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Are we really comfortable paying for unfinished expansions?


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7 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

GW2 u have to torment yourself in a few select meta events

This is false. Of course you can choose to do those select few metas, but that is not required to earn gold. I dont like metas and generally dont do them and yet I have many thousands of gold.

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1 minute ago, Ashen.2907 said:

This is false. Of course you can choose to do those select few metas, but that is not required to earn gold. I dont like metas and generally dont do them and yet I have many thousands of gold.

You are one of the lucky players then with nice rng. If you once loot a 10k worth of gold item you no longer have to play meta’s. One thing thats also bad is some loser on forum looted a chak infusion while his account was only 3 months old. If i read such trash i wont want to spend money anymore. With 10k you can flip other infusions. But i also have real life goals. If i was 20 or if i had to start all over again like in 2012 i probably had do it better. But too late. Dont want to farm mmo anymore. In wow i have build up some nice thing. In guildwars 2 also. Aksed many times for open world legendary armor. But all addicted losers didnt agreed with it because they worked hard for the legendary armor and dont want others have nice things. Now i decided not to buy or play soto they came with the legendary armor. Same for wow. Account wide wardrobe just came after i left in 2015. But tried wow again this year. 1 token i had in bank. And 1 time i bought a sub. I said to myself if i dont loot atleast 1 mount i want then i wont buy another sub. And i didn’t got a mount i want so i didnt buy another subscription. Both mmo have trash rng. BUT i did only a few mount runs on a few characters. Maybe 3 characters on 6 raids or dungeons. 

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22 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

A 14"  pepperoni pizza from a mid-tier chain pizzeria in my area will cost you around $30.

And I though a $7 (6.50€) kebab is expensive. (Before corona is was $4.30-5.30.)
A common pizza in Germany is 10.2" A large pizza is 11.8". A large one is about $12-13. But I order a normal one for about $9-10 (fungi or tonno).

I guess with your prices the staff gets better paid than here.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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On 11/10/2023 at 5:18 AM, Dopamine.6324 said:

mean guess its pretty fair comparison gw2 to wow, so similar prices
like if you played wow since start, you would have paid upto 4k€ already by just being able to play the game with all latest content

so lets do some math, lets just say each xpac+base game gw2 total 250€.
gw2 = 250€ 11 years
wow = 4000€ 19? years
you tell me which has higher content per € value

This math is not exactly correct, you give a random base amount for GW2 which would be 1,000% incorrect depending on the person and when they started playing GW2. 

Sure you could make the argument that you can technically unlock all the living worlds for in game currency but so can you buy sub time in WoW with in game gold. You could have played and owned WoW for years and have not paid a cent. 

But for example new players, they won't have paid anything near that for either and well the true reason has nothing to do with money but entirely because GW2 has a skeleton crew of devs working on it whereas WoW has a studio. Anet devotes as little as possible to this game. 

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41 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

This math is not exactly correct, you give a random base amount for GW2 which would be 1,000% incorrect depending on the person and when they started playing GW2. 

Sure you could make the argument that you can technically unlock all the living worlds for in game currency but so can you buy sub time in WoW with in game gold. You could have played and owned WoW for years and have not paid a cent. 

But for example new players, they won't have paid anything near that for either and well the true reason has nothing to do with money but entirely because GW2 has a skeleton crew of devs working on it whereas WoW has a studio. Anet devotes as little as possible to this game. 

I once had someone in a wow community on facebook when they just introduced the wow token that the person was able to buy wow tokens to play wow for 9 years through tokens. So much gold he had. Back then. 

i bought guildwars 2 base game 40 euro. Hot was 100. Pof was 100. EoD was 80. Soto not bought. I have bought a few times gems. Maybe 5 times 2k and a few small purchases. 

from wow i dont remember. Maybe 800 euro. Played wow since 2009 - 2015 with sometimes a break. One time 6 months. One time 3 months. Others i dont remember. And then this year 2 months. 

sure i have had fun in guildwars 2 also. But EoD meant EoFun. 

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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

But for example new players, they won't have paid anything near that for either and well the true reason has nothing to do with money but entirely because GW2 has a skeleton crew of devs working on it whereas WoW has a studio. Anet devotes as little as possible to this game

Except gw2 has take. 2 significant expansions In the team running it In their studio. 

Gw2 takes 75 million In 2 years

WoW takes 173million a singular quarter. 

Budgets set by games are set based on their income. You do the math. Gw2 has a smaller team, and a smaller budget because the game doesn't bring in enough money the compete. 

Let you in on a little secret. It aint the game popularity differences causing it either. 

You don't seem to reliese. 

The WoW token, completely inflated the market beyond the average player, which enforced alot of people into buying gold to remain competitive. 

While WoW sits on 40 pounds box costs. Monthly subscriptions with a more incentivized cash store thats alot less accessible from using gold. 

Blizzard know how to print money. Anet were focused on making their game consumer friendly and now Guild Wars 2 is paying tbe price on anets orginal decision 

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1 hour ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

once had someone in a wow community on facebook when they just introduced the wow token that the person was able to buy wow tokens to play wow for 9 years through tokens. So much gold he had. Back then

90% of the population however never did make that much gold, and since the token blizzard has nuked any gold generation in the game. 

Now your either a booster or you buy gold lol. 

There's so little else to retrieve gold from, 

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8 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

90% of the population however never did make that much gold, and since the token blizzard has nuked any gold generation in the game. 

Now your either a booster or you buy gold lol. 

There's so little else to retrieve gold from, 

It was not me. I bought one token before i left wow in 2015 that token was 61k gold.  Last time i saw price it was around 350k or 250k. Dont remember. Thats alot of gold for me. If i want to play wow i just buy 60 days pass with money. I am also not a booster. I al a casual loot  goblin. Wow can be pretty easy to get gold. Just fish up deviate fish and sell it on de auction house. When i played beginning this year i had something in bank that was not obtainable anymore through drops. I sold 1 for 32000 gold. Black tuxedo pants. And i had like 9 of those on that realm on characters bank. That was easy money. 

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The studio is small, and with limited resources, at least compared to the bigger studios like Blizzard. I never expected them to dish out the amount of content that WoW can dish out, because that's simply unrealistic. But for 25€ this is perfectly reasonable in my opinion. I do hope for a bit meatier patches down the line, but so far I'm having fun in SotO. Money well-spent for me. 

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2 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

It was not me. I bought one token before i left wow in 2015 that token was 61k gold

Yeah I beleive it hit 300k recently befsuee the demand is so high on em price keeps raising lol

It doesnt change the fact that selling gold became way more successful in WoW. And thats down to blizzard knowing how to print money. 

Inflation drives prices for enchants around patch/ expansion launchs to hit over 100k on weapons. The average player doesnt have that hence some backlash due to alot of people were driven to buy gold just to keep their gear enchanted. 

But it eas wildly successful. 

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35 minutes ago, Chronardis.4028 said:

The studio is small, and with limited resources, at least compared to the bigger studios like Blizzard. I never expected them to dish out the amount of content that WoW can dish out, because that's simply unrealistic. But for 25€ this is perfectly reasonable in my opinion. I do hope for a bit meatier patches down the line, but so far I'm having fun in SotO. Money well-spent for me. 

It's enough if they dish out stories with an end like they in in their previous expansions.

Nothing more is asked but what they did before already.

SotO is the weird one.

Got nothing to do with WoW or anything.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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27 minutes ago, Mrs Lana.2506 said:

Seems like someone on the team finally realised that giving away content for free is a bad business decision.

I fully believe the pre-purchase for the expac paid for the expac's development. Would explain why we got 1/4 of an expac at release, and all the mountains upon mountains of bugs.

The mountains of bugs is because GW2 is not their main focus anymore and they don't care. Also, SotO is mostly done internally and they could ship it whole right now if they wanted to, since they are ok releasing content with bugs. They are already working on the next "expansion", wondering what they can remove and offer as "new content" 😄

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I'd would've prefered new and interesting overly priced content..than well the game is free a bad remix is good enough content.

Zero interest in purchasing this expac, EoD or anything they have to offer if that's what we are doing. I am waiting offline to see the weapons as a last "I really tried"..but I am pretty much ready to move on after being lured back by the email announcing the expac. This time for good, cause I don't like these kinda antics personally 



Edited by aetemes.2603
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18 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

I see it as some value £20 to be more then it really is. Wont even buy you a pizza to enjoy for less then 20 minutes. 

And thats the real problem. It isn't people in society are conditioned to accept less then what they should. 

Its gamers are conditioned to beleive that company budgets don't exist and that the bare minimum spent should yield results 400x above any other form of entertainment in the same price bracket. 

You spent £20 on a expansion. In 2023. You'd get less then 3 hours in any other form of entertainment 

Not for me it isn't.  I'd love it if they'd hire developers and charge more for more content.  But all we seem to get is less and less.  Yeah, $25/year is a great deal for what we get.  But why do I want to spend a year playing only $25 worth of content?

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1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Not for me it isn't.  I'd love it if they'd hire developers and charge more for more content.  But all we seem to get is less and less.  Yeah, $25/year is a great deal for what we get.  But why do I want to spend a year playing only $25 worth of content?

While I can agree with you, this goes back to my orginal statement, anet don't know how to generate money. 

Game cant pick up a aub now. 

But instead of reworking the log in rewards, they could have done a battle pass. With a premium / deluxe editions for more money. 



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7 hours ago, Chronardis.4028 said:

The studio is small, and with limited resources, at least compared to the bigger studios like Blizzard. I never expected them to dish out the amount of content that WoW can dish out, because that's simply unrealistic. But for 25€ this is perfectly reasonable in my opinion. I do hope for a bit meatier patches down the line, but so far I'm having fun in SotO. Money well-spent for me. 

Or they can dish out how they used to with HoT, LS3, PoF, and LS4.  I'm not sure what the point of this new model of theirs is considering that they haven't really done anything beyond the living world like the past 6+ years but we're now receiving significantly less content. We're paying $50 over two years but getting six maps with two of them individually spread out between expansions. With previous models, it would have been ten to eleven maps with six of them spread out between expansions.  If they had cash issues then this would certainly help with it as it causes players to spend more money more frequently and reduces costs as they're now developing less content.

During previous Reddit AMAs, they stated that it took teams roughly 9 months to develop an LS3/4 episode which each contained a full map and a story that was about the size of SotO.  They had 3 teams working on LS3 while also having another team work on PoF.  So what happened?  We're only getting three maps per year, which includes those from the "expansion", and a story that's about the size of two LS episodes at best.  We're also paying for an "expansion" but only getting two thirds of its story at release with the rest spread out across three releases over a year.  Imagine the fallout if this happened with any other game.

Edited by enigmatic.3576
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19 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Some of us have higher standards than Little Caesar's.

There is no Little Ceasar's in Germany, AFAIK, and that's where the person you reponded to lives. 😉 We have really good pizzerias in Europe, and in many countries they are not overpriced.

18 minutes ago, FalanuLachance.4576 said:

No, this was the last time. Next expansion will have to wait until fully released.

I feel you. Let's hope Update 2+3 are worth being played on release and not another drip-fed release.

Part 1 was so good regarding the length and pace of the story...

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10 hours ago, Chronardis.4028 said:

The studio is small, and with limited resources, at least compared to the bigger studios like Blizzard. I never expected them to dish out the amount of content that WoW can dish out, because that's simply unrealistic. But for 25€ this is perfectly reasonable in my opinion. I do hope for a bit meatier patches down the line, but so far I'm having fun in SotO. Money well-spent for me

Tbh there's a large misconcept of WoW. 

Please take a moment to read forums around WoW, u will see players are screeching due to a lack of content just like gw2. 

I play WoW and every patch is basically. 

6 hours of story progression.

Some repeatable events wjth a bit of catch up

Repeated world quests to earn reputation. 

And 6 months of farming rhe same 8 dungeons on staggered difficulties, with one raid to log on weekly to do.

People just sit there and farm dungeons on repeat tilting at one another while afking in a capital inbetween. 

WoW is a vertical progression mmorpg. The loot grind basically is a carrot on a stick to incentivize pushing. Gw2 doesn't have that.

Gw2 has more day day to day open world content. 

WoW has more instanced based content. 

But in WoW old content is far more popular then new. Tberes far more farming old raids and old dungeons then the new releases, and this is the difference. 

When a new expansion launchs legacy is activated on another expansion while gw2 doesn't have this so u cant go solo old raids like gw2 or old content farming transmogs / achievements. 

WoW is just as incomplete. With 2 years of drip feeding content in with patchs. Major patchs are 6 months apart and marked as seasons and inbetween content drops are extremely small. 

This isnt to bash gw2 or WoW I enjoy both games, but the largest parts of both games content wise is old content and new stuff is gone through pretty fast. It's just WoWs loot treadmill hides this more as "completion" is the new ilevel cap. While In gw2 its only the story, everything beyond that doesnt yield strong enough rewards to incenvitize doing it outside of wanting to do it

I log on gw2, I play in the evenings, I dont play every day, I do spvp WvWvW, I raid, I do fractals, I do open world content I do story. And tbh I never feel like I haven't got something to do. But thats because I do everything , new and old. 

But the same applies to WoW u will run out of content very fast, in season 2 I was litterally done by week 2, at the maximum ilevel, with story + reps maxed and nothing but a achievement to grind for portals

Its no different im afraid. 

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