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WvW World Restructuring Beta Feedback and Future

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46 minutes ago, Nidome.1365 said:

Skrittsburgh v Mirror of Lyssa v Frost Citadel:
So far Mirror of Lyssa has more numbers 24/7 than the other two sides put together - I thought WR was meant to give parity in numbers?
Sort it out or roll us back to Servers because I haven't seen such a numerically unbalanced MU for years.

I feel you - our guild is on Mirror of Lyssa. and we have some nice hardcore GvG guilds with us. But this happened in the last beta when WSR went to the bottom Tier. Dont worry - in the next few weeks youll get fairer matchups with the weekly resets. This is what you should expect when you look to go from 5 Tiers to 6 tiers! I am still positive this will be an amazing restructure. Hold Tight...


Reminder to all - Theres a lot of new player coming into WvW and returning players. Please avoid the toxicity and treat them well. Lets maintain it as a well flourished WvW community. As later we will just that with the PvP community.


I like to re-iterate to the Anet Devs - getting UI to show which guild members have set the WvW guild as their 'WvW guild' to stay with you at relink would save so much time and hassle for us WvW leaders to remind people and to purge members that don't wish to follow you. I am thankful to customer support in helping a few stragglers in our guild get moved over to correct World to team up with us.


Keep up the good work ANet. We appreciate you.

As for alliances, personally - in my opinion, I'm not a fan, never was and probably never will be, with people complaining that there 500 strong main 'alliance' GUILD is not teamed up with their second big 'alliance' Guild already just proves people have already been duped that the unfair bandwagoning continues and that we dont need to actually play the wvw matchup game with an alliances system. Id rather not see the extra alliances UI if many people arent yet used to 500 man guilds to play WvW with! 

Edited by asha.4159
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YEAH SCRAP this new WVW it sucks. Go back to the old way and bring back my old world of ANVIL ROCK.  CAN'T play with alot of my friends who play casually in the game, because they are on all different worlds, because they didn't pick a specific guild for wvw.  I want the old way back and screw this season of however many weeks it is. BRING THE OLD WVW BACK ASAP

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20 minutes ago, asha.4159 said:

I feel you - our guild is on Mirror of Lyssa. and we have some nice hardcore GvG guilds with us. But this happened in the last beta when WSR went to the bottom Tier. Dont worry - in the next few weeks youll get fairer matchups with the weekly resets. This is what you should expect when you look to go from 5 Tiers to 6 tiers! I am still positive this will be an amazing restructure. Hold Tight...


Reminder to all - Theres a lot of new player coming into WvW and returning players. Please avoid the toxicity and treat them well. Lets maintain it as a well flourished WvW community. As later we will just that with the PvP community.


I like to re-iterate to the Anet Devs - getting UI to show which guild members have set the WvW guild as their 'WvW guild' to stay with you at relink would save so much time and hassle for us WvW leaders to remind people and to purge members that don't wish to follow you. I am thankful to customer support in helping a few stragglers in our guild get moved over to correct World to team up with us.


Keep up the good work ANet. We appreciate you.

The issue isn't quality it is numbers - WR was advertised as sorting out server imbalance in numbers. It hasn't. The only reason that MoL is winning is that it has more people that the other two sides put together at every hour of the day.

This isn't good work and certainly nothing to be appreciated. This player imbalance is toxic and will kill WvW quicker than anything that has gone before.

You will only get fairer matchups if you have parity in numbers. The only reason you are enjoying this is because you are winning, the only reason you are winning is that you are blobbing everyone. in the few fights where the blob has split and only outnumbered 3v2 MoL have usually lost the fights. They just assaulted green keep on EB with at least 3v1 ratio and it took them an hour to take it and half of that was in the lords room (green had outnumbered buff).

The entire purpose of WR was to sort out server population imbalance in matchups - so far it hasn't don't that, it has made it worse.

Edited by Nidome.1365
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2 minutes ago, Nidome.1365 said:

The issue isn't quality it is numbers - WR was advertised as sorting out server imbalance in numbers. It hasn't. The only reason that MoL is winning is that it has more people that the other two sides put together at every hour of the day.

This isn't good work and certainly nothing to be appreciated. This player imbalance is toxic and will kill WvW quicker than anything that has gone before.

You will only get fairer matchups if you have parity in numbers. The only reason you are enjoying this is because you are winning, the only reason you are winning is that you are blobbing everyone. in the few fights where the blob has split and only outnumbered 3v2 MoL have usually lost the fights. They just assaulted green keep on EB with at least 3v1 ratio and it took them an hour to take it and half of that was in the lords room (green had outnumbered buff).

Ive considered your point, but dont judge the system after 2 EU evenings. lets see how the rest of the week pans out, ive seen matchups seriously changes when mid-weekdays hit.

Reset was evenly matched numbers, in fact i was in GBL for a few hours late friday night and infact we were outnumbered in places. What i did see a guild group and our open tag rip through your blobs/ guild teams attacking/defending objectives. infact someone commented that a guild on Frost, 15ish of them were ploughing through a 35-40 man blob on Skritts!

So the players are there - maybe they just not logging into wvw - its common people log off wvw when it becomes a struggle or they wipe a few times - especially if the tag is getting toxicity from their own world, theyll just log off! (this is my assumption- but i have seen this happen time and time again - perks of tagging up at times - you roll with the punches!).

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3 hours ago, asha.4159 said:

Dont worry - in the next few weeks youll get fairer matchups with the weekly resets. This is what you should expect when you look to go from 5 Tiers to 6 tiers! I am still positive this will be an amazing restructure. Hold Tight...

Yeah but then what was the point of WR if we end up having the same basic population structure as before the change, maps are being outnumbered, uneven time zones, blobs running  no challenge over maps, fairer match up as you go down? so just tanking to get easier matches as usual? a lower tier world can't compete with a higher tier one, what was the point of the change then? We're redistributing players to get more "balanced" matchups, but the inner workings of wvw are looking exactly the same, just different names... 🤷‍♂️

The scoring changes better include more ppk, the blobs need to get pushed their way up the tiers.

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3 hours ago, asha.4159 said:

 ive seen matchups seriously changes when mid-weekdays hit.


The reason for mid week changes is usually when the bigger side gets bored of roflstomping everyone though for the most part, or people on weekend got their fill.

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10 hours ago, asha.4159 said:

I feel you - our guild is on Mirror of Lyssa. and we have some nice hardcore GvG guilds with us. But this happened in the last beta when WSR went to the bottom Tier. Dont worry - in the next few weeks youll get fairer matchups with the weekly resets. This is what you should expect when you look to go from 5 Tiers to 6 tiers! I am still positive this will be an amazing restructure. Hold Tight.

So literally exactly the same as before just with the point that Anet destroyed the server communities for this. Good job Anet, i guess.


Player participation will hit a rock bottom over the next few weeks. There is even less incentive for small guilds and single players to play wvw since you have even more unbeatable organized boon balls running around now than before. Then we won´t talk about 5 or 6 tiers for EU, it will be more like 4 or 5 so that maps aren´t completely dead outside of maybe one or two hours in the evening when the boon balls fight each other (in case boon ball B doesn´t dodge boon ball A for a week, because boon ball A can just field way more numbers / has higher skill cap and just W over boon ball B)

Edited by lindstroem.3601
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Completely ruined WvW to the point it isn't fun to play.  Last night I didn't see the outnumbered buff go away once.  When we finally had enough people to organize and put up a fight, two large guilds on the opposing factions joined together and camped the starting Keep.  Absolutely zero clue what sort of balancing they did, but it is abysmal.  WvW was the only reason I played GW2, at this rate I'm just going to move to another game.   No point in playing unless you are in a massive guild.

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Im not a fan of the boon balls tanky cele meta 3/5 supports per party - zerg meta is boring right now. havoking and roaming is so fun though, albeit at the moment everyone is following any tag making it a 20+ man blob unless you go closed/ hidden tag. 

How can Anet account for the instant population increase 250-300%(complete guess) and balance it in the first relink when anet wouldnt know the skill level of the new and returning players and how fast and how well they press buttons and move at the sametime.... aswell as follow the tag for boon upkeep! 😛

Theres more chance the old pockets of the toxic community will push the new and returning players away from this gamemode than this world restructuring anet has done.

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17 hours ago, Nidome.1365 said:

I thought WR was meant to give parity in numbers?

If larger guilds deliberately reduce their playing time in WvW before the player activity calculation, the new system can probably be manipulated in some way because more players are assigned to a team than would be correct for balanced numbers.

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I see absolutely no improvement over previous server systems. Now I gonna have to update my ignore list with people from team chat constantly, because the old ignore list is now fairly obsolete. 
Adding new queue bug on the level of old PvE queue system where you spam join button and hope for the best ... that really does not help the enjoyment of the new wvw. 

It is hard to predict what we will get after 6 weeks of the current matchup, but even 4 weeks are way too long. I could imagine if the guilds instead of teams could be moved up or down the tiers based on contributions and shuffle teams every week instead of every 4 weeks. Even if that would basically kill any public play and center everything around big guilds .. but perhaps that was the intention ???

I probably missed it, but what was the intention of this beta / server system removal? Help people who picked wrong server and refuse to spend money on moving? Fixing bad population limits so that you cannot move 200 people from guild even if you wanted to? 

Instead of "community will come together" it will be more like "elitist alliance guilds will be annoyed by the amount of returning casuals who want the fresh experience (and new gift of battle for starter kit #4 

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If I was a developer I will be ashamed, this week is a total fail, a completely unbalance match up, where one server totally dominate the other two, the normal state is outnumbered.
Is sad when I pay for the game and people that do a lousy job like this receive money for it (my money).
I'm not a random player, I'm in the game since beta and play 95% of the time in WvWvW.

There is no future with people like this working for Anet.

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On 6/16/2024 at 3:23 AM, asha.4159 said:

 Dont worry - in the next few weeks youll get fairer matchups with the weekly resets.

This is the problem, shouldnt be a weeks queue to have fun, since they manually made the matches.

Also dont expect WvW pop to grow considering this matchmaking, i'm pretty postitive is going to lose numbers after everyone relizes how umbalanced it is atm


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1 hour ago, Gud.6829 said:

i'm a new player, i understand now that I am to act as fodder for boon balls because the balance sheet says its better match making?

Welcome to WvW, but it has nothing to do with restructuring. This has been the case the before, even years ago, when I started WvW. Until you find a guild or decided that you rather wanna gank or roam, or maybe wanna support as a scout, there is a learning curve, and the game doesn't handhold at all. You have to figure it out yourself.

There is a certain freedom to this unguided approach to a game mode, and it does come with downsides, and I don't think these can be adressed through mechanical means. I can only say I hope you stay around, find some people to hang on to and show the ropes.

Now as for world restructuring ... population and team balance (ppk vs ppt, etc.) I hope World Restructuring will give us some more freedom. At least now we have the chance to change teams every ~4 weeks, and the overall guild size is smaller. It hurt some communities, but on the other hand offers more chances to mix and create teams.

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1 hour ago, nthmetal.9652 said:

Welcome to WvW, but it has nothing to do with restructuring.

Really? Becasue before this I could have skirmishes with folks on the server who knew when to avoid zergs.  New set up, no identity we're just drones, so kitten that, I'll play a game that doesn't see me as fodder for zerg players

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1.  too many big alliances so some of the shards are mostly just pugs.  Need to reduce alliance size since there is not enough wvw guilds.

2 change 5 tiers back to 4 and make eotm playable again since most of the queues are on reset only.

3 need real reward system

4 need transfer system

5 weely relink, nobody is going to sit thru 6 weeks of bad link.

Edited by Crystalreves.3965
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3 minutes ago, Crystalreves.3965 said:

2 change 5 tiers back to 4 and make eotm playable again since most of the queues are on reset only.

Imo just remove eotm from its own mode and put it into to normal wvw in place of one of the alpine borderlands.

Would be awesome to have a reason to play that map again in a real mode. I loved that map.

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27 minutes ago, Gud.6829 said:

Really? Becasue before this I could have skirmishes with folks on the server who knew when to avoid zergs.  New set up, no identity we're just drones, so kitten that, I'll play a game that doesn't see me as fodder for zerg players

You said you were new, but you're somehow attached to your server?

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

the match making hasn't had a single skirmish end yet to properly sort matchmaking.

There's been 32 skirmishes since reset.  You're referring to matches.  Please improve.

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