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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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7 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Can we have jade bot workbench in every major city and home instance, and guild hall too please?

Don't wanna have to go to cantha then up the cable to the workbench in Arborstone everytime I want to change something on my jade bot.

I have 26 characters and am considering upgrading all jade cores to max aswell as adding all the extras.

That's a lot of characters to go through... to have to go to Cantha everytime.


For what it is worth: You can already buy a Work Bench for in your Guild Hall.

It cost 300 research notes and 6 gold. It is listed as Decoration, but is fully functional.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Bot_Workbench_(decoration) For details and locations

I would like to see them in other places like cities as well though

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14 hours ago, DirtyDan.4759 said:

So you hate that your opponent outsmarts you? If you want people to stick to their build you should try structured PvP.

Outsmart me? lol, where did I say I played smart? No I simply show how people could abuse tools as they abuse exploits already. Let me give you perspective. I would like this option myself for cosmetics and theory crafting but see how easy it would be to abuse it and how other tools have added more negatives versus positives so for the overall impact to others would say -1. If I was smart I would never attack groups while solo. Isn't going to stop me from trying to see how things hold up and test my own builds. Doesn't mean I will kill them but helps in data collection for later fights. Its ok, we can agree to disagree that it would be more of a negative add versus a positive. Yes it would help me in theory crafting in other game modes but would lead to a ton of trolling in other modes. So -1 from me still. 

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- Add name input verification (same as when deleting achievement items)
when a weapon or armor precursor (e.g. ascended triumphant hero's armor)
is going to be deleted/destroyed or used in the mystic forge thus being
permanently lost.


- Remove name input verification for achievement items that can be
safely discarded after acquisition.


- Add an indication to the WvW dialog showing how many WvW skirmish
claim tickets can be acquired until the player reaches the week's maximum.

e.g. if someone has acquired 50 tickets, it should show 315 remaining,
if the max is 365.


- Add an option in the settings to be able to disable the auto camera
zoom in/out when entering boss fights in fractals (or anywhere else really)


- Add "Skip" button to all videos when replaying story for achievements.


- Make the "Character Model Limit/Quality" options different per game
mode (or even better the entire graphics settings tab).

It is especially useful for WvW, when too many people are fighting and
the FPS drops so much that it becomes unplayable, thus setting these two
to "Low" makes it playable again.

However when returning to PvE areas it is great having them set to
"High". Currently this is handled manually back and forth.

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-wish anet removes the cds from mount skills and increase the mount energy gain by 100% maybe even allow mounting while in combat in the open world pve

- remove the weekly time gate on raids and daily time gate on fractals and dungeons and strikes and dragon response missions and meta events rewards.
- add all of the common rewards found inside the black lion chest as farmable rewards doing activities mentioned above with a lower chance getting the uncommon / rare stuff there for an example clear 50 end game activity from what's mentioned above get one unlocked black lion chest .
-shared map completion for party members downscaling to the party member that has less progression done
-shared achievement progression for party members downscaling to the party member with less progression or unlocks 
-shared mastery experience for party members 
-in game wiki tap
-in game barber shop.

-squad queueing for raids / meta events with a requirement of 2 things from fill- dps -quickness-alac-heal and starting when all roles are filled 
-party queuing for dungeons and fractals a requirement of 2 things from fill- dps -quickness-alac-heal and starting when all roles are filled
-wish we could glide up or get launched up with a mastery instead of relying on the springer mount 
-wish open world in general get more adds and get more threatening with more elites and champions specially inside caves.
-wish we had a rental system for fashion that unlocks all game skins temporarily that lasts a day/week/month that we can trade for gems or as something we get as a reward for birthdays or spvp /wvw ranks.
-wish spvp elo became static rank wise instead of calculating the disparity between players points wise in example :
always get +15 on a win -15 on a loss
-wish each top stat had +4 points elo wise with a max of + 24
-wish spvp leaderboard is based on higher number of games played + elo points instead of elo points+ minimum games played .
- wish anet remove point decay from spvp 
- wish 3 dishonors in single day results into spvp season ban .
-wish we had tournament divisions so new players can compete against each other so they would be able in the long run with experience compete with the veterans in example a tournament that only non dragon ranked players can join with minimum rewards like static 2 gold win or lose and a tournament  that only dragon rank can join with big rewards like 7 static gold win or lose + top 8 prizes 
-wish wvw rewards reset happened every 3 days with less time gating required to fully complete the wvw pips/reward track.
 lastly wish this game and its devs all the best for what is yet to come for this beautiful game .

Edited by infant.8175
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Suggestion: Trading Post Options

The default price when you buy an item is the lowest sell offer and the default price when you sell an item is the highest buy order. I usually end up doing the opposite, which is why I'd like to have the following options:

  • Default to highest buy order when buying
  • Default to lowest sell offer when selling

When you delete a buy order or sell offer you must always confirm this action. However, buying or selling something instantly doesn't require any confirmation even though it's irreversible. Because of this, I'd also enjoy the following options:

  • Require confirmation when buying instantly
  • Require confirmation when selling instantly
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Put a selling price (even 1 copper) to the lv5 gear that drops for new players. I keep watching videos of new players that don't know what to do with that gear: they are not able to salvage it, sell it, and are scared to destroy it, since as new player you don't know if it's useful.

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Bit on a character creator spree and encountered a bit of an issue.

The physique option, or lack thereof.


Like i could look at two options both having half of the features i want on my character and half of those i don't want... And it's the opposite of each.

So why couldn't there be more physique options that could cover most alternatives.

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QoL suggestion: Having wardrobe, mount, glider, and dye selection unique per build per character (for fashion wars):

Allow mount skin changes/glider/dye changes be unique per character build tab instead of per single character. For example, I have a Core Warrior and Spellbreaker build on one character but have to completely change my mount, glider, and dyes on those items to reflect the style I'm trying to go for on the other class. Its a little bit inconvenient to have to change it every time I switch builds. If there was a way to save those presets per build, I think players would enjoy this small change. I already transmute plenty when a new skin comes out in BLC or I have to make a new character.


Vertical Skill Bar:

Allowing players to rotate their horizontal skill bars to vertical ones similar to other MMOs. While this is situational depending on the player, it is difficult to cast certain skills with the preset layout of the skill bar. It feels more ergonomic to employ a vertical skill bar that allows easier projectile/manually targeted skills to be used (ie banners). This allows lesser travel time between the bottom of the screen to the middle of the screen. It would not be screen resolution based, but allow for the player to move the bar wherever they please. I think it is a more viable solution than expecting most players to have a mouse with more than M1 or M2 buttons.

^Adding to the vertical skill bar:

Allowing mount selection to not be a dropdown but rather an optional vertical skill/sidebar to toggle mounts faster. Or allow favoriting mounts so they are set to the top of the bar rather than having to toggle through all of them and press the wrong one, especially important in a tight situation.


Allowing Gear/Item Locking in Inventory:

Right click to lock the item so it isnt accidentally sold to the NPC. At least there is a buyback feature but it still happens from time to time when a lot of the item icons look exactly the same.

Allowing All Items/Map Currency to be Auto Depositable and Withdrawable with NPC/Player Transactions:

Nothings more annoying than having items/mats in your inventory that you just end up putting in the bank not because the bank is full, but because you only have fragments of it, or its simply not able to be deposited with the arrow button in your inventory. When using the Mystic Forge you still have to pull out stacks from your bank to throw in, even if the recipe only needs 1 (which could have been easily pulled from Bank if all currency/materials could be stored there).

Edited by Zeyku.9571
Updating info
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More weapon's skins variation in Black Lion Chests, it's like the fourth time in 1 year I see Dark Wing Weapons there

Since apparently this is incorrect and people complained, I'll be more accurate:

I think weapon skins in Black Lion Chests should be more various; for example, Dark Wing Weapons happened in Chests from 2021-10-05 to 2021-11-09, from 2022-08-02 to 2022-08-23, and now (2023-02), more then 1 time a year (10 months between 2021 and 2022, and 6 months between 2022 and now), while other skins, for example, Inquest Mark II Weapons, I could be wrong but the record I found shows me that last time we saw them in Chests was from 2020-11-17 to 2020-12-15, that is more then 2 years ago, worst for other skins, like Bloodstone Weapons, that happened in Chests more then 3 years ago, from 2019-11-19 to 2019-12-17.

Anyway my point remains the same: I dunno what method is ANet using for sorting weapon skins in BLChests, but, since there are around 70 Black Lion Skins available*, I think their method should be more balanced.

*(this is an estimation, I didn't count them one by one)


P.S. I'm also deleting a reply to a quote related to this post I did yesterday because it's useless by now

Edited by Val.7826
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Increase the number of shared bags slots to 32 (same as max bag size)


Create in our home instance...perhaps in one of the upstairs rooms in our buildings a reading room...with walls lined with bookshelves. When we click on these, we can deposit books that we receive. Or we can re-read books we previously deposited. I've been collecting books from quest lines for 6 years...would love to display them. Would be a plus for visitors to our home instance to be allowed to read from our library.



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1) You should change the animation of all Elementalist's Dagger's skill 1, they are mostly ugly and unpleasant to use, if i have to give them a score from 1 to 10 I'd say:

Fire -> 4 -> it's kinda ok, but it's really boring to use

Water -> 5 -> the effect is passable, but not that much

Air -> 2 -> the idea of a thunder whip is nice, but the animation sucks and is even more boring then Fire

Earth -> 1 -> probably the worst skill animation in the entire game

For an overall improvement I'd say those skills deserve chains, but I understand that this could be a balance problem, so you really should change in better the single animations. By now, i think dagger skills 1 (only skills 1, but all skills 1) on elementalist are very demotivating.


2) You should add a button in bank that allows you to deposit instantly all the same items you have in both your inventory and bank


3) You should at least double the gathering output rate of all the "basic" Home Nodes (like Iron, Copper, Soft Wood, Flax, etc...), because the actual rate makes every node nearly impossible to repay itself unless you hire 10 people that pay you for gathering in your home for some months; by now, if you are by yourself, it tooks around 4 years for a node to repay itself, 3 if you don't skip any day, and it's ridicolous

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Just did Tequatl the world boss, - and for the first time, - recieved ascended loot: Living water staff & living water warhorn. (I have been playing for 1½ year and have all ascended gear)


- TO IMPROVE THIS GAME: Increase drop rate for ascended gear by 888% for new players aka 1 month old or so, - because I really really wish I would get this drop when I started to play this game, - would have made me gorgous happy back then... - pls consider this


- thanks, for best game in existence btw

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On 1/27/2023 at 11:17 PM, Rogue.8235 said:

That was a nice player, too, informing you that they were inspecting.  Realistically it would just be: join party > kicked > block > no clue why that occurred.


I agree, he did right, they deserve to play alone with other elitist toxic people, no reason why real player should join them. we could also create an LFG category "Elitist Only" just to be more clear

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On 1/31/2023 at 1:39 AM, Zeyku.9571 said:

QoL suggestion: Having wardrobe, mount, glider, and dye selection unique per build per character (for fashion wars):

Allow mount skin changes/glider/dye changes be unique per character build tab instead of per single character. For example, I have a Core Warrior and Spellbreaker build on one character but have to completely change my mount, glider, and dyes on those items to reflect the style I'm trying to go for on the other class. Its a little bit inconvenient to have to change it every time I switch builds. If there was a way to save those presets per build, I think players would enjoy this small change. I already transmute plenty when a new skin comes out in BLC or I have to make a new character.

This would be amazing thing for those of us who love the fashion wars. I have multiple toons that use the same look on all their equipment tabs only because I can't be bothered to change mount skins and dyes every time I switch build sets. I bet these layouts would sell nicely in the gem store.

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