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Stop nerfing solutions to problems

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It's one of the biggest reason why boon ball meta is existing right now, pumping more buffs to supports and nerfing dps all together, zerker has been nerfed over 4 times counting up, and while boons keep getting buffed to the top now, recommended squad size is 30+ to fight the these boon blobs and gets higher the more strips and dps you nerf. No new wvw guild can fight these blobs regardless of skill discouraging them to not touch the game until they somehow manage 30 with a lot of supports, right now all you have to do is blob just to farm new players until they quit wvw to never come back.

Edited by The Shadow Wolf.9574
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10 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Anet nerfing the solution instead of the problem is sadly nothing new. 

Back in Hot, when condi was the meta and instead of nerfing condi, the nerfed access to resistance. 🧠

LamerNet creates gimmicks for wining dont expect clever and inteligent gameplay on metas.

Inteligent people for this developers are the players that accept anykind of mechanic that carries, that's how good gw2 got their bad reputation as well over time on PVP.. they dig their own hole due awfull ideology on the gimmick gameplay to performance.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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1 hour ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

LamerNet creates gimmicks for wining dont expect clever and inteligent gameplay on metas.

Inteligent people for this developers are the players that accept anykind of mechanic that carries, that's how good gw2 got their bad reputation as well over time on PVP.. they dig their own hole due awfull ideology on the gimmick gameplay to performance.

First off, if the game makes you that salty and upset, maybe take a break from it or go play something else? You don't have to keep playing a game you don't enjoy

Second, attacking the company directly like they're purposely trying to make the game terrible for specific people or reasons, is an outdated "argument" that holds no water. You don't have to like what's happening in the game, but try to be intelligent in what you say

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On 2/23/2024 at 4:29 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Don't complain, just consume.


I never said "Don't complain". Don't be that guy. But there's a difference between talking about things that are wrong with the game, and constantly complaining over and over and over again about nothing specific.

One is feedback, and the other makes people wonder why you're still playing if you don't even seem to like it in the first place.

One is productive, and the other is a waste of everyone's time and pulling attention from legitimate criticism.

Pointing this out doesn't make me a bootlicker, it just means I don't support blind anger and treating devs like they're out to get you.

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On 2/27/2024 at 11:43 PM, Toa Acrinn.9067 said:


Pointing this out doesn't make me a bootlicker, it just means I don't support blind anger and treating devs like they're out to get you.

I know ur right and every one know ur right but... sometimes a flip desk momment helps.

When u see the dev team making the same mistake over and over since the start of the game  that is the cause of the game problems and what could balance the game even with those problems is being removed where lots of players know that is also the problem to the game, while those dev's want perma max boons and pvd gameplay.

I  have been warning this guys since 2014 that the game would reach this state of overboon spammage were zergs barelly die since 2014 guess i was right.

Even a hamster if could talk mayyybe could do a better job or at least realize that this can be a path to even more problems.

But sadly carry blobs is what dev's want anyway, queue blob pvd...how great content.

EDIT: i talk directly to people, i dont put roses in my text, that's how every one speaks on my country with each other and no one gets offended, i dont care how people get offended by stating facts or what is happening  if i tell them what they are enforcing is a bad ideia and specially something that quite some players are complaining except the guilds that tell dev's on how they must win.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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Well, have you ever considered that... 



that what ArenaNet does is EXACTLY how they envision the game-mode and its balance?

This doesn´t mean that you have to agree on that vision. This doesn´t mean that anyone has to like what they´re doing. But it is ALSO NOT up to the players to decide what EVERYONE has to consider correct. Because the opinions massively vary.

ArenaNet is NOT, in any way, obligated to do what the players subjectively feel is right. They are not even obligated to do what objectively would be the correct choice. 

And while we can voice concerns about our PERSONAL thoughts, we (as players) are NOT in a position to decide. WE will have to accept what ArenaNet envisions on the game-mode and balance. And if it doesn´t fit our preferences.... WE will have to ADAPT. 


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On 3/1/2024 at 9:47 AM, Custodio.6134 said:

Well, have you ever considered that... 



that what ArenaNet does is EXACTLY how they envision the game-mode and its balance?

This doesn´t mean that you have to agree on that vision. This doesn´t mean that anyone has to like what they´re doing. But it is ALSO NOT up to the players to decide what EVERYONE has to consider correct. Because the opinions massively vary.

ArenaNet is NOT, in any way, obligated to do what the players subjectively feel is right. They are not even obligated to do what objectively would be the correct choice. 

And while we can voice concerns about our PERSONAL thoughts, we (as players) are NOT in a position to decide. WE will have to accept what ArenaNet envisions on the game-mode and balance. And if it doesn´t fit our preferences.... WE will have to ADAPT. 


Problem is they announced a manifesto at game launch announcing their vision which got everyone on-board, then went back on it.  The state of the game right now is quite frankly the opposite of what they announced.

There's literally a dev video about boons, specifically stating they designed boons as short term bonuses with VFX tells so that players wouldn't have to watch skill bar durations but rather those short bursts of power to win trades or execute their foe with overbearing force for a brief moment.

Now we have impossible-to-read VFX clutter that fails PEAT testing and borderline the only thing that matters being the state of opposing boon status bars.

If CoD suddenly dropped multiplayer to favor a stealth campaign mode, people would be equally confused and mad, no?

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1 hour ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:

Problem is they announced a manifesto at game launch announcing their vision which got everyone on-board, then went back on it.  The state of the game right now is quite frankly the opposite of what they announced.

There's literally a dev video about boons, specifically stating they designed boons as short term bonuses with VFX tells so that players wouldn't have to watch skill bar durations but rather those short bursts of power to win trades or execute their foe with overbearing force for a brief moment.

Now we have impossible-to-read VFX clutter that fails PEAT testing and borderline the only thing that matters being the state of opposing boon status bars.

If CoD suddenly dropped multiplayer to favor a stealth campaign mode, people would be equally confused and mad, no?

All boons, firebrand
All boons, firebrand again
All boons, chrono
All boons, vindicator
All boons, druid 
All boons, another chrono
All boons, vindicator, go China!
*squints* Wait. Hold up. Is that a core ranger, just regen and 3 might stacks?


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On 3/1/2024 at 9:47 AM, Custodio.6134 said:

Well, have you ever considered that... 



that what ArenaNet does is EXACTLY how they envision the game-mode and its balance?

This doesn´t mean that you have to agree on that vision. This doesn´t mean that anyone has to like what they´re doing. But it is ALSO NOT up to the players to decide what EVERYONE has to consider correct. Because the opinions massively vary.

ArenaNet is NOT, in any way, obligated to do what the players subjectively feel is right. They are not even obligated to do what objectively would be the correct choice. 

And while we can voice concerns about our PERSONAL thoughts, we (as players) are NOT in a position to decide. WE will have to accept what ArenaNet envisions on the game-mode and balance. And if it doesn´t fit our preferences.... WE will have to ADAPT. 


This is incredibly naive.

Anet has shown time and time again that they have absolutely no idea what they're doing with class balance. During the Tempest showcase back in the day, the dev playing had to turn on godmode to keep from dying during the stream.

They said there would be frequent balancing done after the Feb 2020 butchering patch, yet it was short-lived and were back to the same old sane old. 

Anet might have final say with what's in the patch notes, but they don't have final say when what they do creates such negative sentiment that players abandon the game and stop buying. If Anet makes the game so unbearable and miserable to play to the point that players stop playing, then they are absolutely obligated to do things as the players subjectively feel is right. 

If they want boonballs running around and we don't, then we stop playing and either they address that or the game mode dies and less players look at the gem store. 

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I actually thought they were following through on allot of what the players complain about. But of course there  hasn't been a a 3 day period that someone hasn't complained about something.

Ex: warriors banners are too strong nerf them some and them mobility, so they changed banners. When people saw warriors adapt to the change I guess they didn't like what they were seeing so they started complaining again. The next thing you know they remove the mobility and kept the nerfs, no more mass complaints about banner after that. 

My point is players are driving allot of what we see happening. Just can't please some people no matter what you do. they complain about defenders Anet took care of that, they started complaining about structure and siege strength, that was addressed, they started complaining about people still defending structures now few actually participate in building and maintaining siege and  structures, now they're complaining about gear, boons, balls and op this and op that.

To stay on topic players are driving the [nerfing-solutions-to-problems] thing that's happening now. All in the name of  trying to get a one up on the next man. Being skilled is one thing but being able to adapt to whatever someone throws your way and still be effective, is boss mode.

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14 minutes ago, Widebody.5071 said:

Ex: warriors banners are too strong nerf them some and them mobility, so they changed banners. When people saw warriors adapt to the change I guess they didn't like what they were seeing so they started complaining again. The next thing you know they remove the mobility and kept the nerfs, no more mass complaints about banner after that. 

My point is players are driving allot of what we see happening. Just can't please some people no matter what you do. they complain about defenders Anet took care of that, they started complaining about structure and siege strength, that was addressed, they started complaining about people still defending structures now few actually participate in building and maintaining siege and  structures

A certain group complained about that, guess what group, the same ones enjoying boon balling to the fullest, most of the defensive complaints are not even made in the forums.

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7 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

A certain group complained about that, guess what group, the same ones enjoying boon balling to the fullest, most of the defensive complaints are not even made in the forums.

Of course not nowadays, it's already been neutered. But when structure defense was a thang the forums stayed lit up, but let's stay in context and not get side tracked.

I just presented one example of why Anet seem to always "nerf solutions to problems", and again I say it's the players (unless these people have some type of relationship with Anet that most of us don't know about) that's driving most of it. It is what it is.  

Is Anet doing it on purpose? IDK I can't speak on that, I'm no mind reader, but I can read and comprehend  the English based American language.

No hate or malice to anyone just spitting the facts as presented to me.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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On 3/1/2024 at 6:47 AM, Custodio.6134 said:

Well, have you ever considered that... 



that what ArenaNet does is EXACTLY how they envision the game-mode and its balance?

This doesn´t mean that you have to agree on that vision. This doesn´t mean that anyone has to like what they´re doing. But it is ALSO NOT up to the players to decide what EVERYONE has to consider correct. Because the opinions massively vary.

ArenaNet is NOT, in any way, obligated to do what the players subjectively feel is right. They are not even obligated to do what objectively would be the correct choice. 

And while we can voice concerns about our PERSONAL thoughts, we (as players) are NOT in a position to decide. WE will have to accept what ArenaNet envisions on the game-mode and balance. And if it doesn´t fit our preferences.... WE will have to ADAPT. 


This is one of those statements that sounds profound but is basically a truism.  Of course people did what they were intending to do. Mostly everyone that's not under duress does that by default, so that's not anything special.

Yes, people cannot be forced to do something against their own will unless what they're doing is illegal or dangerous.  But like, is that really the type of conversation that should be had? Is it even relevant? It should be a given that yes, you can't just randomly take over businesses at a whim.

I mean yes, people are free to run their lives or businesses into the ground. That, however, is generally a outcome not desired by others that have a vested interest in these people and businesses.  That is why others will often give feedback or refuse to associate with people that do not attempt to address these issues. And in general, we expect most businesses and reasonable adults to be able to handle concerns in a certain manner. And, maybe, just maybe, resolve issues before they get out of hand and the relationship breaks down.

It's still within their right to go "lalalallala, you're not my real dad!", but you know, many would expect a somewhat more mature discourse than that.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 3/5/2024 at 2:04 PM, DeceiverX.8361 said:

Problem is they announced a manifesto at game launch announcing their vision which got everyone on-board, then went back on it.  The state of the game right now is quite frankly the opposite of what they announced.

There's literally a dev video about boons, specifically stating they designed boons as short term bonuses with VFX tells so that players wouldn't have to watch skill bar durations but rather those short bursts of power to win trades or execute their foe with overbearing force for a brief moment.

Now we have impossible-to-read VFX clutter that fails PEAT testing and borderline the only thing that matters being the state of opposing boon status bars.

If CoD suddenly dropped multiplayer to favor a stealth campaign mode, people would be equally confused and mad, no?

what manifesto and what video about boons? 

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On 2/24/2024 at 2:30 PM, Aeolus.3615 said:

Every communist favorite sentence.

Trust me i live in a socialist-communist country! 

is there even a truely socialist not even speaking of communist country currently? 😅 its also every capitalist countries favorite sentence. trust me i live in one! lmao

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