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September 2023 Studio Update

Rubi Bayer.8493

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Having rushes on some of the old community events would be nice.  There are still Conservation of Magic and Justice of the Blade achievements that I don't have because people don't do these anymore.   I also haven't collected all of the challenges for Dragon Response Missions due to lack of interest in LFG.

Edited by Germ.3187
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How about a Raid Rush,Or a Dungeon Rush? With the ability to buy Bonus Box of goods, like we had in the last fractal rush. Since there are so many events, where you get tons of karma as a player.


Would be cool, so players would (if only for a short time) return to this kind of content.

Would also be cool if there would be weeklys (Wizard's Vault) with raids/dungeos.

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Idea for a bonus event: Date Night Rush

Choose from a bank of eligible NPCs and go on a date! You have one hour to impress and woo them. Each NPC likes a different kind of activity - sometimes calm activities like fine dining, walks on the beach, or fishing; sometimes something more exciting, like fractals, racing, sky diving, or adventures! Learn their likes and dislikes as they open up to you - and take notes so you pass the "pop quiz" at the end of the date. Each date progresses the event bar, but impressing your date gives you more progress, while boring them gives you less.
Earn that goodnight kiss for a bonus reward and the "I Swipe Right" title.

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Some Event Ideas;

* Racing Event - Roller Beetle, regular racing events, griffin courses, etc. Maybe giving new versions of racing stuff (scarfs, googles, gloves, or maybe even a mount skin would all be cool).

* Guild Mission Event - The guild system is full of so much potential, capitalizing on that even with an event could do absolute wonders for the game all around. Like I know I'm harping on about it, but Guild systems can do so much for engaging people, teaching people, helping to bring people into other areas of the game than they'd usually go for, and just all around making things more fun. So, anything to help boost guild engagement more would be amazing.

* Dungeon, Strike, and Raid Event - Maybe you could even take a set of weapons from one of the dungeons/strikes/raids and add in a new variant look to it (different color, effect, or something along those lines) that can drop/be redeemed during the event. You could do what another mmo does and sprinkle in the new variants for a different set each time you bring the event back. For example the first time you run the event it might include purple flame version of Ascalonian Catacombs weapons, then the next event it might be an overgrown looking version of the Twilight Arbor weapons, then the next event it could be a Kryptis infected looking version of Spirit Vale weapons, or so on.

* World Boss Rush - Self explanatory. Maybe could have new versions of some of the champ bag weapons.

* Events Themed Around Specific Areas - Like an event where you get bonus stuff in like HoT maps, or PoF maps, or Season whatever maps, or Core maps, etc. Just something to bring more life into certain areas even if only for the event. Could give out bonus loot in the area from like mobs/events, increased gathering chance yields, increased xp, and so on.

* Bounty Event - The Bounty Boards in like PoF and such, I love the concept of of. I just wish there was more stuff to achieve with them. An event based around them could be great for making them feel more worthwhile to do.

* Community Goal Event - Like the community collectively needs to kill x amount of players in wvw/pvp, kill x amount of a certain type of creature, craft x amount of something, complete x amount of events (maybe in a specific map), kill x amount of bosses in strikes/raids/fractals/etc, reach the end of x amount of jps, or so on. There's no limit to the kinda community goal activities it could be and could even have it so there's a goal that needs to be reached in each of the major parts of the game (wvw, pvp, openworld pve, instance pve) so no part of the community is left out.

Edited by Ultimaistanza.4793
accidentally put and instead of or
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WvW rush is always welcome. 

World boss/champion rush....improve those rewards or add something special that gets people more interested though please.   

I had fun with April last year, I would not mind an updated adventure with her....nice to see her at Garenhoff btw.  

Community goal events are great, everyone gets to contribute and work together, and that could be really anything.  Again keep the rewards interesting, I've liked them in past.  

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You all stay very busy for sure which I certainly appreciate, but my heart belongs to WvW which continues to get passed over which remains a bit of a heartbreak. I can't help think there are so many little things you could do to bring some live back into it.. even little things like do something with Edge of the Mists and make something fun out of it for the rotation instead of it being mostly abandoned. Lot's of little things could bring life into it you know?

Xpack has been fun thou and I thank you for all of that the future of PvE seems pretty good overall.

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WvW events are a nice way to try new mechanics before deciding if they should be permanent, just recurring events or discard the idea altogether.
I would like to see some things tried in WvW, and keep those that work well enough:

  • Bodyblocking. During the event, players standing still can't be crossed by other players, similar to Social Awkwardness in Fractals, but less bouncy and only active while standing still, so it can't be used to push enemies, only to have tanks block entrances if they can endure heavy enemy fire.  Shadow steps would still work to pass through enemies, of course.
  • Siege turtle. Siege turtles would not work in WvW if they worked the same as in PvE. WvW turtles would have to be tailored for WvW before they can be made permanent and get associated WvW abilities. The most important change I can recommend for them is not being able to attack with siege and move at the same time. Turtles in WvW would no longer get a Slam skill. They would instead get two modes: tank mode and siege mode:
    • In tank mode they can move as fast as siege golems and speed up to normal player speed if they run in a straight line, and instead of Slam they have a short-range cannon that does not do siege damage and doesn't do a ton of damage, meant mostly to keep enemies in combat and tag them rather than hurt them a lot. Maybe cause crippled.  
      To switch to siege mode they have to use a "Deploy" skill, which would take Supplies from both the rider and the passenger, I would go with 20 Supply from each, for a total of 40, similar to catapults.  So a turtle would not be able to deploy when a single player rides them. 
    • Once the supply to deploy is spent, they get a 10-minute effect that allows them to deploy again without getting more supply, after that time they have to grab more supply, unlike siege golems and other siege which can last indefinitely until destroyed.
      The time it takes to switch between tank and siege should be long, like 3-5 seconds, and it could be interrupted by being hit with siege. 
    • Once in Siege mode, a siege turtle is stuck in position and can't walk. When dismounted it stays in place like a siege golem, letting other players ride it to attack with siege. The 'owner' of the deployed siege turtle can't summon another turtle, and siege turtles would also both have their own cap smaller than the siege golem cap, and use up the siege golem cap too.  So if the siege turtle cap in a map is 15, after having 15 deployed turtles the golem cap is also reduced by 15. 
      Deployed siege turtles would have less range and damage than normal catapuls. 
    • Killing a deployed siege turtle would disable the owner's siege turtle for a long time, like 180 seconds or more. 
    • Siege disablers would only affect turtles while deployed, disabling their siege attacks, but not the skill to switch back to tank mode.
  • Phased gates. Currently, the entrances of keeps and towers are squares drawn on the side of the wall. The interior and exterior often do not match, and leaving through them can be a gamble.  During this event, these teleporters would be removed, and instead, the gates would be phased, looking and acting differently for allies and enemies.
    Allied gates would appear with a colored translucent ghostly effect that makes them see-through and you would be able to walk through them, but enemy gates would appear opaque, with an effect that slightly tints them to the enemy team's color or get colored trims or seams, and only become temporarily see-through when enemies are crossing/clipping through their own gates. 
  • WvW bounty system. During this event, when player populations are close enough on a map, players from all 3 teams will regularly receive bounties and be sent in similar numbers to various objectives simultanously to clash with each other in capture and defense events. Completing a bounty would give bonus pips and pacification to all participants, more to the winners, and protect the objective for longer, to discourage players from stacking in one objective regardless of other bounties they may get, as focusing on one would mean not being able to flip the others for longer, so players would want to spread. Players in the same party or squad would be much more likely to receive the same objective. 
    Players could also be able to talk with an NPC at their home base to opt-in for a personal bounty system. Those who opt-in and rack a lot of invader kills may also end up with a personal bounty, giving them an icon that would also appear on map to enemies from farther away the more kills they have accumulated since their last death, and giving them bonus pips the longer they keep racking kills, but also better rewards to enemies who take them down. 
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I'd really like to see the beetle races go into the bonus event rotation, and it might be neat to have new tracks for lesser-used mounts.

I agree with the poster above who suggested a rerun of some of the earlier side events. Those would likely benefit new players, as well.

This might also be a good chance to get some small festivals in the other cities, maybe using some of the assets that were sketched in from the beginning but remain unused outside of the occasional personal story segment, like the arena in the Black Citadel.

Obviously, as relates to that last point, polymock pretty please?

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I'm a bit concerned about the implementation of always-on world restructuring. All of my guild slots are in use and there's only room for one WvW guild. If I wanted to join an alliance guild, I would have to leave one of my guilds!

If a 6th guild slot specifically for your alliance guild could be added, that would remove that pain point. I'm sure other folks are in a similar situation.

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I never had a good time with the world restructuring betas. It's too random with whom you are matched with, except your own guild, nobody really cares about what's going on, finding decent commanders is hard.  Having that feature turned on full time without the actual alliancesystem in place sounds horrible to me.

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Edge of The Mists- Event opens up the EoTM to WvW players and includes pip rewards. If you want to make the event a game-wide experience, perhaps a new bag drop with possible fractal weapons and infusions (found in EoTM/Fractals/Skywatch Archipelago). During this week completing objectives in EoTM help out your world’s borderlands players.
Example: keep capture: 2x reward track bonus for 30 mins. Tower capture: bonus bloodlust for 30 mins. Shrine capture: 30 min speed and magic find boost.

These bonus buffs would effect players in EoTM and the borderlands. There could also be weekly objectives in both areas. Or perhaps a way to earn a currency to purchase more of the WvW beta weapons. Similar to how we used to earn the mist weapons? It would be nice to get Dolyak trophy finishers back too. 

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4 minutes ago, Bananaaaaaaa.7035 said:

"If you have a cool idea for a bonus event—whether it’s focused on PvE, PvP, or WvW—please drop a comment on our forums" - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/studio-update-september-2023/

💡Share your ideas !!

Yea the "Finish WvW Restructuring Bonus Event" looking forward to it, whenever that is.

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