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If you are going to have a multi-week event, dont remove the previous weeks content. [Merged]


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Look, here's the deal, some FOMO IS okay contrary to what your favorite tiktoker or twitch streamer is parroting today. 

Some FOMO is healthy and keeps things interesting and refreshing. 

It's when MOST things are FOMO that you have the problem.

An event that's swapped out for another but that will come back later on is totally OK. Helps keep the experience somewhat fresh and memorable. Like everything else, the more you do something the less memorable and interesting it becomes. There is also such a thing as too much variety. Too much of anything can be detrimental to a new players experience.

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It's to get the people to actually play the content. (And possible to early buy and additional expansion or living world chapter to do things. Not just waiting until week 3 to decide. The earlier ArenaNet gets the money the better for them.)

Here it was not a big deal to just take the few mins of time and do it in the previous week.

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but FOMO is the hippest coolest kitten on the market fight now. publishers would die without the cash flow it brings them since not being able to buy a 23rd tesla would shatter their poor heart.

It's not so bad here though since the bag slot is still obtainable~ the most important reward.

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So I came back after not being able to play for two weeks and i found that new event is running called Black Lion Stolen Goods Recovery Event.

So i tried to finish week one but coldn't find single NPC. After 15 min of trying I found NPC in LA talked with him, he told me where to go and i easly finished full week 2.

Turns out week 1 is water under the bridge and you can't finish it, so my question is: why? We (I mean mostly GW2 devs not me) decided that timegating is bad. This is why We will have Legacy Rewards in Wizard's Vault, this is why We got Living world Season 1 that wasn't in game for 10 years, so We won't feel bad that we lost some content.

We can do most of things in our time but not this one specific event. This event is timegated for 7 days and that's it no more, you can't finish it GG's. 


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You can't play halloween event unless you play while halloween event is active.

You can't play wintersday event unless wintersday event is active.

You can't buy a gemstore item on sale unless its on sale.

You can't finish week 1 event unless its week 1 of the event.

Yes, some things are date based and you miss out if you're not around then. This is nothing new.


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You have 21 days to finish whole halloween event and it's on yearly rotation. There is no diference between day one and day 21 if you are fast you can finish whole event on last day.

Gemstore items are on 1-4 months rotation.

My problem is that this event is still running and i can't finish it due to some artificial timelock. This is first time this event is running and we have no info about it's rerun next year. 

Reason i wrote this post is due to ammount of people that can't finish it. There are tens of post's on reddit and nothing here so I can maybe convince AN to give us full three weeks to finish it.

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to If you are going to have a multi-week event, dont remove the previous weeks content. [Merged]
5 hours ago, Shini.9248 said:

So I came back after not being able to play for two weeks and i found that new event is running called Black Lion Stolen Goods Recovery Event.

So i tried to finish week one but coldn't find single NPC. After 15 min of trying I found NPC in LA talked with him, he told me where to go and i easly finished full week 2.

Turns out week 1 is water under the bridge and you can't finish it, so my question is: why? We (I mean mostly GW2 devs not me) decided that timegating is bad. This is why We will have Legacy Rewards in Wizard's Vault, this is why We got Living world Season 1 that wasn't in game for 10 years, so We won't feel bad that we lost some content.

We can do most of things in our time but not this one specific event. This event is timegated for 7 days and that's it no more, you can't finish it GG's. 


The vault introduces (from what we currently know) vault-only skins. That's where the potential "fomo" is and that's what goes to the legacy tab -because otherwise once you miss a vault skin, you would have no way to get it later. This event doesn't reward any AP or unique rewards otherwise unavailable to the players. So these two things are not the same at all.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I did only some during week 1 cause I was almost sure we will be able to do it next week too, so I wanted to do them all at once. But here we are.
I am dissapointed. I would not be if devs made it clear but they did not, as usually, not a word. Making short post about how the event works would not take more than 10 minutes but no.

So Anet failed this again with their zero communication.

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What I think is more weird with this event is that you cannot even complete it with every paid for account (only old core/heroic doesn't work and so does new Soto only, wich is the weirdest since it's the newest expansion),  the fact that the first week is gone I think is maybe fine since the whole event isn't meant to stay forever, but ye they could have just aswell let it stick around for the 3 weeks to complete in one go at the end. Or maybe communicated better that this won't be the case I guess.

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I missed the Black Lion Stolen Goods Recovery Event (Week 1) when it was up during Sept 12, 2023 - Sept 19, 2023, any idea if Week 1 can be redone after W3 is done? It would be nice if it could be redone after W3 so if anyone else have missed W1 or any of the other then they should be able to redone it. Please.

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1 minute ago, Natta.8905 said:

I missed the Black Lion Stolen Goods Recovery Event (Week 1) when it was up during Sept 12, 2023 - Sept 19, 2023, any idea if Week 1 can be redone after W3 is done? It would be nice if it could be redone after W3 so if anyone else have missed W1 or any of the other then they should be able to redone it. Please.

No, it can not be redone.  You did not miss any achievements, achievement points, or any loot worth worrying over.  It's done, forget it, move on.  

If you miss out on an event, you simply miss out.  If you do not play or participate in Mad King, Wintersday, a fractal rush, Skritt event, etc. then you wait until next year or simply miss it.  There are no significant achievements on this one, it's filler.

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I wasn't even aware there was an event going on. Is there not supposed to be a notification in the upper right like there was for fractal rush? The studio update states:


As a reminder, bonus event information is displayed in the in-game UI on the right-hand side of your screen, so you’ll always know when one is running.

Yet I have received no information about this event in game at all and once again had to find out from an outside source. Why can't they put relevant information in the game I'm playing. Is that too much of an ask? Now apparently I missed the first week despite spinning my wheels trying to find something to do in game with my wife. 

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