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The "fun" for me at the moment, is to down someone and then chase their teleport hacking downstate body across the map trying to kill them before they just teleport to spawn to avoid death.  It's like a mini-game, that I have to play daily because they have no anti-cheat software running.

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2 hours ago, random.9803 said:

A show of hands who think WvW is a fun mode to play ,

I do else I wouldn't play.

2 hours ago, random.9803 said:

with the invulnerable boon blobs

I try and improvise here and adjust as I can to deal with.

2 hours ago, random.9803 said:

with no means of defence .

Again not happy but try and do what I can. That may mean adjusting, dealing with, attacking, even encouraging roamers to tag and pugmand. If you enjoy the mode, you do what you need to do and see where it takes you. That said, not a bad issues to bring up in FW2 so +1 from me! Stubborn is as stubborn does.

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Well, I'm just taking a break from WvW now. I did enjoy it but not all the time and in the end the boonball situation made me ask myself if it was still fun for me. The fact that I'm taking a break should tell you what that answer was. Now it wasn't just the boonball situation but also the recent siege and supply changes, effectively making defending an objective a lot harder and attacking an objective has become much easier than it already was. I guess attackers are considered dumb by Anet? So for me the combination of those two things just made it unfun for me.


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5 hours ago, random.9803 said:

A show of hands who think WvW is a fun mode to play , with the invulnerable boon blobs with no means of defence .

I'd like a meta that doesn't consist of 3 minstrel supporters spamming boons.

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-raises hand-

I usually simply avoid zergs and go roam somewhere. I get absolutely no enjoyment out of zerging, boons or no boons.

Or I use zergs as meat shields to get fun fights at the edge...or just pick people off. Or I go kill runbacks. Or I go cap some camps, kill some yaks, etc. while fighting some roamers.

I absolutely hate the boonblob but there are so many other ways to play the game. Step out of the zerg.

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5 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Watching all those big damage numbers pop as a blob pushes into my Prime Light Beam is ASMR even if it only ends up generating 2 kills total.

Big damage? You actually hit something? Usually it's block, evade, invuln, 0, or out of range

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18 hours ago, random.9803 said:

A show of hands who think WvW is a fun mode to play...

- happily raises hand -
My WvW guild runs 2 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and I run with then as much as I can because it's fun. We win some fights and lose other fights while attacking and defending across the various maps. A good fight, whether we win or lose, is enjoyable for me. The real fun though, the reason I keep playing WvW are my guildmates. We like hanging out with each other and we have a lot of fun doing so.

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1 hour ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

roflmao - My guild doesn't run a boon ball. We aren't even comped. I'm not shrugging because I do have fun in WvW even though we are not boon ballers. 🤣

Quit that nonsense.  Everyone is a boonballer these days if you aren't "solo roaming".

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On 4/1/2024 at 2:01 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Ok, all my FW2 friends, agree its complicated. Sadly we approach Monday. Hope your bags were full. To those I got killed, I warned you in advance. Lets see what the new week holds. Good hunting!

We see you Grimm, and maybe we'll have the chance to kill you and ofc, throw some catas (no cheap crap for a men of your stature ;).

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4 hours ago, disForm.2837 said:

We see you Grimm, and maybe we'll have the chance to kill you and ofc, throw some catas (no cheap crap for a men of your stature ;).

Please don't throw the Walmart siege, put them up on the AH so we can buy and convert them to the Guild siege. Need to get that exchange going again while on a new link, Sup Siege for blue siege, helps everyone out.

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On 4/1/2024 at 8:01 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

To those I got killed, I warned you in advance.

Gosh, how nice of you.

I never get warned beforehand, I just get nuked. (Or dragged over a cliff by a funny necro.)

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2 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Gosh, how nice of you.

I never get warned beforehand, I just get nuked. (Or dragged over a cliff by a funny necro.)

lol, was more of a joke to when pugmanding. I have a bad habit of attacking more than I should when I solo, it doesn't get better when I tag, so I try and warn others that I will get them killed but if we fight, we fight. As I tell my guild, Keep our stuff, take theirs, kill them. 🙂 

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10 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

I don't enjoy zerging at all


I am not sure what the reference is to. But considering the number of times we cross swords while roaming or in a Havoc action.....zerg, not a word I would apply to you or your group personally.

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I still love wvw, frequently find myself milking session sometimes for an hour or more past my intended stop time . . .

But as others have mentioned that may be due to my avoidance of group play . . .

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If you have a boon ball as well, the defending boon ball will win the fight 99% of the time. So there is easy means of defence.

Should gates/walls be stronger and siege do more damage to siege? Yes! Should defender win every fight? No!

So it is just that balance is bad. Boonballs beat boonballs. Of course while defending, even something like group of staff catalysts usually suffice to hold an objective. It just feels boonballs are unstoppable because 1 good player isn't enough.

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7 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

If you have a boon ball as well, the defending boon ball will win the fight 99% of the time. So there is easy means of defence.

Should gates/walls be stronger and siege do more damage to siege? Yes! Should defender win every fight? No!

So it is just that balance is bad. Boonballs beat boonballs. Of course while defending, even something like group of staff catalysts usually suffice to hold an objective. It just feels boonballs are unstoppable because 1 good player isn't enough.

May I ask? BB vs BB defending wins per above. But what do you see when BB vs More and not defending? What are you seeing on that side?

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