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WvW Hiden Tags ruined wvw.

Roxy Enjoy.1950

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WvW has been ruined 4 or 5 years ago with the implement of hiden tags, since then wvw become horrible and il explain why.

First of all guilds, guilds are ruining the wvw because they do not play wvw, they likes to fight other guilds on open field, boring fight without any reward, they do not fight for own server or own team, they only fight without a reason ingoring wvw mechanics like attack/defend/Upgradinng.

Second: Some wvw servers are completely dead during the day, no one play it to attack/defend, those servers usually are the server where guilds are stacked, those players on those "wvw" guilds are not real wvw players, they only want fight other guilds so they play ONLY when their guild is going to make a squad. this thing will keep the population of a server very high but in fact the server is not high, only during prime time you see queue on every borders for a couple of hours, then wvw is dead again. is boring to be on those servers, is boring to fight against those servers.

Third: Nowdays since hiden tags mostly of the players left on wvw want play only on hiden tags and closed tags that are on discord, is common to see a server completely dead and 5 mins later 20 que on the border.

Wvw is not anymore wvw, the ppl that likes wvw left the game since wvw is not anymore wvw.

To fix this problema and have wvw back the only solutions is that: Remove Guild Tags on wvw, Remove Hiden Tags on wvw, Remove points per kill. Give more reward for winning a match-up, Expand the wvw Team chat to PvE too, Make enemies name visible (Is not important for the wvw itself but is good since guild tag removal )

This is the only way to fix the wvw and have wvw and players back. Ive analyzed other options and they will not works. The only options to fix wvw are those and must be done all togheter. 

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35 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I see guilds tag up publically every day. They take and defend objectives. Sure there are some open field fights too, but objectives are the main, well, objectives of their squads.

Perhaps your server is your issue.

Yeah, I was on the same server as Roxy here and he's a notorious troll - there's public tags all the time as you said, except for when he logs in.
Specifically, every time Roxy sees a tag he runs around after it to troll transfuse allies into enemies or to throw trebs on top of flame rams or catas so people can't build properly among other things. Also calls out fake blobs all the time and builds random siege in garri to use up supplies. As such, commanders are forced to hide tag so they can get at least a few moments of peace and quiet from the local troll.

So yeah, I guess it's a matter of perspective.

As to your comments, Roxy, your first point was to take out guild tags. I think you should make a request to Anet to remove the 'Guild' part of the name and just call the game 'Wars 2' instead. I am sure they will take your feedback very positively.
(And yes, there are a lot of open tags outside of Discord or Guilds that are just running around, but since you can't make that distinction and you troll everyone - to you it just looks like all of them are closed or hidden tags since everyone kicks you. But the truth is, nobody wants to play with you.)

Additionally, it's kind of sad to be dragging down your experience of WvW to it being 'Ruined' when the only one that ruined it was you by getting yourself banned out of every WvW Discord server for every world out there and being marked as the server troll. It comes off as incredibly childish, but I guess that is simply your personality and at the end of the day you are free to play however you want. Alone. By yourself.

However, I am really glad you made this post, since you have proven to everyone that you are just living a sad existence playing a Gamemode in a way you do not enjoy because your personality is just that bad, and you are simply left yelling out your frustrations at a forum in such a sad and pathetic way when you 'Ruined' your own experience of it.
You are literally the Karen of WvW and I love every second of your 'Ruined' experience.

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5 minutes ago, Noble Ferret.9540 said:

Yeah, I was on the same server as Roxy here and he's a notorious troll - there's public tags all the time as you said, except for when he logs in.
Specifically, every time Roxy sees a tag he runs around after it to troll transfuse allies into enemies or to throw trebs on top of flame rams or catas so people can't build properly among other things. Also calls out fake blobs all the time and builds random siege in garri to use up supplies. As such, commanders are forced to hide tag so they can get at least a few moments of peace and quiet from the local troll.

So yeah, I guess it's a matter of perspective.

As to your comments, Roxy, your first point was to take out guild tags. I think you should make a request to Anet to remove the 'Guild' part of the name and just call the game 'Wars 2' instead. I am sure they will take your feedback very positively.
(And yes, there are a lot of open tags outside of Discord or Guilds that are just running around, but since you can't make that distinction and you troll everyone - to you it just looks like all of them are closed or hidden tags since everyone kicks you. But the truth is, nobody wants to play with you.)

Additionally, it's kind of sad to be dragging down your experience of WvW to it being 'Ruined' when the only one that ruined it was you by getting yourself banned out of every WvW Discord server for every world out there and being marked as the server troll. It comes off as incredibly childish, but I guess that is simply your personality and at the end of the day you are free to play however you want. Alone. By yourself.

However, I am really glad you made this post, since you have proven to everyone that you are just living a sad existence playing a Gamemode in a way you do not enjoy because your personality is just that bad, and you are simply left yelling out your frustrations at a forum in such a sad and pathetic way when you 'Ruined' your own experience of it.
You are literally the Karen of WvW and I love every second of your 'Ruined' experience.

The only difference is that, i can play every content on this game how i want and when i want, second i can make my own squad and get 15/20 players and follow the hiden tag, third im on teamspeak or discord with my ppl when i play gw2, and for last, i can play whatever game i want, if i wrtoe the stuff i wrote is because i have 12 years old experience on gw2, also want add that GUILD WARS name is not because of guild LOL, was a guild wars 1 thing and was about FACTIONS war something that doesnt exist on gw2 🙂. your post is only a poast from a hater, someone that is hurted because i play my own squad, as i said if hiden and closed tags wont invite me i will make my own squad and follow the hiden tag, call it troll or childish i dont care, i play like this and i enjoy it.

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1 minute ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

The only difference is that, i can play every content on this game how i want and when i want, second i can make my own squad and get 15/20 players and follow the hiden tag, third im on teamspeak or discord with my ppl when i play gw2, and for last, i can play whatever game i want, if i wrtoe the stuff i wrote is because i have 12 years old experience on gw2, also want add that GUILD WARS name is not because of guild LOL, was a guild wars 1 thing and was about FACTIONS war something that doesnt exist on gw2 🙂. your post is only a poast from a hater, someone that is hurted because i play my own squad, as i said if hiden and closed tags wont invite me i will make my own squad and follow the hiden tag, call it troll or childish i dont care, i play like this and i enjoy it.

Good for you, double down on your approach. That's how you change hearts and minds!

If others won't accept you, no matter how kitten you behave, it's on them to change!

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3 minutes ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

The only difference is that, i can play every content on this game how i want and when i want, second i can make my own squad and get 15/20 players and follow the hiden tag, third im on teamspeak or discord with my ppl when i play gw2, and for last, i can play whatever game i want, if i wrtoe the stuff i wrote is because i have 12 years old experience on gw2, also want add that GUILD WARS name is not because of guild LOL, was a guild wars 1 thing and was about FACTIONS war something that doesnt exist on gw2 🙂. your post is only a poast from a hater, someone that is hurted because i play my own squad, as i said if hiden and closed tags wont invite me i will make my own squad and follow the hiden tag, call it troll or childish i dont care, i play like this and i enjoy it.

Sure bud, enjoy living in your Echo Chamber. 😄

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20 minutes ago, Noble Ferret.9540 said:

Yeah, I was on the same server as Roxy here and he's a notorious troll - there's public tags all the time as you said, except for when he logs in.
Specifically, every time Roxy sees a tag he runs around after it to troll transfuse allies into enemies or to throw trebs on top of flame rams or catas so people can't build properly among other things. Also calls out fake blobs all the time and builds random siege in garri to use up supplies. As such, commanders are forced to hide tag so they can get at least a few moments of peace and quiet from the local troll.

So yeah, I guess it's a matter of perspective.

As to your comments, Roxy, your first point was to take out guild tags. I think you should make a request to Anet to remove the 'Guild' part of the name and just call the game 'Wars 2' instead. I am sure they will take your feedback very positively.
(And yes, there are a lot of open tags outside of Discord or Guilds that are just running around, but since you can't make that distinction and you troll everyone - to you it just looks like all of them are closed or hidden tags since everyone kicks you. But the truth is, nobody wants to play with you.)

Additionally, it's kind of sad to be dragging down your experience of WvW to it being 'Ruined' when the only one that ruined it was you by getting yourself banned out of every WvW Discord server for every world out there and being marked as the server troll. It comes off as incredibly childish, but I guess that is simply your personality and at the end of the day you are free to play however you want. Alone. By yourself.

However, I am really glad you made this post, since you have proven to everyone that you are just living a sad existence playing a Gamemode in a way you do not enjoy because your personality is just that bad, and you are simply left yelling out your frustrations at a forum in such a sad and pathetic way when you 'Ruined' your own experience of it.
You are literally the Karen of WvW and I love every second of your 'Ruined' experience.

Also what you wrotoe here is pretty much fake, you only butthurted because i run my own tag and follow hiden tags. i will do it for everyone who dont have the rights to join your special force hiden tag. and they are many since everytime i get from 15 to 25 players inside my public tag, depends on border 🙂

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3 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

First of all guilds, guilds are ruining the wvw because they do not play wvw, they likes to fight other guilds on open field, boring fight without any reward, they do not fight for own server or own team, they only fight without a reason ingoring wvw mechanics like attack/defend/Upgradinng.

Usually its the "Fight" guilds that come in and save the keep AFTER a hot EWP., WvW can be played however a guild wants. Either way Guilds generally provide more to the server than any random person that will just say "inc" all day and still not get the memo they just being useless


3 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

Second: Some wvw servers are completely dead during the day, no one play it to attack/defend, those servers usually are the server where guilds are stacked, those players on those "wvw" guilds are not real wvw players, they only want fight other guilds so they play ONLY when their guild is going to make a squad. this thing will keep the population of a server very high but in fact the server is not high, only during prime time you see queue on every borders for a couple of hours, then wvw is dead again. is boring to be on those servers, is boring to fight against those servers.

Sorry the mode is 24/7 and some people have a life/job during the time you might be on, I suggest moving to a server that is more active during your timezone. Every server suffers from how Anet calculated server population, I heard its 99% pixie dust and 1% Archon posts.



3 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

Third: Nowdays since hiden tags mostly of the players left on wvw want play only on hiden tags and closed tags that are on discord, is common to see a server completely dead and 5 mins later 20 que on the border.

Its a mix of hidden tags of people that want to win and improve in the mode and other randoms that expect to be carried in the mode (i wonder which one you are in), bonus they cant scout either. This also has to do with people got lives. Sounds like your second and third point are the same. Also this is generally called "prime time" for the server, it can be different times depending on the server but this was a thing before hidden tags, nothing new.


1 hour ago, Noble Ferret.9540 said:

Additionally, it's kind of sad to be dragging down your experience of WvW to it being 'Ruined' when the only one that ruined it was you by getting yourself banned out of every WvW Discord server for every world out there and being marked as the server troll. It comes off as incredibly childish, but I guess that is simply your personality and at the end of the day you are free to play however you want. Alone. By yourself.

So where is your tag? where is your guild? Sounds to me you trying to force your way on how you play the mode on others. I suggest go make a guild, tag and run how you want to run the mode. Let other guilds play how they want. You will attract like minded people and maybe enjoy the mode more.



3 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

To fix this problema and have wvw back the only solutions is that: Remove Guild Tags on wvw, Remove Hiden Tags on wvw, Remove points per kill. Give more reward for winning a match-up, Expand the wvw Team chat to PvE too, Make enemies name visible (Is not important for the wvw itself but is good since guild tag removal )

This is the only way to fix the wvw and have wvw and players back. Ive analyzed other options and they will not works. The only options to fix wvw are those and must be done all togheter. 

Can I please have the source of your data so I can see if we come to the same conclusion.

TLDR: waaaaaa play the way I want but I dont want to tag up or make a guild of similar minded people. Also Archon rings server population.

Edited by Twilightzone.7452
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3 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

WvW has been ruined 4 or 5 years ago with the implement of hiden tags, since then wvw become horrible and il explain why.

First of all guilds, guilds are ruining the wvw because they do not play wvw, they likes to fight other guilds on open field, boring fight without any reward, they do not fight for own server or own team, they only fight without a reason ingoring wvw mechanics like attack/defend/Upgradinng.

Second: Some wvw servers are completely dead during the day, no one play it to attack/defend, those servers usually are the server where guilds are stacked, those players on those "wvw" guilds are not real wvw players, they only want fight other guilds so they play ONLY when their guild is going to make a squad. this thing will keep the population of a server very high but in fact the server is not high, only during prime time you see queue on every borders for a couple of hours, then wvw is dead again. is boring to be on those servers, is boring to fight against those servers.

Third: Nowdays since hiden tags mostly of the players left on wvw want play only on hiden tags and closed tags that are on discord, is common to see a server completely dead and 5 mins later 20 que on the border.

Wvw is not anymore wvw, the ppl that likes wvw left the game since wvw is not anymore wvw.

To fix this problema and have wvw back the only solutions is that: Remove Guild Tags on wvw, Remove Hiden Tags on wvw, Remove points per kill. Give more reward for winning a match-up, Expand the wvw Team chat to PvE too, Make enemies name visible (Is not important for the wvw itself but is good since guild tag removal )

This is the only way to fix the wvw and have wvw and players back. Ive analyzed other options and they will not works. The only options to fix wvw are those and must be done all togheter. 


I would rather like they  remove all pve from WvW

Only fights matter in WvW rest is fluff imo.

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First of all you are opposing yourself in every post you make.

You are saying hidden guild tags are not attacking/deffending or upgrade, yet you are actively terrorizing and preventing all of them to take objectives by spam dropping multiple usless sieges over the ones they intend to use.

You are saying there are times with no tags yet you dont tag to help your server if tags are not present, you only tag to terrorize other tags, instead of dividing forces and hit multiple objectives, you just follow and troll.

You say you can play all game modes how you want and when you want, and thats exactly what people in voice tags do, they paid for the game and can play however they want to and they want to have fun with their friends on voice and everyone who behaves nicely is welcome to any hidden open voice tag.

Since there is no report option to cover this behavior i ask on behalf of Seafarers Rest server if any Guild wars 2 team GM is reading this to review behaviour of the player Roxy Enjoy.1950. Thank you.

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17 minutes ago, BabyBoOm.6258 said:

First of all you are opposing yourself in every post you make.

You are saying hidden guild tags are not attacking/deffending or upgrade, yet you are actively terrorizing and preventing all of them to take objectives by spam dropping multiple usless sieges over the ones they intend to use.

You are saying there are times with no tags yet you dont tag to help your server if tags are not present, you only tag to terrorize other tags, instead of dividing forces and hit multiple objectives, you just follow and troll.

You say you can play all game modes how you want and when you want, and thats exactly what people in voice tags do, they paid for the game and can play however they want to and they want to have fun with their friends on voice and everyone who behaves nicely is welcome to any hidden open voice tag.

Since there is no report option to cover this behavior i ask on behalf of Seafarers Rest server if any Guild wars 2 team GM is reading this to review behaviour of the player Roxy Enjoy.1950. Thank you.

You are not the wvw owner, arenanet alrdy said many times i can play like this, i can follow hiden tags and i can even interupt their "gvg" fights, accept it and move on. My message is for arenanet, not for you. stay on topic and dont go off topic. i said how to fix wvw, you kitten because i use my tag when i see an hiden tag, the squad is your and you can choose to invite and to not invite what you want how you want. i dont want force your squad, everytime i see an hiden tag i ask to get an invite, if i dont get any invite i tag up and make sure everyone without squad will have a squad, i can understand this annoys you, but this how it works.

Edited by Roxy Enjoy.1950
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2 minutes ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

You are not the wvw owner, arenanet alrdy said many times i can play like this, i can follow hiden tags and i can even interupt their "gvg" fights, accept it and move on

You can play like this, and they can play like that. Case closed. Other people just want to play the game, not spend hours trolling in game only for most people to not care at all. 

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5 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

WvW has been ruined 4 or 5 years ago with the implement of hiden tags, since then wvw become horrible and il explain why.

To fix this problema and have wvw back the only solutions is that: Remove Guild Tags on wvw, Remove Hiden Tags on wvw,

It took a long time for WvW to get hidden tags and it took years of posting to get them. We still need them.

Before hidden tags what we had were scouts, havocs, and guild groups and potentially a number of main tags running around. This caused various issues. You had groups asking other groups to tag down, you had different tags second guessing each other, and you had players that if they had to return to the fight that wouldn't go to the main tags but may just jump to other tags which at times resulted in people asking those players to get back on their tag. Now don't get me wrong it also helped for allowing main tags to utilize their havocs and guilds which was one of the points in the past that hidden tags accounted for both main tags that could work with havocs and main tags that asked for no other tag to be light but just applied more confusions to havocs and guild group that wanted a marker for their people to follow along with.

Now do some tags add requirements to be in their squad yes, but that's the price if you want to group with tag. That's also why anyone can get a tag to create their own rules or thereby lack of them. Nature abhors a vacuum, if you don't have tags players will tag up.

If you every want to see how many tags you have out potentially running ask for a few hours of all tags up to watch the motions and get a feel for a bit of the chaos of it.

6 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

First of all guilds, guilds are ruining the wvw because they do not play wvw, they likes to fight other guilds on open field, boring fight without any reward, they do not fight for own server or own team, they only fight without a reason ingoring wvw mechanics like attack/defend/Upgradinng.

Not sure I would judge all guilds the same, have known guilds that are all about fights, also know guilds that all about just taking undefended structures. Its like 10%/10% there. The other 80% are groups that are going to do both. Not to mention you have some tags that are running with their own guild or even a guild but have an active group they link up with. 

5 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

Remove points per kill.

Just like requests for removal of PPT we have seen, will have to disagree here. We need both PPK and PPT to account for both fighting, attacking and holding of objectives.

5 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

Give more reward for winning a match-up,

That is still potentially in the works after the WR minus Alliance is live. Agree here with the caveat of more detail on this once we get closer to post WR.

5 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

Expand the wvw Team chat to PvE too,

Agree here, would like to be to able to see WvW chat while not in WvW to allow players not in at the time but doing something a way to call to arms.

5 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

Make enemies name visible (Is not important for the wvw itself but is good since guild tag removal )

No, will disagree here. And now we shouldn't have guild tags removed either, especially since WR now becomes more about Guild with Alliances on the backburner.

5 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

This is the only way to fix the wvw and have wvw and players back. 

I will leave this point to a thread that is looking for suggestions to additions to WvW versus removing features that it took a long while to get.

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WvW, as a concept, is a sandbox game mode. The more you try to narrow peoples ability to play in sandbox games the less fun they become. Hidden tags, while not everyones cup of tea, contributes to the ongoing health of the game made more than their absence. If it ever becomes too much of a problem i bet there will be solutions, but i feel this is a nothing burger of a problem that isn't widespread enough or serious enough to warrant anything more than some minor frustration at times. For every guild that only runs closed tags there is another who is always running an open tag and many many more who do both. We have those on my server and i bet they exist on yours too.

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Mostly amused by how pointless it would be to remove "hidden tags", players/guilds etc played that way before they had hidden tags, if anet took away hidden tags they would still play exactly the same and just go back to using the targets for "fake tag" again etc.

Can't say I personally like the other suggestions either, but the more I think about it the more I dislike the idea of enabling /team for PVE. Considering how frequently I see players just sitting spamming crap in /team all day long. And enabling that for pve as well would just get /team muted on 99% of players.

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I like hidden tags, in fact I would dare say that commanders should be forced to choose a type of tag based on what they want to do, essentially.

Meaning that if the commander mainly wants to fight in open fields and occasionally conquer enemy structures and come as a backup to defend his own he should by default running hidden, if instead the commander wants to play primarily the standard wvw mechanics i.e. capture and defend his portion of the map he should run with a visible tag .

Imo in this way I believe that visibility priority should be given to that commander who decides to dedicate himself to the defense of his own portion of the map as well as the expansion of the territories. Because perhaps to defend an SMC at that specific moment you need more numbers, and with greater visibility you would be able to get more people faster.

Also i wouldn't mind a dedicated tag for scouts. Although the scout's role has greatly diminished in recent years, there is still a large portion of people who like to provide strategic informations to commanders who are active on the map.I think it wouldn't be bad if  commanders could also have a good point of reference for scouting instead of,reading 230 lines in chat.

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8 hours ago, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

i can play every content on this game how i want and when i want

But others shouldn’t?

what if i want to create a small squad only for me and my frens so i hide it to not lure players into my noobsquad?

especially if there is a public on the map at the same time?

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What connected guilds, organised players and pugs in the past was the server and the tier their server tends to be in. Now servers don't exist with constant relinkings, cheap transfers, permanently open servers and terrible matchmaking every 2 months.

Now obviously it is hard to feel like your current server is the best place can be in when the playerbase, opponents and tier drastically changes every 2 months due to relinkings and transfers. You cannot teach the pugs longterm because they get replaced, you cannot control your servers tier and what guilds you face, and transfers are too cheap.

Also part of reason why guilds run invisible tags is because the queues are pretty bad. Partly because increased playerbase after linkings were implemented. Another big one is the fact that objective auras exist in the game and a pug that might have decent contribution defending a keep, will become useless rallybot the moment he steps near enemy tower or camp.


So while they could remove invisible tags, it is definitely healthier choice to renuvate the connection between servers and guilds by going monoserver system where population status, effort you put in and transfer costs mean something.

Edited by Riba.3271
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Tagging up as a commander is not a public service, unless the commander wants it to be.

With the amount of pugs unwilling to play with builds oriented for teamplay, it is only natural that most commanders would rather play with their own private groups instead of selfish pugs. This way, they will share their boons\heals with the people that really want to play as a team, and will have less friendly pug down states rallying up the enemy down states.

Having a hidden tag on a map does not prevent you from having your own public commander tag, or from roaming.

Removing hidden tags will only negatively impact WvW guilds when WvW is already at a sensible state of existence.

As a roamer myself, sometimes I do want to play with a more team oriented meta build as well, and yes, it does bother me a little bit that public commanders are hard to find. But it is entirely my own fault, as I have not joined a WvW guild yet, and I understand that commanders should have the right to choose who to play with, for their own sanity sake.

Being a commander requires more energy and strain than being a follower, commanders owe nothing to selfish pugs.

Edited by Nanogrid.7283
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