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Balance and development choices are making less and less sense to me.

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On 5/25/2024 at 5:36 AM, Yogurt Goblin.5934 said:

Well it seems like the balance team has decided to continue to deploy tactics that confuse and frighten me.
Maybe they'll get is right at some point and we can all rejoice.

That's just coping.

Last time things were good was nine years ago.

At the rate things are headed, there will be a decent number of players who weren't even born before the last legitimately good game state in the Specializations patch pre-HoT.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The game has no directions. It is game over and it is over for ever. Guild Wars (1) was the last Guild Wars focusing and pointing players direction to healthy fair fun competitive experience.

Balance developement ended with Guild Wars (1) and that is the ending of Guild Wars.

“No wind blows in favor of a ship without direction.”

In other word; every balancing has been pointing at the same direction-removing learning skills from the players by pressing one button and win.

The only solution that is left for The Community is to count our loss; nothing will change until the game direction is changed into a new direction by removing everything from the old direction.

Yes, I am talking about bringing Guild Wars 2 back the drawing board and starting over from sratch. (We are talking 13 years damage being done to the game and with having a game design that purposely designed to  go against the players experiences) 

For years, The Community has proven enough of our dedication, efforts, time and enerty to address every concerns of the game and are tired of fighting.

The Community has exhausted every emotions, feelings and complaints to Anet to change the direction of the game by putting the players full control of the game instead of having builds, design mechanic. skills, having design Philosophy to auto play pressing one button to win for them and having Design Favoritism in the game design to create a unhealthy uncounteractive gaming experience for them. 

The Community has exceedingly done more than enough of fighting for the game and have given more than enough of our Loyalty to posts concerns, written posts, threads, every evidences to change the direction of the game and to break the cycle of having the game auto play for the players instead of putting the players in control.

It come to realization over and over again; the best thing that ever happend in Guild Wars 2 was having a Great Community.

"Not All Battles Are Worth Fighting"

"Be with someone who will sit with you and say, "Let's fix this"


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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'Illusion mirage 45k sh pug'



illusions axe mirage 46.5k (conf 25+) without allies



'Power Willbender BIG BOMBER - [rL] "DIVING"'


Lessons for The Community, 


"Don’t fall for words, fall for efforts. When someone matters to us, we make efforts for them.

We make time for them.

We make them feel important.

We do all of that because we genuinely care about them. Not because we have to do it,

we do it because we want them to be happy and their happiness matters to us.

Just talking about efforts won’t make things right, actually giving efforts to make things right"

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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8 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


'Illusion mirage 45k sh pug'



illusions axe mirage 46.5k (conf 25+) without allies



'Power Willbender BIG BOMBER - [rL] "DIVING"'


Lessons for The Community, 


"Don’t fall for words, fall for efforts. When someone matters to us, we make efforts for them.

We make time for them.

We make them feel important.

We do all of that because we genuinely care about them. Not because we have to do it,

we do it because we want them to be happy and their happiness matters to us.

Just talking about efforts won’t make things right, actually giving efforts to make things right"

The first video, 

The only person who can archieve that DPS in real combat is him. I cannot find a second person. Illusions axe mirage is currently the hardest build in the game, it has the top DPS on golem but still least played class in raids and strikes about %0,27 playrate. 

The second video, 

That build is the same with first video but nerfed because of “meta-defining” with less than %1 playrate. 

The third video, 

I dont still understand why Wb didnt get nerf. It is known problem for a long time. I wont get surprised if Wb gets another buff with this mindset.

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On 5/12/2024 at 3:26 AM, otto.5684 said:

From PvE standpoint, over the past 2 years the devs brought a ton of stuff from the dead. Stuff that was ignored for years. Anyone remember things like how bad Herald was at everything?

IMO, is the issues in the last 3-4 balance patches is in homogenisation. Many of the uniques class elements were removed in favor of easy balancing. That + inflation resulted in much redundancy.

I think one of the solutions is to remove alacrity and quickness from being boons to being class specific buffs. I think that will go a long way in adding more variety.

I remember those days. Just before EoD, (In PvE) Herald, Spellbreaker, all thief especs, all elementalist especs, Reaper were dead specs. They made them alive. I dont forget. Also I remember I kicked many times from Fractal CMs parties just because I didnt have scourge. At that times, default fractal CM parties were set with 1 renegade, 1 firebrand and 3 scourges. Thanks to anet, they nerfed epidemic and we could play CMs after that. 

Also I remember Solar buffed mirage staff because he hated to use axe. At first patch, staff mirage was dealing 60k+ dps. And got nerfed every patch after it. 

I remember many good things done. Balance maybe better than 2 -3 years ago but asking better is our rights. Because they promised and they published balance philosophy manifesto. That is driving me crazy. They are not acting like they said.

Now, mirage has the top DPS on golem in Gw2, virtuoso has more than %17 playrates in instanced content but mirage is less than %0,3. They said they would not focus golem benchmark, mirage was dealing 47k DPS on golem, had less than %1 playrate and nerfed at couple months ago. Where is the balance here? Is this situation matching their philosophy?

Many specs got nerfed with stupid reason. Many people remember why Catalyst nerfed. Famous “meta-defining” phrase was coming from that catalyst nerf. (It had about %2 playrate as far I remember) 

And now, they released a “major” balance patch preview. Lets put out our heads from sand, this is not “Major” balance. 

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On 3/6/2024 at 9:32 PM, Yogurt Goblin.5934 said:

Balancing spec/builds by top dps on golem (dps that normal players don't achieve)

To be fair you can't balance on the average (or below average) without some top players absolutely wiping the floor, you really want some players pumping out 150k DPS just so the average is brought to 30-40k?

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I think most changes make some level of sense, PvE ones are largely based around dummies and/or whether or not something has a disproportionate playrate, PvP is based largely on monthly tournament performance except if you're unlucky and catch strays to weaker builds/traits/elites because a different one is overperforming, and WvW changes are based on trying to ignore Willbender, Harb, Cele and Boonballs for as long as possible.

What I find more confusing and frustrating is just how long unpopular/niche things go in one of said game modes without getting any sort of attention.

Warrior rifle is so bad that it's almost inevitable that spear makes it obsolete, gunflame builds haven't been good in pvp for ages, plenty of things do roughly equal damage, or at the very least enough damage, but are also filled with mobility/survivability/utility.
Renegade and Herald have been almost entirely absent from high level PvP for years now (most of Renegade's life and since EoD dropped for Herald) and yet there's just small changes if any? The Kalla rework clearly didn't help at all, the Herald buffs coming in the next patch are like, a couple % more damage and a small bit more healing at best.

Those are just the two classes I play the most but there's plenty of other examples.

It's hard to not get angry when the things you think are the most fun go years without changes, or get changes that effectively don't do anything. Make significant ones, rework them if they're problematic, it isn't fun to have to play way, way better and harder than someone just to sometimes lose anyways because their build is that much better than yours.

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I am one of the few people who can say the Devs listen. They have listened to suggestions from someone who said Corrupt Boon was too strong for removing ALL the boons from one player. They also listen when one player suggested the creation of a skill similar to an Ele Hex in GW1 (this became Torment) and they listened to several other things as well.

That said, Anet is going to do things based on numbers they see. We can't see those numbers so we don't know how they make their decisions. All we can do is ask for changes and explain logically why those changes make sense and hopefully, they agree.

As for me, I have tons of suggestions but I'm done thinking about GW2 and how it would be great to have this or that. All I do is play and take whatever is there.

I was one of the few who said that the change to Weapons being on all the professions would amount to nothing great happening at all. And several people were like "Pff, what you on about?" only for me to be proven correct. We're playing the same old builds just with a different weapon now.

If ANet really wants to shake the game up, give us 1 new trait for each tier of any Trait line. THEN you will see new builds. Or make it so that Elite specs aren't tied to their trait lines but can pick all core traitlines if they want. That would also increase build diversity. In any event, Devs can do what Devs want to do. I am only here temporarily anyways.

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18 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

To be fair you can't balance on the average (or below average) without some top players absolutely wiping the floor, you really want some players pumping out 150k DPS just so the average is brought to 30-40k?

I'm not even sure if or how Anet collects average dps metrics from players, but I assume they must have something in place. If they ever do balance for average dps instead of max for each spec, I would expect they target 10-12K dps, not 30-40K. Then your best players might be able to pump out 30-45K. I don't really see this as a reality, though.

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13 hours ago, Dirame.8521 said:

I was one of the few who said that the change to Weapons being on all the professions would amount to nothing great happening at all. And several people were like "Pff, what you on about?" only for me to be proven correct. We're playing the same old builds just with a different weapon now.


But how about them relics, eh? They surely shifted up those runes/relic combos and opened up more buildcraft, right?

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12 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

But how about them relics, eh? They surely shifted up those runes/relic combos and opened up more buildcraft, right?

Funny enough, relics are better. Not all, just a handful. They are like an extra trait. They caused me to make a build that uses Bed of nails on my engie and I have never used Bed of Nails for anything other than annoyance. And as I type this I have come with another build using Relic of Akeem which I have never attempted before.

If only they would allow us to pick 2. Now that would be a ruckus for new builds.

Sadly, they are being too conservative with relics. Relics like Peitha could be fun if they just made the CD 1-2secs instead of 4 so thieves could exploit it, or even any class that can spam TP. And having weak relics activate on Elite activation is quite a bit meh.

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On 6/17/2024 at 7:31 AM, Shagie.7612 said:

Warrior rifle is so bad

My current opinion is that the current consensus on Rifle is wrong unless we are talking PvE. I have been having good success with it as both BladeS and SpellB (and I use Sword/dagger as well). Those extra evades are extra annoying for the opponent. I used it at the beginning of a PvP Conquest season and went straigth to Platinum. If I had 1 build that was off-meta that could take on nearly any other build (except for reflectception-eles) it would be that build. It was actually the guys on the Warrior forum that helped me come up with the idea as well.

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12 hours ago, Dirame.8521 said:

Funny enough, relics are better. Not all, just a handful. They are like an extra trait. They caused me to make a build that uses Bed of nails on my engie and I have never used Bed of Nails for anything other than annoyance. And as I type this I have come with another build using Relic of Akeem which I have never attempted before.

If only they would allow us to pick 2. Now that would be a ruckus for new builds.

Sadly, they are being too conservative with relics. Relics like Peitha could be fun if they just made the CD 1-2secs instead of 4 so thieves could exploit it, or even any class that can spam TP. And having weak relics activate on Elite activation is quite a bit meh.

I tend to agree on the relic side, but the rune side I'm still ambivalent about. Also, they removed some good rune effects and didn't replace them with relics during the transition. Overall, I think the whole thing was like 1 step back and 1.5 steps forward which is kind of odd for an expansion release. 

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"Today is the day i publicly release this beast into wvw, this is disgusting and rumours are its getting nerfed very soon, let me know what you think, do you think it deserves a nerf or its intended?!. I speak a little bit about how the build works including some options and tips etc etc depending on the situation, go crazy go n*ts enjoy!"

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 6/17/2024 at 8:31 AM, Shagie.7612 said:

I think most changes make some level of sense


and WvW changes are based on trying to ignore Willbender, Harb, Cele and Boonballs for as long as possible.


Hahahaha, it is painful how true this is. Ostritch balance. No wonder the most obvious problems don't get fixed.

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