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Wizard vault destroyed communty feel of the dailies - please fix this

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51 minutes ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

I think the Wizard vault is one of the best things added to the pvp and wvw modes.

This is true, though because it is more efficient to have only WvW objectives (for example) selected for both daily and weekly tasks, I find that I never pop into any other modes like I used to in completing dailies.  I end up laser focused on one game mode just to make sure the weeklies get done, and even then, I've had Capture 3 Keeps at the same time as Defend 10 Objectives and I sometimes can't finish them as both require a certain combination of friendlies and enemies to occur at the right time and place.

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On 1/1/2024 at 4:43 PM, Datriman.6714 said:

...targeting my attention to maps my friends cannot enter is useless. Why do I have to go to SOTO  for dailies and weeklies when I don't want that?

Please return a system where everyone can do the same core dailies and weeklies and meet new people and stop pushing us to content we don't want to do at the moment. If you want people to go to dead maps please update the content and we will go there without the need for daily and weekly missions.

Also, the new system totally killed the feeling of community doing the same missions as everyone like the parties we were having at JPs with PINK.

Let us go back to dailies we can share with friends regardless of expansions please.


3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

The current iteration of WV dailies has negatively impacted my guild's time spent playing together. Not the end of the world but having different dailies for individuals in the same group has been a bummer.

There is such a wide variety of stuff to do in this game that I don't understand getting fixated on doing dailies with friends. When my friends and I get together we'll decide then what we want to do. Sometimes we used to do dailies together but we also did dungeons, fractals, pvp, bounties, strikes, achievements, and story chapters together. Whatever anyone was working on and needed help with, or whatever the group felt like doing at that particular time. The last few weeks I've been dealing with a variety of medical issues and haven't had the energy for socializing, but before that, my friends and I still had plenty to do together even when our dailies and weeklies were not the same.

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17 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

Okay, I just got done with my dailies and half of my weeklies. I was there with with a veritable sky full of dragons as we soared into the Maws of Torment and dismantaled the Forged, one limb at a time. I was there in the foothills of Ascalon, climbing through the ruins of the Loreclaw Expanse, dodging spikes, flames, and falling rocks with everyone else, grabbing the fallen and pulling them to safety as a veteran of my caliber is duty-bound to do. I was there with everyone else, with common purpose, with common cause and comraderie. This idea that the Wizards Vault has done something to damage the communtiy here is beyond wrong; it's insulting to the community here, because we were doing this before the Wizards Vault. We were doing this before Dailies. We've been doing this since the game launched and people learned they could band together and chase events across the world, climbing every mountain and exploring every cave together.

Edit: I REALLY DESPISE the emoji system on these forums. I write up a full paragraph of praise for the community in this game and I get one confused and one sad emoji? WHO THE HELL IS SAD ABOUT THIS???? WHY????

I was hearing the first half of the post in a Blade Runner-era Rutger Hauer voice if that helps.

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OP has a point. I think players should have the option of linking their WV missions based on guild, a bit like WvW is planning to allow users to pick which guild they want to represent in WvW.

Let us choose which guild we want to get our WV missions from and then everyone in that guild gets the same list of missions. Players who are missing expansions will get any missions they can't do replaced with the next mission on the list, but the rest of the missions will stay in common allowing guild members to work together on dailies and weeklies.

Oh, and they should also fix the issue where it looks at expansion ownership rather than whether you have been there. None of our little guild (about 10) have played any of EoD or SOTO yet (still working through HoT mostly) but those poor sods who were foolish enough to buy those expansions keep getting WV missions they can't do.

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20 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

Edit: I REALLY DESPISE the emoji system on these forums. I write up a full paragraph of praise for the community in this game and I get one confused and one sad emoji? WHO THE HELL IS SAD ABOUT THIS???? WHY????

They’ve seen things us people wouldn’t believe

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after quitting and forgetting to login due to them massively nerfing the daily logins we used to get, its interesting to see the current Anet mostly dead dev team still keeping features the majority hates while a small minority on the forums defends the bad design choice 

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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

after quitting and forgetting to login due to them massively nerfing the daily logins we used to get, its interesting to see the current Anet mostly dead dev team still keeping features the majority hates while a small minority on the forums defends the bad design choice 

The vault? I’m confused, because it’s wildly popular in game

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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

after quitting and forgetting to login due to them massively nerfing the daily logins we used to get, its interesting to see the current Anet mostly dead dev team still keeping features the majority hates while a small minority on the forums defends the bad design choice 

Is that majority in the room with us?

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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

after quitting and forgetting to login due to them massively nerfing the daily logins we used to get, its interesting to see the current Anet mostly dead dev team still keeping features the majority hates while a small minority on the forums defends the bad design choice 

You quit the game and you still know what the majority ingame likes? What kind of superpower is this? 
besides this is nonsense, the vault is actually quite popular, and they did not massively nerf the daily login rewards. What you are writing is simply not true. 

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The vault is cool, but shared dailies is a core feature that made the old dailies significantly more enjoyable. I still think they need to unshackle the options and let players all have the same 10-20 dailies. Then players can choose how to complete them. And communities can form around specific tasks. GW2 is a social game, we don't need systems separating us artificially. The reward system is interesting, although I don't like how acclaim is deposited. But the system could use some big improvements that would really improve the dynamics within the community.

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I just want to clarify for anyone confused. I don't mean increase the required dailies from 4 to 10, but rather increase the pool of available. To be all of them each day. So players can direct themselves into areas they like. 

Some people prefer magumma? Find them daily and join up with them for activities.


Some people love defending in wvw. There are different defense dailies now. Etc.


Allow players to focus their attention on things they enjoy and make sure they all overlap, so groups can form for them.

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4 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

You quit the game and you still know what the majority ingame likes? What kind of superpower is this? 
besides this is nonsense, the vault is actually quite popular, and they did not massively nerf the daily login rewards. What you are writing is simply not true. 

Not like most of the complaining early on was about how unrewarding "and grindy" WV was, then when people actually decided to do the math on the rewards(excluding some of the mediocre rewards) the complaints quickly died down once people realized it's more rewarding.
Then after the first few weeks people realized that you can casually finish all weeklies in 2-3 hours with dailies as quick as like 5 minutes.

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3 hours ago, Loboling.5293 said:

I just want to clarify for anyone confused. I don't mean increase the required dailies from 4 to 10, but rather increase the pool of available. To be all of them each day. So players can direct themselves into areas they like. 

Some people prefer magumma? Find them daily and join up with them for activities.


Some people love defending in wvw. There are different defense dailies now. Etc.


Allow players to focus their attention on things they enjoy and make sure they all overlap, so groups can form for them.

That would be a needless mess of a UI. People would still just do rift, plus 10 enemies plus breakbar. It’s just dailies, it doesn’t need overthinking to this level. All of them every day is impractical and wouldn’t solve the issue you perceive at all (an issue which doesn’t exist anyway - dailies were never a big shared community thing ever)

The pool should only be increased if it incorporates all modes. Some days I want to wvw, but I’m not going to plan ahead to do that. I’d also like to see more variety. The existing rotation has too few things to do in pve. Same with weeklies. Given the number of mini dungeons and metas and maps, there’s plenty of fresh things they could add in at random.

To be honest, I don’t want too much time spent on the system. The dailies are not the game, just a quick bit of filler. Add some new options, maybe op3n the pool to all modes and improve the rewards. Then leave it alone so that the shrinking resources can funnel into the main content without distraction 


Edited by Randulf.7614
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14 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

OP has a point. I think players should have the option of linking their WV missions based on guild, a bit like WvW is planning to allow users to pick which guild they want to represent in WvW.

Let us choose which guild we want to get our WV missions from and then everyone in that guild gets the same list of missions. Players who are missing expansions will get any missions they can't do replaced with the next mission on the list, but the rest of the missions will stay in common allowing guild members to work together on dailies and weeklies.

How would that even work? Everyone in the guild gets the dailies chosen by the guild leader (assuming they are even currently playing)? What if I am PvE-only and the "guild" is some other mix?

No thanks. Let me choose my own mix of dailies.

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On 1/4/2024 at 5:05 AM, DeanBB.4268 said:

How would that even work? Everyone in the guild gets the dailies chosen by the guild leader (assuming they are even currently playing)? What if I am PvE-only and the "guild" is some other mix?

No thanks. Let me choose my own mix of dailies.

No, You would still choose your own mix. The only difference is that instead of everyone getting different sets of dailies/weeklies based on expansions owned, people who choose the same guild would get the same set of dailies/weeklies (with expansions accessed just being a final filter).

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On 1/3/2024 at 10:55 AM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Not like most of the complaining early on was about how unrewarding "and grindy" WV was, then when people actually decided to do the math on the rewards(excluding some of the mediocre rewards) the complaints quickly died down once people realized it's more rewarding.
Then after the first few weeks people realized that you can casually finish all weeklies in 2-3 hours with dailies as quick as like 5 minutes.

And then someone realized that vault makes the most active minority richer, but actually inserts far less materials into the game than the system before. Thus the onset of the inflation we've succesfully managed to live without for 10 years. Until the vault, that is.

If you have bigger income now than before, but can buy less for that than before, the Vault is the primary cause of this. So, in the end, it may seem like the vault is more rewarding, but in reality it's the exact opposite, because due to inflation you are actually losing out compared to the previous system.

Short version: now you get paid more, but your pay is worth less.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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dont like the system also, tried it for a few weeks.
yes it does yield alot more gold for me but i kind of hate the whole system, havent logged in for few weeks either by now, not just cus of that but before i logged in to collect a daily and played a little now i login to collect nada so i better not log at all 😄 .
basically the old daily was worth to login for this new wizard vault isnt worth it to login for unless u feel like playing, and if theres 1 thing i hate in mmo's is a quest telling me what to do 😄 (yes its weird i know). So with that in my head that i have to do some shite a system is tellin me to do i dont feel like logging at all.

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1 hour ago, reddie.5861 said:

dont like the system also, tried it for a few weeks.
yes it does yield alot more gold for me but i kind of hate the whole system, havent logged in for few weeks either by now, not just cus of that but before i logged in to collect a daily and played a little now i login to collect nada so i better not log at all 😄 .
basically the old daily was worth to login for this new wizard vault isnt worth it to login for unless u feel like playing, and if theres 1 thing i hate in mmo's is a quest telling me what to do 😄 (yes its weird i know). So with that in my head that i have to do some shite a system is tellin me to do i dont feel like logging at all.

The previous system also told you what to do, you can just say the only reason you logged in was the free rewards and now with having to play a bit you have no intention to log in.

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Tad bit confused here. If you have one set of dailies and your friends have a slightly different set of dailies are you not able to still help them if you don't have it? I thought it was just a matter of doing a dungeon/event/farm something etc? Hey I'll help with yours if you help with mine. 

Edited by Qys.5937
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12 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And then someone realized that vault makes the most active minority richer, but actually inserts far less materials into the game than the system before. Thus the onset of the inflation we've succesfully managed to live without for 10 years. Until the vault, that is.

If you have bigger income now than before, but can buy less for that than before, the Vault is the primary cause of this. So, in the end, it may seem like the vault is more rewarding, but in reality it's the exact opposite, because due to inflation you are actually losing out compared to the previous system.

Short version: now you get paid more, but your pay is worth less.

Again, where are you getting this?

Laurels = materials. More laurels = more materials. The new system gives more laurels.

The only difference is in alt accounts, which were used by a minority of players.

Now there are 2 possible trains of thought here:

1. The amount of materials from alt accounts was so significant, it affected the market more than every single active player getting more materials

2. The gold cost increase we are seeing is unrelated to the wizard vault and more in line with the higher demand and desire for legendary gear

In case of 1: take a long hard thought about what that would mean for the longevity of the game if the amount of alt accounts was so significant, it was able to affect the market of this game.

My guess: the changes in demand far outweigh the changes in supply for the price development. Best seen on materials unrelated to login rewards. Some dropped in price due to no increase in demand (T6 leather) others which increased in price due to new desirable reasons increasing demand (ectos).

Also your claim that this is a unique effect in 10 years is plain wrong. Prices have always been tied to supply and demand as well as new player influx and new legendary item influx. The prices seen now on many items aren't even the highest in history. There was a time when ectos were stable at 30-35 silver for example.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Again, where are you getting this?

Laurels = materials. More laurels = more materials. The new system gives more laurels.

The only difference is in alt accounts, which were used by a minority of players.

Now there are 2 possible trains of thought here:

1. The amount of materials from alt accounts was so significant, it affected the market more than every single active player getting more materials

2. The gold cost increase we are seeing is unrelated to the wizard vault and more in line with the higher demand and desire for legendary gear

In case of 1: take a long hard thought about what that would mean for the longevity of the game if the amount of alt accounts was so significant, it was able to affect the market of this game.

My guess: the changes in demand far outweigh the changes in supply for the price development. Best seen on materials unrelated to login rewards. Some dropped in price due to no increase in demand (T6 leather) others which increased in price due to new desirable reasons increasing demand (ectos).

Also your claim that this is a unique effect in 10 years is plain wrong. Prices have always been tied to supply and demand as well as new player influx and new legendary item influx. The prices seen now on many items aren't even the highest in history. There was a time when ectos were stable at 30-35 silver for example.

It's not the alt accounts. It's the group of players that do not play actively every day and do not top up their acclaims every season. Coupled with the infusion of gold for those at the top of the activity.

The good example is mystic coins. Before, MCs were generated by masses obtaining them passively from login rewards and selling their bank overflows. Now many of those players actually get less overall than before (because it requires them doing things they weren't doing before, and still aren't doing now - like completing dailies every day, or staying on top of story and farming newest maps for completing specials), but also the generation is no longer passive, so many of them likely just pick gold instead. Which is a second point, btw - the Vault now injects massive amounts of gold into the system. Something that was not the case before. At the same time, there were no new gold sinks introduced to balance that injection.

Ecto, of course, is also a thing, but it's not the primary problem (like you said, we've had such individual fluctuations before, but until recently those never impacted the market as a whole).

Imo Anet should just remove gold options from vault, and replace them with more/higher cap material options, and leave "overflow" aas for buying uncapped material coffers of stuff better than just t5 option we have now.

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6 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

2. The gold cost increase we are seeing is unrelated to the wizard vault and more in line with the higher demand and desire for legendary gear

If that were the case, the prices of all legendaries would increase similarily. Instead the price increase was not uniform across the generations, and affected the newest stuff the least. That's because the earlier generations use mats that were generated by the old system to a far more degree than gen3.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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