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Bounties were better content than the rifts.

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Rewards and motivations aside the gameplay isnt fun, these should have been bounties 2.0 not bounties 0.3.

I hope the subsequent updates wont only add t4s but also go back and rework t1-3s. Afaik t4 will be instanced content so the ow train content which is t1s to 3s will not be affected and they definitely need the love both in terms of rewards and in terms of gameplay.

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I found Bounties just as tedious as Rifts. The only thing that made them better is that no high-end content was locked behind grinding Bounties.

I dont think rifts are locking high end content but i dislike the structure of rifts and their gameplay feels like worse bounties

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13 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I found Bounties just as tedious as Rifts. The only thing that made them better is that no high-end content was locked behind grinding Bounties.

I find bounties way more fun. For some reason I still do legendary bounty trains and I'm doing it purely out of fun, really don't need anything specific from there (I have enough elegy mosaics to last me a long time).

Each bounty is unique. Yeah, many of the champ one play very similarly to each other and we have a bunch of hydras for example. But there are some that are completely unique, especially later in LS4. From the top of my head, Jahaii Bluffs, you have a big funny rock that is very resilient, pulls you in and stomps you. A crazy teleporting ettin (or is it ogre). A sword and a shield that are super annoying for a champ bounty.

Also its clear they put a lot more thought in bounties, not just the monster design and mechanics but also the environment, where they are placed. Legendary especially have a little arena tailored for them that impact the fight. 

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For legendary armor there are other alternatives though. (+ it is not required to play most content)
Bounties also had elegy mosaics for legendary stuff (to get that one item though that was available with other options as well).

Personally I found the bounties more tedious since for the permanent achievements it took longer - rifts it seems easy to get the 3 maps that are on weekly ... the t1-t3. (Not like 20 champ bounties to grind and wait until a specific one is up.)

For the grinding for legendary stuff ... it is grind anyways. And I might only do it slowly while doing other activities in between. Not too different from grinding the gold for other components - where people sometimes just farm one map (which bores out fast). Doing a few bounties. Then doing a bit gold farm. Then doing some other stuff. (Then back starting with bounties) might work. At least they are up all the time and same reward chance per tier and not having to look for one out of x specific ones.

Bounty train could farm the map and then you'd have to wait for respawn or change maps.

I basically only join when a bounty is on daily ... hoping a legendary is available immediately for a chance on  the elegy mosaic (if you get lucky one can get a lot). Unfortunately they did not add those (not even 1) to the champ bounties - making them worthless at all. (Except for the 1-time completion achievement for the title and some specialization collections I think.)

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19 hours ago, zealex.9410 said:

Rewards and motivations aside the gameplay isnt fun, these should have been bounties 2.0 not bounties 0.3.

I hope the subsequent updates wont only add t4s but also go back and rework t1-3s. Afaik t4 will be instanced content so the ow train content which is t1s to 3s will not be affected and they definitely need the love both in terms of rewards and in terms of gameplay.

both not good but bounties are better more varieties.

I was thinking once enough ppl on a rift some crazy stuff would spawn. but its a lot punching bags so far and many don't get a chance to fight.

im not disappointed since i expected nothing after the preview

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Yes agreed, for me personally gameplay of rifts wore off on 1st day, well because other games have done rifts/breaches years before and that's it, nothing amazing about it (was never hyped for it). Albeit in practice it is kind of worse because needing to rush to rift only for it to be half finished or almost finished, so you don't even get full reward for the course. Don't get me started on temporarily crafted motivational items, to pay resources to continue grind to pay again (t3) to continue grind... genius, unless they tone down some of it on amount needed for legendary won't even bother with legendary as good as concept art looks. In my opinion they should have never gone the route of this motivator boxes this is horrible. killed my interest more. Well power to those that continue doing it even now.     

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12 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

I don't mind it, it's a good filler piece between Meta events. Now if you are heading to PvE maps outside Soto to do it then I see it as pointless but inside Soto it's fine. 

Zooming across Elon Riverlands on roller beetle to grab a rift is more enjoyable than trying to navigate through SotO’s floating islands. Plus it has the mini-game of “quicksandquicksandpulloutpulloutpullout!”

There’s also the weekly Incursion achievements that reward essences.

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Something different needs to be done. day two of doing nothing but chasing rifts, and i'm already bored out my mind with it. And this entire silliness of having to use essences, to get essences is quite counterproductive, especially as consumable items we use at each rift that are good for ONLY that rift. i'm not against the motivations, but they should have been done as a buff item with the same timer as food/utility consumables rather than a 1 time use.

i've had more ambition doing wvw armor for 6 months than i do for this armor as the current means of aquisition and sheer number of drops stands. As it is I was ready to get off the SotO maps as soon as the meta achievements were done, but with having to have so many essences, and what looks like ~35 days of daily SotO metas.... I'm forcing myself through it because most likely by the time I get the proper ambition to do it, it will probably be next to impossible to get done because there won't be as many people doing it, especially the meta events.

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