let people vent a little more on the subforum first then archive it (= throw it into the bin) even though it was supposed to be closed at release according to Rubi's post. They did the same with EoD.

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It's now been an entire week without any real updates from the developers. All we've seen is bug fixes that a single developer could do by looking through a bug tracker.

Fractal CM's still bug out.

Balance is a disaster(49k dps spec is not normal).

Nothing in the new expac is rewarding at all. Doubly so if you don't need legendary armor - you can't even sell essences or the reward chest from the new metas!

How are people ok with this? This is what a game in maintenance mode looks like, not a brand new released expansion.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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24 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

It's now been an entire week without any real updates from the developers.

That's false and you know it because you changed the thread name from this claim into "lack of developer discussion", so not sure why you're now repeating what you already edited out.

24 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Balance is a disaster(49k dps spec is not normal).

It was already pointed out that we know when there will be a balance pass. You even edited it into your post to then 5 minutes later claim "you wrote that in OP".

24 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Nothing in the new expac is rewarding at all.

That's just false and it has been pointed out to you by many players in your another thread about this.

24 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

This is what a game in maintenance mode looks like

You need to understand what "maintenance mode" means before you attempt to repeatedly use it in the wrong manner like you just did here.


It's like you're bent to complain regardless of your first few complaints being cleared out (because then you just edit them out and put in new ones). At that point it should tell you why devs aren't interested in some "discussion" with players. Because this is how it would look like and it's a waste of everyone's time.

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5 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Most events are still bugged after being, according to the devs, fixed in patch notes. They are simply bugged in a different way.

I'm completed all of the event achievements, including the infinite ones until they stopped giving AP, and the only bugged events that I encountered were those that were part of the Kestrel chain.  So "most events" is a gross exaggeration.

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12 minutes ago, enigmatic.3576 said:

I'm completed all of the event achievements, including the infinite ones until they stopped giving AP, and the only bugged events that I encountered were those that were part of the Kestrel chain.  So "most events" is a gross exaggeration.

I imagine they meant "most bugged events"

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17 minutes ago, enigmatic.3576 said:

I'm completed all of the event achievements, including the infinite ones until they stopped giving AP, and the only bugged events that I encountered were those that were part of the Kestrel chain.  So "most events" is a gross exaggeration.

I completed them day1, I got lucky. You also got lucky, congratulations.

The dwarf area has tons of bugged events since day1. The exact same events are still bugged pretty often, in different way. Anet has like no one developing this game.

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1 hour ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

I completed them day1, I got lucky. You also got lucky, congratulations.

The dwarf area has tons of bugged events since day1. The exact same events are still bugged pretty often, in different way. Anet has like no one developing this game.

I did them yesterday.

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