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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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36 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

ANet will 100% sell you a lounge pass on the gemstore.
No. for the player housing part, many such threads, use the forum's search option yadayada...

If you look up Wizard's Tower and home this is the only thread that appears so...

Not saying their shouldn't be a lounge for an area for the lounge but imagine if they sold Arborstone in a lounge pass... That'd be flamed to hell.

However an "Arborstone" that comes with us that has the custom home instance tacked on would be something people want and would be nice. I mean the longue pass could be an area of the Wizard's Tower and let you "save" your location like the best ones do now but eh. They could also allow us to put our longue keys into the tower to travel to them without having it on the characters acting as a "Lounge Pass Pass" and encouraging whales to get even more lounges than needed.

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Something not mandatory and very useless. So its important :

We have a keyboard shortcut that allow us to draw out our weapons (fighting stance mode). I just wishe it was permanent.

To be more precise about what I mean, I still feel it weird after all these years, to have my staff just stuck and fixed on my back, where I'd love to see it in the hand of my character, would be more...immersive (?) to have it on hand constantly by choice.  Hence why the toggle on/off shortcuts is great, but not complete. As your character will store its weapon after 1min while being out of fight.

On the same way, Charrs runs on two foots when weapons are out, which I prefer, simply because you rarely see other NPC Charrs runing on 4. they run as if permanently in fight mode.

so again...immersion.

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On 7/24/2023 at 7:26 PM, WhiteBerry.8543 said:

Hi, I would like to suggest having character-specific keybindings.

It's a huge convenience for those who associate certain buttons with certain types of skills, for instance, my CC-break (stun break), is always on C, in any MMORPG.

I try to ensure my "defiance break" is on E and on R if I have two active.

The OPTION of having keybindings per character allows players flexibility, and once again, I am not suggesting to remove universal keybindings.

You could simply have an option like:

Use global keybindings or use keybindings per character

I am not against your suggestion BUT are you aware that you can export and import keybinds?  This feature was added not too long ago.  How i use it is to export/import per Elite Spec, and i find this works great. 

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By "Item Reel UI" I mean the UI element that shows inventory icons sliding up when you receive items.

  • Current behavior:
    • Items are added to the reel one by one and all of them are shown one after another, sliding faster when you receive a lot of items.
  • Problems of the current behavior:
    • When many items are received, the reel takes a lot of time to show them.
    • When you receive several of the same items, they each use their own icon, cluttering the Item Reel.
    • It is impossible to keep track of how many items are being received by counting them in the reel
  • Proposed solution:
    • Change the item reel so it has a small 'Queue' of item IDs with the last X items received and an associate value storing how many have been received
    • When receiving a new item, check if the item is already in the queue
      • If it is in the queue, move it to the top, and increase the associated value by one.
      • If it is not in the queue, it is added to the top, its associated value is set to 1, and the oldest item in the queue is pushed out.
    • The Item Reel UI will now show the icons of as many items in the queue as possible based on how much screen space is available, each with a number in the corner showing the stored value of how many have been received. If an item received is already on the reel, instead of getting a new one, it slides back up to the top. 
    • After a while of not receiving items, the items in the reel slide down and fade away, from the bottom to the top, like they do now.
  • Expected result:
    • This change should allow players to see more of the items they receive. Instead of having repeated icons cluttering the screen, icons that have already appeared would slide up to the top of the reel and get a number in the corner showing how may have been reveived since the item icon first entered the reel.
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Make the Guild Bank function like your personal bank and your material storage!

If you visit your own bank and double click on something in the bag inventory pane, it deposits that item into the bank, and if a similar item is already there, it stacks it. If you double click on an item in your own bank, it moves it to your bag inventory. Simple, makes sense. The same goes for material storage.

With the guild bank, however, you must drag-drop items from the bag inventory pane to the bank pane. And if you already have a similar item in the bank, you have to drag it to an empty slot in your inventory bag pane, then drag it to the other instance to stack it, then drag the stack back to the guild bank. Then when removing stuff from the bank, you have to drag each item.... no double-click use at all.

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The Thousand Seas Pavillion Pass area is beautiful, BUT it needs tweaking!  The area with Guild Bank, Regular Bank, Trading Post etc, is TOO SMALL!  Needs to be made bigger like a little balconey area similar to where the portal to Tyria is.  It's too crowded and hard to click on the NPC's when its busy. 


1. Please make available SKINS for Minions.. some that are cute and dyable would be nice, the minions for necros are soooooooo gross 😞 makes me not want to play them .  I know necros are supposed to be dark, but there can be things that are not so disgustingly ugly . 

2. Please make available a suite of new skins for MECH!  Mech is TOO BIG and gets in the way a lot.. annoys a LOT of players, especially when people don't put them away in cities and pass areas.  Maybe you could auto stow them when entering those areas. BUT it would be lovely to have a choice of smaller mech, and also different looks. That green gets very OLD .. not a fan. 

3. Please make some new hair!  Even modifying some of the existing hair would work in a pinch. For instance, the REALLY long hair that has little daisy flowers down the back of the hair...  very cute hair but TOOOOO LONG... make a shorter version so it doesn't hide all the pretty backs on a lot of the armour.  Also, the basic braids are very cute, but the head is too square lol 0..fix it! 🙂  Just little things like that would make designing or redoing chtrs looks a lot of fun! And after all..it is all about the fun. 🙂

4. Please allow two people to ride on mounts, like skyscale. We do it in the cut scenes... would be so fun to give a friend a ride.. when going to the same place. Like two people one behind. the other on a skyscale or raptor etc... very fun. 😄 

5. I saw a  previous post where someone said they would have much more fun playing if the armour didn't always have some cape or dress or long coattails, or "butt skirts" 🙂 made me laugh, but I have to agree. so many of the armours would be so much more fun without all that excess crap hanging...and the guys need MORE leg armour that doesn't have a skirt or dress attached.  

and one final thought... you guys did an amazing job on the EOD Guild Hall and Pavillion pass area... just GORGEOUS!!!!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!  So thank you for that ❤️ Lakes and pretty nature is my VERY MOST FAVORITE... don't like the ugly charr areas or desolate deserts etc... try to spend my time in the pretty zones. 😄  Love trees, flowers, lakes, green shrubbery, lakes, ponds, rivers... waterfalls... any pretty nature is WONDERUL! ❤️ Thank you!

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You can currently have 5 guilds.

these guilds get each one slot in the guildpanel  g1 - g5  

I want to be able to allign the slotnumber as I want them to be.

Like if I have a guild which got assigned to g5 i want to be able to move it to g1 to be the first guild that appears when i open up the guildpanel because i want to have my mainguild appear directly instead of needing to select it every time.


Edited by roederich.2716
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It feels like some classes lost their core thematic with especs. At least to me.

Ranger longbow, ele staff for example. They don't feel that great to me or rewarding to use. 

Like an espec meant to refresh on the core theme/wep for each class would be nice. So you use the same weapon but it gets a new skillset with the new espec trait line. So it doubles down on the original class fantasy for each. Really raining hellfire down as an elementalist would be nice. Having only meteor shower to give me that vibe is sad. 

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When the Siege Turtle was announced, I was really excited, but as soon as I managed to conquer it, I used it a lot less than I thought I would, and the reason is that the coolest part is using the cannons, for that you need 2 people, 1 pilots and another uses the cannon this ends up making people lose interest in using it, there could be an option where I alternate between the controls, I could leave it in siege mode and only control the cannons and being able to go back to motion control to reposition if you're being attacked.

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---Me & Her---

I want to rewatch lots of cutscenes and record it to save the best moments. This cutscenes of me and Aurene was too heartwarming.. i was told that to rewatch the cutscenes, i must replay the chapter from start everytime which is absolutly tirering, please make a Story Archive to rewatch all the video cutscense.

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Please make Jade Protocols an intrinsic part of the Jade Bot that only works when you're in Cantha since it feels really bad that you have to go around and charge them before you can do anything. There are also still people who think they're optional instead of mandatory and it makes Metas take significantly longer than they should since only some people have it.

Jade Protocols are necessary to have the same proportional power relative to the mobs as you have in PoF.

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for some reason, when the camera moves too fast and there is a lot of light at the moment, my FPS drops below 10 and remains like that for an undefined time. Sometimes it fixes itself within seconds, other times it takes minutes, and in some cases, I have to restart the game or even the computer. Additionally, those shiny wings are the cause of the issue in 90% of the cases, especially in World versus World (WvW). If I go through a door at the same time as someone with those wings, it's gg.

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"Default Cursor Position" toggle in the options menu. When this is enabled, the following happens:

When toggling Action Camera off, reset the cursor position to the center of the screen (where the aiming reticle was just moments ago.)

Why: That way the player always knows where the mouse is when they take off Action Camera, making menus, clicking on specific enemies/players, and placing targets consistent and easy.

Example how it currently works: You toggle Action Camera off by opening your Bag. After closing your bag by clicking the X or hitting escape, the cursor position is saved to its current position and you are entered into Action Camera again. You enter combat two minutes later, and attempt to drop a Barrage on a small group of mobs. Because you didn't manually reset the cursor position, you have to spend a moment hunting for your cursor in the sea of bodies, and accidentally overshoot your Barrage AoE.

Example with Default Cursor Position enabled: You close your inventory, and your cursor vanishes as you enter Action Camera mode. When you engage enemies and attempt to drop barrage 2 minutes later, when you toggle Action Camera off, your mouse is placed in the center of the screen. Since it is always placed there, you know exactly where it's going to be, it's consistent, and you land the Barrage in your target area without losing the mouse in the chaos.

A small change like this would save me from constantly toggling action camera on and off 24/7 just to make sure the mouse is set in my aiming reticle for consistency.

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12 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Please make Jade Protocols an intrinsic part of the Jade Bot that only works when you're in Cantha since it feels really bad that you have to go around and charge them before you can do anything. There are also still people who think they're optional instead of mandatory and it makes Metas take significantly longer than they should since only some people have it.

Jade Protocols are necessary to have the same proportional power relative to the mobs as you have in PoF.

Why do you go around to charge them if you dont plan to do eod stuff.

It is not needed anywere else in the game and the only character I have it on is the one I solo dragon ends mini dungeon just for some extra boons.

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9 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Why do you go around to charge them if you dont plan to do eod stuff.

It is not needed anywere else in the game and the only character I have it on is the one I solo dragon ends mini dungeon just for some extra boons.

If you want to do or sell the g3 Legendary weapons you need to go there as you need Imperial Favors. Giving this to anyone also makes it more likely that people will go to Cantha as it removes one of the barriers to going there since you can get straight into the action rather than having to do something before you can.

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Currently the character limit is at 69/70/71/72 I believe, depending on if you got a free slot with various expansions or special editions. As the limit does increase with expansions, why not cap it at a nice, round number - 80? I know a fair few people who are at the limit and would be happy to spend gems on more character slots. I know that most people aren't altaholics, but for those who are, it would be a significant change.

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Please buff the Karka Queen and some of the other open world bosses along similar lines to how you buffed the low level zone world bosses a while back Perhaps not quite as many hitpoints as the Svanir Shaman (that feels slightly over the top), but more damage output and threat level would be great.

We've done the Karka Queen for the first time a few times over the last few days and were startled at how quickly it died. It's listed as a Legendary and one of the hardest bosses (along with triple trouble and Tequatl) but it has melted in less than 2 minutes every time. Having expected a challenge out of this boss we hadn't done before we were all very disappointed players...

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15 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Perhaps not quite as many hitpoints as the Svanir Shaman

Yeah, the Shaman was definitely massively over buffed and really should be nerfed.  As it currently stands, the Shaman takes as long (maybe longer) to kill as Drakkar, which is nuts.

Really, all four of the 'low level' world bosses got a bit over buffed. While it is undeniable that they needed to be reworked due to how fast they were melting, the four 'level 1-15' zone world bosses are now harder to kill than the OG level 80 zone bosses. Not only does this mean that the time investment in beating them is skewed (especially compared to loot received), but for any new players to the game, the first bosses they encounter will be massively harder to kill than what they encounter within a few days when they get to higher level maps.

While I fully agree that Karka should get buffed some, I don't want to see what happened to Shadow Behemoth done to Karka.... with Shadow, the fight was changed so much that melee centric characters can't really do much DPS as nearly all of the fight needs to be ranged.

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