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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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8 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Please consider class changing.

I have a few characters, which I do not wish to have two versions of; especially when it comes to naming... which is an issue, from my perspective; and would be simpler to just change class with a few clicks whenever we feel like a change; even if it is through Gem Store.

Once purchased; those two classes are saved on that character, and we are able to change to the desired unlocked classes.

You can also do a bundle of 8, so players can unlock all classes to that one character.

I currently have at least 4 characters which I'd like to change back and forth between Ranger and Warrior; Warrior and Ranger; Revenant and Elementalist; Necromancer and Revenant and Warrior; and more.

So if you place the cost at 800 Gems, that's at least 5X800 to start with.

This could become addictive to players that have many characters, and would like to experiment and experience all classes for those special characters. 

Especially for those who appreciate birthday gifts, or otherwise... have a certain sentimental value.


I hope you understand and consider.

Many thanks.

By the way.

What about mercenaries for private instances?


One way to implement change of class:

  1. Gemshop item Book of Profession
  2. It only changes your class and nothing else, if you want to change look, name... that are other items. Also your story progression world completicion are still completed. And it will not alter your other starting options, like your spirit animal.
  3. Funny thing quests in GW2 are class neutral, of course you can run any quest with any class. However some qiests are race specific.
  4. Generallly it works like potion of lv 80. But different.
  5. You are teleported to your race capital.
  6. Your skill points are reset, and specializatoin cleared, but you keep mastery points you earned from world map.All character builds are cleared, but you keep account builds templete if you use them.
  7. You are strip naked, and your old belongings are packed into bag of memories. Bag is mailed to you.
  8. You keep your level, but your class is now changed.
  9. You get single setup of white gear, with statline of knight (power++, vitality+, Toughness+) so you can survive when acquaring something better. The gear is vendor one so it is precise to last 5n level. The exacly weapon choice is predefined for each class. So AN need to make choice what is most elementalist weapon, they did so with lv80 potion, so it will work fine.
  10. You need to spend your specialization points on your own.

Generally i can sympathize with people who sink into leveling one character, and dont want to delete it, or rerun leveling again, So AN need to master how to store skill mastery points from character.

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A lot of the balance changes of the recent past allowed a lot of abilities to be used "off cooldown". The resulting builds often end up as monotonous button-mashers where you do no longer focus on the battle itself, but on the cooldown of your skills. Rapidly mashing buttons and keyboard keys is something that should not be a thing in a modern game, let alone an MMORPG. If the balance-team things these abilities have to function that way, so be it. But looking at e. g. the pet-classes in GW2, they have got more abilities to be set on auto-cast. Which means the abilities are always used off cooldown automatically.

One could argument that this promotes afk-farming. But ... you know that better than me ^^. 

Can you please enable more skill-slots (heal, utility & elite) with the atuo-cast feature?

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Id like to make suggestion about the guildwars 2 guilds slots expansion, I know this has probably been suggested way too many times but I truly believe this is a very nice quality of life thing that we, the players should have, expecially now in the era of having so many new things to explore, strikes, dungeons, fractals, new areas, wvw, pvp, raids...

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I think what would be really nice is a 3rd option between show names and don't show names (for anything, NPCs, players, interactables). In WvW enemy players have those little red triangles above their head, and I was wondering if we could get those in PvE too. The only reason I have show names for Hostile NPCs is so I can easily see them, but I hate how when there's a small pile of them that the names all overlap each other. I think the arrow indicators would both make the UI look cleaner and more readable. Maybe little borders for vets, elites, champs, legendaries; but I'd just be happy with the arrows as they are.

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For PvP :

Can the system track ? :

a) Which alts accounts are linked to me  and ,

b) if i push the same time the 'Join ranked button" (plus 1-5sec sec -delay of communication of discord) as another 1700 rank player + then proced to afk or trashtalk + wait and rejoin in the same period to repeat the same circle  for the 3 times in a row , then both gain less winning rating ? (unique code or letter assigned?)

And the system put the 4th time people in the same team and see if the person afk or trashtalks too vs the 5th time?


Brb a while

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Release-Notes from 7.11.:

  • An option to disable griffon and skyscale mounts from flying on ley lines has been added. This function is toggled via the default F1 skill while mounted on either the griffon or skyscale mounts if the player has the Ley-Line Acclimation Mastery unlocked in the Secrets of the Obscure Flight Training Mastery track.
    • Disabling or reenabling flying mounts on ley lines persists permanently and is a shared setting for both flying mounts. (For example, if you disable it on your griffon and log out, the next time you log back in and mount your griffon or skyscale, it will be disabled until you reenable it.)

Thank You!!💗

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  • ArenaNet Staff
19 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:


Release-Notes from 7.11.:

  • An option to disable griffon and skyscale mounts from flying on ley lines has been added. This function is toggled via the default F1 skill while mounted on either the griffon or skyscale mounts if the player has the Ley-Line Acclimation Mastery unlocked in the Secrets of the Obscure Flight Training Mastery track.
    • Disabling or reenabling flying mounts on ley lines persists permanently and is a shared setting for both flying mounts. (For example, if you disable it on your griffon and log out, the next time you log back in and mount your griffon or skyscale, it will be disabled until you reenable it.)

Thank You!!💗


😄 I had a note to come find this thread today, thanks for saving me the search! Glad you're liking the option--enjoy!

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Sadly, I'm on Build 153978 and I don't see any new F1 key option when mounted on griffon or skyscale.  I looked through the F11 options menu, and can't find anything there, either. No matter how many times I hit F1, I still glide on leylines.  I think the feature may not have made it into the game yet!

Edit:  I guess my problem was that I was in Divinity's Reach and Bloodstone Fen, and not the new SotO maps.  When I went to the Wizard's Tower, it appeared!  And when I went back to Bloodstone Fen, it's still there. 

Edited by ccrazool.2905
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3 minutes ago, ccrazool.2905 said:

Sadly, I'm on Build 153978 and I don't see any new F1 key option when mounted on griffon or skyscale.  I looked through the F11 options menu, and can't find anything there, either. No matter how many times I hit F1, I still glide on leylines.  I think the feature may not have made it into the game yet!

I just tried and it is there for me after restarting for the update.

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Yeah, you have to use it 1st in soto, then it works everywhere.

(went to Bloodstone Fen 1st as well and didn't got it, but now it works there as well)

Yeah now I like it very much, flying in Bloodstone Fen is now more fun it ever was and it always was fun 🙂

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Infusion Suggestion : -

-Add an option that if you bound an infusion (can't be sold anymore),it will be shared across all your characters, at worst case make it exclusive feature for none fractal infusions. 

-Add preview section for infusions too


Game graphics suggestions:-

-add feature to disable/enable berserker mode effect, I spend a lot of money on infusions and its really sad that berserker mode effect cancel out all of the infusions, so it will be really appreciated if you managed to disable/enable the effect of entering berserker mode.

-Add feature that allow you to enable/disable boons animations...like for example aegis 



Thanks in advance!




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I may have one pretty stupid: allow the option to "manually" recharge mantras while out of combat in PvE. May sound wrong, but I liked the theme of preparing mantras with all that animation and sounds. Felt special and thematic.

And two requests I miss. First, a library. Maybe at home instance. And the possibility to recover and save every book we've come across (specially title and collections ones). And last, a tome of tomes, maybe not instant but a short animation like a portal or floating book (like the old books from guardian).

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Firstly, thank you for adding the toggle for enabling/disabling Leylines on mounts. But please please please let be a customizable hotkey on its own! Right now it is sharing a hotkey with Profession skill 1 and unless my three passes through the control options have missed it, is not able to be customized separately.

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18 minutes ago, Glacial.9516 said:

Firstly, thank you for adding the toggle for enabling/disabling Leylines on mounts. But please please please let be a customizable hotkey on its own! Right now it is sharing a hotkey with Profession skill 1 and unless my three passes through the control options have missed it, is not able to be customized separately.

Why exactly does it need to be a different button?

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Just now, KawsMeCal.5923 said:

Why exactly does it need to be a different button?

Because you may already be using that button. For example, I have my Profession 1 hotkey assigned to Q. I also have Mount Ability 2 assigned to Q. Changing either Mount Ability 2 or Profession Skill 1 will mean retraining muscle memory while changing the new ability to something else would not.

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Please make it so the daily vault objectives are tracked by default like before the update.

It's nice that you added the button for us to switch between tracking them and the normal achievements, but the button only show up if we manually track the vault objectives and of course other achievements.

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On each expansion map, as well as each living world map, there should be a vendor item scroll with teleport on that map account bound, with price which is not super fun time sink you need 12 weeks to collect it.

The reason is that if we have several alts, then running with each every prologue is not fun at all, what could be worse is code 7 error which kicks us from story mission.


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