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CM in the wizard's special tab

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Seriously Anet, this is absurd, its hard enough to get into any group, let alone a CM.

This is quite frankly the most absurd thing you've ever done, and thats an accomplishment, frankly it looks like you dont even play this game to do this.

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45 minutes ago, Aurora.9347 said:

Why.... most players have trouble getting into cm's, the communities gate keeps this crappy content locked un heavy requirements not having any chances to get in, so why put it in the special of the wizards vault... unbelievable, cm gives higher rewards already... it's supposed to be a stepping stone when a person has gotten a fair share of experience how many new players that recently reached end game are actually going to do the cm... ah screw it not like i'm playing the game much lately...

It's crappy content and you don't play the game much lately anyway yet it's unbelievable how unfair it is to put this super rewarding content that is so heavy gate kept into the WV special tab. Sounds like sour grapes. Don't pretend you're doing this thread for new players.

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It is a good stepping stone into some of the harder instanced content.  Some of us who regularly teach the strikes to people to the content are already talking about listing extra groups and training runs to help others through.

If you are new to this stuff, please don't jump straight into the EXP ONLY groups and think you can just blend in the background, respect everyone and the time they have.  It is also not helpful to join with "hi, DPS" before we get the other roles covered.  I know there is a fear of missing out is real, but it is really tiring on commanders keeping track and then possibly kicking people so basic roles are covered.

There are some good guides up and the wiki is up to date to have a basic idea of the mechanics before you start.  Be prepared to get on Discord, listening only is usually enough, so commanders can keep pressing their own skills while making call outs.  If you are new to this kind of thing please be patient.  Like a meta can be long when learning, it will likely take a few pulls and most new groups we teach will take about an hour to have a good run at it.


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As someone not really in the position to do CMs at all I'm shocked... that this is even a problem that some people feel the need to complain about. I'm actually surprised that ANET haven't done this sooner, it's a great extra incentive to get people into CMs and also reward those currently doing them with that little bit extra.

For the rest of us that can't/won't do them... we're losing next to nothing. 250AA doesn't matter too much if you're doing the dailies/weeklies/others. You'll get all the unique skins, all the extra and are therefore ultimately missing out on a few gold. 

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9 minutes ago, SoftPup.3048 said:

"CMs are too hard to get into!"
*Arenanet adds it as a vault objective, incentivizing more people to try it out, making groups easier to find*
"Oh no, now it will be easier to find groups for it"

I am happy for more people to try out CM's, but do you realize what these "easier to find" groups are going to look like? A lot of players battle with regular strikes. I don't even go to OLC regulars anymore because 1/2 are of the pugs are wipe fests. Now stick a CM strike into the wizard's vault and see what happens to LFG.

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I imagine it's a bit of an experiment. If they offer AA as a reward for doing the CM, how many more players will they see doing the CM for that AA? What about after the AA is claimed/no longer available? If the numbers look good to them, maybe Anet can justify more work on harder content again.

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1 hour ago, Aurora.9347 said:

Why.... most players have trouble getting into cm's, the communities gate keeps this crappy content locked un heavy requirements not having any chances to get in, so why put it in the special of the wizards vault... unbelievable, cm gives higher rewards already... it's supposed to be a stepping stone when a person has gotten a fair share of experience how many new players that recently reached end game are actually going to do the cm... ah screw it not like i'm playing the game much lately...

I mean if you are a new player who is interested in the end game, this is quite obviously what you should go ahead and do, right? It's a very good way to get a foot in the door.

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I legitimately can't tell if you're trolling or not but if you're serious then...lmao. CO CM is one of the easiest CMs in the game so it'll be fairly easy to complete. But even if you don't manage to find a group (or judging from your post, if you don't WANT to) it's just 250 OPTIONAL astral acclaim that you're missing out on.

I also find your claim that "cm gives higher rewards already" hilarious since the rewards for CO CM are pretty bad in my opinion.

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Give it a try first.
I exclusively play solo on GW2, I remember back when you had to complete whatever strike mission for the useless turtle mount I made my own party and we were done in less than 1h30 and three tries. I know that this is CM but it's supposedly the easiest one.

Was it fun? Not really. Did it make me play group content afterwards? No. But I was glad I gave it a try anyway. It's a game.

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