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WTF is Anet doing to WvW?

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On 5/15/2024 at 4:53 AM, KrHome.1920 said:

This is still a game. People play games to make progress in one way or another. It does not make sense to apply real life rules here. Stalled fights are not fun for anyone. Players are getting the  feeling of wasting life time which eventually leads to quitting the game.

Yeah, getting curbstomped by a group of boon-vomiting droolers is more fun than stalled fights for sure.

It's a keep. It's a castle. Attacking defensible positions SHOULD be hard.

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On 5/14/2024 at 9:33 AM, Arrow Blade of El Elyon.9341 said:

The changes;

The May 21 update also brings some quality-of-life and balance adjustments, largely in response to the feedback we’ve been monitoring since our last round of changes on April 16. We’re continuing to observe the impact of recent changes and expect to iterate more on WvW systems in future updates.

  • The health bar for objective lords will now be displayed in the event UI, making their status much easier to track. Pro tip: clicking the lord’s health bar in the event UI will make them your active target. Works for PvE events, too!
  • Siege disruptors will now be unblockable.
  • We’re increasing the base-level and tier 3 supply capacities for keeps by 50 and increasing the amount of supply granted by the Supply Drop tactic by 100 to add some power back to defending.
  • The Chilling Fog tactivator now heals allied players every few seconds for its duration instead of chilling enemy players.

    Well, at-least we tried 🙂

Well in that case... it's high-time I uninstall. Was a fun 11yrs and no, no one will have my gold.

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8 hours ago, cyberzombie.7348 said:

Well in that case... it's high-time I uninstall. Was a fun 11yrs and no, no one will have my gold.

Not happy either. 

But don't go there.

I like my server, we are a rag tag bunch of peeps, organized, lol, kitten no. Will we end with a Comm guild, probably no. Do I still like them, yes. So if in the same state be ready to ride the whirlwind, else find comm guilds, larger guilds or just be set for the vortex. Else be ready for the mix and form up from there. 6/14, good hunting all!

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On 5/15/2024 at 2:37 PM, Anov.4237 said:

Does Devs play this gamemode?

I pretty much only see them in WvW during the first skirmish after weekly reset. Though I used to occasionally see one on during OCX time. Mostly,  they were almost always running with a prime time zerg. So I'd guess their experience is mainly zerg play, which explains their changes, and apparent lack of knowledge of non-zerg playstyles.

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On 4/27/2024 at 12:33 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Typical situation that happened last night.

Known boon ball comes to T3 ebg keep, breaks in quick and easy because siege can no longer kill rams before a gate goes down, thus counter siege is pointless.

(But what about siege disruptor!?! know how many times I've seen this used since the change? can count it off in one hand, people just don't care anymore or they want to save supply for the emergency repair afterwards.)

They run around to break the rest of the siege because they don't have the health of rams.

Proceed to break inner where once again inner siege cannot break rams before the gate goes down.

Defense zerg shows up half manned as you can imagine being ebg. Proceed to bait the attackers back out to unbroken side while they hurry to patch inner on the other side. Then push out to surprise the attackers and drive them out.

During this time the outer towers and camps are gone, the inner towers are already paper and drained of what's left.

Boon ball returns quickly to knock down outer easily with one cannon left it could not kill rams in time, shocker.

They plough through inner again, then proceed to lord. Counter zerg eventually shows up again with squad still not at full strength, tackles them in lord room, manages to step out of aoes for a moment(usually they stand in one spot until death cuz you know boon meta protects us hurhur) and gain the momentum to push the attackers out.

Defender zerg leaves map because it cannot fit it's full 50 squad on the map, meanwhile we get constant calls for everyone to leave the map so they can.

Boon ball returns, breaks through easily once again, ring goes up, crickets can be heard promoting more "small ring pvp interaction". Defending zerg had moved back to a map they could fit on, attacking zerg goes looking for something else to break with nothing to challenge them on the map, remaining defenders look for roamers and enemy camps as their T0 side auto upgrades. Content dead. Congratulations.

This is the game play you all wanted right? break though a T3 Keep is less than 5mins, something which takes hours to upgrade. But it took them 3 tries! yeah because first time they were only interested in bags, second time they got full of themselves and sat in aoes too long(boon meta protects us hurhur), third time no resistance.


Thank you anet, for promoting 50 squad boon ball meta game play.

Thank you for promoting more toxicity among players, with boon balls telling players to get off a map because the only way to fight these blobs is with one of the same size or greater, this always existed but you obviously don't care to clean it up and are now part of the problem. Now scouts, roamers, small groups, tagless groups are the problem fighting on a map with a 50 squad on maps that can only hold 70 players. I dunno maybe you should have made private areas for these huge groups to fight each other so they don't fight allies too.

The problem was never about the ring size, it was about the numbers and meta.


Suggestion for defenders:

Use sabotage depot everywhere.

Use supply traps more often, probably a better use for 10 supply than siege.

Stop feeding content to boon blobs (for the love of almighty you dumb solo players stop trying to attack a blob in melee range).


Suggestion for anet:

I have none, you don't listen, you don't care, you only want to run with boon blobs, you only want boon blob game play, you only want boon blobs to challenge boon blobs. You're still destroying the game mode to only suit those groups. There is nothing I can suggest that will make a difference at this point. Good luck to you on that stance.

Dude, the mist now heals you in EBG !!! ROFL  😅

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On 4/27/2024 at 4:10 PM, Joao.3410 said:

I'm not going to into detail why I think boonballs has ruined the fun - a lot of other people have given their opinions on this already.  But, here are a few things that I think will help give non-boonballs a chance in fights:

1. Reduce outgoing boon durations - e.g. if a skill gives 3s of protection to 5 targets, the skill should be changed so that it gives 3s to the caster and say 1s to the other 4 allies.  The goal should be to encourage applying the relevant boons at the appropriate times, rather than maintaining permanent boons.

2. Change resistance to stack in intensity rather than duration - resistance is an OP boon that is currently going under the radar because alacrity and quickness are getting all the attention.  Right now, there are really only 2 ways to counter a boonball: run at it with a larger boonball, or try to pull and isolate enemies away from the boonball.  The latter is hard to do with all the stability negating the hard CCs and resistance negating the soft ones.  While you can overcome stability with more hard CCs, you can't do that right now with resistance.  Resistance should be given the stability treatment so that each stack negates the application of one non-damaging condi to promote counter play.

3. Reduce the durations of projectile blocking/reflecting domes - one frustrating thing when fighting boonballs is that they have perma uptime on these domes.  Meaning if you're on a class that uses projectiles, you're not going to put a dent into the boonball.  Going melee is the only way to do any damage to boonballs, but even then you need to have a critical mass of melee dps and supports in order to survive - i.e. you need to be in a boonball to fight a boonball.

The boonball issue needs to be addressed.  When players start feeling everything they do is futile, they will give up and log off.

Surely your joking about reflects.  We have maybe 20-30 max, that is the only way we stay alive vs 60.

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On 5/1/2024 at 8:50 AM, Roy Marks.7689 said:

Hey all! I'd like to make sure I understand and hear more about some of the feedback, so I've quoted a few posts below and asked the authors to expand on their thoughts.

          Since the changes to Siege Dampener and Siege Disruptor were in separate updates than the wall/gate repair change, are those changes you think should be reverted in general, or do you feel they're no longer valid changes alongside the other changes made in the last patch?


For the lowered stats on the Keep Aura, you mentioned that you feel it was overkill, but didn't say that's one of the changes that should be reverted. Do you feel it should be, or do you think it should be left alone?

          Can you elaborate on your thoughts a bit? I'm interested in what specific changes you're thinking of and why they aren't working for you.

          Since catapults have always been usable on inner and outer walls, are you feeling that the recent changes caused that to become an issue or do you feel that it's a long-running problem aside from more recent updates? Can you talk more about how it feels like a problem?


For defensive siege not feeling relevant, do you feel that this is fully related to the most recent update?


As far as the suggestion of making some types of siege easier to destroy - namely catapults and flame rams - do you feel that the changes to siege disruptors aid this in any way? Is the increased damage to siege from disruptors making a difference in your eyes?


Are the changes to the keep lords just not very impactful, or do you feel as though they've actually worsened them in any way? Have you experienced groups trying to play around the new mechanics at all, or you just haven't seen it make an impact in fights where players aren't particularly paying attention to it?

          Do you feel as though double team attacks have gotten worse since the recent update, or is it an ongoing issue you're calling out?


I have already commented on this keep lord post.  5 sec wall, 5 sec inner, 5 sec lord and Anet gives us Fog as a regen?!?!?  Is anet actually playing this game on all servers to see what is happening?  < That is what you need to do. 

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The way I see it is that game is balanced with these sliders kind of like changing treble or bass on a speaker system:

  • Damage vs Sustain
  • Boons vs Strips
  • Ranged vs Melee
  • Crowd Control vs Stun Break/Stability
  • Projectiles vs Projectile Hate

One direction tends to favor individual skill and unorganized play while the other tends to favor builds, squad composition, and coordination.  They have been pushing everything towards boon balls and karma trainers for years.  Now things are out of whack.  Even rewards come into play.  It is much easier to farm kills on a god mode support build.  Supports should always receive less kill credit for the health of the game.

Also, some support builds need to be destroyed.  They generate so much skill lag, the skill lag is almost like another defensive buff.  I'm also sorry for warriors, the DPS build needs to be destroyed it is too effective with the skill lag, while other DPS builds struggle to fire off their skills.  Many other DPS builds need to layer skills and AOEs to be effective but that is impossible when you need to press each skill 5 times.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

I pretty much only see them in WvW during the first skirmish after weekly reset. Though I used to occasionally see one on during OCX time. Mostly,  they were almost always running with a prime time zerg. So I'd guess their experience is mainly zerg play, which explains their changes, and apparent lack of knowledge of non-zerg playstyles.

I think you pretty much nailed this. Consider the live casts they do on skills balance. They defined like a dozen roles for sPvP but then broke WvW down to 2 and that was just defined in terms of zerg on zerg at the time. That was a big tell on its own.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Not happy either. 

But don't go there.

I like my server, we are a rag tag bunch of peeps, organized, lol, kitten no. Will we end with a Comm guild, probably no. Do I still like them, yes. So if in the same state be ready to ride the whirlwind, else find comm guilds, larger guilds or just be set for the vortex. Else be ready for the mix and form up from there. 6/14, good hunting all!

Sorry but I already uninstalled. As much as I enjoyed the game and appreciate the devs' effort, it's obvious whomever is pulling the strings aren't going to properly heed the years of  forum feedback and bug reports for this game mode. With PvE being their only real priority. Though I'll still keep track in the forums if they ever do, until then my pc has 86GB of extra space.

Plus my fountain of ideas has pretty much run dry. I've already done everything I could imagine for all 3 modes, apart from committing to raids and getting a legendary or flying mount.

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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8 hours ago, Dark Dvid.2906 said:


yeh they used to play a lot  back in the day but it was always on Blackgate and only with the main zerg, and saw a few on crystal desert from time to time

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Posted (edited)

Hello fellow suffers o/

The next embarrassing WVW change and well what can you say doesn't go over so well xD
I think it's crazy that you don't hear anything from A-Net and maybe they'll explain why or why or (my favorite)
that they'll take back the crap they've poured out!!!

Sad but true!



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Posted (edited)
Let's hope that on June 4th. then there is also something for us WVWers! Preferably something that somehow
justifies all the bad changes or gives them meaning (hahaha yes, I know, but dreaming is allowed).

If not, you can buy your addon yourself and have "fun" with it 😉 [Select and drag to move]

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Anet should probably just change it so if the attacking side has bigger blob it's an insta cap for them 😂

We should also know by now that they intend for WvW not to be "playstyle inclusive" 😉. Oh wells.

I'm very excited for upcoming changes /s

This gaem mode gib us irl conditions

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5 hours ago, DemonSeed.3528 said:

Anet should probably just change it so if the attacking side has bigger blob it's an insta cap for them 😂

Well it should be like this:

  • bigger blob insta-caps against smaller blob
  • boonball insta-caps against a non-boonball group
5 hours ago, DemonSeed.3528 said:

We should also know by now that they intend for WvW not to be "playstyle inclusive" 😉. Oh wells.

Ehh, not touching the topic of inclusivity

5 hours ago, DemonSeed.3528 said:

I'm very excited for upcoming changes /s

same /s

5 hours ago, DemonSeed.3528 said:

This gaem mode gib us irl conditions

hehe, like catapults placed up against walls and walls not being high enough to make sure enemies can't reach you there with their attacks lol

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Posted (edited)
On 5/31/2024 at 1:48 PM, Gehenna.3625 said:


same /s

hehe, like catapults placed up against walls and walls not being high enough to make sure enemies can't reach you there with their attacks lol

Imagine a Anet dev come to Europe visit a castle and say "this europeans are dumb they don't build castles on valleys!!!!"

I actually can pic this >_> quite easily.....

Edit: fun fact one can actually clip part of a catapult inside wall so no one from de defending team can hit the catapult or will have issues targeting it but the outside  attacking team have great LoS towards the targets inside with some skills and "LEGAL changes" on game to help  break of LoS 🙂


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 5/17/2024 at 6:50 PM, Shadowpeixera.2918 said:

Yeah, getting curbstomped by a group of boon-vomiting droolers is more fun than stalled fights for sure.

It's a keep. It's a castle. Attacking defensible positions SHOULD be hard.

Exactly that, the mode is Siege Warfare with Open Field fights, not Fights everywhere with paper thin walls and no real defense options left. Somewhere down the road ANet and the players forgot that.

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3 hours ago, TheIceman.1039 said:

They should reduce the possible maximum squad size in wvw to 30 players. Then maybe this lagfest would disappear too.

People keep suggesting this, but it wouldn't change a thing. Players used to run 50+ zergs back before we even had a Squad system, and all we had was parties. It just require a bit more organization, thus further pushing toward voice-com.

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These 50 zergs have led to the fact that some tags can no longer fight when they have, for example, half of the squad left. I've been pugmanding for years on NA servers in the EU timezone. In most of them, at best, 15-20 comped pugs can be found in the EU time zone. Full squad on remains a dream for me. But often it is quite enough to fight much bigger squads. And this is precisely for the reason mentioned above.

 Voice com does not mean an automatic win yet.

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Im SO tired of Seing Arenanet making the game Overallt For newbees Only..........

They startet doing that in wvw Big time with This lame Gate repair........

Yes i se the post about the guy who took the keep from 1 person ...

And it can happend, but 99% of the time that 1 guy will CRush 2 people trying to take a keep.......

and also if you leave your keep undefended and 0 scouts, your stuff should be stolen really that IS the game...

Many servers just treat their Scots like crap, when infact having GOOD scouts is BETTER then having a full zerg running around headless with 0 call outs.... 

The 50% gate repair Arena net has LOST their MIND.......

i stopped playing after they did this, i have been on a strike to show them they can go jump in the sea and take that 50% gate repair with them..

Because as a person who playes on the off hours it is now IMPOSSIBLE to defend against a very LOW numbers of people because of that......

So it becomes why should we even show up...   why care...  why should we..........

Arena net has done the OPPOSITE of what they set out to do, they wanted MORE people defending, but it is NOT gonna happend, instead it will be FEWER people defending because the rest will think i dont wonna do this crap we will loose anyway i need to run 1 billion times to the gate before it closes let them have it...

And that will be the thought from people........


It wont be as arena net intended, i think they do NOT have ANYONE in their staff or ANYONE guiding them who actually play wvw in the OFF hours but only have staff who played around reset where there are full maps all over and the 50% wont be a problem for a full zerg...............


If arena nets plan was to kill of wvw they will do that, im not the only one who stopped in protest for a period of time, i hope they get their heads back on and Revert that change, a keep should be defendable even against a zerg for few people to hold of a bit so the zerg can arrive, as it is now if the zerg dont show up right then and there it cant be stopped, wich is lame.......   because once a full zerg is on lord it is for some keeps impossible to defend with a little fewer people unless you have an organised Zerg, and most servers do NOT have that...

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6 hours ago, zemiacsik.4590 said:

Is this just me not noticing or ppl stopped using siege disablers, ehm disruptors? Because I have not seen them for weeks now (and yeah, I do not use them anymore too tbh).

Haven't seen any used in weeks. They are better used for attacking then defending. And even then, why waste the supply when it might be better used for siege. Certainly saw defenders stop using them after the first week of the change. Chilling mist/healing fog, pretty much the same. 

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On 6/10/2024 at 11:44 AM, ToWildToHandle.6319 said:

The 50% gate repair Arena net has LOST their MIND.......

Going to come at this from a number of view points. 

As a poster, no idea where this one came from. Hadn't seen requests or statements where players were asking for the repairs to require more supply before the walls were tapped closed nor that many shout outs that attackers were having issues keeping walls down. 

As a defender, seeing more players either repairing, meaning less avail for the ongoing fight, or skipping. Have seen a lot less strategic closing used as a tactic since it requires too many. Haven't seen any tags give a callout to seal them in quite a while either. 

As an attacking havoc player, breaches mean more supply drain or more potential holes remaining open so it's easier to take. Dumbs down game play.

For tags, PPK tags didn't repair before. For the mixed PPK/PPT tags its more questions of did the wall actually get closed? 

I think players are adapting to this one but I still see more as removing tactics from gameplay. Even in offense, do I need to leave a few to keep firing to keep the breach open while others move in, now its, don't worry about, all forward. 

Is it active development in the game mode, no. Is it being marketed as is active, yes.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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