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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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7 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

I'd like to have to type "delete" to delete things from my inventory instead of  long kitten different names .

Yep I was just experiencing that with 16 Sanctified weapon skins. I was thinking a "Trash Can" interactable in every city and outpost might work nicely.

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Regarding the Legendary Armory; it would be really nice if, when removing a piece of legendary gear, it would return to the Armory and RETAIN the same stats and skin I had last selected for it in that equipment template. It could retain the rune/sigil as well assuming that the upgrade is available in your inventory.

Would save a ton of time when build testing and enable a quick swap to a different weapon on short notice without having to gear it up.

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-Please make so that backpacks stay visible when performing emotes. It is annoying to be without backpack and that is disappear when performing emotes. There is already an option to toggle backpack visibility in wardrobe if not wanting to see it, so i see no reason why, when i allow backpack to be seen that it disappear when doing an emote like a bug.

-It is just my honest opinion, but i find the wizard vault mechanic bad, i would prefer to have back the daily logins, with their 20 mystics coins, 20 laurel bag at end of months, 20 laurels during month and the black lion goods! The new daily system is meh, i miss the good old 28 days login screen in achievement.

-I think there should be more Secret of Obscure mastery points, added to more achievs or to collect around maps, I miss like 14 mastery points to get greater arcane chest access and another thing in same mastery line.... EoD gave more than enough, PoF was okay, but SoO is very tight considering mastery points.

-Would like kryptid skyscale skin to be added as vault reward for 2000 points.

-In guild hall, please make at the decoration vendor, the number of item selectable. It is a pain clicking 20 times each day to exchange 2000 candies into 20 pumpkin decoration... we should be able to select 20 and do one click...

-(Other point: Would love kryptis decos for gh, but i precise, affordable. The available astral wards gh decos are just outpriced especially stair or windows, between requiring cured leather squares, books, orichalcum chisels or hammers.... 20+ gold to craft one... those are parts of the most expensive decos... on another hand, thank you for halloween decorations, they are cool and correct in term of gold cost. I noticed clocktower beam, and some curled trees as new decos.)

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On 10/26/2023 at 8:00 AM, Resident.7421 said:

Yep I was just experiencing that with 16 Sanctified weapon skins. I was thinking a "Trash Can" interactable in every city and outpost might work nicely.

I found that you can copy and paste and then just have to overwrite the weapon type.  Still incredibly annoying.

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20 hours ago, hugo.4705 said:

-It is just my honest opinion, but i find the wizard vault mechanic bad, i would prefer to have back the daily logins, with their 20 mystics coins, 20 laurel bag at end of months, 20 laurels during month and the black lion goods! The new daily system is meh, i miss the good old 28 days login screen in achievement.

I have really come to like the new Wizard Vault daily mechanic, but I agree it would be good to bring back the daily login reward.  That was completely different from the dailies and was something that added progression even if I couldn't play for a day.  I could log in and grab my whatever prize for whichever of the 28 day cycle I was on.

Getting the daily login AA just doesn't equate and having items you would get with the daily login limited in number and really expensive in the Wizard's Vault is kind of a slap in the face.

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Could you please allow the Gyrocopter chair to be able to jump, like the Inquest chair/glider combo so we can switch from chair to glider without swapping them out?

Also a Skyscale version would be very appreciated TY xD

Edited by Fade.5904
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8 hours ago, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

A new relic that makes you immune to the bloody fear weapons!

right now there area elite skills that have like a 20 second charge, and it never fails that some NPC in the mod will fear you right as you are about to strike, wasting the charge and your time


Stability says hello.

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i lead many squads, mainly pugs in 10 man instanced content, and every time i need to remember who is doing what role (quick alac heal dps tank and other roles). i also need to make sure that everyone else in the squad are in sync of who is doing what. this leads to many problems in my day to day squad leading experience:

  • annoying to have to remember the name of every role player while creating and sorting the subgroups
    • leads to mistakes in the group composition like accidently put the 2 healers on same subgroup or recruit more supports than i need
  • after sometime, if someone leave the party without telling what role he is (i.e. "g2g -qdps"), i need to verify what was his role
    • not always his subgroup members are talkative so i need to somehow figure it out
  • many times other members of squad are not in sync what roles they were assigned, so they whisper me or they just go whatever role they think they were assigned

i think we need an in game tool that can let commander mark roles for members in a way everyone can see who is supposed to do what.

is there any option for that which i am not aware of? if not, here are some solutions i suggest, but i am open for any other options:

  • let commander set color of members in the squad panel, community will set itself common colors for common roles
  • let commander set effects for members of squad (less ideal, but will work the same as above)
  • let commander set position of members in the squad panel's subgroup (most left will be the healsupport, next is dps support and next is dps) - this will not solve all problems but is a step in the right direction
  • let commander set names for subgroups (i will call names for subgroups as the inner composition of it, again less ideal)

btw, the current option of marking players with the commander's marks (arrow, circle, heart) isn't good enough because it adds more mess to the already hard to read situation, and will not work while creating the squad, in which case most of the squad members are not near each other or even in the same place

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Agreed, I recently mentioned that in another thread about lfg too:

On 10/24/2023 at 6:25 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

(...) I think the easier and more useful idea would be to allow commander to mark people in their squads as whatever role, so they can easier see who's still missing (especially when someone leaves without a word).

I think the best option would be the one with marking players in squad panel, just adding some colors would be good enough.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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For being a somewhat casual friendly game, the 10 man group interface is lacking. For how important Strikes are as casual content, organizing pugs is a nightmare and relies on power gamers to be a smooth experience..

That ignore the fact that the tag itself is 14$ dollars  to purchase or a lot of hours of farming.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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16 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Stability says hello.

there is no permanent stability. There are traits and skills that add it (very) temporarily, often with a long cooldown, and it only helps if you cast it BEFORE you are feared.... but when like the Bladesworn elite skill is a 30 second charge, and your stability trait gave you a whopping 1 to 8 second duration, you effectively have no stability while you charge your elite skill unless you have a group of players around you granting boons over and over

It just makes fairly little sense.... you are "the champion" who has faced / battled six elder dragons, the god of war, and now demons..... and you wet your pants and run away scared when a zombie you just hit with an axe screams at you?

I get it... WvW and PvP should not get the permanent stability..... hell, make it only work in 'non current' content, so that you can still be feared in the most recent expansion (when ever you are playing), but the foes you have been killing literally for years in older maps should no longer make you run like a frightened toddler (if you had the relic equipped that is)

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I feel there should be a difficulty rating of professions on the character creation page.
A difficulty rating would help both casual people and smart gamer people. 
For example:
I created a elementalist/tempest/weaver and quickly found that it was too technical to play for me as a casual player, I feel only smart gamer type people can handle this profession with all the swaps etc. so this profession could be labelled as hard.
I have a revenant/herald now and with all the passive boons its great for survivability so this proffession could be labelled as easy.
I just feel this would help out, thanks for consideration.

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With the upcoming alliance system there could be some potential QoL utilizing the alliance system regarding targeting in communication with your squad and or alliance.

What do I mean: OK, so short and sweet...you know how, that unless you are in the same subsquad of a person calling a target, that you cannot see the same target called? Nope, you cannot. Simply make an adjustment to have commander called targets seen by each subgroup for focuses.


The only way to get a similar effect for this is to place commander markers on targets but each person will still have to manually click on the target, through a sea of other enemies, in hopes of finding the marked target.


We need to have a Take Commander Target button, take target on Commander symbol marked target or something similar. Right now it's tab targeting or frantically clicking until we find the right person. This forces everyone in the same subgroup of a squad to take a called target or click click spammy spamming, (It's not fun) and causes subgroup combofield + boon priorities to get wonky.


OTHER SUGGESTION: with the alliance system I can see an alliance of commanders making markers and squads becoming very large past the squad cap, I suggest being able to make alliance mode targeting to where other commanders in the alliance were in be able to see the targets/markers of each other as well for further tuned communication. 


I'd be happy to clarify if needed to get this topic seen


This is also posted in the wvw section as a topic

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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2 hours ago, Ollie B.8597 said:

I feel there should be a difficulty rating of professions on the character creation page.
A difficulty rating would help both casual people and smart gamer people. 
For example:
I created a elementalist/tempest/weaver and quickly found that it was too technical to play for me as a casual player, I feel only smart gamer type people can handle this profession with all the swaps etc. so this profession could be labelled as hard.
I have a revenant/herald now and with all the passive boons its great for survivability so this proffession could be labelled as easy.
I just feel this would help out, thanks for consideration.

There's a complexity rating on the Character Creation screen (1 - 3 dots):  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Profession#Professions

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arc boontable solves some of that problem - you can see in outgoing tab who gives what boons (and how much) -you won't know if it was heal or dpsboon but you then know what other guy to ask if he is heal or dpsboon (and make the lfg accordingly). That only works if you did a fight with that grp ofc and not beforehand.

I agree though, it would be nice to have a tool that the commander can set up with roles he wants and also maybe even auto lfg for those + maybe requirements, but I don't see this happening and also can live with the existing workarounds if we get more content out of it (like devtime spent on content instead of lfg and or squadtool). Not sure but I just imagine this to be much work.

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4 hours ago, Hadi.2430 said:

look at chat history problem solved 

Only partially. Its a 2 way communication and some players are slow to respond.

Also some will join stating multiple roles.

Color coding would be really nice. Ability for joining players to designate their current build role via icons in squad ui even better.

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On 10/11/2023 at 8:21 PM, cloudsareyum.8120 said:

 tackle box like the special inventory containers (20 slot craftsman's bag. 20 slot invisible bag) specifically for fish so that is easy and organized to stockpile rare fish for trading for ancient ambergris, easy to keep my catches seperate and organized from the rest of my stuff and also have all my bait in one place neatly. 

Another way this could go is an item taking up one inventory slot that all fishing related stuff and bait goes into. 


People who aren't super into fishing may not be aware but fishing eats a lot of inventory space and we have to organize everything manually.  I think it is the perfect thing to have a fishing dedicated container like we have crafting containers etc. 

They should honestly just add a section to the Fishing tab in the Hero panel called the "Tackle Box" which is a material storage-like area into which all types of bait up to a limit (such as 1000) and lures (maybe up to 4 of each type) can be deposited. Extra cool if other fishing-related items could be stored in the Tackle Box, such as any/all types of Fishing Power food.

That way, players could more seamlessly fish across multiple characters, instead of needing to dedicate 1 character to fishing or taking the time and energy to move bait and lures over (or holding them on multiple characters...) any time they want to fish on a different character.

Even if this was an unlockable that could be purchased in-game or from the Black Lion Trading Company, it would be a massive QoL improvement for anyone that fishes.

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