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Please stop giving undiscoverd daily/weekly tasks.


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19 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

That would be too easily prone to abuse. Start a new character, open only Queensdale, or any racial starter area, get all 5 dailies in one spot?  Not that 1 gold a day would be game breaking... but I think they set up the daily system to encourage more exploring, and populate dead areas - like activities. 😎

I don't know why anyone would think it would work like that.  It would be account based, not character based, and definitely not last character you created based.

I'm sure they could have made it based on what content has been touched but the either didn't think of it or didn't want to put in that much effort.  The request from OP is fair but I don't see ANET putting in the effort to do it.

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This could be easily remedied by ensuring that at least 3 dailies (excluding Log in) can be completed everywhere / are available in Core Tyria. You might still have some that are in unknown areas, but at least they would be readily accessible without spoilers or skipping ahead in the story.

19 hours ago, Only.3175 said:

Well, now Arenanet seem to be doing this on purpose. Not nice.


This is probably the most egregious example of 'unreachable' dailies. Both of the Cantha dailies are incredibly easy provided you can enter Canthan maps (as is Vista when that shows up and often seems to be similarly paired with another easy Cantha daily) but also renders that day's dailies impossible to complete if you cannot. I don't think it's too much to ask for 3/4 Dailies to have a broad scope (ie. View 3 Vistas, instead of View 1 Vista in Cantha, or complete 3 events or 1 heart event instead of 1 event in Cantha). They would certainly not be any easier but would be more accessible. And while I can appreciate that having dailies spread across the world helps pull people into various maps, having two easy dailies in the same region that will often be completed simultaneously shouldn't even accomplish this any better than one daily!

Previous dailies required 3 of 12 possible objectives (4 pve, 4 wvw and 4 pvp) and while that system ran into similar issues (2 objectives in a given category may be undesirable or unreachable) you could often supplement them with an easy daily from a different category (Big Spender I'm looking at you!). The Wizard's vault unfortunately removed all of that flexibility while maintaining the same potential roadblocks for newer (or returning) players.

Edited by Glacial.9516
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10 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

If being nice will motivate you to give them money faster.

That excatly is the reason, why I proposed that the task assignment is based on Expansion played and not expansion bought.

Is really bad marketing to force the people to NOT pre-buy expansion, only buy them, when you are ready to enter them.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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On 10/31/2023 at 12:18 PM, disco.9302 said:

The system doesn't give any tasks that you can't somehow complete. If you're complaining that WV doesn't take into account which word of which chapter you're on then it's not a valid reason. Just because you don't want to complete the activity/quest doesn't mean you can't.

Is one of your characters able to complete the daily/weekly task? - Yes

That’s nonsense. You might as well say that GW2 shouldn’t bother having a story at all. Some people don’t care about the story but many (myself included) flat out would not be playing the game if there wasn’t a story. I am 100% sure GW2 would make massively less sales without the story (which is actually quite good once you get past the rather weak core story).

if story does matter to a moderate number of buyers, which I assert it does, then it is plain stupid that Anet made the wizards vault give dailies/weeklies based on purchased expansions rather than account story progress.

Consider a book or movie analogy. You are excited by a newly discovered book or movie series so you buy all of them in advance. But then when you start reading/watching them you keep having your experience interrupted by diversions into later books, showing what happens to key characters and how major future events will play out, despite being only half way thru the first book.

Does this make any sense from a story standpoint? No. Does it make any sense from a money standpoint? No - the customer has already paid for all the content - spoiling it for them is just going to make them want them to return the later expansions  for a refund! (Which I have successfully done). Does it make sense from any standpoint? Not by any reason I have ever seen articulated in these forums (and I read threads like this avidly).

I also really don’t understand why anyone has given the OP confused emoticons. How petty or thoughtless do you need to be that you actually WANT new players who like story and invested in buying expansions to be penalised by not being able to achieve their dailies or weeklies? (Which is a massive penalty btw: achieving only 3 instead of 4 dailies is 25 vs 65 AA while achieving only 5 instead of 6 weeklies is 200 vs 690!!! AA).

The system as it stands is a big middle finger to anyone who likes the GW2 story and buys expansions before they absolutely need them (or just doesn’t realise how badly they will get penalised for buying expansions).



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2 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

The system as it stands is a big middle finger to anyone who likes the GW2 story and buys expansions before they absolutely need them (or just doesn’t realise how badly they will get penalised for buying expansions).

This. The fact, that I must completely obliterate immersion, when I must play the introductions to expansions I'm not ready for, in order to not be left behind is the straw that is very likely going to break some camels necks.

Edited by FalanuLachance.4576
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My suggestion is to do sPvP objectives if you want to do Wizard's Vault stuff and don't want to rush through PvE. Most objectives are so laughably easy that they amount to "Play a game" regardless of what the objective says,  so you can get in with 0 experience, no interest in PvP and still complete your dailies in 1 or 2 games which would last you 15 mins max. The most difficult weekly objectives are "Play 10 games" or "Participate in a tournament".

This might not be the ideal option but remember you are just one of million players in a genre of game that is trying to manipulate people into playing it and engage with new content. PvP and WvW are open to everyone regardless of expansion, because PvE is the only game mode that actually receives any updates.

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18 minutes ago, Player.2475 said:

My suggestion is to do sPvP objectives if you want to do Wizard's Vault stuff and don't want to rush through PvE. Most objectives are so laughably easy that they amount to "Play a game" regardless of what the objective says,  so you can get in with 0 experience, no interest in PvP and still complete your dailies in 1 or 2 games which would last you 15 mins max. The most difficult weekly objectives are "Play 10 games" or "Participate in a tournament".

This might not be the ideal option but remember you are just one of million players in a genre of game that is trying to manipulate people into playing it and engage with new content. PvP and WvW are open to everyone regardless of expansion, because PvE is the only game mode that actually receives any updates.

I get what you are saying and in fact my current personal solution (while in LWS3 story-wise) to this issue is to have my Wizards Vault set to WvW. But that only works because I like WvW and I am working on legendary WvW armour. Even then, I would prefer to be able to do at least some PvE vault missions because it in theory would give me something to do while working towards core map completion.

It’s a terrible solution for people who don’t like WvW or PvP. You need to play a decent amount of these modes to finish 6 weeklies so at this point you are just swapping the penalty of falling behind economically (by failing to achieve the PvE dailies/weeklies, WV is a huge income source for newer players working thru the story) with the penalty of spending a few hours playing a game mode you don’t like.

The point of this thread is that there shouldn’t be ANY penalty at all for buying more expansions! Anet should want and encourage people to buy expansions, penalising them is outright dumb.

Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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2 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

I get what you are saying and in fact my current personal solution (while in LWS3 story-wise) to this issue is to have my Wizards Vault set to WvW. But that only works because I like WvW and I am working on legendary WvW armour. Even then, I would prefer to be able to do at least some PvE vault missions because it in theory would give me something to do while working towards core map completion.

It’s a terrible solution for people who don’t like WvW or PvP. You need to play a decent amount of these modes to finish 6 weeklies so at this point you are just swapping the penalty of falling behind economically (by failing to achieve the PvE dailies/weeklies, WV is a huge income source for newer players working thru the story) with the penalty of spending a few hours playing a game mode you don’t like.

The point of this thread is that there shouldn’t be ANY penalty at all for buying more expansions! Anet should want and encourage people to buy expansions, penalising them is outright dumb.

I'm not trying to defend the developers' complete lack of foresight and understanding of their own playerbase. I'm just offering workarounds.

If anyone were to ask me, I imagine what happens at Anet after every single update in the game, is a resounding WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT! followed by quarantining every thread with negative feedback to an archived section of the forums while they pretend that 99% of people who aren't complaining on the forums are actually really enjoying every half-baked change they make to the game.

Again, Anet have forced themselves into a corner.  They designed WV around being able to 'choose' what sort of content you want to do and then forcing you to commit to it regardless of what the objectives are. On SOO release the WV gave you less objectives, forcing you to complete every single one you got.

The old dailies did not have that problem since they gave you 4 objectives of each category every day instead of an even split of 4 random objectives from every category you selected for your daily, and 8 for our weekly. So even if we had new objectives distributed in the same manner and they simply put a cap to the maximum amount of AA you can get from your dailies and weeklies, this would be a non-issue. The selection PvE/PvP/WVW could then just filter what objectives you see, not what objectives you get.


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3 hours ago, FalanuLachance.4576 said:

This. The fact, that I must completely obliterate immersion, when I must play the introductions to expansions I'm not ready for, in order to not be left behind is the straw that is very likely going to break some camels necks.

How is not doing daily tasks being left behind?  Just don't do them. 

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7 hours ago, FalanuLachance.4576 said:

in order to not be left behind

You are more likely to be left behind if you choose to defer playing the new content until some indeterminate time in the future. You risk the player base moving on to newer content and finding it increasingly difficult to complete some events amd map metas.

As Kharmin says, skipping dailies mean at worst you miss out on some easy gold or cosmetic rewards. There is way more AA available than you need for the better rewards. I've been buying the 30AA gold bags for a while now.

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8 hours ago, FalanuLachance.4576 said:

This. The fact, that I must completely obliterate immersion, when I must play the introductions to expansions I'm not ready for, in order to not be left behind is the straw that is very likely going to break some camels necks.

You're only going to be "left behind" if you don't bother playiing the game. If having some dailies in areas you haven't been to is causing you to be "left behind" you're doing something wrong considering both my accounts have been buying on the 30AA Gold bags for the past... 45-50 days, since I had nothing else to buy.

Then again, this whole thing is another "previous system does it it's fine, WV does it's bad" kind of complaint.

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6 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

How is not doing daily tasks being left behind?  Just don't do them. 

New players who have all expacs, but don't want to ruin the story, will be at a significant gold disadvantage to those who previously got easy 2 gold every day for a decade from (almost all) core-only dailies (the remainder could easily have been done by the now non-existent PvE WvW dailies like Daily Spender) that only took 5 minutes to complete. The gap's even bigger for new players who have limited play time and can only do dailies ,and half or more of their dailies are in Cantha on the days they can only do dailies. I oftentimes only have had time do dailies before logging out and doing that with the new system would have felt awful had I joined GW2 after the WV was introduced. I would have likely said "This game's not meant for me" and quite possibly quit under the new system because it forces new players to choose between losing out on rewards players before them got for free/easier and spoiling large portions of the story.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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54 minutes ago, Poormany.4507 said:

New players who have all expacs, but don't want to ruin the story, will be at a significant gold disadvantage to those who previously got easy 2 gold every day for a decade from (almost all) core-only dailies (the remainder could easily have been done by the now non-existent PvE WvW dailies like Daily Spender) that only took 5 minutes to complete. The gap's even bigger for new players who have limited play time and can only do dailies ,and half or more of their dailies are in Cantha on the days they can only do dailies. I oftentimes only have had time do dailies before logging out and doing that with the new system would have felt awful had I joined GW2 after the WV was introduced. I would have likely said "This game's not meant for me" and quite possibly quit under the new system because it forces new players to choose between losing out on rewards players before them got for free/easier and spoiling large portions of the story.

New players are already 11 years behind.  This argument about the paltry 2 gold per day is pretty much a non issue.  Game vomits gold at you.  What would new players do with all of that gold anyway?  If they are progressing the story then they really don't need to be swimming in it. 

I really don't see this as being a reason that a new player would decide to quit.

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On 10/31/2023 at 12:06 PM, costepj.5120 said:

It's almost certainly more complex than rocket science. Have you seen how many YouTube videos there are on building a rocket from scratch? I've yet to find one on coding a large scale MMORPG.

LOL, they can't even figure out how to all the activities to the daily vault,  Sprint then crab toss----rinse and repeat, let alone changing up the others one that just seem to repeat ad nauseam

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2 hours ago, Poormany.4507 said:

New players who have all expacs, but don't want to ruin the story, will be at a significant gold disadvantage to those who previously got easy 2 gold every day for a decade from (almost all) core-only dailies (the remainder could easily have been done by the now non-existent PvE WvW dailies like Daily Spender) that only took 5 minutes to complete. The gap's even bigger for new players who have limited play time and can only do dailies ,and half or more of their dailies are in Cantha on the days they can only do dailies. I oftentimes only have had time do dailies before logging out and doing that with the new system would have felt awful had I joined GW2 after the WV was introduced. I would have likely said "This game's not meant for me" and quite possibly quit under the new system because it forces new players to choose between losing out on rewards players before them got for free/easier and spoiling large portions of the story.

New players who bought expansions have had that issue before WV btw. If those "new players" got their easy 2 gold in the previous system they can do it in this system the same way, since they can just do PvP or WvW tasks, which is the exact way you could finish your dailies without touching expansions before you progressed far enough.

The only thing that changed is that you don't have 12 options, only 5, but you can narrow it down. That's the valid complaint. Complaining about things carried over from the old system as if they are newly introduced problems just straight up "I don't care, I just want to complain about something".

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So you want the Vault system to track your story / map achievements and give you tasks based on that?  I'm not going to say they can't implement that..  but I would be willing to bet its a lot more complicated than just basing your tasks on the expansions you own.  


To me, this seems like a simple case of, if you don't want to explore an area for the daily, then don't.  Just do what you're doing and enjoy the story or whatever.  You get so much astral acclaim over the course of a month, way more than enough to buy everything in the Vault.  Don't let it bother you if you skip a day here and there, you're not really missing out on anything.  

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I think this could be "fixed", its a valid complaint. On the other hand it took me probably half a year or more before I even started looking at dailies, achievements, min maxing (I started with pof). A new player has so much new interesting content to go through, the wv meanial tasks are kinda waste of quality game time.

The rewards are good but most are just more of the same.  And you should scrap together the aa for the ones really useful to new players like easy ascended.

Also wvw and spvp are an easy solution and often the fastest one if you dont mind some pvp. Both game modes offer some nice gearing options. Easy stat selectable exotics and a decent path for ascended and legendary gear towards which you work on all the time youre in those modes.

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