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I'm lost - what do people want from GW2?


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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I think that the post you're quoting was made with a hint of unlabelled sarcasm.

Yesss? I was responding to NotMatt's to continue the chain of discussion from V


4 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

What i want was what got me into Guildwars to start with..

At best more Guildwars 1 style gaming.. multiclassing and better  game play. At worst Tyria style gaming.. Not HoT, Not PoF, not WvW or PVP... Yes the "release style" Tyria fun Gw2.. Not whatever this crap is we are labored with now.. also ditch the 5000 000 000 currencies while your at it and stop with the ascended and legendary trash..

Guildwars 2 lost the plot.

without requoting this guy.

Unless this guy is full on sarcasm, too, and I whooshed it.

I knew NotMatt wasn't meaning his response seriously, lol. I was adding to why release was bad that some of these nostalgia-goggle types keep forgetting that we had to deal with back then.

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2 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I knew NotMatt wasn't meaning his response seriously, lol. I was adding to why release was bad that some of these nostalgia-goggle types keep forgetting that we had to deal with back then.

I sincerely doubt that any of the things @IAmNotMatthew.1058mentioned as making core game worse were among those that made @Dante.1508 start playing this game (and which he now considers to be lost, with that loss making the game worse). I'm also certain that Not Matthew is also fully aware of that fact.

Basically, the changes NotMatthew is talking about are QoL changes. The ones Dante seems to be thinking about are gameplay changes. Us gaining the former in no way necessitated losing the latter.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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On 9/20/2023 at 9:47 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

That itself is not what is being questioned. It's the Rifts (instead of normal OW content) being the core grind that is the primary issue. An OW Legendary armor that is not being based around variety of OW content (and variety of choices how to proceed, like WvW players have for their armor), but around massive grinding a specific narrow content that is created solely for that purpose, and, as such, is something OW players would not otherwise do is against the very core of original idea.

Again, it's like if Envoy armor required not LI from raid bosses, but depended on farming thousands of DRMs. I'm sure raiders would have exploded if that were the case.

What is OW ? 

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I could care less if I could do the required content without requiring a massive amount of players being on the required map at the same time and place as I. Arenanet keeps downgrading any incentives for people who completed the latest content from going back. The daily system update cut a lot of those. Old content that would scale from at minimum of two players would go a long way. Edit: You would think an MMO that "Respects your time" wouldn't require everyone to be one to be there on the weekends after a major release of something new.

Edited by Zeivu.3615
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8 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Yes, more GW1 style gaming! Make the game more difficult like GW1, tye titles and travel unlocks to character and add a gold storage in our bank so we can use it to store the gold we'd have above the cap and to move it across characters!.
Make the game like on release,  let's go back to some professions being in such a state that they are unwanted! Let's go back to only having repairs in a few places where we can pay for it!

At least it was better than what we have today..

7 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I literally had almost no gold for a while because of how relatively difficult it was to make gold at the beginning + how expensive armor repair was. T_T And thousand blades warrior was busted in PvP. And a single mesmer could defend the underwater point on that one sPvP map. And gold was on a per character basis; you had to use your bank to move it between characters (made leveling crafting on my alts a pain in the booty). And changing armor skins wasn't easy the way it is now. And making builds was weird af because of how HPs and traits worked. And map comp required WvW maps. And legendaries were soulbound on use, and people argued against them becoming accountbound. ................

People have some serious nostalgia goggles for release. 😐 The amount of QoL and other changes we've had over the years have been actually really good. Is GW2 perfect? Absolutely not; there are a lot of things that need fixed, but, honestly, I prefer how it is now significantly more than release. 😕

People as a whole didn't care about any of that at release, they were enjoying Tyria as a game. It just went down hill after Southsun and fractals (around that time)..

Edited by Dante.1508
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36 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:


People as a whole didn't care about any of that at release, they were enjoying Tyria as a game. It just went down hill after Southsun and fractals (around that time)..

Oh, boy, do I have some news for you 😂

I had a guild named "I Know What Pain Is [AION]" from the beginning because people were already complaining about GW2 starting on day 1, and I was alternating between playing Aion and GW2 at the time, and Aion was (and still is) even worse than GW2 could ever hope to be. Heck, if you do a search for some ancient GW2 forum threads (back on the old forums), it's the same stuff as people complaining now. Heck, I found a thread today about people vehemently not wanting legendary weapons to become accountbound and that they shouldn't have been sellable in the first place, and it was from, like, 2013. 😂

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9 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I knew NotMatt wasn't meaning his response seriously, lol. I was adding to why release was bad that some of these nostalgia-goggle types keep forgetting that we had to deal with back then.

The amount of salt I heard on Skype from friends playing GW2 early in its life while we were chilling in GW1 was hilarious. Weeks of a friend complaining that he had to ditch his Necro to make a Warrior to be able to do dungeons, then complaining about having to spend all his money to keep fixing his armor only to be ultimately rejected from a bunch of dungeon groups, because he had low AP. 

The good times of GW2, it was so good back then, but you better not be playing Necro or Ranger or you'll be looked down upon.

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28 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

 The good times of GW2, it was so good back then, but you better not be playing Necro or Ranger or you'll be looked down upon.

Fun fact - in those early days of GW2 i was pugging dungeons running a bearbow (and a bunker guardian that at the time i was unaware posessed no dps to speak of). I had no issue doing dungeons on neither of those. All you had to do was to advertise a casual run, or join groups advertising as casual runs. And even though clear times of those groups were significantly longer than speedrunning ones, it was not uncommon to do such a longer clear, exit the dungeon, and see the strict requirement group still standing before entrance, still waiting for their group to fill. For each strict requirement group that was kicking necros and rangers (or asking you to ping gear)  there were like 10 times more casual ones that didn't bother with any of that. The bad experiences were highly visible, that's for sure (especially on forums, place most casuals didn't even know existed), but they were actually quite rare and easy to avoid.

Seriously, it's like two people arguing about quality using completely different values as basis.

It's something like that:

"how can you say the game got worse, it definitely improved - it was only mediocre at the beginning, but now it's quite good with many of its original flaws removed/improved upon!"

"maybe, but i started playing this game when it was a turn-based strategy, while over time it morphed into more like of an action shooter game"

"Yes! Isn't that great?"

"...but i don't like action shooters"

"but i do!"

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6 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

At least it was better than what we have today..

It wasn’t. 


6 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

People as a whole didn't care about any of that at release, they were enjoying Tyria as a game.

Not true. Nostalgia clouds the senses. 

The game now is so much better than at release. Before megaserver, ascended gear, fractals and raids the game was pretty boring. 

Edited by vares.8457
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On 9/20/2023 at 12:46 PM, Jianyu.7065 said:

I'm not a fan of pvp either but your comments about WvW sound like you haven't played it. I'm not sure you can drag other players down. I haven't been there since before the expansion but I heard they reduced the reward track experience so you can actually earn a GoB quicker than before - either way, it would only take you about 8 hours (iirc) of barely participating in pvp in WvW to earn a GoB. It's really not "that" bad

I've played plenty. I rather enjoy being in a big zerg. However If I'm not able to be as good as other players, I feel like I am dragging the group down. Maybe I should approach it with a glass half full approach and think "every little helps". And yeah you can run camps and dolyaks, but that's boring as well after a while and I still struggle to hold my own a lot of the time.

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I want a personal inquest battle cruiser with yamato guns, a golem mk IV rapid deploy landing unit, that chopper/carrier unit from drizzlewood, other racial battle armours (charr beast bots, veggie treants, watchnight constructs, Norn booze parties), hover skiffs with Gatling guns and beam cannon to blow kitten up, mounted jousting, my alts and mounts lazing around in my home instance and in my personal inquest battle cruiser with yamato guns and inquest overseer throne. Thanks.

Edited by casualkenny.9817
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10 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

The amount of salt I heard on Skype from friends playing GW2 early in its life while we were chilling in GW1 was hilarious. Weeks of a friend complaining that he had to ditch his Necro to make a Warrior to be able to do dungeons, then complaining about having to spend all his money to keep fixing his armor only to be ultimately rejected from a bunch of dungeon groups, because he had low AP. 

The good times of GW2, it was so good back then, but you better not be playing Necro or Ranger or you'll be looked down upon.

It was extra good if you were playing bearbow ranger in Orr back then because everyone would report you as a bot because the bots pretty exclusively used bearbow rangers (on Tarnished Coast, anyway 😂) for their Orrian farming needs.

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On 9/20/2023 at 5:09 AM, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

I've seen so many posts throughout the existence of this game complaining about things being too difficult (not counting physical handicaps here). Maybe that's made me jaded but I can't see anything positive in these posts anymore. It's the people who want a participation trophy for just being in the game, people who want the jackpot just for buying a lottery ticket, the TikTok generation expecting everything be handed to them. I don't see it as anything else but pure entitlement anymore. It doesn't help that the arguments these people present (if any at all) either point to a case of cognitive dissonance or a complete misunderstanding of how things work. Or they are completely based on personal experience and therefore have no bearing on anyone else or the game itself, for that matter. Another thing I don't understand is this "Why force people to..." complaint. It's a freaking game. Nobody is forcing you to do anything in game, or even play the game, except yourself. I read these complaints and seriously wonder why those people are even still here. If I shared their opinion I would have quit the game a long time ago. There are always more fish in the sea. No game is worth the frustration over every little thing they don't like, but they still torment themselves with it and then lay the blame at other people's feet. I wish they'd just take a good look in the mirror before they post their drivel, but that would imply a measure of self-awareness they often seem to lack.

I agree I was like that (jaded) until I found the build that work best for my play style and skills. Once that happened it was balls to to walls and the guys that used to run all over me got a big surprise. The worm had turned, then they nerfed my build, guys started using cheats, I started being focused in fights (op zerg would bypass my zerg-mates and beeline straight to me, the acknowledgment that I was a threat that had to be taken out), and they started roaming in packs waiting on me while running back trying to rejoin my zergmates.

I was like screw it let's change it up and hopped on my engineer, same results untill he got nerfed, went to my ranger and low and behold it tuned into rangers being the brokenness, dirtiest and OPed class in the game according to the whiners in the forums, then they got nerfed. Through all this it was confirmed that there's allot bluster and fluff in the forums people depending more on gank-play, equipment, numbers, nerfs and broken mechanics to inflate their ego.

More power to them if that's what it takes for them. We see you!

Edited by Widebody.5071
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On 9/28/2023 at 11:41 AM, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Oh, boy, do I have some news for you 😂

I had a guild named "I Know What Pain Is [AION]" from the beginning because people were already complaining about GW2 starting on day 1, and I was alternating between playing Aion and GW2 at the time, and Aion was (and still is) even worse than GW2 could ever hope to be. Heck, if you do a search for some ancient GW2 forum threads (back on the old forums), it's the same stuff as people complaining now. Heck, I found a thread today about people vehemently not wanting legendary weapons to become account bound and that they shouldn't have been sellable in the first place, and it was from, like, 2013. 😂

I was never interested in Aion.. or most of any other mmorpgs.. i tried hundreds and they were all the same.. i to this day think Ascended was a mistake and account locking them was stupid. Legendary are pretty non factor but again ridiculous wastes of time effort and in game currency..

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On 9/28/2023 at 11:00 AM, Dante.1508 said:

At least it was better than what we have today..

People as a whole didn't care about any of that at release, they were enjoying Tyria as a game. It just went down hill after Southsun and fractals (around that time)..

Yeah, Dry Top and the Silverwastes weren't popular at all....oh wait....

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This thread is a goldmine of bad takes. 

The word grind gets thrown at everything without any sense these days. 

But that's not the only word that lost all meaning. Cringe, for example. 

Toxic is another word. 

P2W comes to mind too. 

But that's modern gaming. 

Need to play more than 5min? Grind. 

Dislike something? CRINGE! 

Someone isn't kissing my boots? Toxic!!!! 

Need to pay money? P2W. Regardless what it is. 


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

This thread is a goldmine of bad takes. 

The word grind gets thrown at everything without any sense these days. 

But that's not the only word that lost all meaning. Cringe, for example. 

Toxic is another word. 

P2W comes to mind too. 

But that's modern gaming. 

Need to play more than 5min? Grind. 

Dislike something? CRINGE! 

Someone isn't kissing my boots? Toxic!!!! 

Need to pay money? P2W. Regardless what it is. 


Forgot "new content bad, old content good"

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13 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I was never interested in Aion.. or most of any other mmorpgs.. i tried hundreds and they were all the same.. i to this day think Ascended was a mistake and account locking them was stupid. Legendary are pretty non factor but again ridiculous wastes of time effort and in game currency..

This very much sounds like a personal problem.

4 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

This thread is a goldmine of bad takes. 

The word grind gets thrown at everything without any sense these days. 

But that's not the only word that lost all meaning. Cringe, for example. 

Toxic is another word. 

P2W comes to mind too. 

But that's modern gaming. 

Need to play more than 5min? Grind. 

Dislike something? CRINGE! 

Someone isn't kissing my boots? Toxic!!!! 

Need to pay money? P2W. Regardless what it is. 


Add FOMO and elitist to the list.

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- Hard mode.

- 60 dollars/80 dollars year expansion for the equivalent of content in comparison to SoTo. 

Perhaps even better: 80 dollars expansion with 3 updates each 10 dollars.

But for the SoTo equivalent in maps.

SoTo is a cash cow but im assuming thats the only Content/Price we are receiving. 

If you are gonna be fair, instead convert this to PoF standars but with inflation (PoF, no LS, you should have sold the LS to all players).


- Less absurd masteries, just the meaningfull like gliding or mounts masteries. Some masteries were extended or were reputation wins towards a faction.

Reputation should be handled separated.

- PVE exclusive new skills, like skills morphing and REAL doble class. Only PvE, since in competitive this means a balance nightmare.

- New items to add to your armor - upgradable armor, not sure about stats, perhaps special damages resistences (only pve).


- More rewards per task in generals (Jora's March is a good example of this done right).

- Bjora's March level of map available skins, etc.

- Rewards better matching difficulty.

- Less gold sink ways to get extra bags an such.

. Some gem upgrades like extra bag slots to be purchased by 3-5gold.


- Proper LFG tool and timer/agenda in game, not using the wiki.

- Rework of dungeons, also ability to use dungeon tokens to upgrade gear to ascende.

- History mode as explorable and recovery of the lost Twikught Arbor path.

- Old content used for Strikes, consider more 5 man focused strikes.

- One raid per trimestre, realisticly per year.


- Option to hide most of other players effects and weird items, like minis, chairs, mount skins, etc.

Preferible with filter.

- Only new expansion or update content locked by time gates and time reward gates (outside of whats logically a daily achievement).

Same for ascending refining.

- Mastery points and experience leveling up only are expansion focused in the new expansion, other case you can, for example,  level up Pof masteries in HoT maps and all mastery points can be used to purchase the skills.

- Stop adding extravagant items like chairs, infusion of sunrise, wings, etc. and allowing to sell the skin forever for a good chunk of gold.

- Total possibility of separation of game modes and also currency transfer upon them (without loses).

This means if im PVP and want a legendary weapon i can do it alone in PVP, same for WvW and PVE.


Edit: Less jade tech,

Upgrades over old content to make some parts that were done rushed to have proper conclusions: Joko, Blast, Krakaltorik, Zaithan, Primordus, Jormag, Bangar, Lazarus, Ice Brood Saga Champions, Malik and the nightmare court: that kind of lore important pillars thath didnt conclude good enough.

Edited by Lucius.2140
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18 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Yeah, Dry Top and the Silverwastes weren't popular at all....oh wait....

Yeah i never understood the appeal.. I tried them a few times and its really repetitive and pointless mostly solo. I still to this day never got the Tyrian masteries there.

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