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How to get kp without kp?


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Welcome to the virtual world with elitists. The ppl that get refused everywhere irl now strike back in THEIR world. 

no srry. Thats just what i think. Bad joke. 

for raid i just said to the leader that everyone has to start somewhere and if i could have a chance. (Because what you said) And i also said if my dps zuigt then just kick me. But then i cleared 2 raid wings without a kick. I did around 27k dps on a raid dummy. And if we dont wipe its all fine imo. 

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people want to make sure you know the CM mechanics so they're not wasting a bunch of time training people, and the quickest check is to ping KP.
if you've done the CM before and have Some Kp, ping what you have and talk to the squad leader, they'll probably let you in you're at least familiar with the mechanics.
if you've never done the CM before, check the training LFG, if people are looking for KP in those listing then they're wasting Your time.

you could also try running a few runs of the normal mode strike with a group, and see if they want to try the CM afterwards.

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2 minutes ago, sumpwa.1849 said:

Open up LFG, create squad called "Strike CM learning group, no KP requirement" be sure to specify roles and whatnot, and watch as your group fills fast.

I'd reecommend listing as "Blind Prog" rather than Learning or Training group, as those can give the impression that at least someone in the squad knows the mechanics and is teaching

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You don't. Zero-requirement groups go absolutely nowhere because you always end up with people who either aren't even trying or who are outright griefing you on purpose. It's always a clown fiesta that can't beat a single phase, and the next time you have to start over with your prog because there's always several that don't have the resilience to stick around for more than one session.

The only way to break into group pve content in this game is through deception. You need to genuinely know the bosses so you can convincingly play them down as if you already had KP, then you need to find ways to deceive people who do have KP themselves into taking you along. From there, it's just a matter of 'fake it till you make it'. 

If you go about it honestly, you'll just remain permanently gatekept out of it. 


Edited by GeraldBC.4927
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I'd look for training runs and see if you can get into a regular group and hopefully a guild.  Running pickups is really not productive if they don't use requirements because you'll just end up training a different group of randos every week while not making any progress.  Running with a regular group or guild is the way to go.  You get to know the people, which is more fun, obviously.  And you have a much better chance of completing content.

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19 hours ago, GeraldBC.4927 said:

The only way to break into group pve content in this game is through deception. You need to genuinely know the bosses so you can convincingly play them down as if you already had KP, then you need to find ways to deceive people who do have KP themselves into taking you along. From there, it's just a matter of 'fake it till you make it'.

Sounds so much more stressful than joining a training discord or a guild which does trainings. To each their own I guess.


If you go about it honestly, you'll just remain permanently gatekept out of it. 

The regular updates from different training communities, players doing training runs, etc. would disagree, but then there is those players who actually want to progress and enter the content, and those which simply want their fast loot reward.

Not to mention that actually improving on content is significantly harder when on your own and always "faking" your way into group versus having people who share a vested interest in you becoming better (aka guilds or training discords).

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If you feel comfortable leading, when the answer is obvious and what others already suggested. Make your own groups.But many people aren't able to do so or feel too much discomfort to keep track of the right roles and maintain group composition including handling leavers and their replacements.


In that case, you still have options:

  • Be sure you are confident with the normal mode encounters before attempting CM's.
  • Always watch Mukluk's guides first. They give you a quick overview on which CM mechanics you can expect. Even if you don't yet understand every bit of it, having seen it in a video will help understand what is happening when you actually are playing the mission. Also, know which role you want to play and have a build and gear that at least roughly fits that role.
  • Try LFG at peak times, usually in the weekend, afternoons and evenings and on work days in the evenings. Keep an eye for CM training groups that do not require KP. Be prepared to wipe and learn. Have patience as players who join groups without KP requirements will generally be less experienced than the ones who have the KP.
  • Join a guild that specifically runs the content you are looking for. There are guilds that allow you to join their groups, have training groups where you are allowed to learn and wipe, learn more until you can beat it and get the KP. Once you played enough you can get the KP required to join random KP groups.
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Every player will not have kp at the beginning, so this makes the beginning very difficult. My approach is to find if there is a place where I can practice the game mechanics and obtain kp at the same time.

Luckily, I got these at GW2 Raid Academy and SG, here are the DC links for them, hopefully you can get there eventually too.

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  • 10 months later...
21 hours ago, ash ketchup.2076 said:

hint: fake it till you make it.

May not be the best way to go about it as 1. It's hard to fake if kp is required. 2. If you're inexperienced and make lots of mistakes, especially simple mechanics, you are then likely to get kicked and possibly blocked.

As many have suggested the best way to go about gaining kp would be to join training runs/guilds or starting your own to learn along the way. Also doing research and being prepared helps a lot.

It's not fair to waste people's time or effort (both yours and others in your sqaud/party) so being honest with your experience and abilities will probably get you further. Some might even be OK with it or willing to give you a try as they will be able to adjust accordingly and be more flexible, but giving false impressions will mean they have expectations of you.

Edited by Dibit.6259
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On 11/14/2023 at 8:08 PM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Welcome to the virtual world with elitists.

Let me tell you something, when CO CM was on the Wizard Vault I listed on the LFG "CO CM, anyone can come, noobs included."

I was counting on a few wipes, even a few quitters, but I told myself I wouldn't let that bother me and I would lead the group to victory.

I was there over 4 hours, must have had some 30 people come and go, several got into the group more than once, and at the end I just had to go without winning the fight because I had commitments to attend. 

What did I get out of that? Nothing, I could have made 100 gold easy doing anything else during those 4 hours.

Calling anyone that asks for KP and "elitist" or claiming there's a "gate keeping problem" in GW2 is just a cope by people that can't perform. There's NOTHING preventing people like that from making their own groups, but that's not what they want, what they really want is a competent group that can clear the content by themselves while they tag along getting carried playing their class at 10% capacity then high fiving everyone for the great team work at the end.

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1 hour ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

Let me tell you something, when CO CM was on the Wizard Vault I listed on the LFG "CO CM, anyone can come, noobs included."

I was counting on a few wipes, even a few quitters, but I told myself I wouldn't let that bother me and I would lead the group to victory.

I was there over 4 hours, must have had some 30 people come and go, several got into the group more than once, and at the end I just had to go without winning the fight because I had commitments to attend. 

What did I get out of that? Nothing, I could have made 100 gold easy doing anything else during those 4 hours.

Calling anyone that asks for KP and "elitist" or claiming there's a "gate keeping problem" in GW2 is just a cope by people that can't perform. There's NOTHING preventing people like that from making their own groups, but that's not what they want, what they really want is a competent group that can clear the content by themselves while they tag along getting carried playing their class at 10% capacity then high fiving everyone for the great team work at the end.

Are you sure they would high five at the end and not just leave without a word?

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