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Ongoing Harassment in WvW?

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Hi! I was looking for some advice from the more seasoned WvW players!

I'm one of those PvE players who pops into WvW to farm out GoB's and clovers, but I do really enjoy WvW! It's a lot of fun. I enjoy roaming. I run a Marauder Reaper.

Recently I've run into a pretty weird situation! — I was running around near a public tag just doing whatever when the commander in team chat goes "Who is that (guild tag)", figured maybe they didn't like people being out of squad near them, so I joined on tag. Was running with them for a bit, a few team fights etc etc. I ended up using soul spiral (reaper) on a downed player (a bit erroneous, I know!) and the commander called me out, by name, in map chat saying how I was a terrible low dps reaper (+ some other stuff I cannot repeat in the forums)! Fair enough, I suppose. I let them know I was new and I'm sorry if I've made a mistake. (Note this comm had no guild VC listed or anything). Got kicked from squad (fair enough! It's their squad) and thought nothing more of it and blocked the commander.

The issue started cropping up when I came back to WvW in the following days. Each time I would play (solo roaming only), someone in map chat would call me out by name and say how bad of a reaper/player I was. Okay, weird, no worries, I'll just block and move on! I started noticing it would happen after I ran into a player with the same guild tag as that toxic commander. So everyday for quite awhile now I've been blocking folks, but I must admit it's getting quite draining! Having someone say rude things about me in map and/or team chat everyday for weeks when I'm literally just minding my own business is really hard to navigate, because even if I block I still get the negativity.

I can only play during one timeslot due to my busy schedule so unfortunately playing at a different time of day just isn't possible, and I enjoy WvW's game loop so it's not like I'm going to quit the gamemode entirely. My current solution is that I've taken to playing on DBL since I see a total of one, maybe two people in there when I solo roam and it's usually enemy players (side note I really enjoy DBL, it's such a fun map! props to the designers). I'm also looking to move servers to the one my guild uses since I don't have any friends that play on my home server. It's just currently full. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, aye?

I suppose what I'm looking for is a bit of advice on how you personally would navigate this situation if it was happening to you? You awesome WvW veterans have probably seen it all by now and would know better how to navigate a bizarre situation like this one. Thanks! <3

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In addition to what Chaba said - If you're feeling harassed just right click their name - > select "report" -> from the dropdown menu, choose Verbal Abuse -> click the "Report Player" button in the lower right corner of the reporting interface. Don't respond to them otherwise, no reason to spend your game time justifying your enjoyment of it to someone else who's not entitled to that explanation anyway.

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1 minute ago, obastable.5231 said:

In addition to what Chaba said - If you're feeling harassed just right click their name - > select "report" -> from the dropdown menu, choose Verbal Abuse -> click the "Report Player" button in the lower right corner of the reporting interface. Don't respond to them otherwise, no reason to spend your game time justifying your enjoyment of it to someone else who's not entitled to that explanation anyway.

I do go out of my way not to respond to anyone who says my name in chat, the frustrating part is it's a different player every time. So even though I'm constantly blocking and reporting folks saying negative things to me, it starts up again the next time I play. Who knows, maybe I'll end up blocking and reporting the entire guild eventually, haha!

My plan now is to move servers ASAP when SoS opens. Though I hear there's a restructuring beta coming up this week, so I'll get to play with my guildies which will be an awesome change of pace! ^w^

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Win+alt +R to record

Unblock your oppressors

Set to use server time in the game

Turn on your chat box time stamps

Anytime they harassed you, ask nicely if that is meant for you., don't talk back. (Usually when I do this the bully stops)

Best if they whisper the harrassment 

Report verbal abused in the game option, 

Send support ticket

Remember the more they type shits the better. 


Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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That's pretty bad.. What server was it? You should definitely get to wherever your guild is; I assume you already  selected them for WvW guild.

Also maybe you did already, but yea, you also want to report and block them because it is likely they are doing this to other people too. If enough people do it, eventually something happens. Recently we had some moron come back on an alt whining how they got banned; you can really tell what kind of person these types are.

That being said I do think they are too lenient as often people like that are not kept away long enough though I suppose it takes a while to get of alts too.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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They must be salty af to be picking on you days later.



Move on.

There's a lot of elitist dipsticks in wvw, who feel the need to put down others to feel better about themselves, they're not worth the time arguing or worrying over.

On that note, who's the guild?

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i do feel like we are missing some pieces of the story here for it seems like way too much effort and an unnecessary fixation on you from the guilds side.

that being said you can report them with an actual ticket and not just in game, i am not sure if every in game report is looked into or there need to be a threshold of reports, but the tickets are always looked into by someone.

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1 minute ago, bq pd.2148 said:

i do feel like we are missing some pieces of the story here for it seems like way too much effort and an unnecessary fixation on you from the guilds side.

that being said you can report them with an actual ticket and not just in game, i am not sure if every in game report is looked into or there need to be a threshold of reports, but the tickets are always looked into by someone.

I'm thinking it's possible I'm not the only person who's been targeted — when I had the commander unblocked originally, they were sh*t slinging and calling out multiple people by name in chat for not performing well on Arc(?), so I'm betting it's possible that instead of it being a situation where I'm singled out it's more of a "be mean to everyone who doesn't meet X standards" thing. But I agree it's really bizarre, hence why I came to the forums for advice (this is my first post here); I'm usually ambivalent to toxic players and just laugh or ignore them, but this has been just such a bonkers situation for me, that I've never experienced before.

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Thank you all for the advice on opening a ticket to report — I had no idea you were able to report people via support tickets (I assumed the little right click dialogue box was the only avenue)! I'll be sure to do that next time it happens. Thank you again and be blessed with good RNG! 🥰

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The real answer here is to transfer away to the link of your friend (should be 500 gems) after Restructuring beta is over if you're not daring enough to fight the trolls by questioning their intellect based on their current actions. After all, you're already avoiding them. Easiest way to get personal attacks to stop is have them walk away from every conversation fuming from anger while being at loss of words until they start avoiding you.

I agree with @bq pd.2148 that you must have left the actual conversation you had out. There are gazillion pugs out there, why would they pick on you for weeks? What exactly did you do? Is the guild leader some old guild mate with different account name? 🤔

Edited by Riba.3271
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14 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

 Is the guild leader some old guild mate with different account name?

Holy moly, you might actually be right. I had a big falling out with an old guild of mine months ago that I was very active in — the timings actually line up really well now that I think about it. Possible mystery solved!(?) You're actually a genius, my dude.


Edit: Would also make sense with the timeslots matching up given we were both late night OCE players..... this is wild wow lol.

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21 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

Easiest way to get personal attacks to stop is have them walk away from every conversation fuming from anger while being at loss of words until they start avoiding you.

Can't tell how serious this is, but just in case I really don't recommend this for most people. Most people are not capable of that level of composure and often will land themselves in a spot to get reported themselves, plus it kittens up  chat and most people don't want to see that nonsense. That is,  it is easiest to perform when one is detached from these issues but that is not the case if they were involved to begin with. It is simply much less effort to report + convince others to do the same in regards to bad behavior.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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7 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

 It is simply much less effort to report + convince others to do the same in regards to bad behavior.

There has been a person spamming teamchat insulting every commander for several years on Desolation. There have been several tickets about him, and probably several thousand reports. The person even pulls tactivators and builds troll siege, then types that he did it in chat.

Reporting does nothing. They only act on swearing and racial/gender slurs. Not actual bullying. Of course you should still do it, but it will do nothing if very bad words aren't included.

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10 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

There has been a person spamming teamchat insulting every commander for several years on Desolation. There have been several tickets about him, and probably several thousand reports.

Reporting does nothing. They only act on swearing and racial/gender slurs. Not actual bullying.

And I know of people that were forced to take a long break and had to act a little nicer for a bit. It was a bit funny to see regardless. Just got to keep at it with tickets. Granted the right click probably is ineffective.

I mean I am aware that they're not doing a good job at removing these people. But I can assure you that most people aren't equipped to engage in a verbal slap fight with them that won't make it worse for themselves, particularly if they are outnumbered. Not to mention not all bullies are the same and require different approaches. Yes, I know your average team chat troll is just some MOBA reject and all you have to do is imply some body part is not nearly  as big as they claim to pop their balloon but it's kind of a fine art lol.

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5 hours ago, ShimmeryLuna.2475 said:

Hi! I was looking for some advice from the more seasoned WvW players!

I'm one of those PvE players who pops into WvW to farm out GoB's and clovers, but I do really enjoy WvW! It's a lot of fun. I enjoy roaming. I run a Marauder Reaper.

Recently I've run into a pretty weird situation! — I was running around near a public tag just doing whatever when the commander in team chat goes "Who is that (guild tag)", figured maybe they didn't like people being out of squad near them, so I joined on tag. Was running with them for a bit, a few team fights etc etc. I ended up using soul spiral (reaper) on a downed player (a bit erroneous, I know!) and the commander called me out, by name, in map chat saying how I was a terrible low dps reaper (+ some other stuff I cannot repeat in the forums)! Fair enough, I suppose. I let them know I was new and I'm sorry if I've made a mistake. (Note this comm had no guild VC listed or anything). Got kicked from squad (fair enough! It's their squad) and thought nothing more of it and blocked the commander.

The issue started cropping up when I came back to WvW in the following days. Each time I would play (solo roaming only), someone in map chat would call me out by name and say how bad of a reaper/player I was. Okay, weird, no worries, I'll just block and move on! I started noticing it would happen after I ran into a player with the same guild tag as that toxic commander. So everyday for quite awhile now I've been blocking folks, but I must admit it's getting quite draining! Having someone say rude things about me in map and/or team chat everyday for weeks when I'm literally just minding my own business is really hard to navigate, because even if I block I still get the negativity.

I can only play during one timeslot due to my busy schedule so unfortunately playing at a different time of day just isn't possible, and I enjoy WvW's game loop so it's not like I'm going to quit the gamemode entirely. My current solution is that I've taken to playing on DBL since I see a total of one, maybe two people in there when I solo roam and it's usually enemy players (side note I really enjoy DBL, it's such a fun map! props to the designers). I'm also looking to move servers to the one my guild uses since I don't have any friends that play on my home server. It's just currently full. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, aye?

I suppose what I'm looking for is a bit of advice on how you personally would navigate this situation if it was happening to you? You awesome WvW veterans have probably seen it all by now and would know better how to navigate a bizarre situation like this one. Thanks! ❤️

I have an extensive block list. I see no problem with banter, even if it is annoying. But if it gets real bad, like some I had recently I block them and only ever unblock them if they make it into my normal group. Sometimes you have to block allot of people, trust me that this will make your game much more enjoyable. My advice is if they are bad mannered, then block them and do not let them out of that list. Get used to blocking. Wvw has a high learning curve, sometimes people forget how it was when they first started and also forget that it takes a long time to get barely confident to get better. 

   So, dont give up. If your server stinks, then simply switch servers. You get one free transfer when you first start. If you haven't used that transfer, then you still have it. You could ask around what servers have what guilds. There are several that would like to have new players. If you are NA server, guilds like nick at night, HATE and shield are all inclusive and will train people. If you want to want to just follow a commander that face rolls everyone, I suggest finding penguins or Op guild as they are good to follow, op is a bit picky and can be hard on newish players so you know. The Boys are closed for raid most of the time, but they have a really good warrior that pugmands allot, he is good to follow (and the boys have map banter that is really fun to listen to). 

 Just don't assume that commanders are all like that, there are plenty of great ones that dont mind if people are new. Of course they prefer that their team mates do not die, sometimes that does happen and fair commanders take that as a challenge for them to get better. 

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Sometimes the petty route is more fun when you encounter commanders with their sort of behaviour.  I would equip the Transfusion trait in blood, then every time the tags guildmates go down, teleport them to you with shroud 4 so the IoLs and banners miss.  Some commanders only care about their bag farm and do their best to make players quit the game mode, so they deserve this sort of thing.

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The moment your blood pressure starts rising. Trust your instincts. Think of blocking as an immune response. WvW is full of pathogens.

Ignorance really is bliss.

And don't sweat it. These are the sort of people that nobody wants turning up to the party. Your world will be a much better place without them in it.

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I'd say you're doing everything right except blocking other players. As you've pointed out, once you go down that road you just find yourself creating more problems to solve, more ppls to block. Instead, correctly identify other ppls problems as their problems, not yours, and enjoy your experience . . .

In literally thousands of hours of wvwing I've never felt the need to block a single soul and this perspective has served me well . . .

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13 hours ago, ShimmeryLuna.2475 said:

The issue started cropping up when I came back to WvW in the following days. Each time I would play (solo roaming only), someone in map chat would call me out by name and say how bad of a reaper/player I was

If your server is that childish and toxic then transfer to another server.

But you should ask here before which server have mostly normal people.
Like I wouldn't recommend to go to Fissure (EU).

When I play a new account my dps is terrible for a dps class too (the difference between exotic to ascended/legendary gear is like 5k damage for my same rotation/gameplay), but no-one's ever called me out on that.

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