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ArenaNet lying to the playerbase


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1 minute ago, Puck.3697 said:

But their servers are struggling in regards to WvWvW, spvp is pretty abandoned. And optimisation hasn't been 100% finished.

Yes, I do hope they'll fix those. WvW is fine 99% of the time, so I'm hoping they'll solve those issues when we get input lag in certain fights from time to time. As for spvp, more maps is always good, though WoW is guilty of that as well, since it didn't add any new battlegrounds in 5 years. 


3 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

But I suspose even WoWs guilty of such 

Oh man, WoW servers are so bad it's not even funny. Super spaghetti servers when it comes to performance and lag. x)

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If you had a business, would you invest in a certain product or aspect that only 2-3 people touch or buy? I clearly wouldn't.

Raids were a mistake because from the start it went against what this game was supposed to be. They clearly didn't have the success Anet thought it would, only a fraction of the playerbase does it and I understand why. Raids in this game are exactly like in any other MMO "have the perfect build, do mechanics perfectly, do X dps or kick". Yeah no thanks, I don't wanna be part of that, that's part of the reason why I don't play other MMOs anymore, too focused on stuff like raiding and people are too elitist.

Only some players in Guild Wars 2 want raids, the majority doesn't. And why continue making raids when they won't bring you any profit? I for one am glad that they stopped working on them. At least Strike Missions are accessible to almost everyone.

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43 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

Tbh they were honest about living world.

They're teams too small to actually make living world story along side expansions. And it takes em 9 months to make one 😂

Ofcourse they overpromise they ain't got a work force large enougu to actually develope a mmorpg. They tried to massive come back in EoD it still flopped. 

It made its decision its the cheapest mmorpg on the market, low quality but costs barely anything. 

Oh, i actually think they weren't really "consistently candid" (thanks OpenAi for that nice quote) about it at all. They did say they cannot develop both expansion and LS at the same time, but tried to downplay this revelation by making it seem like the release schedule reorganization would give us about the same amount of content as before. They also try to rebrand something that is pretty much an old LS style release as expansion, thus trying to hide that what we're getting now is basically what IBS was all about - a switch to expansionless release mode.

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2 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

No one has ever said at ArenaNet that they will make a grind inspired game now.

And having play actual grind inspired games, I would say you are out of touch with reality of GW2 if you think it is "a grind inspired game now".

48 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

thus trying to hide that what we're getting now is basically what IBS was all about - a switch to expansionless release mode.

With tiny nitpick of having yearly expansion that is to be paid for 😉 IBS was free on release.

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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

We were told what each release will contain and I'm not sure anything about what was promised is currently false. What do you think they lied about?

The scope. 😉 I did not expect only 15 mins of story for SotO Update 1 after reading their release and content schedule. The most audacious thing was the release announcement: "Live Now: 'Through the Veil,' First Major Update for Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure." 😂

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6 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

I miss the days of Living World, with full scope updates. Nowadays i just feel lied to as a customer.

Acting like it was all roses and love with every LW release. Kourna says hi, well, so does Lake Doric and Draconis, I remember quite some negativity on Bloodstone Fen being small as well and later having stuff tied to only that map, like Aerial skills(up until EoD).

3 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

They promised a no grind phiklosophy, now the ONLY expansion feature we got is braindead grind. (Rifts).

You could also list many of the metas people do on repeat, back in the good old days when we had Living World and people did those totally not grind Branded meteors, or farmtrains on Dragonfall, or, even Drizzlewood. Those are totally not braindead grind. I swear you guys should give games like Warframe, WoW(especially Classic) a go to finally realize what grind actually is, because what Anet has been doing is far from it. It's like complaining about monotonous backbreaking job after sweeping leaves on your front yard for 5 minutes.

Then again, most of the whining is basically "New=bad. Old=good"

Edited by IAmNotMatthew.1058
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30 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

The scope. 😉 I did not expect only 15 mins of story for SotO Update 1 after reading their release and content schedule. The most audacious thing was the release announcement: "Live Now: 'Through the Veil,' First Major Update for Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure." 😂

We had the information about map being split into multiple releases and you still thought that 1/3 of the map release will somehow give you some extended long story content? I'm not sure anet somehow lied to you about  that, it's more that you lied to yourself  😅 

I think maybe people should stop paying up front for the expansion if they don't understand what they're getting despite having it listed in the form of a table. With some luck if enough people do that, they might drop that ridiculous drip-fed content release schedule, so I'm all for it. 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

We had the information about map being split into multiple releases and you still thought that 1/3 of the map release will somehow give you some extended long story content? I'm not sure anet somehow lied to you about  that, it's more that you lied to yourself  😅 

I love how you always focus only on the parts of people's posts that suit your own argumentation.

What about the part (that I clearly mentioned) where they advertized this as a "MAJOR" release? :classic_huh: Yes, you have no argument about that. 😉

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31 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I love how you always focus only on the parts of people's posts that suit your own argumentation.

Sooo... now that wasn't something you complained about? 🤔  Do you think I somehow need to agree or disagree with the whole post at once? Can't pinpoint part of your complaints to explain why it doesn't make sense to me and how it doesn't play into the "anet lied to us!" narrative in this thread? I don't know what you think was wrong with my response, but hopefully you can connect the dots for me, because even if you dislike that I responded to part of your post, you basically didn't respond to anything I wrote as far as I'm aware.

31 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

What about the part (that I clearly mentioned) where they advertized this as a "MAJOR" release? :classic_huh: Yes, you have no argument about that. 😉

Does that somehow change ANYTHING about your story complaint and my response about it? Becuse if it does, I can't see it, so definitely please explain how it is somehow directly related to what you've just quoted.

What do you want me to do with that "MAJOR release" complaint? Try to argue who thinks what "MAJOR" means? This one is just subjective, do you REALLY actually want me to press into that specific part, because when I commented on the less subjective part, you don't have much to say about it in return?


Ah, kitten it, I'll do it because you asked so nicely and totally not in hopes to dismiss what I wrote without actually addressing anything:
Whatever you consider to be "major", "minor" or "mid" is irrelvant because they informed us what will come with each of those updates -again, literally in the form of a table which could hardly be any clearer in its presentation. The fact that you dislike they called it "major update" is, at best, a weird strawman that doesn't change you had the full information about what each release will contain. In no way I see how you've been somehow lied to because the release article (and not just that release article) used the word "major" when  you already knew what it will contain anyways.


So maybe now you can address both of my responses? 😉 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Acting like it was all roses and love with every LW release. Kourna says hi, well, so does Lake Doric and Draconis, I remember quite some negativity on Bloodstone Fen being small as well and later having stuff tied to only that map, like Aerial skills(up until EoD)

Bitterfrost also introduced some pretty egregious inventory bloat and the episode that introduced it is what all the Braham hatedom traces back to. 

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9 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

It changes everything about your weird argument that ANet didn't "lie" to me but that I lied to myself. False advertizement like that only proves the OP's point.

Then respond to what I said, unless (which is slowly becoming apparent):

1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Yes, you have no argument about that. 😉



Nothing here was a false advertisement, which I explained in my post and you still didn't addess. The part about you lying to yourself was also explained about the exact, specific thing you wrote and, again, you didn't address anything about it. How fun that you're able to point out when I don't address everything in your post, but you refuse to address anything from mine, even when I go back to respond what you wanted to be responded. 🙄

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What do you want me to do with that "MAJOR release" complaint? Try to argue who thinks what "MAJOR" means? [...]

Whatever you consider to be "major", "minor" or "mid" is irrelvant because they informed us what will come with each of those updates -again, literally in the form of a table which could hardly be any clearer in its presentation. The fact that you dislike they called it "major update" is, at best, a weird strawman that doesn't change you had the full information about what each release will contain. In no way I see how you've been somehow lied to because the release article (and not just that release article) used the word "major" when  you already knew what it will contain anyways.

They did not inform us that the story would be near non-existent and the 1/3 of the map would hold little to no interesting content.

If you really consider what we got here to be a "major update", then you are truly deluded. 😄 Personally, I haven't met anyone who has been through the full 11 years of GW2 content and would agree with this flyspeck of a release being "major".

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6 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

They did not inform us that the story would be near non-existent and the 1/3 of the map would hold little to no interesting content.

No, it does not change anything about you lying to yourself, because we were told the last map will be cut and released in pieces. Them calling it "major update" while they tell us exactly(!) what each of those updates will contain doesn't change the lack of reason for your self-made expectation about having some long story fit in 1/3rd of a single map.

6 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

If you really consider what we got here to be a "major update", then you are truly deluded.

Ah yes, in light of being unable to respond to what I said, you better revert into namecalling, Again, the whatever naming you dislike is completely irrelevant when we were told what each of those major updates will add to the game. Go to any previous map, play through 1/3 of the story and you'll have similar amount of story content. Your expectations were baseless and unreasonable and as such you did lie to yourself and were not lied to.

6 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Personally, I haven't met anyone who has been through the full 11 years of GW2 content and would agree with this flyspeck of a release being "major".

Did you reading the word "major" somehow influence your memory and the exact content anet told us we'll be getting within each of the update? How much of a straw are you trying to create here where all you're lingering on is the fact they said "major release" in the release article? Did that release article influence your decision about expansion purchase? Did they not tell you what we'll be getting in each of the release? 🙄 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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42 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

They did not inform us that the story would be near non-existent and the 1/3 of the map would hold little to no interesting content.

If you really consider what we got here to be a "major update", then you are truly deluded. 😄 Personally, I haven't met anyone who has been through the full 11 years of GW2 content and would agree with this flyspeck of a release being "major".

The story is not near non-existent.  It's simple. If I bought a book and it came out in 4 parts, and the first part was 200 pages and the next three parts were 100 pages each, it would still end up a 500 page book. This would be true even if the first part was 400 pages and the last parts were 33 pages each.  The point remains that we paid for an expansion and when it's done, we'll end up with an expansion's worth of content all up, though a smaller one as was advertised. They told us they would be small expansions that come out one a year.

Is your argument they should have made the release one smaller and added more to each chapter after?  Okay.  I'm satisfied with what I'm getting, because convergences which I'll play a lot more than once  are interesting enough. The story instances do what they needed to do for me.

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3 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

If I bought a book and it came out in 4 parts, and the first part was 200 pages and the next three parts were 100 pages each, it would still end up a 500 page book.

If only this update had have an equivalent of 100 pages! 😉 Sorry, but it is pointless to try to convince me that this was anywhere near a "major release". I know I am not the only one who feels this way -- and even if I was, it'd still be how I feel. 😆

Perhaps a biannual release schedule instead of a quarterly one would be preferable in regards of the scope of each release. They can fill the months in between with Rush events and other content that doesn't take up that many resources.

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I'll be honest, I would be first in line here to give ANet criticisms and point out their many flaws and issues with how they handle this game...in fact I do so frequently.

However them "lying" is not one of those things, it is also certainly not the hill I'd choose to die on like several in this thread seem to be doing.

Release scale and scope are often different for any given game, it is not a universally measurable thing within the genre. You can make comparisons, but those comparisons can never be 1:1 because each MMORPG is typically vastly different from one another.

Also the few people in here explaining that things change, life happens, etc are not at all incorrect. Dev studios change direction, philosophy, concept, and ideas many times over the course of their lifespan, usually based on feedback, surveys, or metrics (which player interaction with pieces of content is a viable metric to use). This MMORPG is 11 years old now, if it did not change that would be the real concern, which is actually one of the fundamental issues it does have. ANet has not iterated on older aspects of this game as they should have been doing, focusing too much on "new" to resolve issues people had with the "old". Fractals were their solution to people thinking Dungeons weren't rewarding enough, Strikes their solution to issues with accessibility to Raids, and so on with many other aspects to things in the game.

Aside from that slight tangent the point still stands; This is really not the hill you should choose to die on. Taking some manifesto video posted 10+ years ago is not solid enough grounds to base this complaint off of.

I understand having frustrations with ANet and how they often operate, it seems nonsensical half the time and the other half just completely kittening confusing. I understand that frustration from experience, but whatever the OP and others in support of the OP think they are pinpointing here as the issue...is not actually the issue.

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24 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

If only this update had have an equivalent of 100 pages! 😉 Sorry, but it is pointless to try to convince me that this was anywhere near a "major release". I know I am not the only one who feels this way -- and even if I was, it'd still be how I feel. 😆

Perhaps a biannual release schedule instead of a quarterly one would be preferable in regards of the scope of each release. They can fill the months in between with Rush events and other content that doesn't take up that many resources.

I enjoyed the challenge mode strike and the convergence enough where I don't need a longer story.

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