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Fishing in SoTo - What a disaster (my experience) [merged]


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Turtle fishing sounds great, but since it sinks and doesn't float it would be land based at the water's edge.

I like the mini game as it keeps me doing something.  It's overall better than most fishing in games.  

I really don't see the fun of passive fishing, it's like the people who just sit in WvW and don't actively participate but full map chat with randomness.  


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21 hours ago, Evil Darkness.3061 said:

1: Make it passive/AFK so...


If you wnat to afk, just go afk.


21 hours ago, Evil Darkness.3061 said:

3: Remove the stupid minigame where you have to fight with the kitten bar on the kitten screen that goes back and forth.

Nah, I don't think they should do that. Go press "f" on gathering nodes if that's what you want.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I was thinking of how bad of an effect would be if the minigame never decreased your progress in catching a fish.  So that if you were not very good/did nothing, you would eventually land the fish, but people skilled at the game, have high fishing power, etc, would catch the fish considerably faster.  This would make it more relaxing.  It still would not be an AFK activity - you would still need to cast the line and reel it in, as well as move around after each fishing spot is exhausted.  But this would remove the 'I almost landed the fish, and it switched directions and got away' frustration.   I know people saying that aspect is part of real life fishing (I'm not sure I want real life in my videos games - I can do real life instead), but in real life, how often do fish really escape hooks?

The downside I imagine is that this reduces need to max out fishing gear to catch really difficult fish.  But it sounds like only a very small number of players are trying to do that anyways.


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On 10/23/2023 at 6:41 PM, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

Fishing in low level maps more difficult because of mobs? Those mobs hit like wet paper. You can empty a fishing hole and be attacked the entire time, without ever risking losing your skiff and fishing stacks. Only when more than 2 are attacking my skiff, or when it's a veteran or higher ranking mob (very rare in low level maps), I get out and finish them off. And if it takes too long to kill them (which has rarely happened to me) I just get back into my skiff for a split second and jump back in the water to continue the fight.

You don't need to get back into your skiff for a split second to not lose stacks just FYI. The stacks are tied to your skiff, so as long as your skiff does not despawn then you get them back automatically whenever you get back on it. The countdown in your buff bar is only about how much time you have to spawn a new skiff and get on it without losing your stacks, in case it got destroyed (or you moved voluntarily).

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Fishing has to get a raid level treatment so people dont accuse the devs of being lazy and recycling gameplay. Lo and behold a huge chunk of the playerbase expected it to get easier and faster than the original.  

You’ve already fished in every conventional place on the planet. A legendary fisher in title. Honestly fishing end game should be Bubbles, with an underwater raid for people with the fisher titles. 

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On 10/23/2023 at 1:15 PM, Evil Darkness.3061 said:

I despise it and it’s a chore. We got opposite of what I expected, and I'm not too fond of it. What I expected: cast lure, after X amount of time you get a fish, in the meantime you get to chat with people/friends/enjoy the view/chill. What we got: cast lure, pray the map doesn't close, pray your skiff doesn't get destroyed, fight with the bar depending on the map (Draconis Mons and Orr say hello), fishing in low-level areas can actually be harder than endgame maps due to the amount of critters in the water, pay attention to time zones and dusk/dawn cycles, zero chill. I was obsessed with the idea of fishing/the turtle mount Hints: check my last post! (well we all know how kitten that turned out to be!)  when I bought the game. Since then, I have barely touched it. I associate fishing with relaxation, and GW2's version is the opposite of that to me. I hate Black Desert with a passion, but the one thing they got right was fishing! 100% AFK and chat with friends!

What they can do to improve fishing.


1: Make it passive/AFK so you chat with friends while you do it! And people can all gather up and chat while they fish.

2: Sit on the turtle while you fish! Not just the boat.

3: Remove the stupid minigame where you have to fight with the kitten bar on the kitten screen that goes back and forth.

What I got from what you said was that you want to earn fishes by doing nothing while you chat with friends? Am I missing something? You can chill and chat with your friends any time, just don't expect to earn things for doing nothing at all for it.

When you are not in the mood to do any sort of activity in the game and just want to chat with your friends.. you can go somewhere you like and do it *shrug*.

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The Amnytas fishing is definitely the most egregious example of simply a bad play experience,  but there is a game wide, fundamental problem with the design of fishing stacks/power. Rather than fishing being a way to pass the time between events, it becomes this marathon of being stuck in your little boat, ignoring all interesting things going on around you. The jerky puts a bandaid on this problem, but feeling like i'm wasting time and money if i leave my boat for literally 1 minute is not fun. Finally getting to 99 stacks and the map inevitably prompts you that it's closing is equally bad.
Giving the fishing stacks at least 5-10 minutes of grace period (removed on actual map/character change, but perhaps somehow preserved when volunterring to a new instance) would radically improve my desire to actually pursue some fishing collections.

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On 9/22/2023 at 2:32 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

All I can say is: if they continue with this nonsense in future content, I am simply going to ignore fishing. I seem to have a different understanding of "fun" than the dev(s) responsible for the Horn of Maguuma fishing design, with its sparse number of fishing holes and the distance between similar ones. It's just crazy, and it also doesn't help when the Amnytas map closes after the meta when you still have plenty of nighttime left.

I tried fishing by the Wizards tower nearing the dive thing in the pond. Didn't catch anything, way to difficult. I quit fishing there and went back to EoD. 

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3 more hours fishing in Amnytas, 99 fishing stacks, the right food, the righ bait, the right fishing spot....nothing. I'm getting the same kitten green fish over and over and over again. For this terrible droprate, getting three tries every ten minutes is just not enough.

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not to mention the mobs that attack us or our boat(which idk why it taunt mobs!!! 😐 ), have to fight them, occasionally die, lose stacks..  and then quit the game to relax(the irony is that i started fishing to relax, not to rage quit the game :)) )

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They need to remove about 80% of all the other fish that you can catch in these maps. I just spent an hour in Skywatch trying to fish, and never caught any of the actual fish in the Horn of Maguuma collection. And yes, I verified multiple times that I had adequate fishing power and was using the right bait/time of day. 

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800? For stuff in the new map I assume? (Have not checked yet.) Since this basically comes down to just doing it for the achievement (then people to less fishing) they might have wanted it "harder". Though technically now you buy the item for the fishing stacks - to quickly fish with 99 stacks of the fishing party buff. 800 should not be hard to reach even without special/annoying to get stuff.

Maybe they wanted it on purpose so people will buy that food item (increasing the value) that gives the fishing party stacks.

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On 11/5/2023 at 2:29 PM, Efar.8153 said:

not to mention the mobs that attack us or our boat(which idk why it taunt mobs!!! 😐 ), have to fight them, occasionally die, lose stacks..  and then quit the game to relax(the irony is that i started fishing to relax, not to rage quit the game :)) )

Anet must have watched "The Meg" to many times 😂

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You know what Fishing in SoTo proves? Tying Fishing Power to SKIFF. There are lots of small ponds in Soto, you can't spawn your skiff most of time, other times there are enemies constantly barraging with attacks. Fishing is suppose to be RELAXING content. It's wrong when I play metas easier than catching fish.

Imho there are couple of things needs to change.

Change buff from 100 to 20 (balance according to it)

Change Fishing Power to character with duration like 1 hour. Each fish refresh duration.

Make low quality fish EASIER to catch.

Reduce AGGRO range when fishing like in WoW

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On 11/6/2023 at 9:46 PM, Alsandar.7420 said:

I just want wow fishing

GW2 fishing is so not relaxing

wow fishing is indeed relaxing. I put on my fishing hat, find a peaceful and beautiful spot and spent some time there. Man, gw2 fishing could be the best if they do something about the unwanted fights and the fishing stacks  ❤️ 

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Anet creates content, pushes us to use that content, then reduces that content, undoing all the work done.

An international group was born that met every evening to fish together, I had the opportunity to meet many expert players, if I had doubts there was a solid group that now played together every day for months, an international guild was formed.

In the evening the mere thought of being able to go to sea and fish was beautiful. The anticipation of that pleasure was itself a pleasure. We could spend hours, whole nights having fun together.

It was logical that all this was not done for nothing, selling the catch was profitable, but the hours spent fishing were still many. Then when there is something beautiful everything is destroyed. Nerf +Nerf + Nerf.
Today fishing group 0, it's no longer fun to fish because at most we are 4 cats. It is normal today that it is more convenient to kill the leviathan 10 times a day than to fish for a single hour of play? But are we serious? If this is fishing, you might as well delete this content. It's not fun, it's not profitable but it's just a cross that a player has to bear if he wants to build a legendary.

If the Guild Wars community was worth something we could start a constructive discussion with the developers, but since like fishing we are worth 0, no constructive discussion can be made, your only interest is to reduce the content to make us slaves of a game that gradually becomes more and more detractive.


Thanks Anet again

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