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All the boon rip nerfs have completely killed any desire I once had to play wvw

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I get it, guilds would get worn down by clouds and they didnt like that. But not having a counter to boonball is awful for actual gameplay. Large scale fights are pointless and boring. The counter to boonball is to have a bigger boonball. Small scale is still small scale and wont ever be remotely balanced. So if you dont run with a boonball squad basically your options are trolling people on thief or ranger or picking off people in the boonball that have fallen asleep and got left behind.

Buff WoD. Like... talk about the most nerfed skill in the game. You can literally w key through like 5 of these now and it doesnt matter. WoD used to be such a fun skill to use and play around. It was an actual way to create area denial and stop mindless w key pushes.

Buff ghastly breach for the same reason.

Give other elite skills like 1000 cuts or FGS boon rip.

Give ele literally any boon rip.

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The best chose would be just add in an boon strip relic that strips boons in aoe base off of applying an condi type or landing an crit on say an 5-10 sec cd per target. Tieing an boon trip to hard cc never works well as you want to strip stab more then any thing else. Elite skill are too min max for cd same for healing effects.

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

I get it, guilds would get worn down by clouds and they didnt like that. But not having a counter to boonball is awful for actual gameplay. Large scale fights are pointless and boring. The counter to boonball is to have a bigger boonball. Small scale is still small scale and wont ever be remotely balanced. So if you dont run with a boonball squad basically your options are trolling people on thief or ranger or picking off people in the boonball that have fallen asleep and got left behind.

Buff WoD. Like... talk about the most nerfed skill in the game. You can literally w key through like 5 of these now and it doesnt matter. WoD used to be such a fun skill to use and play around. It was an actual way to create area denial and stop mindless w key pushes.

Buff ghastly breach for the same reason.

Give other elite skills like 1000 cuts or FGS boon rip.

Give ele literally any boon rip.

A-net: We hear your concerns, buuut... have you seen our new skins in gem store?

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Anet does NOT want boon strip to equal boon application.  Because if it did, pugs might beat guild groups more often.  Losing to pugs consistently kills guilds.  Guilds dying equates to people leaving the game.  Anet would rather babysit guilds with boon-sharing, instant resses, easy keep/tower takes then to actually balance the game and make skill matter.  It's almost certain the boons are what is causing most of the skill lag in big fights, but that's ok as long as guilds can stand in a pile of 50 pressing 1 and boons and auto-win fights.

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1 hour ago, quake.9023 said:


Your response left a lack of one. Want to expand on what it is? I suggest FW2 to all in game, but your lack makes me say hmmm. What is your point? OP made one, you...well you did not. So would you like to enumerate? 

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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16 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

Anet does NOT want boon strip to equal boon application.  Because if it did, pugs might beat guild groups more often.  Losing to pugs consistently kills guilds.  Guilds dying equates to people leaving the game.  Anet would rather babysit guilds with boon-sharing, instant resses, easy keep/tower takes then to actually balance the game and make skill matter.  It's almost certain the boons are what is causing most of the skill lag in big fights, but that's ok as long as guilds can stand in a pile of 50 pressing 1 and boons and auto-win fights.

Ye cause it takes so much skill to grief into scrim spots freecasting and spamming corruption from the side on 2 guilds that want to have a clean 20 v 20.

Or having mentally challenged pugs that nuthug guilds making a 35 v 20. Instead of leaving guilds to fight it alone.

Pugs Vs enemy blob ? Yes pliz more corruption for that thank you.

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37 minutes ago, MysteryDude.1572 said:

Ye cause it takes so much skill to grief into scrim spots freecasting and spamming corruption from the side on 2 guilds that want to have a clean 20 v 20.

Or having mentally challenged pugs that nuthug guilds making a 35 v 20. Instead of leaving guilds to fight it alone.

Pugs Vs enemy blob ? Yes pliz more corruption for that thank you.

Pro Tip:
Don't scrim in a borderland.

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7 hours ago, urd.8306 said:

Pro Tip:
Don't scrim in a borderland.

We had someone yell at us for defending because they were trying to GvG inside garrison.  Ours.  The other guild was stacked killing the lord, but sure, that's the best place and time to GvG.  We're sorry we interrupted.

Edited by MedievalThings.5417
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7 minutes ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

We had someone yell at us for defending because they were trying to GvG inside garrison.  Ours.  The other guild was stacked killing the lord, but sure, that's the best place and time to GvG.  We're sorry we interrupted.

Should've yelled back garrison is not their personal scrimmage toilet and go petty lady-slap each other in EotM arena. 😉

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1 hour ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

We had someone yell at us for defending because they were trying to GvG inside garrison.  Ours.  The other guild was stacked killing the lord, but sure, that's the best place and time to GvG.  We're sorry we interrupted.







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Idk sometimes people can get pretty delusional and get mad when they realize they can't enforce their own version of the game. I mean everyone laughs at pepegas for getting mad their duels outside a keep get interrupted; this is just a large scale version of the same thing.

Though I think it's pretty funny when they don't want pugs following them and go visible when they realize they can't do it alone, and then go back invisible once the pugs have outlived their usefulness. It's whatever is convenient for reasoning.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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9 hours ago, Caille.7214 said:

CMC and Roy have effectively killed wvw with the boonball meta.

on top of idiotic buffs to their p2w professions, p2w relics etc.

The gvg mentality killed it. The moment the game lost any incentive to defend a tier2+ structure, because farming people gives more war score the whole idea of wvw died.
I said before I'm not against GvG, but you can't expect people in a borderland to respect those. There are tons of places where you can do those and sit on each others faces while pressing buttons and shitting out boons.
The game has become too simple and dumbed down into blobs where the only counter is another blob and hoping someone falls asleep and forgets to press a button.
I liked the times when you could actually fight of blobs with good siege placement and a group of coordinated roamers/small groups that punished bad gameplay. No the only gameplay is stacking meta classes and sitting on top of each other or using pulls to get some randoms off or through walls.

kitten, I never thought I miss the times when commanders could get sniped and pulled into their death, because it felt it was stupid, but the actual content is way more stupid than that ever was.

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Fighting anything is literally pointless if you dont have a boonball tag to follow. Cloud is dead. Roaming been dead for like 8 years. Small scale is just farming zerg pugs that are running back from spawn because they cant do anything vs large groups. Never playing this gamemode again. GG anet. I guess guilds that just want to sit in keeps farming pve pugs doing their dailies finally got their way.

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10 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Fighting anything is literally pointless if you dont have a boonball tag to follow. Cloud is dead. Roaming been dead for like 8 years. Small scale is just farming zerg pugs that are running back from spawn because they cant do anything vs large groups. Never playing this gamemode again. GG anet. I guess guilds that just want to sit in keeps farming pve pugs doing their dailies finally got their way.

Some yes, some no. Roaming dead for 8, that's an outright no in my books. Maybe I am just stubborn.

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Aah, a zombie!

lol, Roam still. Even opened a Havoc tag this week to see how many would be welcome to it. Was an interesting week and what came next. 😉 Was fun even when I warned them they would die. Yet a good time was had.

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They've definitely killed it with all the heals, boons, and BARRIER. The amount of barrier you can keep up in a blob is disgusting. First scourge, now scrapper. And they've been continiously nerfing boon strip while giving more boons for the last few patches. Transfution after the nerf is still powerful when you can just stack more scourges. There's only two good DPS that's holo and zerker that can reliably pierce through all that sustain. Maaaybe a god tier gamer DPS staff ele/DH but that's on the player. Compare that variety to support choices, what the hell is going on with the balance team? Roaming has been dead for years, and they just killed clouding. The only viable gameplay left is boonball and it's not even fun when two boonballs practically stack on top of each other while nothing happens because of the sustain we are able to maintain.

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Why ppl cry about boon strips? It was too much and now it looks better, since players who want to play together now can win from players who doesn`t want to play together. It is cooperative mode, and players which runs together and supports each other should have more benefits than selfish pugs randomly casting from around.

There is only 1 thing that arena net should do with boons - applied boons from ally in group shouldn`t be removable at all and shouldn`t be corruptable so group have more benefits. Maybe some traits at 10k rank for boon duration and ability to save boons forever if random pugs without squad trying to remove it from you. Also there is should be traits/perks in wvw which allows you take about 90% less damage from players (without squad) with lower rank than you, and provide more damage to players (without squad) with lover rank than you (+200% for example) - this could fix a lot of problems with wvw.

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2 hours ago, Nova.6084 said:

They've definitely killed it with all the heals, boons, and BARRIER. The amount of barrier you can keep up in a blob is disgusting. First scourge, now scrapper. And they've been continiously nerfing boon strip while giving more boons for the last few patches. Transfution after the nerf is still powerful when you can just stack more scourges. There's only two good DPS that's holo and zerker that can reliably pierce through all that sustain. Maaaybe a god tier gamer DPS staff ele/DH but that's on the player. Compare that variety to support choices, what the hell is going on with the balance team? Roaming has been dead for years, and they just killed clouding. The only viable gameplay left is boonball and it's not even fun when two boonballs practically stack on top of each other while nothing happens because of the sustain we are able to maintain.

Do not complain about game, srsl.

I did not believed discords that u get banned here for doing so, but it's true, I got temporally suspended and bunch of my posts got deleted for complaining about meta.

Do not post such things as u did now, they label it as inappropriate content 

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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4 hours ago, Kyon.4810 said:

Why ppl cry about boon strips? It was too much and now it looks better, since players who want to play together now can win from players who doesn`t want to play together. It is cooperative mode, and players which runs together and supports each other should have more benefits than selfish pugs randomly casting from around.

There is only 1 thing that arena net should do with boons - applied boons from ally in group shouldn`t be removable at all and shouldn`t be corruptable so group have more benefits. Maybe some traits at 10k rank for boon duration and ability to save boons forever if random pugs without squad trying to remove it from you.

Also there is should be traits/perks in wvw which allows you take about 90% less damage from players (without squad) with lower rank than you, and provide more damage to players (without squad) with lover rank than you (+200% for example) - this could fix a lot of problems with wvw.

This whole post...... is "weak"... to say that "nicely".

Cooperative mode, doesn't literally mean everyone needs to run with 49 bodyguards, doesn't literally mean wvw needs to be only about support spamming boon blobs. It's also a pvp mode, which means there should be counters to every action, there is no reason why groups should have a huge advantage running support, certainly not when they already have player numbers and damage cap advantages also.

The perks for ranked over those of lower rank, is one of the biggest lmao suggestions I've seen in here. Perma boons, take 90% less damage, and do 200% more to lesser ranked not in a squad? You do know you can do one person squads right? riiiight? You ain't fixing anything with this. Sounds like someone gets ganked often and needs more protection when the 49 bodyguards aren't around. 🙄

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On 3/28/2024 at 12:35 PM, urd.8306 said:

The gvg mentality killed it.

In the absence of a proper GvG stage (see GW1), they have to abuse the WvW for it. 😞

It's too late now anyway. The people who have a different definition of wvw than me are now the majority.

After nerfing my dps meta class out of meta, I too switched to support and just fill the boonball 😑
(when there's no hard content I still play my old wvw char - fk the meta)

Edited by Lucy.3728
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