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Lava-hot take. The game's almost balanced (for PVP).

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  • Every profession has a couple of builds that work, and strong core options to develop builds, despite some functionality being annoying. (Arc divider, Nades, etc) 
  • The relics did not obliterate the game and are reasonably crafted. If any of them do overperform, they were delivered in a way that adjustment can be made directly to them.
  • Of the outliers that exist, only one is largely overperforming mainly due to an oversight of PvE numbers. The others could easily be brought in line with minor cd adjustments.
  • Weapon set changes adjusted the viability of certain professions that were originally pushed out of the meta. It may not have done this equally for every class, but for the classes that were majorly benefitted, they found answers to class matchups that kept them locked out of play.
  • Every class is some flavor of annoying.
  • People are complaining about multiple classes having high damage and multiple classes being high sustain at the same time.





Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Most stat combos removed from PvP, reworking boon and barrier application ending up in almost every support doing the exact same thing, mobility creep invalidating a boatload of playstyles... you might think this is balance, but for someone like me who even subconciously compares balance to the good old days of 2016-2017, this is hell.
The removal(well partial, this company can't do anything right) of e-spec tradeoffs, decoupling weapons from the e-specs on top of everything I've mentioned previously was just... lmao. We need ranger buffs.

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16 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

Soulbeast is dumb, but it's not catalyst levels of dumb atleast. It's the most balanced broken spec in a while, if that makes any sense.

Any newb/lower skill player can play soulbeast and do insane dmg, that was simply not true for power cata, all low skill power catas are free kills and do next to no dmg.


Furthermore, any newb/lower skill player were quite easy to deal with on condi cata compared to soulbeast. Clense + pressure forced them out of fire attument, where their dmg was none existant. Soulbeast is just like the avg power necro, only with more/easier applied dmg and less sustain. So, run upto a group fight, hold W, spam insane dmg.. something dies. Thats typicaly what I see with soulbeasts.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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6 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Furthermore, any newb/lower skill player were quite easy to deal with on condi cata compared to soulbeast. Clense + pressure forced them out of fire attument, where their dmg was none existant. 


Flowki, I took you as a baby-faced new player, but a liar too??? *pikachu shocked face*

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35 minutes ago, CK rimeiller.5014 said:

conquest rotations dumbed down by mobility creep 


On 8/31/2023 at 12:06 PM, Downstate.4697 said:

 mobility creep and damage creep has trivialized conquest 

Okay level with me

Why do y'all want to sit on the same point all game until you get dted?

Hyperbole aside, honest question.  Esport arc was like this and it put everyone to sleep. People being faster keeps things fresh and stops players from constructing reasonable arguments about why thief needs nerfing again. 

Slow defenders moving from point to point where they were needed was an avenue to display skill, yes, but bet your kitten they complained about getting gatekept by thief the whole time. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Any newb/lower skill player can play soulbeast and do insane dmg, that was simply not true for power cata, all low skill power catas are free kills and do next to no dmg.

So true. I went in with the FotM cata without even reading what my traits do, punched the keyboard and won by default.The only reasonable explanation for this is that I am just that awesome, otherwise what you've just said here wouldn't be true.


1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Furthermore, any newb/lower skill player were quite easy to deal with on condi cata compared to soulbeast. Clense + pressure forced them out of fire attument, where their dmg was none existant. Soulbeast is just like the avg power necro, only with more/easier applied dmg and less sustain. So, run upto a group fight, hold W, spam insane dmg.. something dies. Thats typicaly what I see with soulbeasts.

Ranger needs buffs. 

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5 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

So true. I went in with the FotM cata without even reading what my traits do, punched the keyboard and won by default.The only reasonable explanation for this is that I am just that awesome, otherwise what you've just said here wouldn't be true.


Ranger needs buffs. 

So youre a low skilled player? or do transferable skills not count.. I must be awesome then, regularly doing 40% team damage on chrono when im not even good at it. Ask me to name one chrono skill.. I genuinely couldnt, shatter? I guess.


Soulbeast is the new power necro 😜

Edited by Flowki.7194
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On 8/31/2023 at 8:22 AM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:
  • Every profession has a couple of builds that work, and strong core options to develop builds, despite some functionality being annoying. (Arc divider, Nades, etc) 

  Conquest? Maybe. In MATs? Not at all. Not all new specs are good, but the ones which are are essentially busted in terms of mobility, sustain or burst. 

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14 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Okay level with me

Why do y'all want to sit on the same point all game until you get dted?

Hyperbole aside, honest question.  Esport arc was like this and it put everyone to sleep. People being faster keeps things fresh and stops players from constructing reasonable arguments about why thief needs nerfing again. 

Slow defenders moving from point to point where they were needed was an avenue to display skill, yes, but bet your kitten they complained about getting gatekept by thief the whole time. 

You serious? 

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38 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

[ Definitely not salty that DE has 4 seconds of superspeed  on every dodge, but Scrapper's was gutted because Reasons™. ]


Ahem... Yes, Balanced game. Don't worry, that smoke spouting from my ears is normal. 


I think A-net doesn't even know what their classes do at this point in time and whenever they need to balance things they go to snowcrows, some random yt video with highest view count and gw2 wiki to find out what skills do.

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On 9/2/2023 at 7:41 AM, Kuma.1503 said:

[ Definitely not salty that DE has 4 seconds of superspeed  on every dodge, but Scrapper's was gutted because Reasons™. ]


Ahem... Yes, Balanced game. Don't worry, that smoke spouting from my ears is normal. 


Deadeye can't target the whole enemy team with grenades while running ahead with superspeed

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54 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Deadeye can't target the whole enemy team with grenades while running ahead with superspeed

And scrapper can't teleport. Stealth on dodge. Shoot from 1500 range. Fit 2 sunbreaks that also cleanse and port you in one utility slot...

Between nerfing superspeed and nades. They should have hit nades. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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7 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

And scrapper can't teleport. Stealth on dodge. Shoot from 1500 range. Fit 2 sunbreaks that also cleanse and port you in one utility slot...

Between nerfing superspeed and nades. They should have hit nades. 


8 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

"Game is balanced only if I do it...otherwise it's unbalanced and this and that needs to be either nerfed or removed"

Both of these are right. Yeah some people are hypocrites that just want their class to be boosted to the detriment of everyone else. Kuma -is- right about the scrapper thing though. a fast scrapper that couldnt just pelt nades behind it to do the bulk of their damage would have been more fun to fight and more fun to play, imo. 

I don't think you can paint everyone with that brush, but you can def paint a good chunk of people with it. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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7 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Hey! I said almost! put that guillotine away!

Y-you wound me! I will NOT be guillotining anyone. 


As a hammer enjoyer I prefer blunt force trauma...

5 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Both of these are right. Yeah some people are hypocrites that just want their class to be boosted to the detriment of everyone else. Kuma -is- right about the scrapper thing though. a fast scrapper that couldnt just pelt nades behind it to do the bulk of their damage would have been more fun to fight and more fun to play, imo. 

I don't think you can paint everyone with that brush, but you can def paint a good chunk of people with it. 

You definitely see a good bit of that around here. I don't blame people for making that assumption.

Personally... don't care about being more OP than everyone else. Running people down with a giant hammer and a sadistic grin is all I need in life.

Running those old nadeless builds after quickness removal and superspeed cuts, I feel like that meme skeleton sitting on a bench, singing "when your legs don't work like they used to before", just waiting for these guys to stop zipping around so I can bonk them on them noggin. 

On the bright side, Hammer SpB still fills me with dopamine. Most of my vic--err "unwilling volunteers" just lie there and let me bonk them as much as I like :)


That... ahem, admittedly biased perspective asside... Yeah, games pretty balanced. I'm starting to see people complain about every class doing something broken. Usually a good sign. 




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On 9/3/2023 at 12:53 PM, Eddie.9143 said:

Scrapper needs a big rework and grenades should just be removed. 

Naw removing a kit people enjoy using isn't a good option imo, damage just needs shaved in increments to find right balance, start with 15% less overall achievable damage from kit and go from there. When anet nerfs damage the make the same mistake continually in nerfing things far to hard in knee jerk reactions leaving builds that were overtuned now undertuned for 0 benefit to the game, id say to detriment of the game instead, just because a build was overtuned doesn't mean people didn't enjoy playing it and wouldn't like to remain viable on said build.

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