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Why is PvP the worst behaved community in GW2

Mount Mazama.2917

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16 minutes ago, ccccc.4963 said:

lots of trolls on do nothing builds feeling entitled to 'team members' who play around their rlly niche do nothing roleplay build

If only GW2 had actual roles--professions that served actual, tangible purposes--so that anyone who played the game could understand at a glance the intent of other players and how roles could blend in a given situation.  How can anyone be justifiably upset at someone for playing a "role-playing game" as if it has any roles outside of a single, generic rogue derivative that's hidden across all the classes arbitrarily (and only if you bought into the expacs)?

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51 minutes ago, Swagg.9236 said:

If only GW2 had actual roles--professions that served actual, tangible purposes--so that anyone who played the game could understand at a glance the intent of other players and how roles could blend in a given situation.  How can anyone be justifiably upset at someone for playing a "role-playing game" as if it has any roles outside of a single, generic rogue derivative that's hidden across all the classes arbitrarily (and only if you bought into the expacs)?

Sorta does, by spec.  Like:

Support - Core Guard, Scourge, Specter, FB, most Druids

Tank/Stall - The non-support Druids,  some Untamed's, Warrior (in general), most Rev's, most Mesmer, Mech

DPS - Willbender, any non-Specter thief, Soulbeast, Reaper

It can definitely get muddy, like Ele can play any role--but in general I find Tempest's are pretty much support, Weaver DPS, and Cata Tank

1 hour ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

What I don't get is u get players on classes like reaper who will run to ur home node u already own and stand their while ur teamates are literally battling for bell or hammer

Worse for me is persistently running far but dying to a 1v1 and dying in ~5-10 seconds at that.  Then to top it off, if someone is getting bodied far but you win mid, 90% chance the rest of your team leaves mid anyway, goes far and all dies.  This leads to a 2-node backcap by the enemy then they all flood home...to which the team...feeds home and you lose!

Second most encountered is having to ping pong ball everywhere because people legit will get a kill and run right by a neutral node.  So, you have to go over and cap the node, and repeat for literally every node...sometimes even mid.  

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9 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Sorta does, by spec.  Like:

Support - Core Guard, Scourge, Specter, FB, most Druids

Tank/Stall - The non-support Druids,  some Untamed's, Warrior (in general), most Rev's, most Mesmer, Mech

DPS - Willbender, any non-Specter thief, Soulbeast, Reaper

It can definitely get muddy, like Ele can play any role--but in general I find Tempest's are pretty much support, Weaver DPS, and Cata Tank

Worse for me is persistently running far but dying to a 1v1 and dying in ~5-10 seconds at that.  Then to top it off, if someone is getting bodied far but you win mid, 90% chance the rest of your team leaves mid anyway, goes far and all dies.  This leads to a 2-node backcap by the enemy then they all flood home...to which the team...feeds home and you lose!

Second most encountered is having to ping pong ball everywhere because people legit will get a kill and run right by a neutral node.  So, you have to go over and cap the node, and repeat for literally every node...sometimes even mid.  

The undead wizard, rogue, and the hunter/beastmaster are healers?  And the paladin is a healer twice over?

I could go for the other ones two, but do you see the point?  GW2 is a muddled mess and makes zero sense to anyone at first glance without going through a bunch of patch notes, wiki pages or videos unless somebody just gives them a full lecture on it (which is an awful way to experience it).  Sure, anyone can also play the game to find out at that pace, but there is no initial sense to it at all, and the lines blur over every class.  How is every profession DPS but only a few are "support" or "tank" without any real holistic concept behind the reasoning?  Why is the thing marketed as a blue mage the tank??  That's not creative or surprising.  That's confusing for anyone (particularly because the marketed definition of so many of these classes completely clash with what they generally do in the game).

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13 hours ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

It seems impossible to play a handful of games without someone letting out their mental health issues onto a stranger for no reason. It is after all just a game, I understand getting frustrated what I don't understand is deciding that you are going to type out all of your misplaced rage to a random group of strangers. I get a lot of people do it because it is done to them and they think it's okay or even what you should do if you feel like you are playing well and others are not. All you are doing is showing everyone that you don't care about other people or yourself by acting that way. Happy, self respecting individuals do not go crazy and have a melt down to random strangers on the internet when things don't go their way. It's sad the community seems to have more of these people than other competitive games I have played. When I was new this stuff bothered me but wasn't going to stop me from playing a game I am interested in getting better at for fun, now that I have played many games I can usually tell if someone is upset for a good reasons or not and it's way too common people blow up over things that don't even make sense.

I honestly think this behavior is a big reason why many players don't ever play PvP again after encountering it. Most people can emotionally handle losing in a game. What is harder to handle is having teammates that treat you like you are in an abusive relationship with them over and over. This doesn't make anyone want to keep participating and the whole idea of an MMO is that it is a social game. A lot of players here blame A net for PvP dying and they have neglected it some sure but for me by far the worst part of PvP and of anything I have done in this game is people having mental breakdowns and PMing me rude things while also simultaneously blocking me so I can't even respond which is incredibly childish but happens way too often. I understand you can block these people and I do but it doesn't change the fact that there is always another person who wants to throw their self loathing onto others when they don't win every game.

TL;DR: Having a mental break down on a stranger over the internet is childish and anti-social in a game all about playing with others. This drives people away from this game mode. Good sportsmanship is important to having a positive community and PvP is the worst behaved community in this game by far. It's not Anets fault it is everyone that contributes to poor conduct.

Edit: changed some wording to improve the quality of the quality of the post.

ehmm u mean same u do now on the forum?

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8 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

once pve open world legendary gear drops in we'll have very little new players in pvp, guess what, it won't change a bit the match quality, the new players are less likely to rage than the pseudo pros.

I guess one year from open world leg armor this mode will be mostly dead, prolly the same ppl playing and winning mat's and god of arena cuz god forbid some plebs getting it

I feel that, I didn't even know they were adding open world leggy armor but that will defo pull away some of the newbies from pvp.

No better time for them than now then to start adding more to spvp. Doesn't even have to be brand new, but they should add to it. Unranked should get the same rewards ranked has now and ranked should have two different arenas. One ranked arena purely for solos, one purely for groups.
What this will do is give casual players to earn leggies stress-free in unranked, and even with friends, which will hopefully be enough to keep their interest. Looking at the mat cost, it seems like a big grind for the new leggy armor. Might just be me, but if spvp wasn't 💩would much rather get it there than grinding repetitive pve content.

And the split queues for ranked will knock the leaderboard-obsessed pseudo pro's egos down a notch because they would no longer be at an advantage over the majority of the population. And they couldn't use the "I just want to play with friends" excuse because they'd still be able to do so in ranked, just separate to soloq whenever they do.

Should it happen? Absolutely. Will it happen? Probably not, but who knows, maybe there's some angel left at that demonic company willing to answer some holiday wishes going into 2024. It wouldn't take much effort at all and nobody has to worry about the population being too low because solos outnumber teams 9 to 1. Shouldn't be our problem.

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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Sorta does, by spec.  Like:

Support - Core Guard, Scourge, Specter, FB, most Druids

Tank/Stall - The non-support Druids,  some Untamed's, Warrior (in general), most Rev's, most Mesmer, Mech

DPS - Willbender, any non-Specter thief, Soulbeast, Reaper

It can definitely get muddy, like Ele can play any role--but in general I find Tempest's are pretty much support, Weaver DPS, and Cata Tank

Worse for me is persistently running far but dying to a 1v1 and dying in ~5-10 seconds at that.  Then to top it off, if someone is getting bodied far but you win mid, 90% chance the rest of your team leaves mid anyway, goes far and all dies.  This leads to a 2-node backcap by the enemy then they all flood home...to which the team...feeds home and you lose!

Second most encountered is having to ping pong ball everywhere because people legit will get a kill and run right by a neutral node.  So, you have to go over and cap the node, and repeat for literally every node...sometimes even mid.  

I hear u 100%, going far at start is a valid strategy if u can read map and are very confident that u will win the 1v1 on far but most times they end up dead and u lose mid and far and they just send 2 to ur home lol.

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2 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I feel that, I didn't even know they were adding open world leggy armor but that will defo pull away some of the newbies from pvp.

No better time for them than now then to start adding more to spvp. Doesn't even have to be brand new, but they should add to it. Unranked should get the same rewards ranked has now and ranked should have two different arenas. One ranked arena purely for solos, one purely for groups.
What this will do is give casual players to earn leggies stress-free in unranked, and even with friends, which will hopefully be enough to keep their interest. Looking at the mat cost, it seems like a big grind for the new leggy armor. Might just be me, but if spvp wasn't 💩would much rather get it there than grinding repetitive pve content.

And the split queues for ranked will knock the leaderboard-obsessed pseudo pro's egos down a notch because they would no longer be at an advantage over the majority of the population. And they couldn't use the "I just want to play with friends" excuse because they'd still be able to do so in ranked, just separate to soloq whenever they do.

Should it happen? Absolutely. Will it happen? Probably not, but who knows, maybe there's some angel left at that demonic company willing to answer some holiday wishes going into 2024. It wouldn't take much effort at all and nobody has to worry about the population being too low because solos outnumber teams 9 to 1. Shouldn't be our problem.

those are some good ideas, but from what i know from the average pve player they don't care about how grindy things are, it's more about how fast it's going to be and how casually it can be done, those kids play like silverwastes, dragonfall, frac 42  farms 24/7 to get what they want. 

I dont think much can be done to salvage pvp at this point, only very exclusive rewards could bring players and you know anet will never release shinies in pvp and not in pve, even if they do that will be so much crying that sooner or later they add it to pve


One of my ideas were making gizmos and titles farmable, while i think it could work for gizmos and you were going to see a lot of ppl playing aTs, the title grind would take too long and only the achievment hunters would try it. 

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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16 hours ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

By the way the more people pushed away from bad behavior the less players there are and the more often you get large gaps in mmr in your games. There are many players in this game most of them don't want to be called slurs for making a mistake because timmy can't handle his reality.

I wouldn't have worded it like that, but yes... this.

I was into PvP for a while and really enjoyed the game mode, but ultimately I had to choose between sticking to the game mode and my peaceful inner balance. 😉 I am used to witnessing rude behavior by teammates from playing CS:GO for many years, where everything seems to be allowed (especially sexism) and mutual respect is an alien concept to many, but I in the end, no game is worth having to endure some mentally unstable kid's rage attacks.

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This will unpopular opinion. Thank god there's a mode in this game with a bit of toxicity in it. It shows there are still some players that actually want to win and get frustrated over it. And no it's not worst than other games, it's probably a bit better.

This is just how it is in competitive sports and in competitive games. I play basketball with friends and until lately also in regional tournaments. And yeah there are tensions. Adrenaline and testosterone is high, we are 10 sweaty guys on the court and we want to win. Arguments happen. It's real life and we know each other so it's not on the level of toxicity that internet anonymity brings. And there should be, because when there is no tension it means we don't care and the competition is not there and it's just not it. We had guys quit our group because of low intensity competition, we hadn't had guys quit because of some on court arguments. As long as it doesn't spill off court.

And it's similar in online games. It's worse because most don't know each other and can go full on kitten over the internet. But in the end if everyone would be just nice to each other, what's the point. It's the nature of competition and dealing with it is also part of it. Maybe a bit different aspect but dealing with competitive tension and not letting it get into your head is a big part of competition. One of the reason I've always played fps games with standard models and no enemy names and kill msgs if possible. So you don't think about who is on the other side, thoughts are on the team strategy and tactic and you don't go into tunnel vision over a specific opponent or some personal vendetta. 

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22 hours ago, ccccc.4963 said:

Did trauma dumping on the forums make you feel better or what? More projection 😁

I don't think you know what that means. 

But its amusing watching you use the word wrong over and over :)

--Ahh! Thats the joke, you are pulling our leg. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 12/22/2023 at 5:44 PM, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

someone letting out their mental health issues onto a stranger for no reason.


On 12/22/2023 at 5:44 PM, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

I don't understand is deciding that you are going to type out all of your misplaced rage to a random group of strangers

Yeah this isn't another vent thread at all

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GW2's pvp isn't built on interactions; the goal is to make combat as one-sided as possible.  This generally drains victory of satisfaction and losses lose any potential meaning.

On top of this, the PvP zone is riddled with weird dev-written nudges at how they also think that PvP is toxic as heck but refuse to do anything but acknowledge it in a joking, condescending manner (i.e. the Vials and Salt and things like the chat dialogue with the Mini Llama Tender/Raiser whatever that NPC is).  Anet made a toxic game, and then they laughed at the people who took it seriously.

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Mount Mazama, I absolutely agree and have discussed this with those that feel as you do.  The only option open to you seems to be reporting them which can leave a bitter after taste on top of everything else.  Yes this type of person does have issues and it seems the only way to relieve themselves is to torment others.  There will always be those who run blindly into unwinable situations and abuse others for not following suit.  The imbalance for those striving for a place on the ladder is I imagine...difficult. It must be frustrating when other team members are not at their level and lack general understanding or are outright leaching i.e. running into a corner the entire encounter.  However is there a working fix for this, how long would they have to queue if waiting to team with a similar skill level?  It seems a no win situation when those who will eventually attain the necessary skill level decide not to continue because of the disturbed few.

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