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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Could Defeat the Branded Forgotten Zealot get a better reward please? I have two achievements gated behind this event and not enough people, with good reason, are willing to do the event. If there was a better incentive for this it would possibly get done more often helping others also finish these collections / achievements 




Edited by Doom Wolf.7953
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I don't know if someone mentioned this, but can we change the Fishing Party Catches just like the Jade Power Charge? It would be nice if it could  be carried over maps so when the low pop maps "kick" you out you dosn't lose the stacks?

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Hi all

In the 19th April The Jade Tech Offensive Overcharge and Jade Tech Defensive Overcharge effects were made to persist between public open-world maps. Using standard travel methods waypoints, Asura gates, etc let's us carry the buffs from Canthan maps to other areas.

However, there's an inconsistent approach when using passkeys to travel:

- The 'VIP' areas that are embedded in an open world map, i.e. Lily of the Elon, Royal Terrace, let you keep the buff.

- The ones that are not embedded, i.e. Mistlock Sanctuary or Armistice Bastion remove the buffs upon entry.

- Then there's Thousand Seas Pavilion which doesn't seem embedded but persists the buffs.

I often use Mistlock and just assumed those buffs persisted between open-world maps but only in Cantha and they were removed because Mistlock is geographically in Tryia.

Would it be possible to standardise the behaviour so it allows the buff to stay active regardless of the VIP area?


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I often will pop down a Sweet Campfire Treat from Bjora Marches while chilling with friends.  However since it is tied to a 5 minute timer I often need to drop another and another and another which breaks the mood.

Could the campfire be treated like WvW siege and if no one sits down at it they despawn?  Or maybe even the communal buff fire that needs logs to relight.  Something so players gathering around a fire can keep roasting marshmellows and have fun.


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Old achievements need a look over and a fix/adjustments to current popularity.


I was doing Desolation achievements and now have Shadow Sprinter and Realm Portal Spiker left and just nope.

Shadow sprinter is even more boring than the former bauble farm. Its back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth (the same paths), just without others to chat with, for about a hundred times.


And Portal Spike is not doable for me within the next 10 years I give GW 2. No ppl here.


I'm sure other achievements are similar dated and dead.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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Can we please stop t he game from spamming the "Your current mastery ability is ready to master" popup every single time I kill an enemy?

If I wish to do core tyria exploration instead of heading to hot to do level up a mastery I'll get this popup over and over it's really annoying and there's no way to turn it off. Please let us stop this message from appearing all the time.

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4 hours ago, Jokuc.3478 said:

Can we please stop t he game from spamming the "Your current mastery ability is ready to master" popup every single time I kill an enemy?

If I wish to do core tyria exploration instead of heading to hot to do level up a mastery I'll get this popup over and over it's really annoying and there's no way to turn it off. Please let us stop this message from appearing all the time.

You can turn it off by playing the first part of The Icebrood Saga; there's no fighting and you can ignore all the dialogue. 

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Two things come to mind:


1 - Fix the Charr sitting positions, pls oh please. 


2 - Folks, we really need a unified UX for instanced content. A single-panel one-stop for all of it, without needing to go to a specific area or dealing with gatekeeping letter salads for requirements. 

Put in a "queue for this content" button and deny kicking for at least 10 minutes and apply penalties for anyone who cuts out early. 

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8 hours ago, Rauderi.8706 said:

Two things come to mind:


1 - Fix the Charr sitting positions, pls oh please. 


2 - Folks, we really need a unified UX for instanced content. A single-panel one-stop for all of it, without needing to go to a specific area or dealing with gatekeeping letter salads for requirements. 

Put in a "queue for this content" button and deny kicking for at least 10 minutes and apply penalties for anyone who cuts out early. 

Oh so force people to play with me kind of thing.

Yea people will still do their own parties if they want preformance and you will be stuck with parties that go nowere, kinda like what happened with ibs public strikes.

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It's great having keybinds for mounts, but rather than having to reserve 8 different keys for mounts, we could just have 2 for cycling through them. It would make playing with the action camera 1000% better.

Edited by Doomstrike.2315
Minor typo
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I think increasing the max bank slots an account can obtain from 17 to 32 would help a lot of people. Most of the people I know who indulge in account upgrade sales can't actually partake cause they are at max already. (Myself included.) I personally look forward to spending my gems on things like these often but can't. 

Edit: I also just realized it's one of the few upgrade that didn't get bumped up when EoD released. (Build/Equip Templates, Material storage, Shared inventory slots all had their max limit increased. Max bags per character + Bank tabs did not)

Edited by Virus.2719
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The faction armor for Vigil, Durmand Priory, and Order of Whispers, should have a lower level requirement, like 30 not 80. Level 30 is where the player joins their faction, this should also be the level where they unlock the armor for that faction. It would be disappointing for a player to join the faction and want to wear the faction armor to match the storyline, yet it can't be worn yet until level 80, unless you spend 6 transmutation charges.

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This has been mentioned a couple times throughout last year. Can we please get template specific glider skins? All this awesome armor and weapon skins for fashion but have to stick with the same glider skin for all of them. Could just put a button by the backpack slot to change the glider skin for that template/equipment slot.

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Hello, after many decades I know a lot of cases, when various databases were hacked and all user data leaked, including everything. like payment methods. Last time I bought something on GW2 was some time ago, when was no such mandatory, but today when I tried to buy stuff, I was forced to save payment method, after what I of course immediately wiped that info out.


Do you think your protection is insurmountable that you let yourself to save your customers ’payment methods? Descend to the ground, you can be hacked as anything else and all user data one day can be leaked... I'm software developer with 3 decades of experience, which is familiar with security. I don't think that this is right. Users should be able to buy without saving any such info on your system, while now you made it as MANDATORY, as elsewhere impossible to buy stuff on your store.


Plus, I'm European Union Citizen and regarding GDPR, I'm strongly against not only saving, but even exposing my such personal data to 3rd parties, like Arena.net. I don't want that it was saved on your servers even for nanosecond, as after the deletion it might be not deleted physically, but just marked as deleted and removed from db result sets. I'm good familiar with database design architectures and many years doing as well such databases, where we not delete data for real, but just marking as deleted. Possibility of saving data is exposing it to the 3rd party or Arena.Net, where I don't trust you that you seen my this data at all. So please, fix this, return possibility to buy stuff without exposing sensitive data to you.


No discussion. All answers or replies won't be read from my side.  I just written my opinion.


Edited by Oldskool.1520
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Never heard about this. But then again I am not paying with credit card. I am also from the EU (Germany) and we have options to directly pay with our bank account and/or PayPal. And I do not think furhter info had been saved at any point in the past when I payed. Maybe ... the selection for name/region and the payment option  (provider) I selected.

But the details to login - I always hat to put them in manually again. And not  only the password but also the account name for online banking.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Anet isn't saving anything, they use a payment processor.  Aside from that, posting stuff on the forums and saying I'm not going to read your response is pointless. If you want to have a conversation with Anet contact customer service. If you're going to post here you're going to get responses.

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Guess OP doesn't buy anything online from other sites or use paypal...someone out there requires a saved card.  Notice that they already deleted it....well that's the simple, easy answer isn't it.... everytime you want to buy gems, enter info, buy the gems, then delete the payment method.  That was difficult 🙄


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Just suggesting a QoL. I dont know if it was alleady sugested, but there you go.


It is a bit annoying with the legendary sigils (and Runes set) that you need to reequip and reconfigure them every time you're changing equipements.


Why not as long the equipped Sigil / Runes are not over the player possetion limite, why not just keep saving it ont the respective Gears and put a warning / unequipe them when the limit is exceeded?

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I suggest the player helper system/ token

In some strike mission, fractal , dungeon or game mode . It I’d difficult to find members so I just think that if ANET can do. 
1. registered the game helper for select game mode that he want to help. 

2. Player will automatically warp to game mode that he registers for help

3. when game mode end,  warp out and get token. ( whether win or loss)

token can use for trade a reward such as skin, legendary material. Ascend material.


this should  make  vacant space full.


on requester sides when set up room , you have requested button to call helper. And once team full , you will transfer to game mode. 


1. leecher . Both requester and helper 

2. attractive reward. .?



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