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balance is horrible, weapon training is to blame, but there might still be hope. anet needs to act


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My question to The Community, Aren't You Tired Of Playing,. 'Ring Around The Rosie' of having to deal with the same issues for years, months  repeatidly?

As the song says, ' We all fall down!' 

We all end up here in the forums, all over again

Isn't it about time to put an end to this Toxic mess by removing things?

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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17 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

My question to The Community, Aren't You Tired Of Playing,. 'Ring Around The Rosie' of having to deal with the same issues for years, months  repeatidly?

As the song says, ' We all fall down!' 

We all end up here in the forums, all over again

Isn't it about time to put an end to this Toxic mess by removing things?

You can phrase it however you want, but if these 'bad' things exist for so long and people still playing with them, then it's PROBABLY not the game-breaking issue you want everyone to believe it is. Interestingly enough, that even includes YOU. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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36 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

My question to The Community, Aren't You Tired Of Playing,. 'Ring Around The Rosie' of having to deal with the same issues for years, months  repeatidly?

As the song says, ' We all fall down!' 

We all end up here in the forums, all over again

Isn't it about time to put an end to this Toxic mess by removing things?

Are you an AI?

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2 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

My question to The Community, Aren't You Tired Of Playing,. 'Ring Around The Rosie' of having to deal with the same issues for years, months  repeatidly?

As the song says, ' We all fall down!' 

Oh that's a sad dirge. 😭

Here's one from those of us that brought some Stability:

"I'm still standing! Better than I ever did. Looking like a true survivor. Feeling like a little kid. And I'm still standing after all this time!"


Edited by Gaiawolf.8261
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People need to relaize it is NOT Weaponmastery Training that is to blame for the current balance issues… the issues are actually much older problems that have been on the game for years, many since the game launched…

Lets look at one of the most complained about issues since Weaponmastery… Elementalist Warhorn… people keep claiming that warhorn is overpowered, but in truth its not… the issue isn’t actually the warhorn. Elementalist warhorn is actually on par with offhands from most other classes. The issue is rhat Offhand Dagger and Focus are just that bad… Offhand Dagger was identified as the best offhand for elementalist back in alpha for GW2 and remained that way until SotO with the sole exception of Tempest’s because Warhorn was undeniably better. However, dagger was also repeatedly pointed out as being underpowered compared to other class offhands and skills 4&5 on Staff. Dagger could actually be fixed with just a little buffing it wouldn’t actually take much, but it should get a pretty big buff to account for melee range and its low utility. Focus on the otherhand is just aweful… the weapon was designed to be almost pure utility and it does a pretty poor job at that even… also most of its offensive capability is in Water Attunement for some odd reason… 

Other classes have their own set of long standing issues that weaponmastery highlighted… like Engineer’s lack of a mainhand power weapon and continued lack of a real offhand power weapon… Necromancer’s offhand situation practically mirrored Elementalist which is why Torch offhand seems to be a universal staple for them now… Mesmer has had historically the worst mainhand weapons in the game, which is why Dagger is generally seen as the best “and only” option (I disagree heavily with people claiming it as the only option… scepter is massively underrated) … Guardian lacked any real ranged weapons, staff and scepter were pretty shirt range and staff is a support weapon… Revenant shared the same problem as Guardian but also had no actual choices it had exactly 1 weapon set for each role type also it completely lacked Ranged Condi… Ranger lacked a mainhand condi weapon and its only support weapon was Warhorn, so mainhand Dagger and Staff naturally filled those gaps and improved builds.

A few espec weapons are legitimately overpowered (Reaper Greatsword)… but most are actually fairly well balanced and only seem powerful because of other issues with traits or core weapons… and some are just plain weak (Catalyst & Unleashed Hammers…)

Over the years a lot of these build gaps and issues had been addressed with background buffs to help things like Condi Ranger deal with the fact it had to use a Power weapon Mainhand… so when the gaps were filled with a proper weapon for the build those buffs made things seem overpowered.

Edited by Panda.1967
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19 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

I mean if it's wvw we are talking about it's been 11 years they have had plenty of time to act 🍿🤣

Hot Take: when it takes 11 years to get to what we have now ... then what we have now is about as good as we ever going to get.

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it is still valid.

Anet Balance Design and Philosophy

Players choice is an Illusion.

Reroll or You are not playing the way, Anet intend you to play

I agree, Balance Is Dead 


In fact, we had a casual player, who hasn't played the game, since her wedding, was asking the Guild, what Profession she should reroll, because she kept getting one shot by Mesmer Profession and Warrior Profession.

They advised her to play Guardian Profession: Willbender because they are more powerful than Thief and Warrior.

The casual player just got married and she is being forced to play Bad Design Profession, to not being one shot. 

She is sad, not happy about her experience at all, especially after coming back from from her wedding being happy.

This is the low value and low standard that this game has to offer to play the game.

Play the most Powerful Bad Design Broken Professions or Leave, Quit


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 10/1/2023 at 1:41 AM, DeceiverX.8361 said:

I mean, to be fair, they've lost money every expansion after the initial surge and had to cut their staff in half with the CEO and founder jumping ship, too.

One could say they've been needing to do something for like... at least seven of those eleven years.

Except that isnt realistically true, I'm pretty certain there was several articles regarding EoD sales. 

Its general across the board in all mmorpgs, that the number of players decrease over the duration of a expansion, 

And lay offs happened in 2019, heading towards EoD the staff number at arena net has increased vastly which was again announced in several articles, the 2023 cuts were to NCSoft, not arena net lol. If anything the article says there was a ton of jobs opened for guild wars 2 specifically in February. 

I mean I got quit angry at the game and left due to warrior treatment during early EoD, so I aint gonna defend the company, they've made lots of bad decisions, 

However it sounds like ur taking Stats from PoF (a known very low point for anet) and applying them to both EoD and SoTo, which simply hasnt been the case. Guild wars 2 team got larger, its been expanded twice, and EoD I'm pretty certain was considered a record breaker for the game. 

The game still needs improving, but its been In the positive. 

As far as I understand weapons master, it's been launched now, but theres susposed to be a upcoming changes to class kits / weapons + new weapons arrival? 

Although tbh I think anet need to reliese it might be time to look into everything mechanically and start bringing content up to today's power creep levels. 

If u hold a game at max level and never increase it u encourage the concept of everythings relevent content, and over a decade, this needs attending to, it maybe time to invest in the current game rather then adding more. 


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This is couple days past and it is sad. Not too long ago, I had posted a video from her channel. The streamer who is being harassed  name is GuildJen

My Sympathy and Encouragement to GuildJen

DJ. Dragon is a Guild Wars 2 streamer, showing his support, empathy and encouragement to her.

This streamer is being Harassed by Guild Wars 2 competitors for streaming the game in a meaningful positive way. The Community has warned Anet that, ignoring the players concerns about their Toxic experience and Ignoring the Toxic state of the game, will only result with the game in having a Toxic Negative Reputation.

So that is what is happening.


Guild Wars 2 Toxicity Is Hurting Streamers!!

Allowing Bad Design with Toxicity, to promote Guild Wars 2 Reputation, is targeting Guild Wars 2 steamers for streaming and promoting the game. 

My question to Anet is, how far will you take caring players down the rabbit hole until there are no caring players including caring streamers left, to play your game and quit streaming because of your Tolerance to Bad Design and Toxicity? 

Anet, It has long been known with years and years of evidence that, you do not care bout The PvP and WvW Community concerns and feelings. Can You At Least, Care About Streamers Who Are Transparent and Honest About The Game?




Edited by Burnfall.9573
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4 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

it is still valid.

Anet Balance Design and Philosophy

Players choice is an Illusion.

Reroll or You are not playing the way, Anet intend you to play

I agree, Balance Is Dead 


In fact, we had a casual player, who hasn't played the game, since her wedding, was asking the Guild, what Profession she should reroll, because she kept getting one shot by Mesmer Profession and Warrior Profession.

They advised her to play Guardian Profession: Willbender because they are more powerful than Thief and Warrior.

The casual player just got married and she is being forced to play Bad Design Profession, to not being one shot. 

She is sad, not happy about her experience at all, especially after coming back from from her wedding being happy.

This is the low value and low standard that this game has to offer to play the game.

Play the most Powerful Bad Design Broken Professions or Leave, Quit


....nice joke

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41 minutes ago, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

No, ur video about some classes for pvp vs pve. 


Oh the Guild Wars 2 Nirvana: The Last Balance video?

He is funny yet speaks the truth. Pvp balance is still in horrible shape. Anet poor balancing hasn't had a great effect on PvP.  I overall completely agree with the streamer, if the players are not playing the most Optimal, Powerful; (I will add) Broken, Bad Design Profession to win.....they are playing the game wrong.

Can you imagine new blood - new players feeling overwhelmed, feeling depressed, sad ...to be told that, if they are not playing Anet's way, the Elitist way...they get bombarded with bad calling names with Toxicity?

As I said again and again, Anet Tolerance and Acceptance to Bad Design and Toxic Design, has created a Toxic Hostile Gaming Culture for the players including new players and potential players.

Look at the LFG tool, it is filled with Toxic Hostile Requirements for players, why hasn't Anet addressed that for once?

Even PvE mobs and WvW Npc's are Behaving Aggressively Hostile and Toxic

The only way counter them, is to be Toxic in return; play Broken builds, Bad Design Professions 

This is why I will continue to say, Anet Philosophy Must Change!

It Is Encouraging, Promoting Toxicity Everywhere!! 

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31 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


Oh the Guild Wars 2 Nirvana: The Last Balance video?

He is funny yet speaks the truth. Pvp balance is still in horrible shape. Anet poor balancing hasn't had a great effect on PvP.  I overall completely agree with the streamer, if the players are not playing the most Optimal, Powerful; (I will add) Broken, Bad Design Profession to win.....they are playing the game wrong.

Can you imagine new blood - new players feeling overwhelmed, feeling depressed, sad ...to be told that, if they are not playing Anet's way, the Elitist way...they get bombarded with bad calling names with Toxicity?

As I said again and again, Anet Tolerance and Acceptance to Bad Design and Toxic Design, has created a Toxic Hostile Gaming Culture for the players including new players and potential players.

Look at the LFG tool, it is filled with Toxic Hostile Requirements for players, why hasn't Anet addressed that for once?

Even PvE mobs and WvW Npc's are Behaving Aggressively Hostile and Toxic

The only way counter them, is to be Toxic in return; play Broken builds, Bad Design Professions 

This is why I will continue to say, Anet Philosophy Must Change!

It Is Encouraging, Promoting Toxicity Everywhere!! 

I c. Misunderstood the video then....right over my head. I'm one of those guys that get laughed at because I live thief, but it has no spot in wvw meta compositions so I made a community for thieves exclusively to help them, do pve raids and strikes stacking only the cringiest of thief builds and pulled it off. The hard part is waiting for alliances to recruit nunch of thieves for wvw....it will wipe any meta guild ez...I don't care how you say "but reflects/blocks/stability" it'll kill any zerg. Without alliances and upholding their philosophy, people are just gonna either join then quit or quit and not come back...if alliances aren't finished then people thT wvw will abandon the mode and quit making wvw irrelevant. I already see rarely any thieves on darkhaven, and when I do they are stuck in falling for the "I can't do anything but roaming" which is horse dung given to them by meta tards.

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On 9/28/2023 at 3:39 PM, Ascency.3580 said:

 warhorn is a powerhouse. giving it to weavers, and catalysts enabled them to do insane dmg

You lost me there but I did finally read the rest, sounded more like an anti ele post than a post about balance or weapon. Every class got their crazy unbalanced builds and ok you mentionned ele as an example but warhorn ele? Seriously? I tried sworn/warhorn weaver lately, the damage wasnt that great and its so boring to play. Projectiles have short range and are horribly slow, in pvp and wvw its useless vs any barely decent.player. "Probably" interesting to use in a choke or a push but that is about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/24/2023 at 12:09 AM, Burnfall.9573 said:

Bad Design Continues To Shame Guild Wars 2 Balance Team

(Build Included)


Yes, a perma dodge build off of killing minions in the labyrinth for procing the stamina sigil. Meanwhile a boon herald can just afk follow the tag, do nothing,  and get more loot because giving boons now also counts as contribution for loot and the herald does that without dodging constantly.

Honestly, you need to take a break and find something healthier to spend your time on. Maybe get a hobby or so and stop frequenting a message board for a game which you don't enjoy while falling for the most idiotic click bait youtube videos.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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